Taking Elaine: Day 04


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She had thought he would have her wear her sun dress.‭ ‬It was demure,‭ ‬yet sexy and revealing at the same time.‭ ‬Instead,‭ ‬he had out the short skirt she had bought this morning and a white button down dress shirt.

‭"‬Dress,‭ ‬Slave,‭" ‬he ordered her,‭ ‬snapping his fingers and pointing at the clothes on the bed.

‭"‬Yes,‭ ‬Master,‭" ‬she rose and dressed.‭ ‬It did not take long.‭ ‬Of course,‭ ‬there was no panties or bra.‭ ‬Elaine looked in the mirror and was relieved that the skirt did come down at least two or three inches below the curve of her ass and while standing still,‭ ‬her naked crotch was hidden.‭ ‬She buttoned all but the top button on her blouse and presented herself to Roy.

He looked her up and down then unbuttoned two more buttons on top‭; ‬now any fast movement,‭ ‬or a stiff breeze,‭ ‬would show her firm breasts.‭ ‬He smiled,‭ ‬then opened the two bottom buttons and tied the bottom of the blouse into a knot.‭ ‬It tightened it up some so her breasts were not as exposed,‭ ‬but now her flat belly and navel were revealed.‭ ‬Elaine felt very open to inspection,‭ ‬very sexual.

‭"‬Turn around,‭" ‬Roy told her.

‭"‬Yes,‭ ‬Master,‭" ‬Elaine turned in a circle while Roy looked her over head to foot.

‭"‬You are a beautiful slave,‭ ‬Elaine,‭" ‬he said to her and slid a hand up her skirt to cup her ass.

‭"‬Thank you,‭ ‬Master,‭" ‬she said,‭ ‬looking up into his eyes.‭ "‬I belong to you.‭"

"Slave,‭ ‬Elaine,‭" ‬he said to her,‭ ‬very seriously.

‭"‬Yes,‭ ‬Master,‭" ‬she paused,‭ ‬then added softly,‭ "‬Roy.‭" ‬Saying his name gave her a thrill.

‭"‬Tonight will be the roughest thing you have had to deal with as a slave.‭ ‬It will be worse than anything I have done to you so far,‭" ‬he looked into her beautiful eyes and let the seriousness of what he was saying sink in.‭ "‬But remember that you are my property and you must do as you are told.‭ ‬Do you understand‭?"

"Yes,‭ ‬Master.‭"

"I will be there through all of it and I will make sure you are safe.‭"

"Yes,‭ ‬Master.‭" ‬She looked down,‭ ‬trying not to imagine what was going to happen to her.

‭"‬Okay,‭" ‬he said,‭ ‬offering her the leather jacket,‭ "‬let's go.‭"

Elaine stepped into her sandals and put the jacket on.‭ ‬Roy had not had it cleaned,‭ ‬so she could still feel the crusty semen from her day with the cowboys in the mountains.‭ ‬Dead men's cum,‭ ‬she noted wryly,‭ ‬and some of‭ ‬Roy's too.‭ ‬Roy opened the door and followed Elaine out.‭ ‬They walked down the hall and passed the same room service waiter.‭ ‬Elaine wondered if he was the only one and if he ever had any time off.‭ ‬He stared at Elaine's legs as she walked past,‭ ‬Roy gave him a knowing wink and smile.

It was around three o'clock when Roy helped her onto the back of the motorcycle.‭ ‬He lifted her chin and locked the collar on.‭ ‬Elaine kept her eyes on his,‭ ‬hoping no one else saw this.‭ ‬He put the helmet on her and dropped the visor down so she could not see.‭ ‬He climbed on in front of her and,‭ ‬much to her surprise,‭ ‬he cuffed her hands around him.‭ ‬She was startled by this,‭ ‬he knew she was not going to try to escape,‭ ‬what did he have in store for her‭?

They were on the move.‭ ‬Elaine had no idea where they were going,‭ ‬she could not see anything but it felt like they were on a paved road.‭ ‬The wind was nice and cooling and the breeze up her short skirt was stimulating.‭ ‬Whenever he had the chance,‭ ‬Roy would reach back and stroke her thigh.‭ ‬Elaine was not sure how long they rode,‭ ‬but after a while they turned on to a dirt road.‭ ‬It was only a few minutes after that that they stopped.

