Ted Online Pt. 10


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Amber, of course.

It wasn't even close to a two sided battle this time, spells flew and the invaders breached the walls with almost contemptuous ease. His spells were powerful now, doing a hundred eighty or so against each five creatures hit, but it was like using thimblefuls of water to put out a forest fire.

He casted Balefire less and less, as he kept having to replace his lost demons more and more often, and he didn't even see the end coming when it came.

Pain filled his mind for a moment, as the trick he used on the roving patrols out of the north gate to kill their caster was used on him. Since it was area spells this time, there was nothing Amber could do to block it. They were hit with at least ten different chain spells at once which probably did three times the damage necessary, and everything went dark.

You have been killed!

You have lost a level! You are now level 33!

"Fuck," he muttered under his breath. First death and all. It was bound to happen, but that didn't mean he was happy about it.

The lights came back on so to speak, and he was in the starting room with Kara, he assumed all his summoned demons were toast. He looked up at Genevieve who kind of shrugged helplessly, and then as if remembering her role, she winked at him sexily and outrageously licked her lips.

He laughed.

Kara snorted, and then kissed him.

"So what's the plan?"

Kara leaned in and whispered sultrily, "We wait for Nicci to join us, and then we go have wild, uninhibited, passionate, and wanton sex until we can't move my love."

He felt pleasure shoot up his spine as his cock twitched. He wasn't sure what turned him on more, her sexy sultry words, or the fact that she'd called him my love. The fact that she wasn't denying what passed between them the other day meant a lot to him.

As far as her plan. That... sounded like a pretty damned good idea to him. Maybe dying wasn't so bad after all, there were still hours left in the afternoon, and then Nicci appeared in the room with a sad pout on her face...

He'd barely gotten out of the shower, and moved into the closet to get dressed for his date in the real world on Earth, when he heard Xia's voice through the bounce program.

"Ted, are you present?"

He bounced over to the other android, and opened his eyes.

He said in a respectful tone, "Princess Xia, what can I do for you?"

She reached out and touched his chest, "I have had time to ponder, and I've come to thank you for saving my life, and the lives of my crew. Many of the races would have taken advantage of our diminished capacity, and not worked to free us from our haze of lust and pleasure. We've been in conference with my mother, and we've started to develop a protocol."

He asked, "A protocol?"

She nodded, "Yes, we will only be able to change to human form while off duty, so two thirds of the crew will be in their primary form at all times. We also took a page from your book, we are developing a slow acting poison which will limit our changes to eight of your Earth hours at a time. This poison will actually increase the pleasure we feel, and only become uncomfortable when the end is near so we know to change back. We're still working on it."

He pondered that, he imagined it would be easy for a species that could shuffle DNA like a Vegas dealer shuffled cards to tailor a poison that did just that. He was also a little disturbed by the idea of a suicide pill so they could continue to enjoy the physical joys of the human form and human pleasure, but they were alien.

She continued, "Tomorrow morning, if all goes well and is approved by the empress, we will land. She finds you intriguing, and wants to meet you before the next meeting of the senate."

Her statue body flowed into her normal shape, and then she surrounded his body and gave him a full body hug that felt incredible.

"What are you doing?"

Her voice seemed to come from behind him, "As I said, I am thanking you. I can't think of a better way to show my gratitude to a human lifeform than to give the gift of pleasure."

He gasped and moaned as his mind was overloaded by the sensations of her warm encasing flesh. She caressed the back of his neck, his earlobes, his neck, his shoulders, his thighs, his chest, his taint, all with the light fluttering soft touch that felt like a million fingertips brushing his body all at the same time.

Simultaneously to all that, she squeezed and massaged his ass cheeks firmly, while her warm body slightly opened his puckered star and invaded his ass, and she massaged his prostate. He might or might not have been freaked out at having her inside of himself, but right now he couldn't think at all. All he could do was experience the pleasure of her warm soft body encasing his,

He felt the lightest touch of all against him as his balls rolled in her warm encompassing flesh, while she hugged his now rock hard eight-inch cock firmly, and stimulated and milked his shaft hard, while his extremely sensitive tip was lightly stroked.

