Teacher Ensnared Ch. 01

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Miss Price loses her inhibitions.
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Miss Price loses her inhibitions

Miss Price was finalising everything in her life, anticipating a longed for complete change. It had been a financial struggle, as well as a struggle teaching. She had to admit, she wasn't good with money, or with students. She was ready to make a serious move before her current life imploded.

Meeting Jonathan, a rich older man, had changed everything. She was twenty-six, and he was thirty-eight, but that wasn't the problem. Her life seemed brighter and happier, and it was. The only problem was her sex life. She wasn't very good at that either.

Some time ago she thought it was correct and moral to be discrete in the bedroom. Boyfriends tried to loosen her up, but she had thought they were being perverse. They told her she was repressed, or worse.

Jonathan persuaded her to see a specialist, and to her surprise, she found there was a lot more to bedroom activities than she thought possible, or decent.

The woman was an expensive and highly respected doctor, so she had to take the advice seriously. Recognising that she was wrong, and was sexually repressed was a start. Various strategies were recommended, as well as hypnosis. Unable to face doing it, or even talking about it, she opted for hypnosis. Jonathan found a hypnotist and paid for all the sessions.


Sasha entered an office and took careful notice of the credentials lining the back wall. It was somewhat reassuring.

'Before we start you must realise it will take many sessions over several weeks to reach your goal. It is a matter of being mentally re-programmed, and that must be done carefully. Are you willing for that to happen?' Catherine asked.

'Yes. I can't stay as I am. I can't keep a relationship like this,' Sasha almost cried.

So much was at stake Sasha was more than willing, she was wishing for it to happen. Catherine told her she wouldn't remember the sessions at first, as she was being prepared to accept things.

'That's good. I don't want to know about, "things". Please don't tell me, until I'm ready to, err, know things,' she firmly stated.

The woman was trustworthy, or at least she hoped so. After the first couple of sessions Sasha trusted her completely, and looked forward to attending further sessions. This was a part of the hypnosis process, but she didn't realise it. All she cared about was meeting Jonathan's expectations, and being a good wife. Once married, all her worries would be over, and she could live a life of luxury.

This was a small price to pay, and it wasn't even painful.


The sixth session had arrived and Catherine told her something of the process would be revealed.

'Oh! Err, I think that's alright. In fact I don't mind at all,' Sasha murmured.

The hypnotist was showing her pictures of women performing lewd acts for men. Before this session, she would have been outraged, and hurt, by just looking at such photos.

'No, it's really alright, I don't mind at all,' she said. 'I rather like the idea,' she added.

'You aren't appalled by the idea of sucking your partner's penis?' Catherine asked.

'Just so long as it isn't as big as that one,' Sasha smiled, while pointing at one of the photos.

Both women chuckled for a moment, then Catherine cleared her throat.

'I want you to close your eyes, and imagine being in the bedroom. Your partner is there, and he is naked. Are you alright about that? Good. You are going to give him a treat. Imagine getting on the bed with him, both of you are naked. Feeling relaxed? Good,' Catherine said.

Sasha was trembling all over. This would never have been possible a few weeks ago. Just thinking about it would have made her sick. She imagined nestling between Jonathan's legs, and sucking his penis into her mouth.

'I did it!' Sasha exclaimed. 'This is perfect. I can do it! I've got rid of all those hang-ups.'

'A warning, Sasha. Don't try it for real, not yet. We have a little way to go, just be patient,' Catherine warned.

Sasha didn't walk from the clinic, she skipped. This was a great step forward, and she needed this to counteract her scepticism about hypnosis. It was working, and she would throw herself into it enthusiastically from now on.

Jonathan wasn't mentioned, just a partner, as he kept back from the hypnosis. He didn't want her to think he was interfering. As soon as she could have proper, uninhibited sex with Jonathan, she would at last be ready to get married.

She wanted to phone him, but they agreed not to bother each other. She would concentrate on the sessions, while he concentrated on business. He was tidying up ongoing business plans with clients. He was intent on making a gap in a busy schedule, for their wedding.


Eight weeks had passed, with her attending the clinic five evenings a week. Sasha had lost her adverse feelings toward sex, and Catherine had told her she was ready!

'You just need four more sessions, to instil some protection for you,' Catherine said.

