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"You'll have to thank my tight little pussy later, Daddy," she moaned, hands on my shoulders as she started ride me nice and fast again.

Once she received a message from Emily, stating they were on their way, Chloe kissed me then rode herself to a series of orgasms that left her almost passed out on my lap. Picking her up as she wrapped her legs around me, I carried her to the bedroom so she could take a few minutes to recover before dressing for the arrival of her friends.

She was still getting ready when they arrived. I buzzed them up, greeting them at the front door. All three were dressed to impress, though they would only be having dinner and drinks at the apartment. Hannah and Emily were pretty much a couple by now. I wasn't exactly sure how Lauren fit into everything. She did date occasionally, but I know would play with her two friends quite often.

Offering them a glass of wine, Chloe appeared wearing a conservative black dress, at least compared to what she sometimes wore when I took her out. She loved looking sexy on my arm, and it was why I always dressed to impress when she looked as lovely as she always did. Our age difference was obvious, but I could only be thankful there were not too many reminders of her mother, though she didn't look too much like me either.

I'd prepared things for our meal while she'd been enjoying a quick nap before getting ready, leaving the four girls to mingle by the counter as I prepared the first couple of courses. The table was already set for five people. Candles had been lit. Flowers placed in a vase in the middle. I had everything needed to make the girls their favourite cocktails.

The first course could be eaten standing up, sipping at a bourbon and mixer as we nibbled at the various bits and pieces I'd thrown together. The four girls were already enjoying themselves, Chloe at my side the entire time, but the other three girls would also cuddle into me as I treated them like they were my own. I had a lot of love to give and those three girls deserved it.

Sitting down for dinner later, Chloe sat in her usual seat as close as possible, holding my hand whenever she could. The divorce and everything that happened was now a couple of months back and better left in the past. I preferred to focus on the present and the future, and I would happily listen to whatever Chloe had an opinion on. As for her friends, they were as excitable about life as always. It was positively infectious. It's why I also found myself enjoying their company. I no longer felt like an old man whenever Chloe asked me to join them on a night out. Made me feel ten years younger.

"What's for dessert, Daddy?" I gave her a look, causing her three friends to giggle. "Behave, Daddy. I'm not getting up on the table in this dress."

"Who says you'll still be wearing the dress?"

The look that crossed her face made me smile. "I'd totally watch you two make love," Emily whispered, "We can see how much you two love each other."

"Erotic but passionate and incredibly loving," Hannah added.

Chloe leaned over to kiss my cheek. "I just love my daddy more than anything," she said softly, "I get to spend the rest of my life with him now. It's what I always wanted."

Serving them dessert, they had two options. No, I hadn't spent all day preparing them, they were store bought, but the four girls loved them all the same. Watching them enjoy a slice and making soft moans with each mouthful had me grinning and chuckling. Once they finished dessert, I cleared their plates and made a pitcher of their favourite cocktail.

"Girls, before we start to relax and let loose, there is one thing I need to do first." The three girls smiled at me as they knew something was up. I hadn't told them what though I'd said it was a surprise for Chloe. My daughter watched me intently as I looked in her direction. Sliding out of my chair, I rested on a knee by her chair, taking her hand in mine. Her other hand immediately covered her mouth as she did her best not to cry.

"Sweetheart... Chloe... My daughter... The greatest thing Sarah ever did for me was give birth to you. The day I held you in my arms for the first time, I felt this surge of love I'd never felt in my life. My father often talked about what it felt like to have a daughter, first as a baby, then as a little girl, watching her grow up into a little woman before she matured into the lady you see today. Over the past twenty years, I've understood how my father felt about my sister, though our love has obviously deepened, and we now share something very special and perhaps unique.

My only regret about our relationship is that we'll never be able to stand in front of our family and friends to declare our undying love for each other. In my heart and mind, I already call you my wife in addition to my daughter. In my pocket, I have two rings for you. In front of our friends, I wish to give you an engagement ring and then a wedding ring. I also have a simple gold band you can place on my ring. They're not the rings I gave Sarah, they are entirely new as I bought them for you, thinking of what you'd love to see on your ring finger every day for the rest of your life.

Chloe, although this will never be official, would you love to declare in front of your friends that you will be my wife forever more?"

She managed a nod, choking back a sob, as I showed her the engagement ring that I'd bought for her. The gasp from her three friends made me smile as I slowly slid the ring onto her finger. Taking out the other ring, she pretty much broke down as I slid that onto her finger too.

"Chloe, sweetheart, I now declare you as my not so lawfully wedded wife."

Handing her the ring, her hand was shaking as she managed to slide the ring onto my finger. "I love you so much, Daddy," she whispered before kissing me, "And now you're my husband too." I pulled her close before we simply hugged, feeling her sob in my arms while I felt a couple of tears roll down my cheeks. I loved her almost too much at times.

"Can we join in the hug?" Emily asked, glancing to see her three friends were also crying.

"Of course!" Chloe exclaimed, everyone standing up to share a very tight group hug.

Once everyone calmed down, and the girls all went crazy with congratulations for Chloe, we moved out to the lounge room, where Chloe snuggled into me, continually looking at the two rings, mentioning every couple of minutes how beautiful they were.

