Temporary Separation


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I looked around near the office for an apartment. I found one and signed a month to month rental agreement. I found a company called 'Two guys with a truck' and moved some of the furniture and kitchen stuff to my apartment. I loaded all my clothes and personal stuff in my car. I returned the rental car and had them drive me back to my car. I stayed busy the rest of the day getting my apartment ready to live in.

Tuesday morning I was parked in sight of Sarah's office. The process server was standing by. I saw Sarah drive up. I watched her walk in the front door and I called the server.

"She's there. Go ahead."

I saw him drive up and I sent the text I had ready and I drove away. I wished I could have been a fly on the wall. Fifteen minutes later my cell phone rang. I saw it was from Sarah. I let it go to voice mail. I drove back to my office. I gave John the thumbs up. He just smiled. He knew what my plan was. My phone rang again and I shut it off. I told the receptionist not to put any calls from Sarah through. Just take a message.

Two hours later I turned on my phone. There were seventeen calls in voice mail and five texts. I listened to the first one. She wanted to talk. I deleted the rest. The text's said the same thing. We need to talk and work through this. I deleted them. The receptionist brought me five message slips. They were all from Sarah.

I sent her a text.

'Please stop calling my office. I have nothing to say to you. You can contact me through my lawyer.'

I got two more calls from her that I let go to voice mail. Finally they stopped.

Two weeks later I was looking over the design plans for a machine that made paper clips. It looked pretty simple. I signed off for the shop to make a prototype. My cell phone rang and without thinking I answered.


"Eric, it's Sarah. Please don't hang up."

"OK, Sarah. What do you want?"

"If you'll meet with me and let me talk, I'll sign the divorce papers. I just want you to hear me out."

"Yeah, I can do that. How about the Olive Garden on Main street. I'll be there at noon."

"Thank you, Eric. I'll see you there."


Fifteen minutes to twelve I grabbed the divorce papers and headed to The Olive Garden. I got a table in the back and waited. Right on time she showed up. She was dressed to impress me. It worked. Her beautiful naked body flashed in my mind. I put on my poker face as she sat down.

"Thank you for meeting with me, Eric. I want to find a way for us to get back together. I love you and I'll do anything you want. Please stop the divorce and give us a chance."

"I love you too, Sarah, but I don't think that's enough now. You broke trust. I could never trust you again. I would always be wondering if you're with another man while I'm away. I can't live like that."

"If you just give us a chance I'll show you that you can trust me. It may take a while but I know I can do it. I realize how stupid I was. I won't ever do it again. Please. I love you and I want you back in my life."

I pushed the papers in front of her an laid a pen on them.

"Sign them, Sarah. You have to realize we can't ever be together again. It just won't work. I have this video that runs through my mind. I see you with your legs around his ass and him pumping you full of his cum. It's going to take a long time before it's gone."

The tears started running as she signed the paper.

As I folded the papers and put them in the envelope I said, "I hope you and the asshole have a good life."

"Eric, I'm not seeing him now. He transferred to another office. I'm not seeing anyone."

"What about Marcie. She's the one came up with your crazy scheme."

"I have my own place now. I realize what she did and I'm not talking to her now."

"Now that you've signed these papers you're released from your marriage vows. You can fuck anyone you want."

"Please, Eric. Give us a chance."

"I can't do it Sarah. I'm sorry."

I picked up the papers and walked out. I heard her sobbing as I walked away.

I stopped off at my lawyers office on the way back. We talked about filing against the Real Estate company. They had franchises all over the west coast. We didn't know if they had a non fraternization policy or not. I had him file against them just in case. It would be worth five hundred dollars to find out. If they did I was going to collect big time.

He filed it and served them two days later. One week later I was sitting in my office. The receptionist buzzed me.

"Eric, Mr. Johnson is here. He is from ABC Real Estate."

"Thank you, Emily. Send him in."

He walked in and we shook hands. He sat and smiled.

"Mr. Johnson. What can I do for you?"

"We're prepared to make you an offer to stop the lawsuit."

"OK, what's you offer?"

He wrote an figure on a piece of paper and pushed it to me. It was for one hundred K. I smiled and crossed it our and wrote one million on it. I pushed it back to him. He looked at it and smiled.

"I'll be in touch. If the head office accepts this we will want you to sign a release of further claims and a non disclosure agreement."

