Temple of Disgust

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He's taken by the disgusting nuns of an evil goddess.
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CONTENT WARNING: This story is exceedingly disgusting. It contains filthy stinking bodies, bodily fluids and scat.


I run. The heavy branch I use as a club slows me down, but without it I am defenseless. The wolves are not far behind me, they fear the club, but know that I cannot outrun them. I probably killed one of them when they first attacked, and now they stay at a respectful distance, but they do not give up. I can maybe run for an hour more, then I have to stop and make my last stand.

I continue to run, delaying the inevitable. Then I see it: buildings behind a wall. For a moment I feel hope, then I realize where I am. It is the temple of Solep-Aksa. Only women are allowed to enter, and only to stay forever. I know that if a man enters the gate, his corpse will be burnt in front of the gate at dawn three days later.

I run towards the temple. I will live three days longer this way!

As I approach the gate, the wolves instinctively sense that their prey may escape, and attack again. I hit one with my club without breaking stride, then I see the gate opening. I do not see the archers, but I hear the bows and the yelps of the wolves as they die. Just before reaching the gate I see a burnt place on the ground, it has been a while since a pyre was burning there, but I guess that will soon change.

I run through the gate and hear it close behind me. Three women with bows are greeting me. I have never seen a sight like this! The youngest is perhaps 18, she is wearing a long white dress that reaches almost down to her ankles. The dress has clearly not been washed recently, it is spotted by food and other things, her bare feet are muddy and her hair looks like it should be washed. The second is two or three years older, her dress was probably also white once, but is now a dirty brown. It is frayed and torn, and a big tear exposes her right breast. She is at least as dirty as the younger woman. The third woman is perhaps in her early thirties, she is completely naked, and incredibly dirty. It looks like she has not only stopped washing her hair a decade ago, but at some point she had stopped combing it, too. None of them looks like they are ashamed, neither of their nakedness or of their lack of basic hygiene.

"That was a narrow escape," the oldest woman says. "But unfortunately men are not allowed here. We will have to put you in a cell for the night, tomorrow the Mother Superior will deside your fate."

Resistance is futile. I dropped my club in the last mad dash to the gate, the three women are armed and look strong, and where would I escape to? Outside the gate, the wolves are still howling. I let them take me to a small, dark cell. There is a bench to sit on, and a bucket with a lid to piss in. A tiny opening lets in the last light of the day. The door closes, and is locked from the outside.

I am a prisoner in the temple of Solep-Aksa!

Maybe I should not have entered the gate. The wolves would be eating me now, but perhaps that is a better fate. Dying just outside her temple would most likely attract Solep-Aksa's attention, but perhaps some of the other gods would still try to claim my soul...

Solep-Aksa, goddess of evil, goddess of chaos. Goddess of famine and infertility. Goddess of death...

You do not worship Solep-Aksa, not even evil people want to attract her attention by doing that. You worship against her, pray to other gods and goddesses to protect you from her. And communities and towns will occasionally make human sacrifices to appease her. Murderers and rapists are taken to one of her six unmanned shrines, where they are chained up and left to die of thirst and hunger. And once in a while a young woman is selected, and given to one of the three temples. She must be eighteen years old, as that is six times three, and those numbers are important for Solep-Aksa. She must not be a virgin, but nor must she ever have been pregnant. It is a terrible fate to be given to the temple: not only must she spend her life there, but when she dies her soul belongs to the goddess.

Maybe I will share fate with the murderers and rapist, doomed to die of thirst in this cell and be burned at dawn in three days, so my soul can go to an undoubtedly horrible afterlife in Aksaheim.

My dark thoughts are interrupted as the door to the cell is open. It is the youngest and the oldest woman from before. The older, naked one is holding a drawn sword in her hand, while the younger one enters my cell with a tray. There is a candle, a jug of water, and a plate with some bread and sausage. They even give me a short knife to cut the sausage, its tip is rounded and it is quite blunt, obviously chosen because it is useless as a weapon. They do not speak to me, and quickly leave the cell.

The bread is good, and plentiful, and the sausage is fat and tasty, not what I expected in a prison. I am famished, but there is enough food to satisfy me. With a full stomach, my mood is somewhat better, and I lie down to get some sleep.