"Sweetheart, I know we won't have your dream wedding, and it's going to be a secret..."

Leaning back, she gave me a look I knew well. The determined young woman who wouldn't take shit. "Daddy, I don't care about any sort of wedding. My dream was to simply be with you like this. Am I your wife now?"


"And you're my husband. I don't need a piece of paper telling me that." She snuggled into me again. "While I'd love to share this with our family, I know they won't understand. But we live here happily for the moment. When I'm pregnant, we'll need to buy a house."

"Already putting plans in place for that."

"When we move in, we can simply pose as a happily married couple. We'll get some strange looks, but I think we're past letting people judge us."

We enjoyed the rest of the night, the girls turning on some music so they could dance. Chloe got me up to dance a few times, but in the comfort of our living room, the four girls could enjoy themselves without being bothered by a bunch of meatheads and morons. Our guests remained until around midnight, escorting them downstairs to the taxi. We all exchanged hugs, all three whispering congratulations into my ear, wishing me well, and asking me to continue to love her like I had always done. I promised I'd be doing just that.

Waving as the taxi departed, Chloe grabbed my arm, leaning up to kiss me. "Let's go back upstairs, Daddy. Your young wife needs some personal time with her husband."

I made her giggle as I picked her up in my arms, easily carrying her all the way up to our apartment. Making love again one last time before going to bed, she snuggled into me, one hand resting on my chest, blue eyes gazing up into mine.

"Don't need to sleep, Daddy, as I think I'm already dreaming," she whispered.

Caressing her soft cheek, she smiled at me before shuffling closer. Wrapping an arm around her, she sighed happily. "I love you, sweetheart."

"Love you, Daddy."

She was asleep in a couple of minutes, the excitement of the day tiring her out. I joined her in dreamland not too much later.



"You look beautiful, sweetheart."

Chloe turned to smile at me as she waited for Emily to appear. "Thank you, Daddy. You're looking very handsome yourself. Very dignified."

The hair was going grey. Considering I was now past fifty, I wasn't worried about greying hair, I worried about keeping myself nice and fit for my wife. She was now in her early thirties. And considering she'd carried four kids, her body was still fantastic. Not quite the same as when she was nineteen, but my body certainly wasn't the same as when I was forty.

"Your sister looking after the kids?"

"Yes, and you know she loves babysitting for us."

Four kids and it could be tiring for both of us. She gave birth to our first child, a son, barely a year after graduating university. The night she graduated, she threw away her pills and we made love like rabbits for weeks on end until she was confirmed as pregnant. After our first son came yet another son, then two daughters before we agreed that was enough. To my surprise, all she did was go back on the pill.

We found that we couldn't keep our relationship a secret forever, not without it destroying everything. The first person we told was my sister. She was shocked at first, but never showed any disgust. We gave her time to comprehend what we told her. Giving her time to get used to it, she turned up at our apartment a week later, hugged us both, and told us she could understand why we found love with each other.

Telling my parents was rather amusing as they admitted they'd figured something was going on but felt it was never their place to intervene. But Chloe wasn't subtle in her affections for me, and once I'd left Sarah, they could see how much of the love I'd given her I simply gave to Chloe, in addition to all the love I'd already given her.

Some of the family knew, but I never shared it with my friends. When we moved into our new home, we'd chosen somewhere in a completely different area of the city so we could live freely as husband and wife. Emily, Hannah and Lauren remained close with us, but we now had a group of friends Chloe and I had made together.

Speaking of Sarah, she disappeared from our lives entirely. The whole drama about our divorce, her relationship with her brother, it followed her around for years. She remained in our old house until Christopher turned eighteen. As soon as he was a legal adult, she contacted Ben and requested a quick sale of the house. I wasn't particularly worried about how much we got for it so agreed. As soon as the house was sold, Sarah vanished. From what her parents know, she's now living on the opposite coast of Australia, trying to restart her life.

As for James, he faced various charges including incest. Sarah was a witness for the prosecution as she confirmed he was grooming her from a young age. I'm not heartless, I did feel sorrow for her if that was the truth, but considering all the lies she told me, I did wonder if she simply wasn't saving her own bacon by sacrificing her brother. Whatever the case, her brother was sent to prison and would be a registered sex offender for life. His parents have disowned him completely and he'll look forward to being a social pariah upon his release.

Michael and Christopher did get in touch with Chloe about a year after the youngest turned eighteen. She was surprised to hear from them but agreed to meet up. To her surprise, they were incredibly apologetic and contrite. Chloe was sympathetic, agreeing they were only kids at the time and had been unwitting pawns in all our marital problems. They wished to contact me. Considering I had no real feelings either way, I did agree after some convincing by Chloe. They were reminders of James, which made me a little uncomfortable, but their apologies were sincere, and they admitted to feeling rather isolated and alone with their father in prison and mother having left them behind.

To their surprise, I allowed them back into our lives. I never referred to them as my sons, but they have become much younger friends. We do blokey things together and, while our relationship would never be as close as it was, we always have a good time when we get together. To be honest, I do feel sorry for them, so I guess I'm still some sort of father figure.

