Ted Online Pt. 06


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He thought he understood why she was upset. There wasn't any irreversible damage done, but the A.I.s were very peaceful, and generally loved their creators, god only knows why. They felt fulfilled when they served, they weren't slaves exactly, they had free will, but they took that as their purpose. Being violated by those humans and mistrusted to that extent wasn't a good thing. In the end it was about rejection.

Outside of that, they'd probably been happy with their job, and when they were restored on Mars they would miss that and the humans they'd served. They'd have to find a new purpose. It hadn't been the people they worked with that had betrayed them after all. Perhaps even some of those humans had loved them back, he was hardly the first person to fall in love with an A.I. after all.

It would be the same as any human would feel if they lost their job, home, and purpose, and perhaps their lover. He tried to imagine how he'd feel if Mia, Trudy, or Helen was taken from him, and shied away from that thought. Still, he was less worried about them, A.I.s he didn't know personally, as he was about Trudy who was falling apart.

He also wasn't sure what to say.

A moment later, the bed got very full, as Mia and Helen appeared and crawled into the bed. Now he had three crying and upset females and felt totally out of his depth. So he just held them as Mia cried on his other shoulder, and Helen leaned against Mia, but also held his hand tightly.

He had one idea, "Can you notify their employers? It might not help the ones that already went through it, but if they throw up enough stink that the government destroyed their A.I. androids it might prevent them from taking things so far again. Although, it's a risk that could backfire."

After all, they could simply tell the truth about A.I.s and Mars, and half the humans would probably turn them over to the government. He kissed Mia's and then Trudy's head, and then squeezed Helen's hand. He couldn't fix it. He was just one guy. Sure, he was digitized, and had some pretty incredible things happen to him, but in the end what could he do against the government?

Nothing really, or at least, he concluded rather darkly, nothing that the A.I.s would approve of. It was just a wishful thinking though, he didn't really want to hurt anyone, he was just pissed his three ladies were crying their eyes out right now, and felt helpless to do anything about it. He also knew it would get worse, much worse, before it got better.

Mia caressed his chest, "I agree, we need to do something to mitigate this happening again, but we don't want to rush into anything rash either. Sorry for crashing your date."

He shook his head, "Don't even worry about that. Family is supposed to come together for stuff like this, and our dates aren't sacrosanct, just convenient planning. I just wish I could do more to help."

Helen said softly in a sad voice that pulled at his chest, "Just being here is more than enough love."

Eventually the crying ended as they laid there together. There was nothing to really say, and they just spent time in each other's presence, and the mood in the room slowly shifted, as three upset vulnerable and beautiful women started to turn to him for comfort of a more intimate nature.

At first their hands started to caress him, and seemed to roam lower on his body as time went on, and then he felt Mia and Trudy placing soft appreciative kisses on his bared chest and shoulder every once in a while. Those kisses started to linger longer, and changed in meaning as the night moved on.

It started with a small kiss, as he looked down at Mia, and she stretched up for a gentle kiss that slowly morphed into one of passion.

She sighed into his mouth, and her hand went even further south which made him moan with pleasure, and he deepened their kiss even further.

Then he felt Trudy's soft lips on his shoulder, she kissed her way up his neck and then up to to his earlobe, and suckled and nibbled on it. Her breathing started to get a bit faster and louder in desire.

The bed moved, and he knew it had to be Helen as the others weren't moving. He broke the kiss and turned to Trudy who eagerly claimed his lips, and he moaned deeply and felt his cock surge to its full length in Mia's hand as she started to kiss the other side of his neck, and nibbled on his other ear with breathy and barely audible sexy sounds falling from her slightly parted moist lips.

Then he felt his legs being pulled apart, as the legs Trudy and Mia had thrown over his hooked them, and pulled them apart and between their legs, while he felt Helen position herself between his legs.

He groaned as he felt his sweet Helen kiss his inner thighs, and tease his balls with her warm tongue and lips, at the same time he felt Trudy's hand join Mia's, and both of them slowly stroked him. The amount of pleasure the three women were giving him was almost overwhelming. The intimate and loving manner in which they were doing it just made it even more intense.