"That won't be a problem."

"Good day, sir."

I smiled as he walked out. I knew they would pay up. The didn't want their name dirtied up in court.

A week later I got a check from Sarah. She refinanced the loan on the house and bought me out. I added another seventy five k to my net worth. Mr. Johnson finally showed up a with a check. They took my offer. I signed off and bid him farewell. I took the check and showed it to John.

"I hope you're not quitting. I need you here. It would be really hard to replace you."

"No. You're stuck with me for a while longer. I would go crazy doing nothing."

"Good. Now get back to work."

I chuckled and walked out.

Three months later my divorce was final. It felt like a great weight was lifted off my shoulders. I was a single man. Over the next six months I watched a lot of movies and played a lot of poker to fill my evenings. The anger and hurt had faded enough that I decided to start looking around for some pussy. I was getting tired of doing it myself.

I checked with John about a not frat clause in my contract. He laughed.

"You planning on fucking all the secretaries now."

"I doubt I'm man enough for that. That's a really big bite."

"Go for it. There's nothing in your contract to stop you. You might take a close look at Amy. The rumor is she has the hots for you."

I gave him a high five and left. I heard him laughing as I closed the door to his office.

I sat at my desk thinking about what John said.

'Amy, huh. She is definitely cute. Nice rack and outstanding legs.'

I picked up the phone and punches in her extension number.

"Hello, this is Amy."

"Hi, Amy. This is Eric."

"Hi, Eric. What can I do for you."

"Well, you can go to lunch with me. How does that sound."

"I like that idea. I'll see you at the front entrance at twelve sharp."

'Bye bye."

I could see her through my office window. She turned, looked at me and smiled. I guess John was right.


On their third lunch date Amy and Eric are sitting in The Olive Garden. They just finished lunch are getting ready to go back to the office.

"Eric. I want to cook dinner for you Friday evening."

"Wow. That's a nice offer. It's been a long while since I had a home cooked dinner. What are you planning? I'll bring some wine."

"I make a mean lasagna. How about some red."

"A burgundy or a claret?"

"How about a nice claret?"

"Consider it done. Does about seven sound ok?"

'Perfect. Everything will be ready"


I'm standing on her door step. I take a deep breath and ring the doorbell. She opens the door, standing there stark ass naked wearing a pair of red five inch heels. My mouth falls open and I almost drop the bottle of wine My eyes swept over her body. Her pussy is shaved clean and her little pink clit is peeking out at me. I remember to close the door.

"Oh my god, Amy."

"Do you like my outfit. I picked it out just for you."

"God, you're beautiful, Amy. Just beautiful."

"Thanks. A girl likes to hear nice things like that. But there's a problem."

"What's that?"

"You're way over dressed. Let me fix that.'

She takes the bottle of wine and sets it on the side table. Slowly she takes my clothes off. She looks me over just like I did with her, except my cock is half hard.

"Hmmm. Nice outfit, Eric. Did you pick that out just for me?"

"Yep. I hope you like it."

"You can bet on that. Come in the kitchen. You can decant the wine while I finish up."

I follow her in with my eyes on her hot ass. She takes a decanter from the cupboard and hands it to me. I manage to get the cork out and pour it. I sit at the table, watching her. She bent over and opened the oven. Her pussy and pink pucker is on view for me. I see that her pussy lips are moist. She hears my groan and giggled.

"Like the view there, big guy?"

"I could look at that all day."

She grabs two potholders and takes the lasagna out and sets it on the stove. She turns and smiles at me.

"While that's cooling a little let me do something."

She drops to her knees in front on me and lifts my cock. She leans over and kisses the head. I scoot out on the edge of the chair and lean back. She cups my balls and licks the head of my cock. Slowly her lips open and she captures the head.

"I want my appetizer now. You just sit there."

Slowly she takes all of my seven inches down her throat. My head falls back and I hear myself groan. She starts a rhythm sucking an licking while she fondles my balls. By now my cock feels like a bar of steel. In just a few minutes I feel a stirring in my loins. She takes it out and looks at me.

"Cum for me, baby. It's been so long since I tasted a good load of cum."