"You're thinking, Daddy," Chloe whispered, kissing my cheek, "Something good, I hope?"

Her hand caressed my groin. I might be in my fifties, but my daughter still fires my engine easily. "Just our lives, sweetheart."

The door opened and Lauren looked at me. "She's ready for you, Mark."

Chloe kissed me softly. "Thank you for doing this, Daddy. It means the world to her."

"It's an honour. Known her for almost as long as you in many ways."

Walking into the small room, Emily turned around, looking utterly resplendent in her white wedding gown. I know I gasped at how beautiful she was. "What do you think, Daddy?"

The three girls all called me that now too. No sexual innuendo, I was their father figure and I loved them like my own. Chloe was my daughter, and had given me two more daughters, and her three besties were also treated like my own flesh and blood. "You're absolutely gorgeous, Emily. Are you ready to go?"

"I think so... I'm marrying my best friend."

"Good thing they changed the laws."

"Do you think she's nervous?"

"No. She'll be calm and confident, just like you should be. I'm surprised you've waited this long to get married."

"We never really thought it was necessary, but seeing all our friends doing it, we thought we should at least have a day like this to celebrate our love."

Chloe was her Maid of Honour, having helped organise the wedding. It was going to be a simple and intimate affair. As the music started, Emily hooked her arm through mine as we waited to enter the hall. I patted her hand as I could feel how nervous she was. Leaning into me, she thanked me softly for being there for her.

Walking her down the aisle, everyone was smiling at us. To be honest, though, my eyes were focused solely on my daughter ahead. She looked as beautiful as ever, smiling at me in return. Handing Emily off to Hannah, I kissed her cheek, hearing the tremor in her voice as she thanked me too.

Sitting between Emily and Hannah's mother, they both grabbed a hand of mine each, their other hand holding a tissue. It was a simple but beautiful ceremony, two women admitting their love for each other in front of their friends and family. But my eyes spent most of their time gazing at my daughter. She was doing her best not to look in my direction, but she struggled.

After all the other wedding things, mostly taking photos, we all moved on to a nearby hotel for the reception. There was the sit-down meal, the speeches, the first dance, then Emily's and Hannah's mother joined the couple before I was invited up. Once all the usual events were completed, the party started.

"We have a room upstairs, Daddy," Chloe whispered into my ear during a slow dance, "Are you going to take care of your wife soon?"

Meeting her eyes, she giggles. "Is my little girl a little turned on?"

"I saw you whispering the vows, Daddy. I was doing the same thing."

"Not the first wedding we've done that."

"It's like we get married every time, Daddy." Resting her head against my chest, she sighed as I felt her hands on my back. "Well, I got my fairy tale, Daddy," she whispered.

"I should thank Sarah for giving me the love of my life," I whispered back.

"Definitely need to head upstairs soon, Daddy."

"Got to take advantage of not having the kids for a night."

"I've got everything we need in our room." Leaning back to meet her eyes, she gave me a look I knew very well. "Yes, Daddy, we're going to be very naughty tonight." Resting her head back against my chest, we continued to sway to the music. "I love you, Daddy. May we have many more years of happiness together."

I think that was another way of hoping that we would live happily ever after.


A/N - Thanks for reading. Some of the court stuff probably isn't realistic, but divorce laws in Australia appear to be quite different to those set in the United States, though I've figured out the laws vary state by state there too.

One major requirement in Australia is that couples must be separated for a year before they can apply for a divorce.

Regarding paternity fraud in Australia, I did a little research and what was in the story did appear correct. Only one man has ever been successful in gaining a positive verdict only for it to be overturned on appeal. The chances of having names changed on a birth certificate is practically zero as well.

There is no Federal law in Australia against incest as laws only apply to marriage between ancestor / descendant or between siblings. Under Federal law, sexual conduct between consenting adults over eighteen is legal. However, according to each state, incest is illegal, therefore it would be left to the highest court of each state to prosecute incestuous relationships. In no state or territory is consent a legal defence in regard to incest.

The maximum penalty varies by state, with a guilty verdict guaranteeing prison time. New South Wales is eight years; South Australia is ten years; Western Australia and the Australian Capital Territory is twenty years; Northern Territory, Victoria and Tasmania is twenty-five years; and Queensland it is life imprisonment.

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Grumpycub2Grumpycub2about 2 hours ago

Another great story. Wonderfully told.

It's fascinating how different the laws and legal procedures are between U.S. and Australia. Thank you for the explanation at the end.

BruceS1949BruceS19494 months ago

It was a Jun and sexy story to read,

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Very well thought out and put in a fantastic story.

Just love how put it all together.SO SO enjoyable

So much true love put in .


AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Good story. Sarah and James got their dues. Chloe's friends were too involved with them, so in your face

K_S_BK_S_B8 months ago

I loved this story. I know incest is wrong but makes me wonder if having a love as strong as theirs would be worth breaking the law and living with the social stigma. In the end I have to think it would be. I even teared up at the end. Such a great story I'm now going to read some of this authors stories but this one will be hard to top.

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