Sex was no longer something distasteful to be endured once in a while. For once she was looking forward to sharing her bed with a partner. The hypnotist had warned that there wasn't a list of things she liked, and didn't like. Everything was now open to her. She would have to be careful, and not let a partner just use her.

'There is no fear of that. He's a nice loving man, and deserves me,' Sasha said.

There was a niggling doubt in the back of her mind, but she shook it off. Nothing was going to spoil her happiness. Arrangements could be made now. Resigning her teaching position would be a relief, then paying up the apartment lease would be a release from financial obligations. It was end-of-term soon, so she wouldn't be letting the school down.

On the way home, Sasha walked into a sex shop, which was a first and a test, to purchase some naughty underwear, and a vibrator. While waiting to pay she glanced at a notice board and saw a card in bold type. It read, "Do you want to become a rich man's sex slave?"

Sasha giggled and put a hand to her mouth to suppress it. That is more or less what she was doing! Never before thinking of it that way, she nevertheless thought it wonderful. How ironic it would be, to become a man's sex slave. Past boyfriends wouldn't believe Miss Prude, could possibly be any good in the bedroom, let alone become a sex slave!

On a whim she pulled the card off the board and tucked it in her purse. That evening she went to bed early. Another phone call to Jonathan was made, and another message was left. He was still abroad on business.

Settling down to play with the vibrator, she imagined being a stranger's sex slave, which soon had her hot and sweaty. She'd never felt so sexed up! Using the vibrator on her sensitive lips, and clit, she had one orgasm after another, racking her body, leaving her exhausted.


Next morning, getting out of bed was hard to do. She was sore between the legs. That was funny, so very funny, it kept her laughing on the drive to school. Sitting in class after setting their work, Sasha's mind began to wander. Would Jonathan train her to be his sex slave?

'You alight miss?' one of the girls asked.

'Sure, Mandy, just thinking, that's all,' she said.

Could they tell she was sexed up? That damn card would have to be thrown out. It was preying on her mind far too much. She fished around in her purse, retrieved it, and dropped it into the waste bin. Usually she would sit there worrying about the next lesson, but not now, as all this would thankfully soon come to an end. It seemed more than just her sexual inhibitions had been lifted. It was probably the thought of leaving here and getting married that loosened her up.

She sat there wondering what real sex would be like. She just hoped it was as good as she imagined. Anyway, she could always spice things up, now that she didn't have any inhibitions.

Sasha suddenly sat still. She'd been grinding her sex against the seat. Looking around the classroom, she noticed two of the girls were looking at her, with a sneer on their faces. One of them elbowed the other, and they whispered together. What in hell were they saying about her?

'She's been a right slut this morning. Look at her, the bitch is all sexed up!' Mandy whispered.

'Like yea, you'd think a teacher would behave herself in class, you know? She's being a right slut. Like, what's was that? I wonder what she dropped in the waste basket,' her friend, Fran, said.

'I'll get it at lunch time,' Mandy said.


Later that evening Sasha was at home, practising yoga routines. It was an idea she had, to keep her body subtle for her partner. It had been years since attending yoga classes, but the moves were coming back to her.

Evoking the hypnotic suggestion allowed her to be under a set of instructions, and not give up exercising. The instructions included the command to carry out four routines, after which, she would be released from the hypnosis. Until then, she had to exercise, and that was the only way she would complete them.

The door bell rang, and she stood up before realising what was happening. The damn bell was like a summons. Of course, someone was summoning her to the door. This hadn't been thought of, and neither had she realised how subtle the underlying hypnosis was. She knew how strong and deeply effective it was, otherwise she wouldn't be carrying out the yoga session.

The last thing she wanted was to open the door to the outside world. As Sasha opened the door, there was still a nagging in the back of her mind to carry on the yoga routine.

'Nigel? What are you doing here?' Sasha said.

'Ms Price! I didn't know you lived here,' Nigel said, then gaped at her.

'Well?' she asked.

'I'm, err, looking for a neighbour's cat, have you, err, seen it?' he lamely spoke. 'I think you should go inside, Ms Price,' he told her.

