The Aftermath Ch. 04

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The rest of my naked life.
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Part 4 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 08/06/2012
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"I've just got one more question for you. I know you've been naked, with and for, me a little bit, but are you going to join me more often when you're not in work?" I quickly added, "It won't matter if you don't, just so long as you remain supportive of me being naked."

He didn't answer straight away but sat in thought again. I ground my lap into his groin while he cogitated – I can be so mean sometimes!

He eventually pushed me gently off his lap, stood, and stripped – then sat down again and invited me to resume my previous seat on his lap (where I also resumed my grinding).

"Yes, I think I will. I may not feel able to be as brazen as you are, but yes I will. I've enjoyed it too you know, and do feel the same liberation as you when you're naked and I really liked our trip to the pub the other night. One thing though, please will you stop that or we'll find ourselves making love in public too!"

I moved my position to allow me to suck his now erect dick into my moist and waiting pussy. "If we do it gently, I'm sure that Geraint won't notice." I whispered and started to quietly move back and forth on his lap.

Maybe because we were screwing in public, even though it was our own back garden, neither of us lasted long and we both had a slow and enjoyable orgasm as we kissed and rocked together. I remained still on his lap when we were finished and just hugged and kissed him gently.

After a few minutes, when we'd both properly recovered our equilibrium, he tapped my bottom.

"C'mon, let's go shower then we can hit the 'phones."

We showered together, occasionally kissing while we washed each other, then dried and went back downstairs.

I grabbed the 'phone and sat again on Martin's lap and dialled my Mum's telephone number.

After a few rings, my Dad answered the 'phone and I said 'Hi Dad, how are you and Mum today; are you busy?"

'Hi Gina, no, we're not really busy today, maybe a little shopping later that's all. How 'bout you guys?' came his tinny voice over the receiver.

"Is Mum with you then?" I asked.

"Yes, we're both here – is anything wrong? You sound a bit anxious" he replied.

"Well, you're right, I am a bit. Can you put the speaker 'phone on, I don't really want to do this twice."

There was a click and an echoy voice said, "OK Gina, it's on now and we're both here listening."

"OK" I said and took a deep breath, "Would you mind if Martin and I come over this afternoon, we've got something to discuss with you and would prefer to do it face to face?"

Mum's voice came next "Ooh! Are you pregnant at last? I do hope so, I'm so looking forward to being a Grandmother!"

I laughed down the 'phone and said, "No Mum, I'm not pregnant, but what we want to talk about is just as big a deal, if not bigger, so would it be OK?" I asked again.

"Well of course, you know you can come 'round anytime."

"OK, but just to warn you..." I took another big breath and Martin hugged me tighter in support "... we'll both be naked when we come over; that's what we want to discuss with you."

Dad said, "Can you say that again, I'm not sure that I heard or understood that."

I repeated myself and waited again.

Mum said now, "You're going to come here naked? I don't understand – is this some kind of stunt, or a bet or something?" I could hear a little tear in her voice – I knew my Mum well enough to know when she was out of her depth with something and she always cried when she was.

"No Mum, it's nothing like that – it all came about because of something in work a couple of weeks ago, and we want to come over to explain it all to you before you find out about our change of lifestyle the wrong way."

Mum again... "Will that be both of you, Martin too?

"Yes, Mum, both of us."

(I heard my Dad say in the background 'What the hell will the neighbours think')

"Well, I suppose so – if you must. I don't like it too much though. What time will you be coming and do you want lunch? Oh God – you don't want us to be naked too do you? – that would be just too much young lady!"

I laughed and said "No, of course not silly – this is our change, not yours – and lunch, if you can cope with us, would be great. How about in an hour, would that be OK?"

"OK, we'll see you then, Byeee" said Mum, and Dad repeated 'Byee' in the background.

I hung up the 'phone and just sat there on Martin's lap and he hugged me in close to him for support.

"That could have gone a lot worse Martin." I said. "I wonder how they'll be when we get there. Here – you're turn."

I got off him and went to get a coffee – my mouth was dry and my hands were shaking. 'Oh fuck – what have I done?' I questioned myself.

I soon resumed my seat on Martin's lap and he was having a much harder time of it than I had.

