That's What Sibs are For


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There was a lot of time just spent hanging out in their rooms too. Not even doing inappropriate activities necessarily, although there were plenty of those too. Just being together, watching movies, lounging around, whatever. And if one caught the other in a state of undress or playing with themselves, that had become entirely a non-issue.

"You know what's funny?" Leif said one evening while lying with his head in Celia's lap.

She shook her head, eyes remaining glued to the laptop in front of them. She had a fake-incest porn video playing even though they'd just finished messing around. "What's that?"

"How annoyed I used to get when you'd use the computer to watch porn all the time."

Celia snorted. "Yeah, you really got irked by it sometimes, didn't you?"

"And now here I am watching with you like it's the most normal thing."

"Well it never had to be as weird as you made it out to be."

"So you've claimed." Leif nuzzled into a slightly more comfortable position on her thigh. "You might have had a point though."

Celia smiled and ruffled his hair. "Maybe I did," she said softly.

She closed the laptop and scooted it aside. Leif protested when she slid out from under him, but she ignored him and climbed across his lap anyway. He stopped complaining when she started grinding on him.

"Again?" he asked.

"I got worked up watching that vid. It was a good one."

"It was alright. Their acting wasn't great."

"It rarely is. That's not the point." Celia braced her hands on Leif's shoulders and rocked harder back and forth. His cock stiffened quickly as her slick pussy slid all over it. "Don't tell me you're not interested."

Leif smirked crookedly. "No, I definitely wouldn't say that."

Celia smiled back and leaned down to kiss him. Her hair fell across his face, and her breasts teased his chest. He pulled her tighter to him, savouring the feel of her body on his.

"Definitely interested," he murmured.

"Thought you might be."

They kissed again, long and lingering.

"Love you," Leif whispered.

"Mmm. Love you too."

Celia took his cock inside her, then rode him gently and unhurried. They'd already burned off their excess lust, so they were under no pressure this time around.

They had the privacy of semi-understanding parents, their mutual love, and the rest of the evening to kill. Somehow, things had worked out just fine.


Bonus Scene


Kara perked up when she saw Reeve's car in the driveway. All this Leif and Celia nonsense lately had been leaving her with some mixed emotions, and some brotherly company would help her out with that.

Their mom and dad were home too, but that didn't put too much of a damper on her enthusiasm. She wasn't looking for sexy times. Not yet, anyway.

Reeve was in his room. He was lying on his bed, intently texting on his phone. He didn't bat an eye as Kara shut the door, padded over, and slipped onto the mattress beside him.

"What up?" he asked.

"Got something interesting, actually," Kara said coyly.

She waited until Reeve put his phone aside and looked at her.

"Like what?" he asked.

Kara grinned. "Wellll..."

"Don't do that. You wanna tell me, so tell me."

She coiled some of her hair around her finger. "You know Cel?"

"Of course."

"And you know Lee?"

Reeve frowned for a second. "Her brother?"

"That's the one."

"What about them?"

Kara grinned wider and flicked her gaze toward the door to reassure herself that they had privacy. "They're totally banging," she said in a loud hush.

Reeve's eyebrows shot up. "They are?"


"You're sure?"

"Dude, I caught them almost going at it in the pool. Then they actually did it in my bed."

"Your bed?"

"Yeah, kinda annoying actually." Kara shrugged. "Young love, what ya gonna do?"

Reeve snorted. "Yeah, 'cause you're so worldly."

"Well... I'm not as anxious and excitable as they are." Kara thrust her chin out defiantly. "I wouldn't go around screwing on other people's beds."

"Only 'cause you never had the chance."

Kara punched Reeve's shoulder lightly. "S'got nothing to do with it."

"If you say so."

She grumbled and folded her arms. He remained calm and relaxed, stretched out in his reclined position. A moment of silence passed.

"So I guess we're not the only ones now, huh?" Reeve said. "Not special anymore."

Kara gave him a look. "Not special anymore?"

"You know. Unique."

"Pff, whatever. Our thing's still better."

"Is it? On what criteria?"

"You tryin' to be an ass?"

"No. Just asking. Wondering if you're jealous."

"As if."

Kara turned her head away, arms still folded over her chest. Reeve sat up. He reached over to her chin and applied gentle pressure until she turned back to look at him. He kissed her softly.