Roy uncuffed Elaine and got off.‭ ‬He took off the jacket then cuffed her hands again.‭ ‬Elaine let him help her off the motorcycle,‭ ‬his hands sliding her skirt up as he did,‭ ‬exposing her perfect ass.‭ ‬She held still as he hooked a leash on to her collar and finally took off the helmet.‭ ‬Elaine looked around.‭ ‬The first thing she noticed was a group of cowboys watching her.‭

The cowboys were standing by the back of a pickup truck in the shade of a cottonwood,‭ ‬done with their work for the day.‭ ‬They all knew what was going to happen to Elaine,‭ ‬she was not the first woman on a leash they had seen led into the big house.‭ ‬There was something special about this one,‭ ‬though.‭ ‬A kind of innocence and beauty that transcended her cuffs,‭ ‬collar and leash.‭ ‬Each one wanted to run off with this one,‭ ‬to own her and do with her what they wished.‭ ‬The boisterous laughing and talking had ceased when they saw her and an awed,‭ ‬respectful silence followed as she was led toward the house.‭ ‬All eyes were on Elaine,‭ ‬drinking in every second they got to see her.‭ ‬When she was brought into the main house they resumed their conversations,‭ ‬but now in hushed tones.‭ ‬No one talked about the beautiful woman they had just watched,‭ ‬but each one savored his memory of her.

Roy led Elaine up onto the porch of the big house.‭ ‬This was definitely a working ranch.‭ ‬The big house was a little bit of luxury,‭ ‬a sprawling wooden house with a satellite dish and the hum of air conditioning.‭ ‬Other buildings surrounded it:‭ ‬a barn,‭ ‬a few bunkhouses,‭ ‬workshops,‭ ‬storage buildings and a huge water tank fed from a windmill.‭ ‬Pickup trucks,‭ ‬cattle and horse trailers and atv's were parked neatly‭; ‬there was definite order to the compound.‭ ‬A little farther away from the house were the cattle pens and horse corral.‭ ‬One thing Elaine did not see was another woman.‭ ‬She knew she was not getting out of here until they were finished with her.‭ ‬She took a deep breath and tried to calm herself and not be too scared.

They were greeted on porch by a man coming out of the front door of the main house.‭ ‬He was a short,‭ ‬muscular man who looked to be in his early‭ ‬40s,‭ ‬with a crew cut.‭ ‬He was wearing a long sleeve khaki shirt and jeans.‭ ‬His face was clean shaven,‭ ‬but through the open top buttons of his shirt Elaine could see a mass of curly,‭ ‬dark hair.‭ ‬She could see an assortment of tattoos that she guessed were military in nature.‭ ‬He had a couple of small scars on his face and one long linear one on his right arm that disappeared up into his sleeve.‭ ‬Elaine was learning to recognize the edge of violence in men and saw it in this one‭; ‬he would hurt people,‭ ‬he would hurt her.‭

Roy warmly took his hand,‭ "‬Sam,‭" ‬he said in greeting,‭ "‬nice to see you again.‭"

Sam returned the smile.‭ "‬Roy,‭ ‬come on in,‭" ‬he said,‭ "‬Mark's waiting inside.‭" ‬He held the door open,‭ ‬Roy led Elaine past him.‭ ‬He slowly and deliberately looked Elaine up and down with the look of a man who fully expected to have his way with her.‭ ‬Elaine shrank back and leaned away from him as they passed.

Roy followed Sam down a hallway into a den.‭ ‬Sam offered Roy a chair.‭ ‬Roy pointed to a cushion on the floor beside the chair.‭ "‬Kneel,‭ ‬Slave.‭"

"Yes,‭ ‬Master.‭" ‬Elaine did not know what was going to happen,‭ ‬but she knew that blind obedience to her master was the best strategy.‭ ‬They would do what they wanted to her,‭ ‬but she did not want to give them a reason to punish her.‭ ‬She also hated to admit it,‭ ‬but she did not want embarrass Roy,‭ ‬either.

‭"‬Can I get you a drink,‭ ‬Roy‭?" ‬Sam asked.

‭"‬Yes,‭ ‬please.‭"

"How about your slave‭?"

"Please.‭ ‬I think she'll need it.‭"

Sam chuckled and went to the shelf.‭ ‬He made up four scotch on the rocks,‭ ‬and handed two to Roy.‭ ‬Roy passed one to Elaine and she gratefully took it with her cuffed hands.‭ ‬She sipped on it,‭ ‬feeling the warmth radiate out from her stomach and calm begin to take over.

Roy and Sam made small talk about the weather,‭ ‬cattle and a few mutual acquaintances.‭ ‬It was obvious they were waiting for Mark.‭ ‬Finally the door opened and Mark came in.‭ ‬He was‭ ‬5‭'‬10‭" ‬with a stocky build and slightly thinning brown hair.‭ ‬He had a mustache and was rather handsome.‭ ‬There was an air of calm and control about him,‭ ‬he reeked of success.‭ ‬He was wearing faded jeans,‭ ‬a perfectly clean white button down shirt and cowboy boots.‭ ‬He had a slightly annoyed and distracted look on his face when he entered that faded into genuine enthusiasm when he shook hands with Roy.‭ ‬Elaine could not help but feel attracted to this man,‭ ‬even though she knew she should fear him.

