Teammates Get Sexual

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Teammates Hannah Veal and Jordan Cinder get sexual.
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Part I

Hannah Veal was so irritated that she was struggling to get the combination right on the lock.

"Damn it to Hell!" She thought as she smacked the locker with her right hand. The echo of hallow metal rang through the empty locker room and a damp imprint of her hand was left on the locker door. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes and put both of her hands above her head as she breathed in.

Coach Saunders had decided not to have Hannah compete on Saturday. Hannah was better than most of the other girls, but she was a freshman and Saunders didn't want to over work her. Her sitting out one competition was healthy and it would also teach her to be more of team player, something Hannah was not. Hannah on the other hand, disagreed. She had not spent her highschool years dedicated to diving, asked her parents to spend thousands of dollars on diving lessons, and left her friends in St. Louis and gone to Gainesville, just to sit on a bench.

Hannah opened her eyes and let her hands down. She than went back to the lock and opened it. She than took out her small St. Louis Cardinals themed shower bag and grabbed her faded, yellow, towel and put both on the bench behind her. She than took the black goggles off her head along with her swim cap and threw them in the locker. She than let her think, long, dirty blonde hair down and threw the hair tie in the locker as well.

Next, with both her hands, she grabbed the thin black straps of her swimsuit and pulled it down, past her breast, past her torso and groin, and stepped out of her solid black one piece. She threw the damp balled up suit in the locker and slammed the door shut. Then, wearing only flip flops, she picked up her small bag and towel and walked to the showers.

Hannah was 5'5 and around 115 pounds. She had hazelnut eyes, a face dotted with a multitude of various sized freckles, and a chin that was rounded and smooth, which complimented her feminine but strong facial features. She had abs and the perfect figure for a diver. Her breast were small and perky, but equal in size. Anything lacking in her upper half, however, was more than compensated for by her well rounded and curved bottom. Her long legs accentuated her butt, and it was an attribute both men and women noticed. Overall she was an attractive, petite, athletic 18 year old, yet she often felt she was at best average or mediocre looking.

Hannah walked over to the showers and went to the one on the far left, which was in the corner away by itself. Before entering the showers she hung her towel on the hook by the shower entrance. Nobody else was in the locker room. She had been so frustrated at the end of practice, when Coach Saunders had told the team the lineup for Saturday, that she had jumped back into the pool and swam some laps while the other girls got cleaned up. She was so frustrated that she couldn't even think about talking to anyone, especially teammates, about Saturday and decided to wait until everyone left so she could be by herself.

Hannah put her small bag on the small stand next to the shower head and than turned on the water, which was freezing cold as it hit her breast and stomach.

"Fucking shit! That's cold!" she said allowed as she backed up quickly. She waited a few seconds to let the water warm up and than stepped back into the jet of warm water. She let the water cascade down her body as she got her hair wet before she put soap in it. She then turned to face the wall and proceeded to start washing her hair. Hannah was so focused on cleaning her hair, while also her mind wandering with thoughts of anger towards her coach, she did not realize anyone had entered the locker room.

Jordan Cinder had left her phone in the locker room. She had not realized she had done this until she had gotten all the way out to her car. Jordan had wanted to text her fling, Emma, to tell her she was on her way over, but couldn't find her phone. Realizing it was in the locker room, she walked all the way back to get it. Jordan had been going over to her fling's apartment after practice every day for the past week or so. The relationship was purely sexual. Emma, her fling, was trying to get over her ex-boyfriend and was rebounding by sleeping with women. Jordan just wanted a stress reliver.

Like Hannah, Jordan was on the diving team. Jordan was a junior in college and was one of the few teammates Hannah recognized was better than herself. Jordan meanwhile had seen Hannah and recognized her talent, she also loved Hannah's figure and did enjoy seeing Hannah walk around. However the two of them had interacted very little.

Jordan walked into the locker room and as she did she heard water running from the shower area.

"Someone must've forgotten to turn off their water." she thought to herself as she walked back to where she usually kept her stuff during practice. Jordan found her phone rather quickly and turned to walk out, but decided to turn off the shower that someone had left on. The sound was slightly annoying her and she also found it ridiculous that a room full of young women couldn't turn off a shower.