"You're right," he said easily. "They got nothing on us."

"S'what I'm sayin'. They're just puppies, really. All eager and excited."

"Puppies," he agreed. He kissed her again.

Kara unfolded from herself as her brother's embrace worked on her. His lips caused such wonderful, tingly feelings. It wasn't like she needed those feelings. They weren't what she'd come here for. But once they started...

She pressed against him, pushing him onto his back, then following him down. He felt so good, so comforting in the wake of her friend's new relationship. Reeve was always there when she needed him.

"Did you tell Cel about us?" he asked.

Kara shook her head. "Not all of it. She's always known some. May have guessed the rest."

"Do you think you will? Now that she's all brother-happy and shit?"

"I dunno. Maybe. If it comes up. Still not anyone's business."

"No. It isn't. But it's nice not to be alone with things sometimes."

"True." Kara shrugged. "We'll see."

She kissed Reeve some more, making out with him in his bed in the easy, familiar way they had together. His hands slipped under her shirt, warming her skin where he caressed her. She luxuriated in his touch, in all the feelings it evoked within her.

Clothes started coming off. Kara hadn't really been sure that it was that kind of make out session, but these things tended to work themselves out. She and Reeve had more than enough experience with one another to let their bodies basically decide for them. Doing what felt right was all it took.

Kara became increasingly horny and excited as she got her brother naked, and he did the same to her. The crazy, early days of their relationship were long past, but she still reacted with much of the same fire when they were together like this. He still did things to her that she couldn't fully comprehend, but absolutely adored.

Still, there was nothing desperate or rushed about their movements. They knew what was coming, that it took time to get there, just as it always did.

Kara kissed Reeve, then down his neck to his chest. She nuzzled his shoulder as she felt his fingers tangle in her hair.

She growled low in her throat as Reeve rolled her over. She accepted his kisses, then bit her lip as he dipped lower and sucked on her breasts. His tongue flicked over her nipples just the way she liked, the way that always got her anticipating more.

He meandered lower and lower, arriving at her waiting pussy. His licks and kisses became all the more meaningful as he lapped at her wet slit and teased her little clit.

Kara moaned and squirmed as her brother ate her out in his experienced and practiced way. He knew what she liked, what built her up, what got her off. His tongue was a sweet instrument of illicit pleasure in their incestuous play time.

"Mmm, yeah," she breathed.

She grabbed a loose handful of his hair in her fingers for some feeling of control, even though she didn't intend to guide him at all. He knew what she liked even better than she did.

Reeve's licks focused more and more on her clit as she got closer. She whined and panted and pawed at his hair, then clapped a hand over her mouth as she came all over his skillful tongue.

He gave her a few more long, gentle swipes to bring her down. The flat of his tongue trailed all the way up her pussy with only the barest caress of her sensitive clit, then dodging it altogether as she relaxed. A final kiss of her happy little pussy, then he crawled back up to her.

Kara smiled lazily and pulled him in for a kiss, licking tastes of herself off his lips. They made out again for a bit before she rolled him over and took her turn on top.

She sat up almost straight, hands braced on his chest, pussy pressed to his cock. He was deliciously hard against her. There'd been no doubt he wanted her, but his physical arousal was such a visceral reminder. She loved feeling her brother like that, and not just because of how horny it made her.

Reeve grabbed her hips, urging her closer still. She grinned and rocked back and forth, spreading her wetness along his shaft. Teasing him like that was a fun was to get them both ready for penetration, plus he made such a cute face every time she almost took him, then slid back instead.

Kara finally twitched her hips just that little bit extra and caught her brother's cock at the right angle. She sighed happily as she sank onto him, bouncing slightly to work herself all the way down. The moment when he was fully inside her was one of her favourites, and she paused briefly to savour it.

Reeve seemed just as happy about being inside her. He smiled broadly and ran his hands up her tummy, over her boobs, then back down again.

"Damn that's nice," he whispered.

Kara nodded with a matching grin. "Always is."

She rolled her lower body in slow, steady arcs, grinding on Reeve's cock in small but sensuous movements. She very gradually increased her speed and range of motion until she was sliding up and down and putting a bit of bounce into fucking him.

She rode him good without undo rushing, letting a sheen of sweat develop over the course of her sexy workout. Eventually, when the time was right, she let him flip them over and get back on top.