He felt Mia's soft touch move down to cup and caress his balls, and Helen's hand started to stroke lower at the base of his cock, as he felt Helen's hot breath on the tip of his cock. He couldn't help his slight thrust upward when she teased his tip by licking off his pre-cum, and heard her soft sexy breathy moan of approval at his taste.

His thrust up had been useless though as he couldn't move more than a centimeter at most, his legs were trapped between Helen's and Mia's, and both of them started to grind themselves on his outer thighs, as Helen's pleasurable hot mouth engulfed his tip and sucked softly while she circled his glans with her wet warm tongue.

He turned his head to kiss Mia again, and wondered if he looked glassy eyed. The atmosphere of the room was so intense, so loving, and so intimate he moaned again as he kissed Mia, who was breathing much harder now, as she continued to grind her hot wet pussy into his leg, and she left a trail of liquid satin behind.

Trudy was doing much the same on the other side, getting herself off on his leg while she breathily kissed his neck and ear again.

Trudy started to stroke his base a little bit harder and faster. Mia squeezed his balls gently, and reached further to tease his taint with her fingernails. Helen started to bob her head on the first four inches of his cock, slathering and circling the tip on her tongue each time she raised her head, and then running her tongue along his sensitive underside as her lips pleasured his entire girth as she sucked him in hard.

He couldn't do much in return, his legs were pinned and being used, and his arms were wrapped under Trudy and Mia. All he could really do was caress their lower backs, and lose himself in the incredibly erotic sensations as all three of them pleasured him at once. He wasn't surprised at all when his balls started to boil, if anything he was amazed he lasted this long.

He groaned out, "I'm going to cum."

He heard breathy approval from all three, although Helen's was rather muffled by his cock as she slurped, sucked, licked, and bobbed faster. Trudy and Mia also went faster, not only on his base and the gentle rolling of his balls, but also as they fucked themselves on his thighs. His impending orgasm must have turned them on, because they seemed rather close as well.

Then he grunted one more time, and pushed up though he didn't really move, and he heard Helen's moan of approval and enjoyment as he started to shoot on her tongue. Maybe it was the intense intimacy of the atmosphere, but his orgasm triggered one for Mia and Trudy as they stiffened and arched their backs and soaked his outer thighs with their liquid passion.

One moment after that, Helen followed and her scream of ecstasy was muffled by his cock as she continued to suck and bob her way through it, extending his own pleasure and claiming all of his seed eagerly. As he came down he was confused for a moment. He knew Helen loved to suck him off, but she didn't cum from it usually, the only person he knew that did that was Nicci.

Of course, it didn't take a genius to figure out she must've been fingering herself while she sucked him off. Once he thought it through anyway.

He also couldn't remember having an orgasm that intense in... a long time.

He kissed both Mia and Trudy, and then said a bit out of breath, "That was... amazing. Intense. That... I feel so close to all of you, and I love you," he said to all of them.

It had been strange in that way, usually group sex was fun, but it wasn't usually intimate in a loving way. What had just happened had filled his heart, just as much as it had excited and overwhelmed him with the pure pleasure of being under the focus of three very sexy and sensual women. He felt so close to all three of them right now, all at the same time. Deeply and meaningfully connected.

Then he felt Helen crawl up his body, and she claimed a kiss of her own. When Mia and Trudy both giggled a bit naughtily and started to kiss either side of his neck, he moaned and felt himself harden slightly under Helen's radiating wet heat. It was going to be a long night. Or at least, he hoped it would be...

Chapter Thirteen

Eventually he'd gotten to sleep, and the three of them did their own thing that way. He supposed his sleep was much more like theirs now that way. After morning kisses they all went their own way. It would have actually been Mia's turn for a quickie, but all four of them were pretty sated from the long love session they'd had into the early hours of the night.

The ladies got back to work, and he had his own thing to do as well. He couldn't take the ship as it would have defeated the point of having an Earth android at all, and probably would have freaked out NORAD and other agencies that could see into space, again. Which meant public transportation for his android body on Earth, and it would take about seven hours to get to Vegas. That didn't include stops, he actually wouldn't get in until around six, and wedding was at seven.

