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He shifted over me, his cock slowly penetratin my quim.

I cried out again, this time clawin at his arms, realizin what he was doin. He grasped my wrists and held em to the bed.

Through my whimpers, I heard im say, "Shh, Laila. Relax. Be a good lass, and it wun hurt."

He began to stroke in and out of me. It didna hurt. It felt amazinly good. Especially that little nub on the crown that rubbed against my entrance each time he withdrew and then sheathed imself again.

Yit I had not asked fer im to do this to me. I had not asked fer any of this to happen to me. All of my energy seeped away, and I lay limp beneath im, hot tears rollin down my cheeks.

His moans started low and then increased with the speed of his thrusts. I tried not to look at im hoverin over me. So strong and powerful.

Had Kenley or Magge lain in this same spot? Had they enjoyed this...this... I couldna even think of the proper word to describe it. Twas almost torture. Very sweet torture, although unwarranted.

A sudden thought popped into my head. Had Maggie been with Lord Bryce's child? Or had she been with one of his soldiers? Is that what he meant when he said he would share me with no other? Did he take other women to bed? Would he still have Kenley pleasure im in my absence?

Eventually, he thrust hard one last time and then stilled. He let out a long, loud growl, sinkin on top of me. The weight of im crushed me now. I found it hard to breathe, but I dared not speak nor try to move lest I anger im.

After several minutes, he rolled off the bed and moved across the room to the water pitcher where he washed up. When he was done, he brought the cloth over to me and cleaned the swollen folds between my legs. The motion burned slightly at the rawness I felt there, but I bit my cheek to avoid expressin my discomfort. Then he disappeared through a door, only to return fully clothed.

"Rest now, Laila. Ye'll need yer strength. I shall return fer ye at meal time."

As soon as the door shut behind im, I heard a loud click. He had locked me inside. I curled into a ball on my side, pulled the covers over me, and cried myself to sleep.

I had been promoted. But I was still a captive. I had merely been moved from one cell to another.


Constant pressure against one side of my chest roused me from a fitful sleep. I screamed as I opened my eyes and saw Lord Bryce sittin beside me on the bed. A large, leathery-textured hand cupped my bare breast, his thumb and forefinger rollin my nipple back and forth.

His other hand slapped over my mouth. "Shh, Laila."

I tried to sit up, but he leaned his body sideways across mine, pinnin me to the bed.

"Ye have beautiful breasts. So soft yit so firm when yer aroused." He pinched my nipple suddenly.

My eyes rolled backward, and I moaned long and deep. My back archin out of my control, I felt a twinge between my legs. A word was on my lips. I fought to keep it at bay and failed. "Please."

His low chuckle only made me want more. "Aye, just like that."

No, I wanted im to stop. I really did. I pressed my hands against his arm, tryin to push im away, but he didna budge. He continued to fondle my breast and nipple with one hand. Then he leaned closer.

I held my breath, watchin as his mouth lowered and covered my nipple.

When his tongue flicked out and laved against the tiny, sensitive bud, I jerked beneath im and gasped. His fingers squeezed, and he sucked my nipple into his mouth. I couldna stop the small coo that slipped from my lips. His eyes lifted to mine and he smiled.

He moved to my left breast, caressin and squeezin and sucklin on it like a babe. His body still lay across mine, heavy and warm. His long, unruly hair tickled my side. Fer a moment, my fingers itched to run through his locks.

I was fightin that desire when he shifted so his stomach lay across mine. I wondered what he was doin, and then another, louder coo escaped as I felt his hand between my legs. Strokin languidly. Searchin. Pressin fer entry.

I gave into the pleasure buildin within me like a slowly growin fire on the hearth. Instead of pushin im away, my hands now kneaded his muscular arm. My legs parted, my hips liftin slightly as his fingers caressed me. Entered me. Stroked me from within now. All the while, his mouth tortured my breast in the most heavenly way.

Eventually, the pressure grew too much and I screamed in ecstasy. Instead of his hand silencin me this time, he abandoned my breast and covered my mouth with his. His tongue slitherin between my parted lips to lick at my tongue, his breath hot and quick against my face. My brain was too fuzzy to resist. I moaned, and he pressed harder, his fingers movin faster within me below so that I felt the sparks explode once more.

Fer the briefest moment, he disappeared. Then he was back, his now-naked body coverin mine. And his cock was slidin up inside me until he was buried so deep I felt as if we were one. He remained still until I stopped shakin, and then he began stokin the fire again.