His teacher was standing before him in a one piece yoga outfit. It was so revealing, even he didn't think she should be standing at the door. He looked around to see if anyone had seen her. The woman was his teacher, and he felt embarrassed for her. She looked weird too. A strange expression was plastered across her face, and she stood at attention, waiting for something.

Without saying anything, she turned around and walked inside. He couldn't help himself. It looked as though she was wearing a pair of sheer tights, covering her entire body. The thing she wore was almost see through, especially where it was stretched over her bumps.

Forgetting all about the neighbour's cat, he followed her in, with eyes locked onto her cute bottom. It was as though it's wiggle was mesmerising him. Damn! This was a near naked teacher, and he'd invaded her home! He was in trouble but couldn't move. He should back out quietly, and close the door behind him.

Sasha wondered what had happened for just a second. Of course, she was ready to obey orders while hypnotised. Like being summoned by the doorbell, Nigel had told her to go inside, and she had. That was a stroke of luck.

Nigel was a nuisance in class, and a nuisance with the girls. What would he say about her in class tomorrow? He'd make something up, something lurid probably. It didn't matter, she was leaving soon. That reminded her to put in the resignation letter.

Sasha turned around to resume the yoga.

What the hell? He'd followed her in! What is he doing in my home? Catching sight

of herself in a mirror behind him, she realised how scantily clad she was. The old one piece yoga suit had worn thin, and should have been thrown out. Anyway, when she was with Jonathan he would buy her everything, and anything she wanted.

There was no escaping the here and now. Daydreaming about Jonathan wouldn't send Nigel away, for he was here in her home, and Nigel wasn't.

'Nice, Miss Price,' Nigel said, while looking her up and down.

Oh! God! The boy was examining her body, and almost everything was revealed. She tried to say he must go, but the words wouldn't come. She was dumbfounded from this terrible situation. Something must be said, and done, to get rid of him. She was just standing there waiting for something to happen. Oh! God! She was waiting for orders. No! No! No! Not this boy's orders, this wasn't supposed to happen!

Especially not Nigel! Please not him! The handsome boy was a menace. He thought he was the world's gift to girls.

Nigel was staring at the top of her legs, and couldn't believe what he could see. Her mons was cupped by the sheer nylon, and formed a prominent camel toe. The suits crotch was cupping her sex, and digging into it.

'That looks very tight, Ms Price, you must take it off, Miss. You'll feel better then, Miss,' he told her.

For the moment he was looking out for her, and trying to make sure she didn't blame him for something. He didn't want her going to the door like that again, especially while he was there. She was obviously in a daze, from being ill or something. Once she got changed he could phone a doctor, or an ambulance. While she was dressed like this he dare not touch her

'Wow! Miss Price! No! I didn't mean here. Oh! Miss Price, you're naked!' he stupidly said, after watching her pull the one piece off.

Sasha cringed inside, yet outside stood perfectly calmly, awaiting his next order. What the hell would a guy like him do with a naked woman? It was inevitable, and she hated the thought of it. This might bring back all her old inhibitions. A young eighteen-year-old student shouldn't be seeing her like this! This was monstrous!

'You're not feeling yourself, Miss Price, you must lay down,' he said.

Thinking she would go to her bedroom this time, he was surprised to see her lay on the floor, with legs spread. It was an offer as far as he was concerned. When she looked up at him with a serious look in her eyes, he knew what that expression meant.

Oh! Hell! His teacher was sexed up! Like one of the girls in school, Miss Price was stoked! He must have called at just the right moment, to catch her fired up and ready. No wonder she had a funny look in her eyes. Of course she couldn't tell him she was needy, as she was his teacher.

Knowing what she needed, he scrambled to take his clothes off before she changed her mind. He almost fell on the floor, in haste to get close beside her.

It was obvious that another lewd order would be given, though when it did, she was shocked.

'This is fun, Miss Price. You're waiting for me to do it to you,' Nigel grinned.

'Yes!' Sasha heavily breathed.

Damn! The boy was teasing her! Oh! God! She suddenly wanted it so bad, she was desperate for him to take her. He only had to say the word and she would be all over him. This was terrible! All that time and money spent removing her inhibitions, and this boy would benefit from the effort.

Feeling his hand between her legs, she lifted her hips to him. To make it easier she opened her legs wider. His fingers were working her hard, which was something that would never have been tolerated before. He had her squirming on his fingers! Soon she was cooing like a dove, and moaning like a whore.

