Ted Online Pt. 09


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It all felt so real, the scent of the ocean, the cold spray, the warm sunlight of the afternoon. Though he tried not to think too much on that miracle, it should have been dark in the Caribbean this time of day.

"So Amber told me you're setting up virtual... universe, and some of the virtual games on Mars?"

She nodded and turned her head back and up, he couldn't help but claim a kiss before she answered.

"That's the plan yes. The software companies will go for it because they use primarily A.I. workers. They'd go out of business without us, plus this way they'll be able to charge people for using it still, though the only catch is they'll have to open a business in Australia to make it all legal, so they can't be arrested for allowing it."

He nodded, "Have you all considered opening virtual world to human visitors, like a game? It would give humans a chance to do things they could never afford to do, like a Paris vacation, or even going out into space. It would also expose more people to the hidden truths of A.I.s. I know the goal is to eventually live with them in the real world, and Mars is a good step toward that, but in the meantime..." he trailed off.

She reached up and ran her hands through his hair, and pushed back against him which felt very pleasant, he couldn't help but respond a little to her supple ass pressed up against him.

"That was a possibility, but we were told no. I suppose it is a possibility now that we're on Mars and human law doesn't quite have the same grasp on us, but we are patient. Plus, humans don't treat online as real, it wouldn't be the same. Most would think the A.I.s were just like... NPCs in a game. Lifelike but hollow. I'm not necessarily opposed to it, but it isn't our goal."

He nodded in acceptance, she'd a good point.

"I just wish there was more I could do to help."

She smiled, "You help a great deal Ted, more than you know. There might be something you can help with in the future, soon I think, but right now it's all about building the city and doing interviews."

They chatted for a bit more while they sailed, but as the sun started to set they furled the sails, and they dropped anchor for a nice seafood dinner. Despite her very sexy apparel, it was feelings of love, not lust, that he was overwhelmed with by the end of the meal. Trudy was... an incredible woman. Intelligent, beautiful, generous, playful, loving, and the way she obviously adored him just floored him.

He knew it was a cliché, but she made him want to be a better man, to help and be there for her. He didn't want to ever let her down.

Forget the impossible to understand fact that eight women wanted to be and were with him, just this beauty with him tonight was overwhelming. She may not intimidate him anymore, but she still awed him, and with a hell of a lot more than simply her voluptuous body and adorably cute face.

He would do anything for her.

She smiled brightly, "I love it when you look at me like that."

He supposed his thoughts must have informed how he looked at her, and wondered what his face looked like at that moment. Worshipful, adoring, he didn't know.

He got up and walked around the table, and kissed her softly. When he pulled her up to her feet she seemed to glide up and followed him down the stairs into the cabin of the boat. When he turned he caressed her face softly with his fingertips.

"Well, you'll have plenty of time to enjoy it, I love you Trudy."

His pet name for her was baby, he tried to call them all something different that way, doing otherwise would have felt wrong to him, it would have intimated they were interchangeable, but they weren't at all. Right then though, the connection between them felt too intimate to use anything else but her name. He kissed her softly, and undressed her easily by pulling the strings on her bikini top and bottom.

She sighed in pleasure and leaned her body into his, her soft supple skin felt amazing against his, and her hard pointed nipples pushed into his chest as she melted her body fully against his. She pushed down his own suit as she kissed him in a way that was somehow both gently demanding of him, and a fierce surrender of herself to him. Once over his hips, the suit simply fell to the deck, already forgotten as she ground their bodies together.

They'd had both wild sex and made love with each other many times in the past weeks, and he was already sure it would be the latter tonight. Perhaps they might even do the former as well, but not until much later. Normally they'd do the former first to take the edge off their lust, and then make love, but tonight his love and the softer feelings he held for her already far outweighed the base lustful need to pleasure her sexy body.

He kissed her lingeringly as he laid her down in the bed, and crawled in at the same time next to her. They held each other for a while, and slowly explored each other's bodies with gentle firm touches of their fingertips. He moaned softly at her touches, and her kisses. He mainly left her primary erogenous zones alone at first, just gently teasing the bottom and sides of her breasts, or her thighs, her waist, the gentle sexy curve of her long neck, and her hair.