He was trying to talk and all I could hear were part words from him and shouting at the other end of the 'phone, it was his Mother yelling at him.

I held out my hand, offering to take the 'phone from him as I could see he was getting to the point where he would be shouting back – and that just wouldn't do anyone any good.

"Martin, let me speak to her" I said quietly.

Reluctantly, he handed the 'phone to me and when I put it to my ear I could hear his Mum having a right rant.

"Hi Jennifer, this is Gina, Martin had to pop off for a moment; sorry."

"Gina, I hope you're going to talk some sense into that boy of yours, it doesn't seem that I can – what's he on about wanting to come running home naked?"

"Jennifer, he's at home now; he, that is we, want to come and discuss with you our change of lifestyle before you hear about it in the wrong way. It's much better for us to tell you ourselves and when we have we can discuss it together in an adult and rational manner."

Still in a state of some anxiety, she replied, "What is rational about running around in public naked as the day you were born – it's perverted and you'll get arrested both of you. What the hell is all this – I just can't make any of it out..."

I cut her tirade off, "Jennifer, getting all worked up before you know the facts is not going to get any of us anywhere – Martin and I have decided to change the way we live, despite the difficulties that may arise out of it, and out of courtesy to you and Ralph, we'd like to tell you about it ourselves. We'll be around at about 4 O'Clock and when we come we'll be naked. Is that OK with you."

"Well! I've never heard you be so rude before – you make it sound like I don't have a say in all this?"

"Can you hold just a moment please Jennifer." and I put my hand over the mouthpiece of the 'phone.

"Martin, snapshot answer – how do you feel about continuing with this if your family don't accept us?"

"Snapshot – it's our life now and we've got to live it how we feel right for us – if they don't agree I'm sure we'll manage just fine!"

"Jennifer, thanks for that – and to answer your question, you don't have too much choice – we have to live our lives the way we see fit and if you can't accept that and support us that would be a sad thing for us all. So, we'll see you late afternoon as I previously said."

"I can't wait young lady – and I'll have a few choice things to say myself." and she put the 'phone down.

I too, with a shaking hand, replaced the receiver to it's charging cradle.

I eventually turned to face Martin and, with hanging head, said, "Sorry Martin – maybe things could have gone smoother than that – I thought she would talk more openly with me, her being a woman too. I hope it will be OK, I couldn't forgive myself if she doesn't talk to us again." and, despite my earlier bravado with Jennifer, I burst into tears.

Martin took me in his arms and hugged me while I sobbed.

"Gina, what you said was exactly right – this is our life – we've made our choice, we've discussed what we want to do with our lives, and we've agreed. Yes, it would be a sad thing not to have my parents in our lives, but it would be a devastating thing for our relationship if we changed our minds because of them. We wouldn't survive that Darling, I'd feel guilty about curtailing your dreams for us after agreeing to them and you would moulder away at what could have been – and we'd end up hating each other – so you've done exactly the right thing. We decided this morning what we want out of life together – and to survive we have to stick to our guns. I told you I love you – and that is unconditional – I always shall and no matter what – I'll be right behind you every step of the way."

I looked up at him and he dried the tears from my eyes.

"How is it that you always say the right things to me?"

"Because I love you, and as I said, I'll always be right behind you: (he smiled then) besides, with you running around 'butt' naked, no matter how good you look from the front, that ass is something to die for!"

I slapped his arm and reached up to kiss him again.

Instead of the light gentle kiss I'd expected, Martin drove his tongue into my mouth and held me close to him, his hands caressing my buttocks, and he mumbled "I love you darling – and I always will."

He eventually, and breathlessly, put me down again and, after a moment to collect my thoughts, I said, "We'd better get cleaned up to go to Mum's then Darling – and I love you too – more than you can possibly know.

I kissed him softly and hugged him to me.

"Come on, let's clean up and go to my Mum's house.

Thirty five minutes later, it was only a ten minute drive to Mum's house, we pulled up at the kerb of the terraced Council house where I grew up. In the next door garden Mr. Havers was trimming his privet hedge, but other than that the street was empty, although the lounge windows of the houses faced the street so there was no telling how many people may see us walking across the road (all the cars in the street parked on one side to allow other cars to continue using the street) and down the footpath to the front door.