I wake up when the first light is entering through the tiny window. Just as I have finished relieving myself in the bucket, the door opens again. The same two women give me my breakfast, the same bread but this time with cheese. I try to speak to them, but they do not reply.

Perhaps an hour passes, then the door is opened again. This time it is four women, the thirty-year old naked one and the one with the torn and dirty dress. One of the two others is also naked and perhaps in her late twenties. The last is young, in her early twenties, and wearing a dress that looks like it has been washed in shit. It is completely brown, and looks like the lower half has rotted away, exposing her incredibly hairy pussy for all to see. Like the other women, she does not seem to feel any shame.

"The Mother Superior is ready to see you."

I follow the four women to another building, where I am led into what I assume is the office of the Mother Superior. She, too, is around thirty, naked, and disgustingly dirty. She looks sternly at me, and speaks.

"Men are not allowed here in the temple," she says.

"I know. But the wolves were chasing me, had I not entered the temple I would have died."

"That is irrelevant. Not for you, of course, for you it is very relevant that you would have been eaten alive. But for us it is irrelevant, you have entered the temple of Solep-Aksa ..."

"Praised be her name!" the four other women chant in unison.

"... and have forfeited your life. But your timing is good. One slave is allowed in the temple at any time, and the previous just left us. Being slave to so many women is demanding, and he had a weak heart. He is now with Solep-Aksa."

"Praised be her name!"

"Had he still been here, we would have had to kill you and burn your body. Now we will enslave you instead. You will never leave the temple again, and you will be required to serve and please us as women. You have no name now, you are to be know as 'Slave' and will obey us all.

"When a young woman comes here, all her clothes and belonging are burned, and she is given a single white dress. It is all she is allowed to own, and it will not be replaced when it wears out. You will not even be given that. Remove your clothes, they will soon be burned."

I do not think I have a choice, so I strip naked and allow them to take my clothes away.

"All the women here are holy," she continued, "And as holy women they are not allowed to wash. But you are nothing, merely a slave. It will be your duty to wash every morning, and always be clean and attractive. Approach, Slave, you can start by licking my pussy."

"But that is forbidden!" I protest. "No one may have sex that way, or ..."

"Or their souls belong to our goddess. But our souls already belong to her, and she likes it when we break the laws. Come and lick my pussy, or be prepared to die."

I approach the Mother Superior. She stinks of sweat and piss and other disgusting things. Her naked body is covered with grime and dirt. Her greasy hair is a tangle, and I can see how dirt is accumulating between and below her large breasts. As I kneel in front of her and she spreads her legs, I can see lice moving in her pussy hair. The smell is overwhelming as I kiss her between the legs. I begin licking her, the taste of woman is strong. A small amount of slime slides out of her, and I let it run down her leg. I find the tickler, and start sucking it. She gasps in pleasure. I reach up and begins massaging one of her breasts.

As I lick her, the taste becomes less vile, and I feel my cock grow hard. Eventually, she squirts all over my face.

"Now you will do the same for the four ladies here. You can start with Siri."

Siri is the naked woman who met me at the gate. She sits on the desk of her Mother Superior, and spreads her legs. Again I dive in, and lick her pussy. The smell overwhelms me, and I almost puke, but soon I have cleaned her somewhat, the taste improves and I concentrate on giving her pleasure. As slime slides out of her pussy and down her legs, she commands me to lick it off. Then she want me to suck her breasts, they are small, firm, and filthy. When I am done with her, her breasts and the skin around her pussy is noticeably less dirty than the rest.

The last two women command me to lie on my back, on the Mother Superior's desk. The one I met at the gate impales herself on my cock, while the one with the shit-colored remnant of a dress sits on my face - I later learn her name is Yulia. She does smell a bit more of shit than the two older women, as if she never wipes her ass. She forces her extremely hairy pussy onto my face, and my mouth is filled with pubic hair and lice. Somehow, a part of me still enjoy the ordeal, and I come inside one pussy, with my tongue in another.

Finally, I am allowed to take my leave of the Mother Superior. As we exit the building, I see the young woman with the almost white dress waiting for us.