She throated me again and scratched the back side of my nut sack with her nails. That pushes me over the edge and my cock explodes in her mouth. I hear her whimper through her nose as she catches every drop. She stays on it till it goes limp. She sits back and smiles at me. Her head goes back, her eyes close and she swishes my cum around in her mouth. She moans and swallows twice. She shows me her empty mouth.

"Oh god that was good. Nothing better than a good load of cum juice. And yours tastes especially good. I'm gonna want lots more of that."

"Don't worry. Before the nights over you're going to get all I have."

She stands up and leans over in front of my face. She looks in my eyes and kisses me. My lips open and her tongue goes in. I get a hint of my cum. It's the first time and it isn't bad.'

"Do you like the taste of your cum?"

"It's not bad. I may have to eat a cream pie soon."

"Oh god. Yes. Yes. That will be amazing. But we need to eat first. You'll need your strength."

While we're eating she asks, "Shall we exchange war stories. Kinda get it out of the way?"

"We can if you want. Mine's kind of dull."

"Tell me about it."

"OK. One evening Sarah gave the the terrible line, "we need to talk." I knew something bad was coming. She wanted a temporary separation. It hit me that our marriage was probably over at that point. I just shined her on because she didn't ask. She said it like there would be no discussion.

"Anyway, the next night she left. All I could do was hope she came to her senses and came back. Of course she didn't. She fucked some guy she was working with. There was nothing left but the divorce. Oh, I almost forgot. I sued the company she worked for. They had a non fraternization clause in their contracts. I made a pretty good score from that. "

"Do you know why she did it?"

"I think so. She was a virgin when we met. I was her only. She wanted to see what another man was like. I saw her car at his house and filed two days later. All the rest is history."

"You OK now. No regrets."

"None. Now it's just like a bad memory. I've moved on."

"I've heard of women doing that. I guess she thought that it would be OK because you were separated."

'Yeah. But we were still married. She broke trust and that killed it for me."

"It's really hard to rebuild trust. Usually it can't be done."

"OK, now let's hear yours."

"Oh god. Mine is funny now. It wasn't at the time but I laugh now. I went to work one day and forgot my cell phone in the charger. I went back on my lunch break to get it. I found my husband in bed. He wasn't alone. This huge black guy with dreadlocks was fucking him in the ass. I was so shocked I just stood there. I never had a clue he was bi. Two days later I was gone."

"Holy crap. That is unreal. How long ago did it happen?"

"It's been two years. I'm over it now. I look back and just have a laugh."

She got up and started putting the kitchen back together.

"Can I help?"

"No, you just pour us another glass of wine. I'll just be a minute here."

She put the food away and loaded the dishwasher. Then she took me by the hand and let me to the bedroom. We sat leaning against the headboard sipping our wine. One of her hands was holding my cock. She was slowly getting it hard.

"Nice cock you have there. Just the perfect size. Not too big and not too small."

"You have some pretty nice stuff too. I like the shaved look. Blew my mind when I saw you."

"It makes me feel sexy. I like it."

We put our wine glasses on the table and I took her in my arms. Our lips met and our tongues found each other. We kissed for a while and I started working my way down toward her pussy. I stopped at her neck and then her breasts. She was mewing and holding my head. I left a trail of kisses to her shaved mound. She spread her legs for me and I moved into position to attack her pussy. He pussy was already wet and I licked up some of the juice. She grabbed her knees and pulled her legs wide for me. I licked her from her little pink pucker to her clit. One finger went in her as my tongue found it. She cried out as I touched it with the tip of my tongue touched it. One more finger went in her. I redoubled my licking and sucking on her lips. I held her clit hood up and touched it a few times. I curled up my fingers and found her G spot. I rubbed it and tongued her clit. She squealed and came on my face.

"Oh god yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Don't stop. Please don't stop."

I kept working on her G spot. She came three more times. I decided to give her a big one. I got her G spot going and sucked up her clit. I gently bit it and I heard her scream and an orgasm ripped through her. I though she was going to rip my ears off. I let her come down and bit her again. Her screams filled the room and she came again. She got too sensitive and pulled me up in her saddle.

"Holy fuck, Eric. What did you do to me? That was amazing."

"I thought you might like that. Just a little trick I learned in college."

"Like it? On a scale on one to ten that was a twenty. Wow."

"I'll make a note of that. Likes her clit bit."

"You fucker. I want you to fuck me now. I want it hard and then harder. I want you to fill my pussy with you hot cum."