All of those sensations, from the back of his neck, down to his thighs, were all done at exactly the same time, in a perfect storm of harmonious pleasures that rocked his mind. It was also highly strange, having this shapeless entity give him the most intense pleasure he'd ever felt in his life. Perversely, it may have even made it hotter for him.

He didn't count, but it was fifteen seconds tops before his orgasm hit him out of nowhere like a tornado touching ground, and his body exploded into bliss. Her enveloping body was so intense, and she continued to firmly milk both his prostrate, and his hard, while she caressed the rest of his flesh as he came inside of her body. He was lost in the sensations, and the pleasure. The fact that it was an alien princess giving him this pleasure in her base form had his mind spinning as well, but he couldn't really think at all in that moment.

After what seemed like forever, he came down to her continued but much more gentle ministrations. He gasped a breath of air when he could breathe again.

"Xia, that was incredible, thank you."

She moved off of him and reformed, "It was my thanks, but you can always return the favor, next time I'm human that is. I look forward to that time very much, the dildos and strap-on toys are nice, as are fingers and tongues, but I prefer the feel of your huge cock over them."

The matter of fact and almost passionless delivery threw him off a bit, but not that much. His mind was still in a haze of post bliss.

"It would be my pleasure as well princess. The form you chose is very pleasing to me."

She replied, "I must get back to my command crew, we still have a lot to work out protocol wise, with the inclusion of Earth in the empire, and of course, with designing the limitations on being human for pleasure and relaxation in our off time. I think it is perhaps very fortunate that you are only human in mind, and not body. That will make things a little less complicated when you join us on the planet. Specifically, we won't have to keep you here until we disseminate the protocols to all of our people. Until then Ted Stedman, welcome to Xaran, our empire will be richer with you as a part of it."

He watched a little in amazement, as she slid over to the door and out into the corridor. He wondered if he was still locked in this room, but seeing as he had no reason to leave it, he decided to leave well enough alone and sat back down before he bounced back to Mars. He had to get dressed. He loved Silvia to distraction, and tonight would be another first date of sorts, just as Amber's was, but he wasn't at all nervous about his date after what Xia just did to relax him...

Chapter Twenty

Silvia looked stunningly attractive tonight, just beautiful. Her long brunette hair was down, and her wide brown eyes and exotic Eurasian features could easily grace the cover of a magazine even in her mid-thirties. Her body was neither athletic or voluptuous, but fell somewhere between the two. Her fully rounded C cup breasts were supported in a relatively modest dark blue evening dress.

The dress had layers, and the dark blue opaque part hugged every curve tightly, but the semi-sheer flowing second layer hid enough of her body's delights to show both promise and mystery. Most of her cleavage was covered by the single shoulder strap dress, and the hem of it reached three quarters of the way down her thighs. Both conservative and sexy.

She grinned and said teasingly, "You can close your mouth now Ted, you're going to catch flies."

He shrugged a little sheepishly, and gently pulled her into a tender and loving embrace.

"You my love, are absolutely stunning, or perhaps striking is a better description, since I seemed to have been struck dumb for a moment by your beauty."

She snickered, and kissed him softly on the cheek, "Thank you Ted, I love when you look at me like that, so never apologize, and leer away."

He objected, "It was more adoring, or perhaps reverent, the leering comes after dinner."

He'd seen her every day all week of course, he'd taken to cooking her breakfast every morning, just to stay connected and so he knew how she was doing. Not that he was checking up on her, he just wanted to make sure she was happy, and she seemed to be very happy. It was also a subtle way to do it, and he could still give her the space she craved during the day while she worked.

Regardless, the point was she always looked stunning to him, even in ratty work out sweats, but she'd outdone herself in the dress she had on. He loved the tight teasing dresses that left little to the imagination, but the teasingly demure ones that left most things to the imagination were just as devastatingly effective that way, if not more so.