He looked down appraisingly at Elaine.‭ "‬So this is what the trouble is all about,‭" ‬he said and softly stroked her cheek.‭ "‬She is beautiful,‭ ‬Roy.‭"

"Thank you,‭ ‬Mark.‭"

"And still new to the collar,‭ ‬too.‭ ‬If you ever consider selling her,‭ ‬let me know.‭ ‬I'll make you a good offer on her.‭"

A chill ran through Elaine.‭ ‬It was a reminder that she was property,‭ ‬she might belong to Roy now but there was no guarantee she always would.

‭"‬Thanks,‭ ‬Mark.‭ ‬I plan on keeping her but I'll keep you in mind,‭" ‬Roy answered.

Mark sat down behind the desk and drained his scotch.

‭"‬Okay,‭" ‬he said in a serious tone,‭ "‬let's get down to business.‭ ‬Sam,‭ ‬you checked out the bodies‭?"

"Yessir,‭" ‬the stocky man answered.‭ "‬It's just like Roy described.‭ ‬It looks like an accident.‭ ‬Unless they go CSI on it no one will ever know anything happened there.‭"

"And no one will go CSI on it,‭" ‬Mark interjected,‭ "‬I can guarantee that.‭"

Sam turned to Roy.‭ "‬Nicely done,‭ ‬Roy.‭ ‬It's nice work.‭ ‬You ever done this sort of thing before‭?"

Elaine anxiously waited for the answer,‭ ‬eager to know more about her owner.

Roy smiled mysteriously.‭ "‬I'll plead the Fifth on that one.‭"

Both Sam and Mark laughed.‭ "‬Yeah,‭" ‬Sam said,‭ "‬as Liddy says,‭ ‬there's no statute of limitations on murder.‭"

"What about the gun and the shell casings‭? ‬Any problem with those‭?" ‬Roy asked.

Sam waved his hand dismissively.‭ "‬Drunk cowboys shooting from the back of pickup is not exactly uncommon.‭ ‬Even if they look that hard and match up those casings with the gun no one is going to care.‭"

"Sam's right,‭" ‬Mark added.‭ "‬These were not model citizens.‭ ‬Neither was local so their families are not going to be looking for them.‭ ‬It will be ruled an accident and that will be that.‭"

"So,‭ ‬we're all set‭?" ‬Roy asked.

‭"‬Case closed,‭" ‬Mark said smugly.

‭"‬Well,‭ ‬thank you,‭" ‬Roy said sincerely.‭ "‬If you ever have any tech problems I can solve,‭ ‬let me know.‭"

"There are a few things I might need help with.‭ ‬I have some files I need to keep accessible and hidden at the same time,‭" ‬Mark answered.

‭"‬Okay,‭ ‬drop me a line and I'll take care of it,‭" ‬said Roy.

Mark leaned back and poured himself another scotch.‭ "‬Well,‭ ‬is there anything else,‭ ‬then‭?"

Roy sat forward and spoke formally.‭ "‬Since you have helped me so much I feel that the least I can do is offer to share my slave with you gentlemen tonight.‭"

Elaine froze.‭ ‬So this is what he had planned all along.

Mark and Sam smiled.‭ "‬We would love to,‭" ‬Mark answered.‭

The three men continued to talk while they sipped on their drinks.‭ ‬It turned out Roy knew The Hunter fairly well and Sam had a professional curiosity about him.‭ ‬Sam tried to pump Roy for information,‭ ‬but Roy answered evasively.

‭"‬Come on,‭ ‬Roy,‭" ‬Sam probed,‭ "‬weren't you with him at Arsenic Wells‭?"

"Sam,‭" ‬Roy answered patiently,‭ "‬imagine you're me.‭ ‬Would you talk about that‭?"

Sam looked annoyed for a second then clapped Roy on the shoulder.‭ "‬Fair enough,‭ ‬Roy.‭ ‬You can't blame me for trying.‭ ‬It might be interesting to work with him someday.‭ ‬Or against him.‭"

Elaine watched Mark during this exchange.‭ ‬He listened intently and seemed to have gotten whatever information it was that he wanted.‭ ‬Mark swiftly changed to conversation to computers and he and Roy were soon talking in terms that seemed like a foreign language to Elaine.‭ ‬Her thoughts turned to what was going to happen to her.‭ ‬As much as she knew she should be afraid,‭ ‬she was instead turned on.‭ ‬The fact that she knew there was no escape heightened her arousal when it should have terrified her.‭ ‬They were going to gang bang her tonight,‭ ‬she thought and took a deep breath.

