Tennis Punishment

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Domestic discipline public humiliation role reversal.
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Swat! Swat! Swat! I had my nineteen year old step daughter over my knees, her short tennis skirt lifted, and her white tennis panties dangling at her ankles. 'When I tell you I want you home at a certain hour, I want you home!' I continued to spank her firm buttocks, her long, tanned legs were to my right and her head and hands were touching the ground to my left. I sat on a straight-backed chair in the living room, swinging my right palm up and down, first one cheek than the other. Whack! Whack! Whack!

'I told you that you were grounded for coming home after your curfew, did I not, Missy?' I continued to spank her 10 on one cheek then 10 on the other. 'No, Daddy, please, I'll be good. I was playing tennis with Mommy.' She sounded and was acting like an 6 year old.

Her mother was standing in the living room, knowing she was next for disobeying me. I had told her in no uncertain terms this morning that Emily was to be grounded for violating her curfew. She had told me that it was the Mother-Daughter tennis championship today and couldn't I ground her tomorrow. I said absolutely no.

When I got home from work, Emily my step-daughter and Kathleen my wife were not at home. I immediately knew where they were and drove over to the tennis club. Only to see them both just coming off the court. They thought they could play the championship and be home before I got there, but I had left work early anticipating what they would do.

Both of their faces turned pale white when they say me striding towards them. 'We won' said Emily 'Aren't you proud of us.'

'Well, Young Lady, did I not tell you and your mother that you were grounded and were not to play tennis today.' Emily's face went gray, she started to fidget nervously, knowing what was going to happen to her, but powerless to do anything about it. 'Look at me, Young Lady, when I am talking to you. Well, I am waiting for your excuse or would you rather get spanked without even trying to explain yourself.' By now a crowd of onlookers had gathered including many of Emily's classmates.

Emily nearly collapsed. She was mortified beyond belief; she looked at me than her mother with a beseeching glance, blushing more deeply as she saw her classmates whispering amongst themselves. 'I guess I am going to have to give you something to remember that when I tell you something you don't disobey, and that goes double for your mother.' I said, turning my attention to Kathleen.

Without another word, I took my thoroughly subdued step-daughter by the arm, led her over to the nearest bench, I sat down and looked up at my now trembling 19 year old.

'Take those sweat pants down, young lady.' I ordered her, smoothing out my dark navy blue suit pants.

'Please, Daddy.' She pleaded, not daring to look at her classmates, 'Please don't, not here, not now.'

'Yes, now, little girl,' I affirmed, 'and right now, or I'll take your panties down, and show everyone how I tan your backside at home.'

Realizing I was not kidding, Emily dropped her sweatpants around her ankles, standing there blushing even harder. I then grasped her firmly by the left ear, pulling her down towards my lap. As she began to go across my knees, I scolded her.

'You ought to be ashamed of yourself, having to be put over my knee like a naughty little girl, in front of everyone.'

I let that hang in the air for a moment, and then added,

'You're going to be even more ashamed when you go over my knee at home with your bare backside on display, just like an 6 year old.' Not to let her mother off the hook, I added 'Your mother is also going to get a tanning, when we get home.' Kathleen was staring down at the ground totally mortified.

Emily gave out another groan, wanting to protest, but knowing better than to try. Now fully across my lap, she partially supported herself with both hands, waiting for the first spank to fall. She was quietly sobbing to herself. I lifted up her short tennis dress, her tennis panties were much too tight, and they rode up in-between her cheeks so that much of her bare bottom was exposed. I had warned her repeatedly about wearing the proper outfit outside, now it was going to cause her more embarrassment.

I began to slap the exposed part of her backside hard. Everyone could hear the sharp sound of it accented by the wetness of her bottom caused by the perspiration from the match. It was followed by another and another, the slaps coming fast and hard. Emily's bottom clenched and squirmed as my firm hand spanked away, and before long her the color of her bottom was a bright red. An occasional gasp was heard as Emily was trying to be stoic in front of her classmates.

For the next several minutes I focused my complete attention on stinging my errant step daughters bottom, scolding her as I spanked, my words punctuated by the crisp smacking sounds of my palm doing its work.

Spank after smarting spank fell mercilessly on Emily's behind, making her squirm and twitch, eventually prompting a series of thin yelps as my hand smacked a particularly tender area several times in succession.

Grasping Emily's ear, I had her stand, warning her,

'You rub that naughty bottom, young lady, and you'll be right back over my knee! Leave your skirt up and your sweatpants at your ankles, we are going home, to finish this.'