Martin took my hand and asked, "Ready Gina?"

I lifted his hand to my mouth and kissed it, smiled at him and replied, "Martin, I think this is the biggest thing I've ever done in my life, and the last few weeks has seen me do big things and live through them, so yes Darling, I'm ready if you are!"

He in turn kissed my hand and he reached for the door handle of the car and, as equally naked as I, he opened the door and stepped out with me following in turn, walking around the car to him and taking his hand as he stood in the street waiting for me.

As soon as he saw us, Mr. Havers stopped his hedge clipper, his mouth dropped open and he stared at us. As we reached Mum's gate he asked, "Haven't you forgotten something Gina?"

"No, Mr. Havers; we haven't forgotten anything at all thank you. Your hedge is coming along nicely this year isn't it." I replied as we walked up the path to the house.

I tapped on the door and pushed it open, "Mum, Hi, it's only us." and Martin shut the door behind us.

Both Mum and Dad stepped into the hall from the kitchen, which was at the back of the house so they didn't see us coming, and my Dad blushed to the roots of his hair. As was usual for us, I hugged him and kissed his cheek and if anything it made his blush worse. I kissed my Mum's cheek too and asked if we could have a coffee and a chat.

Showing us into the lounge she then went out to the kitchen and Dad followed her. I could vaguely hear them talking as the cups rattled and the kettle boiled.

I took Martin's hand; it was shaking.

I kissed his cheek and said, "Don't worry Darling, it'll all be OK; promise!"

Mum and Dad came back into the lounge with a tray of cups, offered each of us one and then they sat down too.

"Well," asked Dad, "What's all this about then Gina."

I proceeded to tell them about Naked Friday and all that had happened, including my now working naked every day and travelling back and forth to work on the bus most days, again naked. Surprisingly, it took a lot longer to tell than I thought, when I'd finished about twenty minutes had passed.

"I really don't know what to think about it." Mum eventually said. "How is it, having been so brazenly and publicly naked so much, that you haven't been arrested yet?"

"We've been careful about where and when we go to start with, but that hasn't stopped us carrying out our normal day-to-day activities, at least not yet, and if anyone asks about why I'm naked I just tell them openly and honestly why, and how good it feels. Martin doesn't go to work naked and he hasn't come shopping naked, at least not yet, but it does seem to be different for men. We've discussed the implications of getting into trouble with the Law and we're prepared to accept that we may well do. Fortunately though, I met a Barrister the other day when we were out on site who's wife said that they would come to our assistance and represent us if, or I suppose when, we do get into trouble."

There was a silence for a few more seconds than was comfortable so I continued, "Look Mum, Dad; we're not doing this to cause anyone any embarrassment, or to shock anyone or make any type of statement. During the week preceding Naked Friday when I was practising for it, I found that I was quite happy being naked, wasn't shy or ashamed of it, and loved making new friends because of it. I've loved too the way that the office atmosphere has changed for the better and how accepting of you people can be if only you're upfront and honest with them. We're just hoping that you can be accepting of us too."

Dad was the first to speak - "Martin, what do you really think about this, because it seems as though Gina is the driving force in this thing and you're following along behind her – don't you care about what people will say about you?"

"Dad, Gina has opened my eyes over the last few weeks and she hasn't pressed me in any way. We've discussed everything that's happened, agreed that this is what we want, and I do want to do more in supporting Gina by going naked more often, and she's right too that it's a very liberating experience... I love your daughter, she is the most grounded sensible person I think I've ever known, and even in this she's considered the consequences of everything she, and we, have done beforehand and we've discussed it and agreed together to do what we're doing – and we wholly support each other – that's what we promised when we married; and that is what we're doing."

I squeezed his hand and glowed, I'm sure, with pride as once again he had said the most perfect thing.

Mum asked, almost in a whisper, as if to deny the question before it had been spoken, "Don't you get embarrassed about strangers seeing your most private parts?"

This was good, Mum was asking the right questions now.

"No, Mum, I don't. As I see it, there are two types of human, Male and Female. Half of us has the attributes I have and half the attributes of Martin, so we either have the same thing or we've seen the other at some time or other, and that includes kids too if you think about it, so why should the sight of a naked body be such an awful thing? Let's be fair, you've seen Dad naked and he's seen you naked too, so there's nothing different about us being naked other than the differences that are found in each other's faces – we're just being honest about it."