"Yer a good lass, Laila," he breathed hotly against my ear after breakin another long kiss. "I cana git enough of ye. So tight, so wet. I know yer not used to this, but yer so good at it."

I closed my eyes and concentrated on reachin that pinnacle again. Felt his rough hand caressin my smooth hip and thigh. His thick cock stretchin me, plungin in again and again while the hair on his chest brushed against my sensitive breasts.

His other hand tangled in my hair that had fallen out of its plait and tilted my head back. He dipped down and ran his tongue along my jawline, my neck. Each touch pulled a litany of whimpers and soft pleadins fer more from my lips.

My hands could resist no longer and slid up his biceps and into his hair. Clutchin the waves, holdin im against me. I found release once more just after he let out a loud growl and slammed his hips against mine, his body freezin midair, shudderin. He cut off my scream with his mouth on mine, kissin me hard and deep.


I dun remember fallin asleep. But I stirred and opened my eyes to the brightness fillin the room. Then I sat up with a start. It must be well past the mid-day meal!

"Relax, Laila." Lord Bryce's voice was calm behind me.

I pulled the sheet up to cover my chest and glanced back over my shoulder.

"I had our meal brought up here." He nodded towards the fireplace.

I followed his line of sight and saw the platter on the table, laden with fruits and bread and a single cup. My stomach rumbled, and I cringed. "Sorry, my lord."

"Tis okay. Ye must be famished. Sex can do that to ye." He rose from the bed and strode naked across the room. His arse was round and wide. Twas a beautiful sight to see.

My fingers itched to touch im. I licked my lips, swallowin a moan. What would it be like to kiss im there? I gasped at the thought and pulled the covers up over my face fer a moment.

He retrieved the platter and brought it back to set it beside me on the duvet. He plucked a grape from its stem and held it up to my lips. "Open."

I obeyed, felt im place the fruit on my tongue, and then closed my lips around his finger when he commanded. Slowly, he pulled free.

"Roll it around. Relish the taste, the feel. Press your tongue against the fruit."

I squished the grape against the top of my mouth and then swallowed it. My body shuddered at the intimacy of such a simple act. At how he wielded his control in such a seductive way.

He fed me another grape in the same way. Then he switched to a piece of cheese, lettin me bite it in half before takin his hand away and slidin the remainin half into his own mouth. He held the cup to my lips and let me sip. He pulled the cup away too soon, and the wine dribbled over my lip.

I held my breath as he swiped his finger at a drop and pushed it back into my mouth. Once more, his finger lingered, and I closed my lips around the thick digit. His hand curled so that it cupped my chin firmly. Then his finger moved in and out of my mouth, just as he had done before between my legs.

"Yer eyes are shiny, Laila. Yer gittin aroused by this, are ye not?" His voice was low, husky.

I closed my eyes and moaned, noddin.

He continued to feed me. He offered me a drink between bites, intentionally spillin the wine sometimes so that he had to either lick it up or use his finger to push the liquid back into my mouth. He ate his own share, as well.

When all that was left was a single strawberry, he pulled the leaf and stem free, ate half, and then pressed the remainin piece between my lips.

His free hand caressed my cheek. "Close yer eyes."

I did, swirlin my tongue around his finger before I sucked the juices off of it. He groaned and pulled his finger free. The bed shifted. My eyes flew open to see im movin the empty tray to the floor.

"Yer arousal is arousin me, lass," he growled, a smile turnin up the corners of his mouth. He licked his lips as he approached me again. "Turn over. Onto yer stomach."

I paused fer only a moment, but twas long enough fer me to see his half-lidded eyes. Lust-filled eyes. And apparently I wasna movin fast enough fer im because his large hands grabbed my arms and flipped me over. Then he grabbed my ankles and pulled me back until my hips were on the edge of the mattress, my legs danglin over so that my feet reached the floor. The fur rug beneath em pressed up between my toes, and I sighed.

"Oh. Ye have a lovely arse as well." His hands caressed the object of his affection, makin me shiver. They fondled my lower cheeks, just as they had with my breasts...just as I had imagined doin to im. Liftin and separatin and squeezin em together again.

I turned my head and moaned as I pressed my face into the sheets. The smell of our previous encounters permeated the material. Twas a spicy mixture, and the scent of it filled my head as I breathed in deep.