'Now, as for you Kathleen. When we get home I want you get the ruler out that I spank you with and bring it to the living room. I am going to tan your backside so you won't sit for a week. How dare you disobey me?' With that I reached for her arm. Kathleen's reaction was one that a much younger child might have had when taken to be spanked, not a 40 year old wife and mother of two teenage daughters. She stomped her feet and tried to resist by pulling away from me. But, she was unsuccessful. Instead she found herself bent under my left arm, her short tennis skirt raised, and her thin, white, ruffled panties receiving 20 resounding spanks from my palm.

Both girls having clearly receiving the message were completely subdued. I grasped Kathleen's ear and continued to spank her as we walked back to the car. Emily followed more slowly holding her tennis skirt up, walking with a slow gait as her sweatpants were still tangled about her ankles. They could hear the audience mumbling to themselves

On the ride back to the house neither girl said anything, both were sobbing from pain and embarrassment. I told them that the spanking they had just received was only part one of their punishment. I said I was very upset that Emily disobeyed my orders and that her mother allowed it and was a party to it... I told Kathleen to fetch the ruler when we got to the house, and for Emily to get the straight backed 'spanking chair' as I called it.

'I want you both to sit over on the couch and listen to me carefully I have a few things to say.'

'First of all, I will not tolerate any disobedience in this family, especially after I specifically told you both that Emily was grounded. Under no circumstances were you to go out even if your mother gave you permission. Is that clear, Emily?'

'Yes, sir' she said.

'As for you, Kathleen, not only did you defy me but you also got your daughter in more trouble than she was before.'

I told Kathleen to go stand in the corner of the living room with her cute tennis skirt raised, I would deal with Emily first. I placed the straight backed chair in the center of the living room and sat down calling Emily over to my right side. I reached under the tennis skirt and pulled her panties down to her knees. I then guided her across my lap. I started to scold her and at the same time spank her. Whap! 'Did I tell you not to get out' Whap! Whap! 'You acted like a naughty little girl so I am going to spank you until you won't sit for a week.' Whap! Whap! Up one side of her buttocks and down the other. I concentrated several spanks on the fleshy part of her cheeks by her thighs. 'Please Daddy, I'll be good, no more, please' I continued the punishment for another 10 minutes, her cheeks were now fire engine red from the top to the thighs. I then stood her up and continued the lecture. 'Young lady, you are grounded for a month, in addition you are to write a 500 word essay on obedience and what happens if you do not obey. Is that understood; now go to the corner, while I deal with your mother. 'Yes, sir' she started to pull her panties up, when I gave her another swat on her already sore bottom. 'Leave them down, and move.' Emily had to waddle with her panties around her ankles and her tennis dress all bunched at her waist over to the corner.

'Now, for you Kathleen.' My wife was 40 years old, but looked 30; she kept herself in beautiful shape, with daily workouts and lots of tennis. 'I am very displeased with you that you would disobey my order about Emily being grounded.' I continued to speak to her as if she was a child. 'I know that spankings are usually reserved for children, but you have acted like a naughty little girl and I am going to treat you as one.' I could hear her sobbing in the corner her bare bottom on display, nose firmly against the wall, heels together, and hands holding up her skirt. She looked about 8 years old. I went over to the corner and took her ear in my hand, swatting her on her fanny I marched her over to the couch.

Kathleen now stood by the arm of the leather Chesterfield, her hands holding her tiny skirt, head down submissively. I reached for the ruler, which was about 18 inches long, made of hard wood... 'Now Kathleen, you have disobeyed me and allowed Emily to disobey me. You have disappointed me and I am going to paddle you with this ruler until you can't sit for a week. Now keep your skirt raised high and bend over the arm of the couch.' Kathleen knew she was in big trouble, as the ruler was reserved for the most serious of offenses.

With a loud sob Kathleen kept her skirt raised and bent over the sofa arm. Her head and chest were on the cushioned seat and her feet on the floor, her body was bent in two with her stomach and thighs against the leather arm.

'Now keep your legs completely straight, and pull your skirt high on your back.' She did so. I came around to her left side, and tapped her pantied bottom lightly with the ruler. She whimpered and tensed her buttocks.

I could see the red marks where I had swatted her through the thin tennis panties and especially on the bare bottom flesh peeking out of the panties and upper thighs. Her panties were, like her daughter, about a size to small. I took back the ruler and

CRACK! 'Owwww'!' Kathleen shrieked.

I could see the band of red across the summit of her cheeks. SMACK! CRACK! WHAP! I laid three strokes of the ruler one right below the other, covering her lowest bottom with lines of fire.