"Yes, Maam."

I lifted and she grabbed my cock. She rubbed it around her soaked pussy lips and thrust up. The head popped in and she squealed.

"Yes. Yes. Big hard cock in my pussy. Give me all of it hard and fast."

I thrust down hard and my bone hit hers. She came again. I didn't show her any mercy. I started slowly and sped up till I was slamming into her. Her legs went around my ass and her arms went around my chest.

"Yes. Yes. Slam that cock in me. Fuck me. Fuck me. Harder and harder."

She came two more times and I couldn't hold back any longer.

"Take it, baby. Take my cum."

"Fuck yes. Fill me. Shoot that hot cum in me."

I slammed into her two more times and my cum rocketed into her grasping pussy. We both screamed as our orgasms took us.

I fell at her side but she kept a death grip on me. She was kissing my neck and face. I just held her close.

"Oh my god, Eric. That was amazing. Just like I wanted it. Hard and harder. I hope we didn't break anything."

"I don't think we did. Nothing hurts. In fact everything feels just right."

"That woman is crazy. I should call her and thank her for letting you go. You're in for it this weekend. I'm going to fuck you to death."

"I'll go for that. I haven't ever been fucked to death."

She finally got her breathing under control and moved down. She licked and sucked my cock clean.

"Wow. We really taste good."

She moved up and kissed me. she gave me some tongue with our juice on it.

'Yep. A cream pie is definitely on the menu. We need to add a little more cream to make it just right."

"Oh my god, yes. You can have all you want."

We stayed in each others arms enjoying the wonderful afterglow. She had my cock in her hand slowly stroking it. It started to fill with blood. She sped up and got it full hard. She moved up on my chest and slid down. My cock went slowly into her.

"Lay still, baby. I'm gonna love on you."

"I'll try."

She gave me a genuine slow fuck. I felt like it lasted an hour. She kept me from cumming by just going slow. I tried to lay still but I would flex my cock now and then. It made her cum. After forever she sped up and took my cum. She stayed on my chest and I felt tears drop on me.

'You OK, baby."

"Of course I'm OK. I'm just having a little emotional rush. Don't mind me. They're tears of joy."

I hugged her tight and stroked her hair. I head her sniff a few times. I tilted her head up and kissed her. I rolled her off me and my hand found her cum filled pussy. I got it all over my hand and rubbed it on the inside of her thighs. I got some more and rubbed up on her stomach. One more time and I rubbed it on her breasts and face.

"Eric. You just put cum juice all over me."

I didn't answer. I slowly moved down and spread her legs. I kissed her soppy pussy and gave it a lick. She squealed and I went to work. Two fingers in her pussy and licking her all over. She came once quickly. I kept going and took her to the peak. I bit her clit and she screamed and came hard.

"There ya go. One cream pie finished."

"Oh my god, Eric. That's a first for me. No one ever did that. No one ever took the time and cared enough to do it."

She pulled me against her and licked all the pussy juice off my face.

"You're an amazing lover, Eric. You make me cum so hard and so often. This is going to be the best weekend of my life."

"I just found you. I hope we have some more."

"I'll be here for you. You can bet on that."

An hour later she rode me cowgirl and we finally fell asleep.

I woke first the next morning. We were stuck together with all he cum juice I smeared on her. I had to peel us apart. She woke up and we hopped in the shower. I got her all lathered up and took her soap suds and all. Two screams echoed in the shower.

We had a naked breakfast and made up the bed with clean sheets. We laid around all day, fucking every time she got me hard. By Sunday after noon I was worn out. I couldn't have gotten hard if my life depended on it. I got dressed, kissed her goodbye and limped to my car.

I got home and my cell phone rang. She sent me a text.

"Everything hurts. Thank you."

I sent her one.

"The girls in the office will know."

She sent me a smiley face.


Over the next few months we fucked as often as possible. We fucked in the parking lot during lunch. Once in the parking lot at the super market. One time we stayed late at work and I fucked her on her desk.

I decided to give up my apartment and I dipped in my lawsuit money. I bought a three bedroom condo. Of course we had to break in every room a number of times.

We both were reluctant to do anything permanent but we finally moved in together. She sold her house and moved into the condo. We stayed together for two years and finally broke down. We became best friends and very much in love. We had a quiet little ceremony at the court house.