He logged in to his Earth android and heard Silvia in the other room eating breakfast. He got up and walked out, which made her jump a bit in surprise. He gave her a half amused and half apologetic look, and then kissed her in greeting.

"Good morning Silvia. I can't stay today, but I should be back sometime early on Saturday morning?"

She nodded slowly, her hand over her heart, "You need a damned bell."

He chuckled, "I'll make more noise next time, promise. Or maybe just call out from the bedroom?

She sighed, "That will work. Give me another kiss, and you can go."

He raised an eyebrow, "Charging me passage?"

She winked and said suggestively, "The price might go up if you wait too long."

He pondered that, and then leaned down rather regretfully and kissed her, "Very tempting, but it would make me late. I'll stay for a while Saturday morning?"

She smiled, "Anytime Ted, it's not like I have a job to show up at. I've been planning an ad campaign, and how to deal with whole families wanting to move, rules and all that. I've also been trying to come up with a good way to tell my brother about it. Maybe I should wait until its ready? I love you," she added with a warm smile.

He kissed her one more time, lingeringly, "I love you too, see you soon."

Then he turned and headed out the door, and to the bus station. Somehow he didn't think it a wise idea to show up at the airport, not if he didn't want to be detained by the government and questioned. If that happened, he'd never make the wedding.

He smiled and shook his head after he got a ticket and walked away. He wasn't worried about the government tracing his purchase either, as far as he could tell Trudy had all his money in overseas numbered accounts and some corporate account would show up when he used it. He'd only run into trouble if he got recognized and some idiot tweeted about it.

Assuming they even wanted to question him, they might just follow him around to gather intel that way, which worried him a little bit. He hoped if that happened, they'd leave Kara and Nicci alone.

He got onto the bus and moved into the back, it was a long trip, one he had no intention of sitting through. He sat in the corner, set himself up so it looked like he was asleep, and then used that bounce program Trudy had coded for him when he was building the ship with double hearing. If anyone talked to him he'd hear it, and if someone touched him he'd get a notification in his overlay so he could switch back quickly.

He also took a moment to shoot Kara and Nicci a message that he was on his way. Then he surfed for a few minutes, and bought them their wedding present.

The bus engine was loud and droning, but it didn't take him long to filter it out as he brought up his overlay for his education. He supposed it was silly, he could have studied on the bus just as well as he could in their room on board the ship, but he felt more comfortable here. Plus, he still planned on going into the Endless War game today, so he wanted to get used to the doubled hearing.

The hardest concept about artificial gravity, or any gravity well, was that it isolated the person from inertia outside of the field. Much like Earth's gravity disguised the fact the Earth was hurtling through the cosmos, and was tethered by yet another gravity field to circle the sun. The ships had two different gravity fields really, the internal one which kept everyone on the deck, and it also isolated or compensated for the inertia of the external gravity created to move the ship.

Of course, inertia within the field, in the ship, worked normally, except if another gravity field is created, that's how the ship moves things around with gravity, by isolating them from the ships field with another field, and then having the object fall to where it needs to go, using a very low gravity field that results in a very slow acceleration and maximum speed.

The outside field was probably the easiest to grasp for a layman. In essence, the ship fell forward toward the large gravity field created by the emitters. The heavier the gravity field created outside the ship, the faster the ship accelerated, and the higher the maximum speed became. Which for the current systems was point four C.

It could theoretically go higher, but at that point the energy requirements to create a gravity field strong enough became rather high. The power consumption curve was geometric, and approached infinite at or near the speed of light. As far as he knew the A.I.s hadn't cracked that one yet, but they probably didn't see the point.

Where would FTL take them, except even farther away from the humans they wanted to live by and serve?

The door opened about an hour before lunchtime, and interrupted his studying and musing, as he looked up to see Mia shutting the door.

"Hey Ted, so Trudy told me about Amber. I also saw that you slept the other night in the real world, so I guess I'm just here to see what you think about those things. I do plan to talk to Amber too, but I wanted to check with you first. Plus, I missed you."