"I've never had a lass like ye before, Laila." His voice was quiet, reflective.

His hands were slidin up my back now, tracin my spine, my shoulderblades. Gatherin my hair and brushin it aside. His fingers stroked my exposed neck and shoulder.

I moaned again. His touch felt so good. Why had I fought it before? My life could be worse. It had been worse. Why resist heaven when twas bein handed to me on such a delectable platter?

When he used his knee to spread my legs apart, I let im. When he stroked my folds from behind, I whimpered in need. When he rubbed the crown of his cock up and down my wet channel and that nub lightly scraped my skin, I clutched the sheet in my fingers. When he pressed against my entrance, I lifted my hips to im.

He didna disappoint. He gripped my hips and held me still as he glided in and out of my quim in the most excruciatin leisureliness, as if he had nothin else to do today. All the while, his sweet words of encouragement floated down to my ears, combinin with my cries of ecstasy as the pressure within built until it broke into a million pieces.

His own cries of fulfillment filled the air as he released his seed and then lay down against my back. When he recovered, he stood up and eased imself away from me. I bit the sheet to silence my moan of disappointment as he withdrew. Surely Kenley had had more duties than just this?

And that's when realization hit me. I was not unique. I was just a new lass to im. I was just—

"Lay on yer back, Laila, and I will clean ye."

"Aye, my lord." I rolled over and stared up at the ceilin as he spread my legs and gently ran the cloth over every part of my intimate area.

I dressed in silence by the fire while he dressed in a private room. I moved over to the mirror, to where it had all started this mornin. I played with the end of the tartan I'd tied back around my waist. His tartan, not mine. My family's was red and black plaid with yellow lines. His was blue and green with red lines. Twas very pretty, and it didna make the red tones of my hair stand out so much. Didna make people think I was bloody Irish when I was a full-blooded Scot.

Twas surreal, knowin I'd lost my first name and now my last. Twas my own fault fer not speakin up. But what good would it do? I belonged to Lord Bryce now. I was whoever he made me to be.

When I looked suitable again, he instructed me on how to remove the old bedclothes and how to put new ones on. Twas a dauntin task fer a single person to do on such a massive bed. But he was patient, gently correctin me along the way.

"Take these down to Marie to be cleaned," he said when his bed was made again. "Do the same in each of the rooms in the North Hall. When yer finished, retire to the servant's quarters fer yer evenin meal. After ye have eaten, return here."

"Aye, my lord." I curtsied and gathered the old linens, leavin the room when he opened the door. I paused in the hall, hopin fer somethin...unsure what exactly. Recognition? Appreciation? But he stepped past me, closed the door, and made his way down the hall as if I didna exist.

Somethin in my chest tightened at the thought that I was merely a way to pass the time fer im. A form of entertainment. Yit at least I was somethin more than a 'dumb dungeon lass.'


The next several hours passed as I removed soiled linens, dragged em downstairs, brought fresh ones back upstairs, and made the bed in each of the forty-four other bedrooms. It took me awhile to remember which rooms had sleepin soldiers so I could do them last. They would be up by dusk fer their evenin meal and preparin to take watch.

Marie and Cook smiled each time I saw em as I returned with another load to be washed. Had they known what I had been doin all mornin? And not fer the first time, I wondered if Kenley had done the same thing. Was she with im now? Did she find pleasure from his touch? From his kisses?

I worried that the 'delicate situation' gossip I'd heard was true. That if my rendezvous with Lord Bryce kept up, I could be in the same predicament that Magge had. I felt a sharp pain of jealousy in my chest. Quite possibly—most probably—I was not as special as Marie had presumed.

Twas after dusk when I finally finished and descended to the servants' hall to sit and have my meal with the rest of the staff. No one said a word to me, as usual. Yit, Kenley and Magge huddled at the far end of the table, their grumblin carryin over the din of the regular chatter. A sense of relief passed over me, though, that even if Kenley had spent the afternoon in Lord Bryce's chamber, she was not sharin his meal with im as I had.

My meal complete, I straightened my apron and cap, and then headed back upstairs. I paused outside his door, my hand raised to knock. But the door opened before I could lower my hand.

"Laila." Lord Bryce stared down at me, his eyes bright. His tongue darted out and licked his lips. I followed the path with my eyes, my own tongue mirrorin his. He reached fer my wrist and led me inside, closin the door behind me. "Remove yer cap."

"Aye, my lord." I obeyed and set my cap on a table near the door.