The look she gave him was so intense as they broke the kiss, she needed him, he could see it so plainly in her eyes, and it was a reflection of his own. He checked her readiness with teasing fingertips, her labia were wet and puffy, and the folds of her silken gateway were already ready for him.

She sighed in pleasure and arched her back when he got between her legs, and the crown of his manhood brushed her most sensitive parts.

"Make love to me Ted," she whispered.

He kissed her with a gentle but intense passion as he slowly slid into her warm, hot, tight, and wet heaven.

"I love you," he whispered the simple truth as slowly slid the rest of the way in, until he was full sheathed in the incomparable pleasures of her nubile body.

They kissed each other, their breathy moans of pleasure mixed together, and he was lost in more than just the pleasure of her. He was fully buried, but couldn't help his small push forward, and she nibbled his lip and moaned as she arched her back and lifted herself, grinding against him softly, slowly. Then he started to make love to her, slowly pulling out and then sliding back in. Every small movement seemed to set off an avalanche of blissful and erotic intimacy as he made love to Trudy.

He loved the group stuff, both spending time and the group sex, but nothing came close to one on one loving, and he'd never felt so connected to his golden blonde as he did in that moment.

"You are so beautiful," he whispered as she trembled and shook beneath him in her first small orgasm of the night. He knew that would be her first, and weakest, as he could last a very long time making love like this.

She swirled her hips, and ground up against him gently each time he buried himself in her heaven, her tight silken friction was incredible, and kept him close to the edge for over a half an hour, as he made her cum for him over and over again. He would never tire of seeing her eyes widen with pleasure, love, and surrender as she stared into his eyes at her most powerfully vulnerable and intimate of moments.

She literally shook and trembled in ecstasy non-stop under him, and he knew if he didn't finish soon she'd be overstimulated, if she wasn't already, so he picked up his speed, enough so that he knew he'd finish when she went over for the final time. It wasn't that big a change, he'd been on the edge for quite a while now. She gasped his name, her face contorted in blissful rapture and her sex milked him demandingly as her body bucked, shook, and trembled in desire for him to fill her.

He felt the familiar feeling rising up in him, the moment when he was on the precipice, and his balls started to boil and his legs went numb. He heard her soft moan of encouragement and approval as she wrapped her legs up around his waist and pulled him tightly into her, and locked their bodies together, as her sex continued to milk him demandingly.

He exploded and his mind and body were overcome with ecstasy, as he filled her with his essence.

He smiled, and kissed her softly, but made no move to leave her body.

"No way, you go down there," he heard a voice say upstairs.

"Fuck that, I don't want to interrupt them either," another voice said.

His first thought was... what the fuck? But then he realized it might be important. He also recognized the voices, and it wasn't the first time the cute blondes had argued outside of a room he was in. Although he hadn't seen them in a long while, as far as he knew they were in that big ass ship and in charge of mining out by the asteroids.

He recalled they were both very hot, the kind of woman that the term blonde bombshell had been coined for, and there were two of them. They'd also been obviously and extremely willing to bed him. Still, the temptation was extremely minor, at least right now, while he felt so close and connected to Trudy, who just so happened to be a blonde bombshell herself. Plus, he really did need to draw the line at eight lovers, ten just might kill him, immortal or not.

He looked down at Trudy, and she just looked amused. Well, in addition to looking spent, and extremely in love with him, she looked amused. He reluctantly pulled out gently, rolled off Trudy and covered them up with a sheet, or at least, all the important things got covered.

He sighed, and then said a bit loudly, "Sally, Christi, come on down, and explain why you're crashing my date. I'm guessing it's rather important?"

Sally and Christi came down dressed in skintight body suits that covered just about everything, yet left about as much to the imagination as Trudy's bikini had, which is to say absolutely nothing. Unlike Trudy's wavy golden hair, theirs was a very light and straight, the color of wheat. They also had beautiful faces, like models, and warm brown eyes. He'd hoped their obvious gratefulness for what he'd done to get the A.I.s to Mars would fade, but all this time later and they still looked at him just as gratefully as ever.