They finished their drinks and Mark said‭ "‬let's go to the playroom.‭"

The men all stood up.‭ ‬Roy handed Elaine's leash to Mark.‭ "‬If you please,‭" ‬Roy said.

Mark gave the leash a sharp tug and Elaine rose to her feet.‭ ‬Mark roughly pulled her out the door and down the hall.‭ ‬Elaine was scared,‭ ‬but also very turned on.‭ ‬These three men were going to use her body all night.‭ ‬She would get fucked everywhere over and over.‭ ‬She knew what Roy could do to her and she sensed that Mark and Sam would do that and more.‭ ‬She had lost all control and now she was heading down the hall to be gang raped and she was dripping wet.‭ ‬She knew she was meant to be a slave.

Elaine stumbled along as Mark pulled her through the hallway.‭ ‬Behind her,‭ ‬she heard Sam and Mark commenting on her ass.

‭"‬Yeah,‭" ‬Roy said,‭ "‬and it fucks as good as it looks.‭" ‬He reached forward and flipped up her skirt so Sam could get a better look at her ass as they walked along.

They wound up in front of a big,‭ ‬heavy wooden door.‭ ‬Mark pulled out a key and unlocked it.‭ ‬With a tug he pulled it open and led Elaine,‭ ‬Sam and Roy into the room.‭ ‬When they were all in he closed the door with a thud and locked it.‭ ‬Elaine was in,‭ ‬she was not going anywhere until Mark was done with her.

Elaine looked around‭; ‬the room was like something out of a pervert's dream.‭ ‬A big,‭ ‬four posted bed was off to one side.‭ ‬On one wall there was a big wooden X with cuffs in the four corners of it.‭ ‬Next to it was a rack that held a variety of whips:‭ ‬there was a paddle,‭ ‬a razor strop,‭ ‬riding crop and a few Elaine could not even start to identify.‭ ‬In another part of the room a pair of leather cuffs hung from a chain dangling from the ceiling.‭ ‬An open wardrobe revealed a collection of harnesses,‭ ‬cuffs,‭ ‬gags,‭ ‬spreader bars and blindfolds.‭ ‬She craned her head and saw a table of lube and dildos.‭ ‬A pile of pads and wedges took up one corner,‭ ‬each looking like something from a gymnastics meet,‭ ‬but with handcuffs.‭ ‬She had a bad feeling about tonight.‭ ‬The rest of the room looked like a comfortable dungeon.‭ ‬There were no windows and only the one closed and locked door.‭ ‬Lights were spread on the beamed ceiling,‭ ‬some on,‭ ‬some off‭; ‬the walls were bare brick with pictures of bound and fucked women scattered on them.‭ ‬A few padded chairs were beside a small,‭ ‬round table and an overstuffed sofa was near the bed.‭ ‬It was obvious this room had one purpose and she was to be the center of that tonight.

Roy handed the keys to Elaine's cuffs to Mark then addressed his slave.‭ "‬Slave,‭" ‬he told her,‭ "‬tonight you will obey Mark and Sam as you would obey me.‭ ‬You will do as you're told.‭ ‬Do you understand‭?"

"Yes,‭ ‬Master,‭" ‬Elaine looked him briefly in the eyes then stared at the floor.

Roy stepped back and sat on one of the chairs.‭ ‬Mark moved in front of her and lifted her chin so she looked him in the eyes.

‭"‬We are going to have a lot of fun tonight.‭ ‬Do as we say and you'll get out of this alright.‭ ‬You're a slave,‭ ‬so you'll probably enjoy most of it.‭ ‬If not,‭ ‬too bad.‭" ‬He leaned forward and kissed her softly,‭ ‬his tongue gently stroking her lips.‭ ‬He took off her cuffs.‭ ‬Elaine rubbed her wrists,‭ ‬but before she could do anything else,‭ ‬Mark reached out and grabbed her shirt.‭ ‬With a quick jerk he untied the knot above her stomach and with a second he ripped it open,‭ ‬the buttons flying across the room.

Elaine flinched,‭ ‬but held her ground.‭ ‬Mark slid the blouse off her unresisting arms then began fondling her breasts with both hands.‭ ‬His touch was rough,‭ ‬his hand calloused,‭ ‬but the violence of his undressing her already had her nipples hard.‭ ‬She breathed hard as one hand continued playing with her breasts while the other reached back and unfastened her skirt.‭ ‬It fell to the floor and Elaine was left wearing only a collar.‭ ‬Mark's hands were all over her body,‭ ‬rubbing her ass,‭ ‬snaking between her legs to finger her wetness,‭ ‬pulling on her nipples.