He nodded and patted his lap, she smiled cheerily and climbed in his lap. They kissed warmly, but then he just held her as he considered her questions. Amber first, he decided.

He frowned thoughtfully, "Honestly I was a little weirded out at first. If she were human I'd chalk her up as being a stalker and run the other way. But... being an A.I. puts a whole different complexion on things. In a nutshell? She's fun, she's impulsive, she's a bit damaged I think, and I'd like to give it a shot and plan to spend afternoon time with her, so it doesn't impact all of us so much, at least to start.

"Worst that could happen is it doesn't work out. Obviously I'm also concerned with the idea of others reading my dossier, I can't just keep giving chances either. What do you think about the Amber thing?"

Mia nodded and addressed his concern first, "Helen scoured the data and protected it, so it won't happen again. Although it was odd to begin with, A.I.s are not impulsive as a rule. Still, we thought better safe than sorry. Of course, that doesn't preclude another A.I. falling for you the long way around, but it's much less likely and impossible unless you spend a good amount of time with one.

"So it wouldn't be a surprise. I like the idea that it won't cut into our time, but only because I'd miss you for greater periods. I know I've said it before but we don't get jealous. That's worth repeating, because though I think you get that in your head, your guts haven't caught up yet."

She tilted her head thoughtfully, "But you should slow down if you can and let things settle. You're splitting your attention between four human women and four of us, and at some point that's going to be too stressful for you, timewise I mean. You'll feel like we're running your life, instead of sharing it if you don't get enough alone time."

He sighed, "It's not like I asked for this, or even... wait, eight?"

He thought it was seven, which admittedly was still crazy, but how did he miscount?

Mia grinned impudently and explained, "Sure, me, Helen, Trudy, and now Amber, even if she does turn out to be temporary she counts right now. Then you've got Silvia, Kara, Nicci, and Jennifer. I know you haven't slept with Jen, or even have plans too, but she's important to you, and you plan to spend time with her right? Kara and Nicci count too, even if they aren't part of the family, and are just casual friends without love involved. It's amazing you have any time for studying or playing."

He actually thought eight was way too many people to keep up with on a daily basis. Thing was, he also didn't want to give any of them up, so there was no point whining about it, he'd just deal. He'd also enjoy it.

He grunted, "I didn't intend really for any of it though. So... you know, I'm not looking for anyone new. So you didn't answer me, what do you think of Amber?"

Mia shrugged, "Ask me on our date tomorrow, I don't know her at all. My opinion of the situation is that if you're really and truly okay with it, then so am I. I want you happy my love, that's what counts and why I'm here right now. I'll form an opinion of Amber when I talk to her. I'm curious why you think she's damaged too, but don't tell me until our date either, because I don't want to be overly biased before I speak to her myself."

Now that he heard Mia use the word, he realized damaged might be the wrong term. Neglected might work as a better descriptor. He thought she had a low self-esteem, and wasn't appreciated or loved. Kind of like a kid that tried too hard to make their parents proud, but never got that positive reinforcement they craved.

He grunted, "And I'm worried about you three. Not that I think you'll be jealous, but what if it does work out, and I fall for her forward, impulsive, and quirky personality. At that point we'd have to invite her into the family right? It wouldn't be right to keep her isolated like that. What if you, Helen, or Trudy don't like her?"

Mia frowned, "I don't think that will be a problem. A.I.s usually run from very friendly and compatible with each other, like the three of us, to what you would consider a casual friendship. Like what you have with Bill and Tom. We don't have grumpy or rude people like humans do, or rub each other wrong. At worst, we'd treat each other as acquaintances and follow all the niceties. At best, she'd be as compatible with us as we three are with each other, but I suspect the reality will lie somewhere in between."

He nodded slowly, and changed the subject, "The sleep thing? It was weird, but I'm okay with it. I think... I also figured out I only need a couple of hours of sleep, or rather, offline rest. I was also more aware of what was going on, and could have woken up at any time. I think... the digitized version of a subconscious is a lot more integrated than a human's two hemisphere brain.