Again, they both appeared to be thinking to themselves about what they'd heard.

I stood up and dragged Martin with me, picked up the now empty cups and asked, "Another coffee anyone?"

Mum and Dad said, rather remotely, 'Yes please' and Martin and I left them to their deliberations, closing the lounge door behind us as we went.

I put the kettle on to boil and washed and dried the cups. I could still hear them talking so took Martin's hand and went out to the back garden, taking a seat at the picnic table with Martin opposite me.

"That seemed to go better than I'd expected." Martin said.

"Yes, I agree, it must be that 'open and honest' thing again. We held hands and just enjoyed the sunshine for a while and then Dad came out of the back door with the tray of cups. He, followed by Mum, came and sat at the table, him next to me and Mum next to Martin.

Dad gave each of us a cup and said, "You both seem to have given this a lot of thought and consideration – you've plainly talked it all through and have decided that this is how you're going to live from now on." he paused for a moment, then continued... "We've talked and decided that it's not something we agree with, nor something we endorse, but we do love you – both – and if this is how you want to live then we must allow; no, not allow, sorry; accept that and support you in your decision.

I turned in my seat and gave Dad a huge hug, and Martin did the same to my Mum, who 'whooped' in embarrassment, then I got up and hugged Mum too.

"Thank you both – you've been so kind about all this – and this is exactly the kind of responses I was telling you about when being open and honest about what we're doing. I knew you'd be OK about it all – and we love you both too."

The atmosphere became much lighter after that and we chatted generally about all sorts of things. Eventually though, it was time to go and get lunch before facing the expected tirade at Martin's parents.

I asked Mum if she wanted help with preparing lunch and she said yes, so while we went off to do just that we left Dad and Martin chatting about Martin's work in the garden.

When lunch was ready we ate in the garden, noting that Mr. and Mrs. Havers spent some time in their garden too, where they could clearly see us in all our naked glory. I was surprised that their attentions made me quite aroused and my pussy, while not gushing, was quite damp as a result. Did I mention that I like being seen naked? I'm sure I must have!

As we were eating our lunch, the talk turned to our forthcoming visit to Martin's parents house and how hostile they had been on the 'phone this morning. I didn't really expect any kind of sympathy from Mum, rather I expected her in particular (Dad was always more easy going than Mum) to be quite on the side of Martin's parents, but quite out of character she asked if it would help if they joined us on the visit to lend some support. I looked at Martin to answer that one for me, but thought it might be a good idea to have, surprisingly, an ally or two.

Martin agreed saying, "Thank you Janet, your support would be most welcome, and I'm grateful for it, both of you."

Mum and I left the table as I offered to do the washing up after lunch and she tagged along to help. While at the sink she asked...

"Gina, tell me, now that we're on our own, are you certain that this isn't something Martin is forcing you into?"

"Oh Mum! How could you think that. Didn't you bring me up to have a mind of my own and not to bow to pressure from someone else? Of course he didn't – in fact, it's a bit the other way. When the Naked Friday project was announced it was me that wanted to do it – and its me who's really led this all the way, with Martin's opinion being taken into account of course. I couldn't have done this without his unbridled support and now that I have, I've become accustomed to being nude all the time: it works for me and Martin, and it's good for my work too. I've never enjoyed anything so much: so please, Martin's been so supportive of what I've asked for us to do and now he too is feeling the same freedom that I did when I went naked that first night. We've never been happier Mum, and I hope you can be at least half as supporting as Martin has been – neither of us want to fall out with you over this – but it's something that we've just got to do – for the foreseeable future anyway."

"OK then... So, what's it like being naked around other people; like, do you feel embarrassed at all?"

I laughed a little and replied, "No, Mum. I don't feel embarrassed at all – quite the contrary, I feel invigorated, free and happy, and the couple of times I have worn any clothes over the last few weeks I've felt exactly the opposite – constricted, unhappy and feeling that I have to comply with a pretty much outdated attitude towards our own bodies. Just think of it Mum, if we all didn't wear clothes, think how few overweight people we'd see on the streets – it would be good for the Country's health and bank balance!"