"Are you done with him? Can I take him?" she asks eagerly. "Come with me, slave. I am Agra, you will sleep with me tonight."

She takes me to another building, with many small cells where the women are obviously living. Each cell is barely large enough for a bed, and Agra takes me directly to hers. She bids me lie down on my back, then she pulls up her dress and mounts me.

"I am not allowed to take this off, unfortunately," she explains. "But we can still have fun." With those words she grabs my cock, and guides it into herself. I am tired, but eventually I come, filling her pussy with my seed. But she is hallowed to Solep-Aksa, I sincerely doubt she can get pregnant.

After we have sex, we lie down together, but soon I feel the need to shit.

"I need to ... relieve myself, could you show me the ... erm ... toilets?"

She laugh, "Sure. I need to shit as well, let's go to the latrine."

Latrine. The word makes me think of soldiers shitting in a trench. As it turns out, that is not far from the truth. At the edge of the compound, near the outer wall, a trench has been dug and the stem of a young tree placed over it to sit on, a foot above the ground. As we approach, I see to my horror something moving in the pit.

"There is someone in the latrine, in the shit!" I exclaim.

Agra nodded. Two shit-smeared heads turn and looked at us.

"That's horrible. What have they done to be punished in such a cruel and humiliating way?"

"They are not being punished, they have volunteered. They do it for the honor of Solep-Aksa, it's called the 'latrine sacrifice'. It is disgusting, but not humiliating, we will honor them greatly when they get out."

I look at Agra with horror, the question dies on my lips. But she answers anyway.

"No, I have never done it myself, and I guess I never will. It is so gross, you have to stay there for months. And it is quite dangerous, a third of those who attempt the latrine sacrifice die, either from infections or from diarrhea. They are only given very little food, they have to eat shit to get enough. But there is so little nourishment in shit, so they have to eat a lot of it."

Agra looks slightly sick at the thought. "Still, a few have done it twice. And they say that Mother Superior did it three times, that is one of the reasons she was chosen."

Agra sits on the wooden log, and the two poor wenches move in position below her. One of them catches her piss in her open mouth, the other holds out her hands to catch the shit, which they both eat. I take a deep breath, and sit on the log myself. I do not look down, but hear them move below me.

I feel sick as we walk back to Agra's cell, but she quickly gives me something else to think about. She orders me to lick her pussy until she comes, and then to sleep with her in my arms.

In the following weeks I settle into my new life as sex slave in the temple complex of Solep-Aksa. A large part of my time is spent servicing the women, sometimes in their cells, sometimes out in open where we fuck without shame. Occasionally I see two of the women do the same, in the gardens among the crops, or in the small square in from the main temple building.

I have other duties, too. I am expected to help tending the gardens and small fields that feed the community, although I am not expected to do more work there than the women. And I am not allowed to participate in the weekly hunts in the forests around the temple complex.

Most afternoons some of the women will go to the temple itself, where the older teach the younger. Whatever mysteries of Solep-Aksa are taught there, they are not for my ears. At other times of the day, they will enter the temple alone, to sit in contemplation and meditation. The thought of worshiping Solep-Aksa does not appeal to me, but I feel it might be wise to join, attempting to keep the goddess happy, she who will rule both my life and my afterlife. But the Mother Superior disagrees, I am not to enter the temple except on Mondays.

Every Monday they hold the Main Worship, and I join them all in the temple, a large building in the middle of the temple complex. Inside, it is a great hall with somber lighting coming from the small windows high up on the wall. The worshipers stand in the hall, facing a small altar upon a dais. Behind the altar is a large statue of Solep-Aksa, maybe 10 feet tall. She is depicted as a naked woman, human apart from the fangs in her mouth. Her facial expression is aggressive, in her right hand she holds a slightly curved saber, in her left the chopped-off head of a man. Her eyes are glowing faintly red.

The Main Worship consists of the Mother Superior reading from holy texts, interrupted by brief interludes of communal song. The holy texts are pretty boring, and many of the subjects elude me. However, a recurring theme is the prophesies for the final battle between Solep-Aksa and the other gods, a theme I already know from my (somewhat rare) visits to other temples, with one important difference: here Solep-Aksa is expected to win. And any mention of these prophesies ends with the same strange sentence: "Alone she will outnumber the gods, and be victorious!"