He longed to see what the dress hid. Despite the fact he was already intimately familiar with every curve of her body.

She smirked, and took his hand. They walked up to the roof and got inside the yellow VW bug ship, and after passing through the domes mid-sized airlock, they headed towards Earth.

"So how is everything going?"

She pondered that a second before replying.

"Honestly, wonderful. A lot of families have already responded, and some are even in Australia even though they have at least two months before we're ready for them. They were afraid their governments would restrict flights to Australia, if they get angry enough that Australia is okay with A.I.s, and what we're doing. I'm also excited about our date tonight, and you've been perfect, attentive but you've left me space, which is exactly what I'd hoped you would do."

He sensed a but in there, she'd been sincere but her tone indicated there was something else.

"But?" he prompted as he pulled her over against him, and guided her to lean back into the crook of his shoulder.

She giggled, "It's not a big deal, I'm just being a whiner really. Everything is perfect, except now that the ads are out, all I can do right now is wait. In seven weeks I'll be busy with inspecting the facility, and then with incoming families, and I hope that flow will never end. But right now, I'm kind of out of things to do."

He nodded, and kissed her hair, "You should talk to Mia and Trudy, I bet the androids have been hiding medical advances as well, if you're interested in that sort of thing. Maybe they could even improve on your tech, or make it less invasive for the families of the handicapped."

She asked curiously, "What do you mean?"

He shrugged, "Some families will inevitably be spit up, husbands and wives as one or the other takes their kid here, and one has to stay behind to work, get their other kid to school, or some other reason. Or even extended family, like close cousins. Obviously they wouldn't need the maintenance nanites or feeding tech, but if you could make a small implant for VR work like the Pod's VR does, those estranged family members can meet online. Parents can still be intimate, and it would feel like the real thing."

She frowned, "That's a really good idea, anything else? I sense you're holding back too."

He cleared his throat, "Well, this idea would be another ten to fifteen years of testing and work, but I'm almost sure it's possible. It would also, in the end, make the Pods completely unnecessary."

She stiffened in his arms, "What?"

He nodded and kissed her hair, "The Xaran's have a technology, and we will soon as well, that literally creates matter from energy. That's how they built a bedroom and got an Earthlike atmosphere so quickly."

She nodded slowly, "And? I'm not seeing what you're seeing."

He sighed, "Well, they also used it to make food, organic food, with real DNA."

She gasped, "So you think it might be able to create or regenerate nerves, so we could actually fix spinal injuries, or even birth defects."

He nodded, "I don't know, I'm just a layman, maybe that's impossible. Or maybe even DNA repair is possible to extend life. Like I said, talk to Mia, and maybe Trudy. Between the three of you I think if it's possible you'd figure it out. Still, that would take years to make happen responsibly, so the VR idea is a good one too, for the short term."

She turned her head, reached her arm back, and pulled him into a kiss.

She smirked, "Plus I'd be able to go online with you too?"

He tried to look innocent, "That had occurred to me yes, but it wasn't the impetuous to the idea. After all, I quite like the idea of taking you to dinner on Earth."

She groaned.

He asked, "What?"

She giggled, "Do you have any idea how busy I'll be? If I complain about being bored in twenty years keep your mouth shut."

He laughed, he knew she didn't really mean it, "Sorry my love."

She moaned softly at his words and touch, turned toward him, and they kissed and groped like teenagers until they made it down to Earth. Neither of them had been to Sydney before, so they looked around in fascination as the ship acted like a car. Of course, given the seventeen-hour time difference, they were actually going to be eating lunch.

The rest of their date went by without talking about medical breakthroughs or ideas, although he could tell she was excited by the idea. Still, they focused on each other, and she acted like he was the center of her universe. He remembered the promise that she'd made, that she was a pain in the ass workaholic who got lost in her work, but when they were together she would be completely and passionately his, and only his.