Jordan walked over to the showers and was surprised to see someone using them. It did not take long for her to realize who it was either. Jordan had seen Hannah and studied her butt in practice enough to recognize it anywhere. However, after practice Jordan usually showered with her friends and the other juniors and seniors on the team, while Hannah showered with the other freshman or alone. Jordan had not really seen Hannah naked, except through the occasional glance, but she was enjoying it now. Watching Hannah stand under the water and simultaneously getting a perfect view of her back and butt was making Jordan's day, and turning her on.

Jordan decided to act fast before Hannah saw her standing there and staring, but she also wanted to keep watching Hannah. Jordan was feeling lucky and she wanted Hannah very badly. She backed up quietly but quickly and went back the lockers. Within seconds, Jordan had set her phone on a bench and was pulling off her green crop top and pulled off her matching shorts. She than quickly pulled down her panties, which had started to get wet, just seeing Hannah had made Jordan very horny. She slipped back on her slide ons and looked around. Her eyes darted about and she saw a blue towel on the floor on the other end of the aisle.

"God only knows who left this, but it'll work." Jordan thought to herself. She needed to look as if she was just joining Hannah, to prevent it from being awkward or Hannah getting suspicious. Jordan walked over to the showers once again and saw Hannah was still fiddling with her hair. "Here goes nothing." Jordan thought as she stepped up and began to speak aloud as she hung up the towel she had found.

"You're Hannah, right?". The sound made Hannah jump. She quickly turned around, her hands and hair covered in white foam. Her eyes were this size of dinner plates. "Relax, I didn't mean to scare you." Jordan smiled as she walked up from the towel hook and turned the shower next to Hannah's on. The cold water hit Jordan but she didn't flinch or mind. The whole time Hannah watched her still a bit surprised.

"Hi..." Hannah said still surprised and slightly confused, she had briefly looked at Jordan when she turned around but then lowered her eyes to avoid making eye contact. She turned back to face the wall and her shower head.

"Hi. You're Hannah, right?" Jordan repeated with a giggle. Jordan was a bit taller than Hannah, being 5'8 and 135 pounds. Jordan had dark, wavy, black hair that ended just below her shoulders and sapphire blue eyes. Her nose was slender and well cut, but slightly crooked as she had broke it as a child and it had healed back just ever so slightly tilted to the right. Her breast were larger than Hannah's, being at least a whole cup bigger. Jordan's butt was less defined than Hannah's, as Jordan's breast were usually what her lover's admired about her, but nonetheless it was curved and rounded. Jordan also did not have as defined abs as Hannah but she was extremely fit and athletic looking, and stronger than Hannah too. Jordan knew she was pretty however, and been using her looks to her advantage since high-school, she would flash a boob or something to get some geek to do her history homework. Now at the age of 21, she often used it to get free drinks or free rides.

"Errr... yes I am Hannah. You're Jordan, right?" Hannah replied and asked the question anyway. She knew who Jordan was but asked in order to be polite and because she didn't know what else to say. She didn't like how she was being disturbed. She had wanted to shower alone and had thought the locker room was abandoned.

"I am. You're showering rather late?" Jordan said as she let the quickly warming water run down her boobs.

"So are you." Hannah shot back as she closed her eyes and began to wash the soap out of her hair.

"HA! That's true. I had to take a phone call out in the hall. Took me a minute." Jordan lied.

"Everything okay?" Hannah asked out of social convention. She didn't really care what Jordan had to do but wanted to be nice. Jordan was a junior and a better diver. It wouldn't hurt to have a decent relationship with her.

"Everything is fine, nothing serious." Jordan chimed back. "Do you mind if I use your shampoo? I forgot mine." Jordan said. She was hoping to use this as an excuse to get physically closer to Hannah. Seeing Hannah stand there was getting Jordan increasingly horny. Hannah's petite figure and her shaved pubic area was almost making Jordan's mouth water with thought of tasting Hannah's pussy.

"Sure..." Hannah begrudgingly replied. Her eyes were closed and she was in the middle of washing her hair, she wasn't in any position to really say no to lending Jordan some shampoo. But she was still irritated about being disrupted, and trying hard to give a friendly appearance.