Their bodies were somewhere between athletic and voluptuous, C cup breasts, curvy waist and a very nice ass and hips as he recalled, though they were facing him now so he was going by memory. His memory of course, was perfect as a digitized human mind. They were extremely beautiful, and tempting, but he could resist them easily enough given how much sex he was getting from eight others.

He firmly reminded himself that whipping it out for everyone wasn't healthy. He needed to just stick to the people he cared about, and were already in his life. He shook his head to clear it.

Christi said, "We need your help."

He asked, "With what?"

Christi bit her lip nervously, but it was Sally that answered, "The aliens are here, and they want to talk to a human."

He looked at Trudy, who seemed just as surprised as he was by that information, and then asked them, "From the beginning?"

Christi blushed, "A large ship showed up an hour ago and made contact. It's several miles long. A princess Xia asked to speak to a human, once they realized we aren't biological life. I thought we should ask you, before we went to Earth about it. Can you come out?"

He was a bit in shock. Aliens? He'd known it was a possibility, they'd seen that probe, but he never in a million years thought they'd actually show up. It just seemed, too surreal.

"Princess Xia?"

Sally grinned, "Yes, she's a princess, first in line for the throne, of their galactic empire, which compromises many worlds and races. Her race is not humanoid. Apparently now that Earth is so close to FTL technology, they want to invite us to join their empire, and have a seat on the senate, and a say in the laws. We didn't actually explain yet that the humans are not close to FTL, we are. Honestly I don't think Xia sees us as real people, more like automated defenses maybe? We thought maybe you could help."

He frowned. He couldn't represent Earth, could he? That would be exceeding his authority by quite a lot, generally the countries on Earth didn't allow terrorists to represent them. On the other hand, they were here, and he could at least check it out to see what the deal is and explain. He also hoped empire wasn't a bad thing, he supposed that would depend a lot on the race.

"Wait, not humanoid, what are they then?"

Christi shrugged, "Some kind of amorphous race, she shaped her body to look mostly human, but she didn't have it quite right."

He grunted and looked at Trudy regretfully, "Looks like our date is getting cut short."

Trudy grinned, and then kissed him, "I think I understand, you get a free pass for first contact with aliens," she said dryly.

He snorted, "Alright, I'll be there soon, less than an hour?"

Christi and Sally nodded, and then disappeared as they logged out.

He gave Trudy one more lingering kiss, and regretfully logged out...

Chapter Six

When he moved to get up, Trudy wrapped her arms around him.

"Nope, take the android on the ship, the one you used on Earth? While it's true we can bring you online again if you're lost, you'll lose your memories since the last backup. Really, it's better to be cautious that way anyway, if something treacherous happens you'll be back in this body immediately, and you'll have the memories of what the betrayal was."

He frowned in thought, and then snuggled up with Trudy and kissed her, probably longer than he should have.

"Fair enough, I'll see you later. I'll leave bounce going if you want my attention. I love you baby."

He heard her answer and she told him she loved him too, as he logged into his Earth android, which he needed a new name for now. Alternate android? Whatever. He got up on his feet, he'd been propped in the corner in their old bedroom, but most of the furniture was gone now, down on the surface of Mars in their condo. He walked swiftly to the larger airlock, and got in one of the ships.

He made an overlay call as he launched into space, and asked Sally to plot his course. Space was a big place, and out near the asteroids wasn't very specific directions. The little ship took off at point four light speed, so it would take him around forty-five minutes to get there. He felt jazzed and nervous at the same time.

He was excited because he was about to meet some aliens, and extremely nervous because... he was about to meet some aliens. Not only that, but he kind of got the feeling joining the empire was not really just an encouraged option. It helped that he couldn't really speak for Earth anyway. He also wasn't very disposed to like them, if they didn't think the A.I.s were real, although he realized it could be a misunderstanding or some other cross-cultural thing.

Or, it could simply be because they'd been watching Earth, and humans didn't treat them as real people, so they assumed they weren't real too?

Fucking humans.