And she was, so completely his. The love, complete trust, and passion in her eyes attested to the fact.

Dr. Silvia Trent was an amazing, passionate, and brilliant woman, and she had the beauty of a goddess as well.

He would never forget what a lucky man he was, or take her for granted. They had a lot of fun during the meal, and afterwards he took her to the Royal Botanical Gardens where they talked lightly, and petted each other only slightly on the right side of scandalous public behavior. They may have been recognized, he wasn't sure, because she was the center of his universe during their date too, and he couldn't look away.

That night he loved her both hard and soft, doggie style with a spanking, and face to face as they made love. Their third round she rode him, and he got lost in watching her get lost in pleasure as she got herself off on him. Since it wasn't online, the others they lived with made themselves scarce until the early morning hours.

"I love you Silvia," he whispered in her ear, as he spooned her.

They were both beyond sated.

She replied, "I love you too Ted. So much. Thank you for being you. I..." she giggled.

He asked, "What?"

She snickered, "I'm laughing at myself, because I can't wait to have our child, so we can have another one. I'll never leave you Ted, just promise me you'll come get me, and drag me home, or fuck me over my desk, if I get too lost in my work. I get too focused, and lost in my work... I don't want to be forgotten with all the other beauties around you if I make myself scarce."

He pulled her tighter against himself, "I promise, and I have a perfect memory. I'm actually looking forward to invading your office and having my way with your sexy body."

She sighed, and wiggled herself back against him, "Good," she said in a firm but slightly dreamy tone of voice.

He held her tightly, as she slept, for several minutes he just took in her scent, and her loving body in his arms. It never occurred to him before that she'd be nervous that he would leave her because of her workaholic personality, but in hindsight he supposed he should have. The time they did spend together would be intense, and memories of that would get him to their next one.

Still, he couldn't imagine tiring of her, ever. The need to track her down and take her, on occasion, wasn't exactly a burden, and actually sounded kind of fun. Some of the hottest sex they'd ever had was in her old office. Not that tonight hadn't been incredible, because it had been.

While with him, she loved him with everything she had without reservation, and held back nothing. She was a very passionate woman so that was saying something. He kissed her hair tenderly one more time while she slept, before he did his offline sleep backup and optimization thing.

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dontyouwishyouknewdontyouwishyouknew6 months ago

This is a great story!

I would point out that in a previous chapter, when Ted and company visited the museum, the room was incorrectly described as an octagon. Further description listed one door on each wall and 5 angels at each door, for a total of 25 angels. This headcount was later confirmed in the next chapter, irc. The correct description of the room would be a pentagon, not an octagon. Not a big deal, and as with other minor editing issues, easy enough to get past without difficulty.

I have a comment regarding some other commenters: Some people seem to think the author writes stories for them, which is total bs. Too much sex, too little sex, too much plot, etc etc whine whine whine. (And yes, if you read my post history I believe you will find one saying I prefer less sex...) But there is a difference between leaving a comment/suggestion vs demanding changes. To those that expect things to be 'their way', I suggest you learn2scrolldown or learn2closetab and find something else to do. The authors that post here are doing us all a favor, and I for one am most grateful!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Silvia's dossier?

Hi I thought the AIs would read Silvia's dossier once she got to Mars? Or did I just miss it?

hardheadd1hardheadd1over 7 years ago

Wonderful as always. Will be a sad day when this ends.

ThitabeThitabeover 7 years ago
Please continue this story.

I love this story line very much and look forward to reading it every time you post. I agree, there is a lot that can be done with this story. With him on a intergalactic governing body there are a lot of possibilities. Please think about it and create a fourth book that takes him through the other galactic beings. plus with Kara and Nicci now proclaiming their love for him and with them still having another year of schooling there is still a lot that can be done there, like having them visit on mars as well.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Looking forward to seeing the next few chapters but I think Ted's saga could be never ending just think of all the other planets to explore and ET's to help.

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