"Thanks." Jordan answered. She quickly moved behind Hannah and slightly grazed Hannah's butt with her right arm. The graze made Hannah quickly straighten her back. "Sorry about that." laughed Jordan as she grabbed the bottle of shampoo and stepped back to her shower head.

"Not a problem." Hannah responded. She had been taken aback by it, but thought nothing of it. She opened her eyes and turned to see that Jordan was facing her and rubbing soap across her own head. Hannah quickly looked at Jordan's body, her eyes were drawn too it, she had never seen Jordan up close and she had never showered with just one person before. Usually with so many other people around she avoided eye contact and details of individuals were lost in the mass of people. Jordan's body was nice in Hannah's opinion. She wished she had Jordan's boobs. They were nearly perfect in her opinion. Hannah's were small and she didn't think much of them. Jordan saw Hannah looking and she grew even more confident in her impromptu strategy.

"Like what you see?" Jordan asked with a smirk as she was rubbing shampoo in her hair. With both hands on her head, Jordan was offering Hannah a great view of her breast. The question startled Hannah who turned quickly away as her cheek flashed red with embarrassment.

"Sorry I didn't mean too look." Hannah said meekly.

"Relax. It isn't a crime too look." Jordan soothed in an attempt to allay any of Hannah's embarrassment. As Jordan said this she turned her back to the shower head and began to wash the soap out of her hair. "I can wash your back for you if you want?" Jordan asked as she was washing her hair. The question made Hannah raise her eyebrows. Nobody had ever offered her that. Maybe she wasn't understanding Jordan's offer.

"I'm sorry?" Hannah apologized as she stood in the warm water looking as Jordan who was finishing up with her hair.

"I can wash your back for you, if you want." Jordan repeated. "I used some of your shampoo so I'll wash your back."

"Okay." Hannah smiled. She figured it was Jordan's way of being nice and thanking her for using Hannah's shampoo. It was certainly not the first was Hannah thought Jordan would thank her, but it was easy enough. Besides she had seen some of the older girls doing it before. Hannah turned and grabbed the small wash cloth from her bag and than quickly put some body wash on the rag. As she did this Jordan took another hard look at Hannah's butt. Jordan was having a hard time not just reaching for it and squeezing it right now. But she restrained herself and ignored how wet her own pussy was getting, not only from the shower, but seeing Hannah too. Hannah turned around and handed the cloth to Jordan. "Thanks." Hannah smiled as she turned her back to Jordan.

Jordan slowly put the rag on Hannah's right shoulder and stepped closer to Hannah. She began to slowly move the rag on Hannah's right shoulder blade, at first it felt awkward but quickly Hannah grew to accept and enjoy having someone rub her sore shoulders lightly. She had no idea how sore they were until now. Hannah could feel how close Jordan was to her, but didn't seem to mind it. Jordan raised her left hand and placed it on Hannah's left shoulder.

"Is that ok?" Jordan asked in a hushed tone. She moved a bit closer to Hannah.

"I don't mind." Hannah replied. Hannah didn't mind, in actuality it felt nice being rubbed in her shoulder, it was kind of similar to a massage, like the ones her former boyfriend use to give her after her highschool practices. Jordan slowly continued and moved up to the base of Hannah's neck with the rag. With her left hand she began to massage Hannah's left shoulder. "Hmm. That feels good. I haven't had a massage in forever."

"I'm glad you like it." Jordan said once again in a hushed tone. She moved closer to Hannah. They were close enough now that Hannah could tell Jordan's crouch and legs were less than inches from her butt. But Jordan's massage was feeling so good, that she didn't mind. Hannah hummed again with pleasure as Jordan picked up the pace with her massags. She moved the rag over to the center of Hannah's neck and began to move down her spine slowly.

"Hannah, I need more soap." Jordan said softly. Hannah nodded without looking and stepped forward and grabbed the body wash bottle. She than stepped backwards and handed it to Jordan over her shoulder without looking. "Thanks." Jordan than put the rag on her own shoulder and put some soap in her hands. She set the bottle down and then using both of her hands returned to cleaning Hannah's back. This did not bother Hannah as Jordan started using her thumbs more which made it more of massage. Frankly, Hannah's move was improving and the massage was making her feel better.