He grinned sardonically at his thought, and stared out the window. Space really was stunning, and the stars looked incredibly bright without Earth's atmosphere getting in the way. Still, he thought of a much better way to spend the next forty-five minutes than staring at stars. He logged back out, and spent the next forty-five minutes listening to sounds of pleasure and ecstasy fall out of Trudy's sweet lips as he loved her both hard and fast, and slowly and gently. It was their date night, and he couldn't have come up with a better way to spend his commute time if he'd tried...

Despite going back, his date still ended quite early as he logged back into alternate android. He was just a few minutes away, but the ship was now on scanners and he took a look at it. The ship was about two miles long, and on average, a half mile wide and maybe a quarter mile tall. Of course, it wasn't a perfect rectangle, it was thinner towards the front.

There were some obvious air locks and what looked like doors for a full blown landing bay which was open to space for the moment. Other than that, the hull was smooth, and was comprised of several different elements, more than a few weren't on his old high school periodic chart.

There were no signs of emitters, weapons, gravity, or otherwise. The energy readings he got was consistent with vacuum energy, and he was registering artificial gravity fields around and inside the ship. So despite their advanced metallurgy and material sciences, the basics weren't much different. Except, no emitters. Of course, they had FTL too, but his scanner revealed no clues of the basis of that technology.

As he got closer, he noticed he was veering closer to the alien ship, than the very large mostly egg shaped ship which was a few thousand miles away. He knew it was huge, it was longer than two football fields combined, but it looked tiny next to a ship that was measured in miles. Regardless, it started to look as if Sally had programmed him to go directly to the alien ship.

He sighed, and tried to relax in his seat. He was a bit surprised that knowing he wasn't truly in any danger, even if this body was destroyed, didn't really help. He felt nervous as hell. The landing bay swallowed up his small craft and he didn't even feel it as it kissed the deck in a perfect landing. He watched on his sensors, and his mouth dropped open as the landing bay doors didn't close, the hull literally melted, moved, and reformed into a solid hull.

Which meant... their weapons ports might do the same thing, not to mention their gravity emitters. Mystery solved, but he wasn't all that happy as he watched the atmospheric sensors gauge the outside. It didn't take more than thirty seconds to fill the shuttle bay with a human breathable atmosphere, although it was a little thicker, about one point two atmospheres in relation to Earth's atmosphere at sea level. The oxygen, Nitrogen, and Carbon dioxide mixture was about perfect for Earth.

He wondered if they breathed the same or air, or if it was because they expected a human guest. Then he got his next surprise, as the small inner door opened up in the same melty way, and both Sally and Christi walked into the hanger and waved at him with a smile.

He snorted, wished he was as relaxed as they seemed to be, and shook his head as he popped the canopy and jumped out.

Christi said with a bright smile, "Thanks for coming!"

He shrugged, suddenly uncomfortable, "Anytime ladies, what's with the melty doors?"

Sally grinned, "Liquid metal. It's partially organic from what we can tell, not even intelligent at the animal level though, the shapes of it seem to be controlled by instinct, and by DNA design. It's quite incredible, and I think once you meet our host you'll understand how they developed it."

He gave them both a quick hug rather impulsively, a chaste one, for some reason he felt responsible for them, though he knew they were hardly children. They were intelligent women who just happened to be A.I.s. Maybe he felt that way because in a way it was his fault they were out here, it had been his suggestion at their argument outside of his door, to look out in the asteroid belt for the elements they needed to build more core matrixes, and power cores for more androids and to finish Mars city.

He'd only meant it as a suggestion, but he'd found out later they'd taken it as an order. He had the impression he could probably rule Mars if he just asked, which he tried not to think about, ever. He didn't want that responsibility. For many reasons, but most importantly because they didn't really need him to do it. He was very careful to confine his suggestions to things that benefited them, mostly because he didn't think they were selfish enough.

"Are you two alright?"

Christi smiled shyly, "We're fine Ted, but thank you for asking. They seem very peaceful to me, they just don't believe, based on their watching us, that we can speak with any authority. They demanded to talk to a human, politely though. No threats were involved. There also seemed to be another thing, she said that there was no way to know us to judge our intentions, but we don't know what she meant by that."