Right after my first Main Worship, Agra and two other women demand my services on the square in front of the temple building. I do my best, and at the end I am quite exhausted.

"Now I understand why my predecessor died from a heart attack," I say, only half joking.

"A heart attack?" Agra looks confused. The two other women give her a strict glance.

"Oh, yes!" she hastily continues. "He did have a weak heart."

I change the subject, and pretended that I have not noticed anything. But it is clear that something is not right with the story I have been told. Maybe the previous slave did not die of exhaustion and a bad heart. Did he meet a worse fate? And will I share it? I decide it would be prudent not to let anybody suspect that I suspect. I will wait a few weeks, and then try to get more information.


I have now been here for five weeks, slowly getting used to serving the women in various ways, slowly getting used to their stinking bodies and the lice in their hair. In many ways, I am now enjoying my fate.

This morning, when I leave Yulia's bed, the Mother Superior waits for me in the warm morning sun. She asks me to follow her to the latrine, where we sit down in the grass. Three women have begun digging a new latrine next to the old one, it is Agra, Siri and a third woman named Yala of the same age as Siri. They are all three very sweaty, and Agra's long dress is already much dirtier than it was yesterday.

We sit in the grass, watching the three women dig. Eventually, Yala needs a break. She comes over to us, and asks me to lie on my back. Then she sits on my face. Her naked body is covered with sweat and dirt, and the smell of her pussy almost overwhelms me. I suck her tickler until she comes in my mouth, then she returns to her work. Then Siri comes and get the same treatment. Finally, it is Agra's turn to take a break, she lies down on the grass, pulls her dress up, and tell me to fuck her from the front.

In the early afternoon, the new latrine is ready. The three women move the seat from the old latrine, and the Mother Superior gets up. She helps the first girl out of the old latrine. What a disgusting sight! Brown shit is covering her face, and running down her naked body. To my horror, she looks at me and smiles. The Mother Superior brings her to me.

"This is Belina. She wants you to fuck her."

Belina gets down on her back, and spreads her legs for me. She is covered in so much shit that I cannot see if she had hair on her pussy, but I know what I have to do. I kneel between her legs, and enter her. As I fuck her, I grop her shit-covered tits, but soon the smell overcomes me. My stomach turns, and I puke, right in her face. Belinda laugh at me, and I have to continue until she comes. I am unable to come myself, indeed it is a miracle that I could remain hard enough to satisfy her.

In the meantime Mother Superior has helped the other girl out of the latrine. She is younger, and still wearing a dress, now utterly ruined and shit-soaked, but still covering most of her body down to slightly above her pussy. She asks me to lie on my back, and then she impales herself on my cock. I begin fucking her, watching with fascination and horror how the shit is slowly flowing down her body. As I reach for her breasts, I accidentally tear the rotten tissue of her dress, exposing the left breast permanently. She slides forward and demands that I suck it. After she has come (and I have vomited once more), the Mother Superior asks us to get up.

On the other side of the new latrine, all the remaining women of the temple have gathered.

"You all know why we are here. If any of you want to sacrifice yourself to Solep-Aksa, please step forward!"

A young woman, only slightly older than Agra and with a dress that is now slighly cleaner than hers, steps forward. And so does Siri. They both descend into the pit, and sit down in the bottom. The Mother Superior sits on the log, and shit. Siri catch is, and they both gag as they eat it. As soon as they have finished eating it, Siri vomits.

"Ewww! This is going to be just as hard as I expected!"

Everybody laugh at her comment, and begin chatting. I decide to sneak away before the two shit-covered "beauties" want more of my service.

I am supposed to wash myself every morning, I have no idea if I am allowed to wash now, but decide not to ask. When I am clean again, I look out from the bathing hut. The crowd at the latrine has dispersed, and the two shit-girls are not around. I leave the hut, see Yulia, and call her name. To my relief she tells me to sleep with her. Of all the girls, I like sleeping with Yulia the most. She has the most amazing bush between her legs, and I spend an hour searching through it for lice, and remove them. Other girls like that I do that, too, but Yulia is the only one who always reciprocates. She claims it itches much less after I began doing this for her.