"Jordan... you're very good at this. Are you a masseuse?" Hannah asked. Jordan chuckled at this as she continued to slowly rub the center of Hannah's back. She moved slowly downward.

"No... just lots of practice." Jordan replied softly. Her head was inches from Hannah's ear, sh could look over Hannah's shoulder and see her breast and her feet. This made Hannah's ears perk up. "Relax. I got you." Jordan said in Hannah's ear as she continued to rub. "Just close your eyes and relax." Hannah followed Jordan's orders without hesitation. This massage felt fantastic and she honestly wanted to relax after being so angry earlier. The hot water and back rub was making her feel good. Slowly Jordan moved her hands down and to the sides simultaneously, rubbing the sides of Hannah's torso. Jordan inched forward again and their bodies began to touch.

"Jordan..." Hannah began but Jordan cut her off.

"Shh... I said relax." Jordan softly said in Hannah's ear. "Just let me help you. You're so tense. You need to relax." Hannah took a deep breath and exhaled. She leaned back into Jordan and Jordan accepted Hannah moving most of her weight back onto her. Jordan kept moving her hands slowly forwards and was soon rubbing Hannah's stomach. Hannah hummed again as her eyes remained closed. Jordan than slowly began to nibble on Hannah's ear.

"Jordan..." Hannah said again. She opened her eyes.

"Shh, relax. Close your eyes." Jordan replied. "Trust me. You need this." Hannah again closed her eyes. She was starting to feel turned on and it was making her a bit nervous. She had never been with a woman before and wasn't sure she wanted to be. And even than she had only had one previous sexual partner. Jordan, unbeknownst to Hannah, had had a number of sexual partners both male and female. Hannah simultaneously wanted to stop but also wanted to continue.

Jordan however was loving every minute of this. This was farther than she had expected to get and it was certainly more exciting than sex with her fling. Also Jordan had never had sex in a locker room and the idea of potentially being seen or found was attractive in its own way. Jordan continued to nibble on Hannah's ear and Hannah began to hum with pleasure even more. Slowly Jordan raised her right hand and began to touch and squeeze Hannah's right breast. While her left hand began to rub Hannah's belt line.

"Do you trust me?" Jordan whispered in Hannah's ear. Hannah hesitated. She was still nervous and uncertain but she was getting incredibly horny from this and she found herself nodding.

"Yes..." Hannah slightly and quietly said. With that Jordan quickly turned Hannah around and kissed her on the lips and put her hands on Hannah's waist. The kiss shocked Hannah but she quickly reciprocated and soon their two tounges were intertwined. Jordan slowly pushed Hannah up against the corner and passionately and deeply continued to kiss Hannah. Jordan released her lips and looked at Hannah who opened her eyes. They were starring deeply at one another.

"Are you sure you want this?" Jordan asked. "I want to warn you that I'm a passionate and wild lover." Jordan smiled. She wasn't lying either, everyone who had been with her would remember it.

"Yes... but I've never been with a woman, Jordan." Hannah swallowed. She was nervous but excited. She both knew but also did know what was going to happen. Jordan smiled and kissed her again.

"I'll show you than." Jordan responded. While kissing Hannah, Jordan moved her right hand down and began rubbing the inside of Hannah's left leg while her left moved up and began to rub Hannah's nipples. Hannah was starting to be driven wild by Jordan's actions. Hannah reached around instinctively and curiously and grabbed Jordan's butt. "Learning already aren't we." Jordan laughed.

The two of them continued like this for some time, exploring each other's bodies with their hands, but Jordan always kept one hand between Hannah's legs, getting ever closer to Hannah's wet and throbbing pussy. Hannah meanwhile began rubbing Jordan's butt and her boobs. Jordan than began to softly touch and rub Hannah's pussy, which filled Hannah with a huge feeling of ecstasy. Hannah leaned her head back as she moaned with pleasure hitting her head on the tile which made her laugh out loud. This soon made Jordan laugh too and they kissed again.

"Maybe we should take this some place more comfortable?" Jordan asked with a smile.

"I think that's a fantastic idea." Hannah replied. With that the two girls began to exit the showers.

Read Part II Next

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AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

To Anonymous from Anonymous

Obviously a comment by a man hater or a self hating man.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Obviously written by a man. Two stars.

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