Kathleen was yelling OWWWwww at the top of her lungs after each one. I concentrated the next five rights in the same area, where her bottom met her thighs, a tender area very vulnerable in her stretched position over the sofa arm. I smacked her about 20 more times with the ruler, and then I stopped.

'Now Kathleen pull your panties down for the rest of your punishment.'

Still sobbing, Kathleen reached back and, lifting her hips from the leather arm of the couch, into which they had been grinding in her agony for the past 5 minutes, she began to tug down the tight underpants. The band rubbed hard against her sensitive bottom all the way down because the panties were so tight, but she finally managed to get them below her bottom.

'To your knees, Kathleen' I reminded her. And she reached back, and had to stick her bottom high in the air to be able to reach her knees. Her face turned red as her bottom as she knew her the display she was giving me by this maneuver.

I once again tapped her crimson bottom, now covered with angry red stripes, and began to swat her with the ruler again. Her howls were quick to reawaken and by the end of the next 4 minutes, Kathleen was reduced to a blubbering, extremely contrite schoolgirl. I set down the ruler on the table helped Kathleen up, consoled her briefly, and when she had calmed down enough, sent her to one of the far corners of the room. With the words, 'This is not the end of your punishment, Young Lady.' Which started her crying once more.

I had decided on other punishment for Kathleen, one that she would not forget, I was going to allow her 19 year old daughter to finish the punishment. 'Emily, come here and pull up your panties, your punishment is over. Sit down' I pointed to the 'spanking chair' 'Your mother, got you in more trouble than you were already in, so I think it is appropriate if you finish her spanking.' Emily couldn't believe her ears, but was upset enough at her mother that she welcomed the opportunity.

I walked over to my wife, who was standing with her nose in the corner. Her ears were burning from the conversion she had just heard. She couldn't believe I would allow her daughter to spank her. I slapped her smartly on her rump, and informed her,

'Emily got something to give you, my naughty little girl. You just march yourself over there and apologize for what you did, and then turn over her knee. If you give her any trouble, I'll make you wish you hadn't, am I clear.'

Kathleen looked like she want to argue, but thought better of it, after I reached over with one finger to her lips and warned icily,

'After you apologize, the only thing I want to hear out of your mouth between now and bedtime are 'Yes, Sir', and 'No, sir'; understand?'

'Yes, sir.' Her subdued answer came softly.

'Very, well. Now do as you were told.' I finished, pointing to Emily, now seated on the straight backed chair in the living room.

Her face scarlet, Kathleen shuffled over to her daughter looking like a child of 8 and not the 40 year old mother she was. She stammered an apology, for allowing Emily to leave the house, almost breaking into tears from frustration and embarrassment. 'Now place yourself across Emily's lap.' I instructed. She obeyed turning across her lap, her bare bottom up and ready to be spanked.

With a confirming look at Emily, I nodded for her to start Kathleen's spanking. 'Give her a good spanking or I will have you change places.' I said. Emily slapped her mother on one cheek, smartly, but a bit tentatively. With slightly more authority, she whapped her on the on the other cheek. This continued for 6 minutes until her Mother was squirming and crying loudly. Finally I nodded and Emily stopped I then sent Kathleen to the corner, and told Emily 'I don't want you teasing or saying anything to your mother, this was a once in a lifetime opportunity, that your mother deserved. If I hear one word of this you will be punished for the next month. Now get in the corner, next to your mother'

The End

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

And then they went to the police with their tanned backsides and he went to jail where he quickly became Bubba's Bitch and found out he wasn't a tough guy.

pip46pip46over 5 years ago

The stories by Tom6432 are always worth reading and always well written and this one is definitely up to standard. Thanks for sharing

Schlumpf83Schlumpf83over 8 years ago
Great story!

I enjoyed reading this story very much! Very cool to see mother and daughter punished this way! Poor Kathleen and Emily!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Long standing favorite

This is exactly the way i would like to be treated. I even fwded this story to my Daddy in the beginning of our relationship so he would have a full understanding of how i viewed our respective roles. He understood and on the few occasions when i was particularly disrespectful, he bent me over the car in a crowded parking lot and spanked my bare ass, to the amusement of onlookers, while i hid my face in my hands and tried to keep quiet to avoid attracting more attention to my humiliating predicament. Thank you'

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
A lesson to be learnt

I wish my wife and daughter played tennis then I would know exactly how to punish them when deserved.Nothing nicer than short tennis skirts over white knickers especially when bent over a knee.

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