"Let down yer hair." His breathin was more shallow, and his hand twitched at his side.

I undid my braid, combed my fingers through to loosen the strands, and shook my head slightly. I heard his sharp intake of breath as my locks cascaded over my shoulders. Then his fingers were entwined in my hair, caressin it, liftin it up to his nose and breathin in deep as his eyes closed.

"Everythin about ye is beautiful. Even yer hair."

Heat rushed up my neck to my cheeks, and I lowered my eyes. "Thank ye, my lord."

"Marie tells me ye dun speak much. I aim to rectify that. Look at me, Laila."

I lifted my head, and the look of desire in his eyes made my insides coil with anticipation.

"Come." He held out his hand and led me to the chair by the fire.

It couldna be the same fire I had lit this mornin. Had someone else—Kenley?—been here, or had he lit it imself?

He pointed to a pillow that sat at the foot of the chair. "Please."

I squatted down and sat with my legs crossed, arrangin my skirt around me.

"No, on yer knees."

I stared up at im fer a moment and then adjusted my position. My eyes widened as he removed his tunic, kilt, and stockins. Each area of skin that was revealed glowed from the firelight. When he was completely naked, his cock at full mast, he sat in the chair. The crown winked at me, and I started.

"Ahh, I see ye have noticed my jewelry." He spread his legs wide so they fit around my body. "Come closer. Put yer hands on my thighs."

I did as he bade, watchin his cock, mesmerized. A silver ball poked out of the top and also from underneath his shaft. My fingers curled against his muscular legs, wantin to touch the nodules. To touch his cock. I licked my suddenly dry lips, and he growled like a wild animal. My eyes jumped up to his as I gasped. His pupils were black and dilated, reflectin the fire behind me.

He took my right hand, and I watched im bring it closer. His cock jerked. I tried to pull away, but he kept his hold on me and tried again. He moved my fingers over the tip so that they barely grazed it. The surface was smooth and wet, firm but pliable when he increased the pressure. Then he brushed my fingers over the tiny balls in the same manner.

"Does it hurt, my lord?" Never had I been so bold in this castle to speak what was on my mind. But there was somethin about im that put me at ease despite the strange arrangement I was in.

"Aye, at first it did. Now it only brings me pleasure." His hand wrapped around mine, curlin my fingers so they encased his cock.

I knew from washin im what he wanted and began strokin ever so slowly.

He sat back and rested his hands on the arms of the chair. His fingers flexed against the wood like a cat kneadin er paws. I half expected im to start purrin. "Fer ye as well, Laila."

I looked up at im, tiltin my head to the side. "My lord?"

"Did ye not feel my piercin on yer quim when I rubbed against ye? When I was inside ye?"

I shivered. "Uh...aye, my lord."

"Did it feel good?"

"Aye." I was embarrassed by how easily he could make me blush. I was not used to anyone talkin this openly about sex. It bothered me, yit in a way it also aroused me. Was this natural?

"The balls are connected with a bar. Each little rub against yer folds makes the top ball move, thus the bar moves too inside my cock."

I pressed my thumb gently against the metal ball stickin out of the tiny hole in the crown. His breath escaped in a hiss, and his fingers curled into the armrests again. I tried the same with the other ball that protruded just below the ridge of his crown.

"And when I penetrate ye," he said between heavy breaths, "when I thrust in and out of ye, the balls rub against yer inner folds, movin the bar back and forth."

I had to close my eyes fer a moment. Swallowin was suddenly difficult. His words...what I was doin with my hand...the memories of how he'd touched me with his cock. They all made me feel lightheaded. Made my breasts ache to be kissed. Made my quim throb with need.

"Men like to be touched here, as well," he said, movin one of my hands to touch one of the two protrusions hangin on either side of his shaft. He closed his eyes fer a moment, his hand guidin mine to caress it and roll it in my hand. Another moan filled my ears as he closed his hand over mine with a slight squeeze. "These are my testicles. They are very sensitive, so be careful when fondlin em."

"Aye, my lord."

They were round like balls and felt slightly heavy, like a small stone. And like his cock, the smooth skin over em seemed to move freely as I stroked. I wasna quite sure if they were muscle or an organ, but they were interestin to touch. He let out a small rumble as I played that did sound very much like a purr. After several minutes, he laid his hand on mine. "Squeeze yer other hand around my cock while ye do that. Move it faster."