Reeve was all worked up now. Her teasing and slow fucking had him looking for more, just the way she knew they would. It was a predictable dance, but one that grew all the more intricate and subtle with every revision.

He fucked her harder, spreading her legs wide in his quest for satisfaction. She moaned and held him, digging soft fingers into his back, sparing him her nails since they left marks that sometimes brought awkward questions.

Kara came for a second time while Reeve grunted and pounded her little pussy. He was getting so close. She whispered affections in his ear and nuzzled his cheek, urging him to completion.

She sighed in satisfaction and wrapped her legs around his waist, holding him in place as she felt hot brother-cum exploding within her. She loved it filling her all up like that. Such a tangible punctuation to an already amazing expression of their sibling love.

They stayed tightly cuddled together afterward. Kara wouldn't let Reeve go until he'd softened nearly completely, and even after that she brought his hand down and made him cup her cummy pussy in a soft and comforting way.

"I bet Cel and Lee aren't nearly so good together," Kara mumbled cozily.

"No, I'm sure they aren't," Reeve said.

"Are you patronizing me?"

"A little, yeah."

Kara snorted and snuggled tighter to his chest. "Why do I put up with you?"

"Because you love me, and you love fucking me, and also you have no choice because we live together, and I know all your secrets already, and-"

Kara shut him up with a long, deep kiss. "Hush. That wasn't a serious question."

"I know."

They lay together a while longer, until they heard a call from further in the house. Reeve groaned and rolled out of Kara's arms.

"Well shit. Guess that's me," he said.

"I didn't hear anything," Kara said, reaching for him.

"Yes you did. Mom called me, and you know damn well we don't want her to come looking."

"Ugh. Fiiine."

At least she got to watch him dress, which was somehow almost as fascinating as watching him undress. Almost.

Reeve blew Kara a kiss before slipping out the door, then she was left alone. She curled up by herself in her brother's bed, only his scent remaining to keep her company. She lay like that a while, hoping he'd be back, but knowing he probably wouldn't be. Not for a while. Besides, she'd gotten what she wanted already, even if some more cuddle time would have been nice.

She reached down between her legs, slowly tracing a finger along her pussy and catching some of his cum. She brought it to her mouth and sucked her finger clean, smiling as the sexy taste hit her tongue.

Kara stretched nude and catlike along the length of Reeve's bed, then rolled to her feet and scrounged up her clothes. She got dressed, smoothed out her hair so it looked more casually ruffled than sexually mussed, then padded out of the room. There'd be other chances, but for now it was back to pretending like she didn't fuck her brother on a semi-regular basis. It had worked for them so far.

It might be time to really have a talk with Celia about all this family sex stuff going on. Let her in on everything. It wasn't like she'd be judgey about it.

But then again, Kara really liked having her and Reeve's true relationship just between them. A perfect little secret, other than the hints Celia and Lee had about it.

She shrugged and kept going. It might be one of those things that just naturally came up at some point. Or maybe it would never feel right. Either way was fine. She'd figure it out.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Won't Leif and Celia be surprised when they find out the reason their parents dropped their opposition so quickly and quietly is that they are brother and sister... (insert smiley face emoji thing here)

Nekomusume_DaisukiNekomusume_Daisuki6 months ago

It's funny to see Kara thinking she's more in control than Celia, when her brother is obviously aware they aren't any better, but in the end, Celia and Leif are better off, because they don't have to hide it at home...

This is an Xarth story that doesn't feel like just the setup without a finish, although there could - obviously - been much more told about these four. If they did things the smart way, they could use each other as beards, so the world would think Kara&Leif and Cel&Reeve were 2 pairs of relatives that chose to live together because they happened to be with each other's siblings...

As I said, much more could have been told about these four, but Xarth likes his one-offs... ;)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

You talked way too much sometimes the story build and back l story is good. But I loose my arousal sometimes from you just talking nonsense

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Most of Xarth's stories are easily recognizable, in a good way. I re-read a few too many, probably, during the last week, because just now I'm completely weirded out by the inflationary occurance of the word "weird". I could stand to read a couple of synonyms and alternativs or distinguishing, specifying terms, such as: strange, unsettling, odd, crazy, conflicting, inexplicable, disconcerting, disturbing, upsetting, dazing or ANYTHING but weird?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Come back Xarth

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