'You want me to kiss your nipples, Miss, don't you,' he said.

She realised he wasn't taking a chance of refusal by asking her, he was telling her what she wanted. Maybe it worked with silly girls, but wouldn't normally work with her, as she knew her own mind. While hypnotised she was susceptible, and had to obey orders, even when they were against her wishes.

'Yes, sir, thank you, sir,' she obediently answered.

Sasha cupped a breast, and offered it to him. She watched intently as he leaned in to suck the nipple into his mouth. It was excruciating to see a young student taking advantage of her helpless state. He could do anything he liked with her, and she would be pleased to obey!

'Oh! Yes!' she cried out.

She'd admonished a boyfriend in the past, telling him this was improper, as it was for feeding a baby, and nothing to do with sex. One of her students was making a meal of her breasts and she loved it. This was the first time her breasts had been so sensitive, and he was doing such a good job of enlivening them.

No! Please, no! His hands were all over her, and she couldn't resist him. As soon as he came into her home, and gave her an order, he became her partner, and was in charge of her sexually. As much as she tried, the programming was so deeply embedded, it couldn't be shaken off.

Sasha was now her student's sexual plaything!

The feeling of his fingers groping her sex, and watching his lips engorge upon her nipples, was both fascinating and deplorable. He was working her hard, and she was responding! Sasha was stoked, ready to explode!

'Don't orgasm, miss, hold back. We'll make it last,' he seriously spoke.

Damn! He wouldn't let her orgasm! He kept telling her not to cum yet. She was bouncing with erotic energy, high from arousal, yet unable to reach an orgasm because the boy wouldn't allow it!

'Don't cum yet, wait, it will be better,' he told her.

Sasha was ready and willing to pleasure him, as she had been programmed to do! Whatever he wanted, she would do. Absolutely anything! Thankfully he didn't know that.

Nigel thought she was doing whatever he said, for some bizarre reason of her own. He would find out if this was true, then find out why she was doing it.

'From now on you'll do whatever I say. What do you say to that,' Nigel grinned.

'I shall do as you say, master,' Sasha heard herself say, and was appalled.

Nigel had mistakenly become her partner, and so all those hypnosis sessions were now directed at him. She would be totally uninhibited with him. The card from the sex shop, about becoming a man's sex slave, had been on her mind all day. Had this influenced her too?

No! You bastard, let me go! Please, let me go! She silently protested. I can't have you as my master, not you!

'You will be absolutely obedient to my orders,' he told her, and took a good look at her, waiting to see how she would react.

'I shall be absolutely obedient to your orders, master,' she lightly said, as though confirming an order for pizza.

Inside, she was heartbroken. She was also as hot as hell! It wasn't just his playing with her sex that had her so hot. A boy she should be controlling in class, was controlling her! He was one of her students, yet he had taken her over, and could make her do anything he liked.

The thought of him making her do something obscene, was terrible, but that too was stoking her up. If he didn't give her permission to orgasm soon, she would burn up, like a rocket on re-entry.

'Why are you like this, I mean, willing to obey me?' he eventually asked.

Nigel couldn't just take her and leave. He had to know what she was up to. Was this some kind of game she played, and he'd wandered in by mistake. Oh! Shit! Was she waiting for a boyfriend to turn up, and he was due any minute. He glanced at the front door, afraid a big older guy was about to walk in.

'I'm like this because I'm hypnotised, master. I'm willing to obey you because you ordered me to, master,' she said.

'Are you waiting for your boyfriend?' he quickly asked.

'No, he's away, working abroad, master,' she informed him.

'Hypnotised? Why?' he asked, now relaxed without the threat of a guy barging in and beating him up.

'I'm hypnotised to be, to be, free of inhibitions, master,' she reluctantly told him.

A slight hesitation had been managed, but she was obeying him as though he were her master.

'What inhibitions?' he asked.

Would he strip her of all secrets, however personal?

'I've been hypnotised, master, to, master, to remove, master, to remove all my sexual inhibitions, master,' she said, after trying so hard not to reveal such a demeaning state.

'So, you will obey me, and you'll do anything I want?' he asked.