‭"‬On your knees,‭ ‬Slave,‭" ‬Mark ordered her.

Elaine was not sure how to address him,‭ ‬but knew he would correct her if she was wrong.‭ "‬Yes,‭ ‬Master,‭" ‬and she dropped to her knees.

Mark chuckled as he began to strip.‭ "‬I'm not your master,‭ ‬sweetie.‭ ‬Only Roy gets called that.‭ ‬You will address Sam and me as‭ '‬Sir‭'‬.‭ ‬Do you understand‭?"

Elaine was eye level with the bulge in his pants.‭ "‬Yes,‭ ‬Sir.‭"

Mark took off his jeans and was now naked.‭ ‬He had a little body hair,‭ ‬but not as much as Roy or as much as she guessed Sam had.‭ ‬He looked good,‭ ‬lean and muscular,‭ ‬tanned with no scars or tattoos.‭ ‬She looked quickly to check out his cock‭; ‬that was what would be important to her.‭ ‬She was relieved to see that he was about the same size as Roy,‭ ‬maybe a little shorter but a little thicker,‭ ‬too.‭ ‬He stroked his cock and smiled down at her.‭ "‬Open up,‭ ‬Slave,‭" ‬he told her,‭ "‬let's get the party started.‭"

Elaine obeyed and Mark filled her mouth with his cock.‭ ‬He slowly and deliberately forced it all the way in until her nose was buried in his pubic hair.‭ ‬Elaine had always thought that men shaving their pubic hair was less than masculine,‭ ‬but with a man's pubic hair tickling her nose it did not seem like that much of a bad idea.‭ ‬At least the hair tickling her nose distracted her from the cock in her throat.‭ ‬Mark slid in and out a few times then left her mouth.

‭"‬Your turn,‭ ‬Slave,‭" ‬he said to her with his hands on his hips.‭ "‬Let's see what you can do.‭"

Elaine wanted to apologize in advance for not being very good at sucking cock.‭ ‬She knew it was not her strong suit,‭ ‬it was always easier when the men just fucked her face.‭ ‬But Elaine knew she had to try and she was determined to give it her best effort.‭ ‬She licked his shaft from base to tip,‭ ‬sucked his balls and got as much of his cock in her mouth as she could,‭ ‬but she could tell this was not doing much for Mark.

‭"‬Roy,‭" ‬she heard Mark say as she tried to take him in her throat,‭ "‬do you know Bill Waites‭?"

"In Las Vegas‭?" ‬Roy replied.


"I've crossed paths with him a few times at Association functions.‭ ‬Why‭?"

"He's the best at teaching slaves to suck cock.‭ ‬This one obviously needs some instruction.‭" ‬Elaine blushed in embarrassment and humiliation,‭ ‬she was trying but knew it was true.‭ "‬I'll give you his card.‭"

"Sorry,‭ ‬Mark,‭" ‬Roy apologized,‭ "‬she's still new to all of this.‭ ‬On Thursday she was still a lonely,‭ ‬frustrated free woman.‭"

Mark stopped Elaine with a hand on her head and smiled down at her.‭ "‬You've done well with her.‭ ‬There is an innocence about her that just makes you want to violently violate her,‭ ‬somehow being good at sucking cock would just be out of character.‭"

"She is great at eating pussy,‭ ‬though,‭" ‬Roy added,‭ "‬I saw her put on a show earlier that was amazing.‭"

"Yes,‭ ‬that's what Amanda said,‭" ‬Mark said.‭ ‬Elaine froze at the mention of her roommate's name and wanted to ask about her but knew she was not allowed.‭ ‬Mark tugged her to her feet by the collar and pointed to the bed.‭ "‬On the bed,‭ ‬sweetie,‭" ‬he told her,‭ "‬we'll let Sam get you opened up for us.‭"

Elaine climbed up on the bed and lay down in the middle.‭ ‬She noted it was firm,‭ ‬with some give and a faint crinkling that hinted of a plastic wrap somewhere under the sheets.‭ ‬There were rings bolted into the posts and in the middle of the headboard and foot board.‭ ‬On a table beside the bed there was an assortment of ropes,‭ ‬straps and cuffs.‭ ‬Elaine eyed those warily,‭ ‬but she was getting more aroused thinking about being tied to the bed while these three men took turns fucking her.‭ ‬She had not been able to orgasm while she was with Kristy and Roy earlier and was ready.