The Apartment


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"She threw herself at me, Mary! I didn't enjoy it all." I lied as best I could as they both shared a smile. "I was just caught up in it all and didn't know how to get out. It will never happen again, I swear."

"Didn't enjoy it?" Ethel questioned. "I think you're lying".

"You are the only one for me, Mary. She meant nothing," I stuttered as Julie smirked and almost spat while trying to hold back a laugh.

"I think you are going to have to prove that, you cheating bastard," Ethel stated, with hands on her naked hips. Getting yelled at by two naked women did nothing to lessen my raging hard-on. Too many bouncing titties. Damn my cock for not bowing out of the argument.

"I will prove it every day for the rest of my life," and I meant it, "There is no other woman but you, from now on." I wasn't going let this go any farther.

Ethel smiled, "I can't wait my whole life to test your fidelity. You need to prove it now or we are through." Shit, this was getting really fucked up. I couldn't tell if she was serious or still acting.

I signed my own death warrant. "You tell me how, and I will prove it. I swear I will be true to you." Ethel had that 'I got you' look on her face as she reeled me in.

"Lucy, he has obviously grown a boner looking at you. It couldn't have been this decrepit old body that turned him on," Ethel said, gesturing at herself.

"I was turned on by you, Mary; Julie had nothing to do with it," I interjected my half truth. It was Mary's body that lit my fire, but it was Julie who threw on the gasoline. It was entrapment plain and simple. I dug my own grave and then tripped right into it.

"Well, if it is really me that turns you on, then you should be indifferent to Lucy's talents." Ethel sprang the trap. "Lucy, why don't you straddle that cock? If he cums, I know that he doesn't really love me."

"No, Mary, that's not a good test." I was in panic mode again. "Men don't work like that." Lucy was smiling from ear to ear as she moved to mount me while I sat in a now warm pile of her cum. I tried lightly to push her off me, and tucked my hips back into the couch so she wouldn't get access. I knew there was no way my prick was going to work with me on this.

"No test, no wife," Ethel said sternly. I relented to being straddled and I scooted my ass forward. Julie caressed my chest as she lined up her pussy with my cock. Not this tender shit, I thought. I will blow in a second if she goes slow. She has to pound me so I can be distracted by the pain long enough to convince Mary. I whispered the same into Julie's ear when I thought Mary was distracted. "Please fuck me hard, really hard." Julie smiled a gorgeous mischievous smile, and began to lower herself ever so slowly. I was fucked. The need was already past boiling point. I couldn't get the image of Julie licking Mary out of my head long enough to even begin thinking of baseball.

She slowly enveloped my cock with her tight wet pussy. The pain in my groin was increasing. I knew if I let the first twinge out, it was all coming out. She was caressing my chest the whole time she was lowering herself down. It felt like I was being sucked into a wondrous warm bath where all my cares would be washed away. I tried to accelerate into her, but she had strategically placed her feet atop my knees when she kneeled down. Slightly awkward for her, but crucial for limiting my movement. I wasn't going to make it. When she reached bottom, her pussy muscles began to massage my cock. How the hell, and why the hell, is she doing this to me? It was exquisite. Why does she want Mary to leave me? My balls felt like they were being sucked up into my body. The pain was becoming extreme.

Lucy leaned over and licked the lobe of my ear. "I love the taste of your wife. She is so sweet," she whispered, and moved to my other ear. The pain was backing up into my stomach. Something was going to break. Another lick. "Do you think she will taste me? That would be lovely," she whispered again, while her pussy slowly climbed back up my pole. She was putting visions in my head. She was trying to fuck up my marriage. Sweat was coming from every pore on my body. My legs were twitching and the pain was becoming unbearable. Uncontrolled tears were flowing from my eyes which were now squeezed shut in agony. I hadn't realized I was moaning. Every muscle in my abdomen was cramped shut and I felt a strain in my left side. I wasn't going to cum, I was just going to die before I disappointed my wife.

Julie stopped moving. "Hon, I think he is going to have a heart attack. I mean for real." Mary was starting to panic. "Oh, shit." It sound like it was coming from a great distance. I felt lips at my ear. "Cum for me, darling," whispered Mary's soft voice, "please cum for me, my love." Her words were laced with loving concern as she stroked my head. Julie wasn't moving an inch when the floodgates opened. Relief flooded out from the pit of my stomach. It was followed by pain from muscles I didn't know I had cramped as I emptied into Julie. I grimaced through the pain, fearing my private parts were now lost.

"I'm so sorry, baby, I was just teasing." Mary was shaking with concern as my muscles finally relaxed. Julie still hadn't moved, fearing a reaction from my over-sensitivity. I probably would have kicked her to the ceiling had she tried.

"My God, this man would take a bullet for you, then stand up and take another," Julie said incredulously.

"Oh baby, are you okay? I would never leave you. It was just a game," Mary's concern was growing.

"I don't think I like that game," I said softly, with weak breaths.

Mary kissed me full on the lips. "We will never play it again, ever," she said with determined sincerity, all the while caressing my cheeks.

Julie still hadn't moved, her pussy full of my aching penis and its discharge. We looked up when we heard a little moan. There was a tear running down her cheek from her heavily watering eyes. "I almost fucked you to death," she whimpered.

"No, no, Julie. It was my fault. I didn't think he would last five seconds. It was a stupid game," Mary said, and leaned over to hug Julie. Mary's eyes began to tear. "I just pushed it too far; it's not your fault," she continued to console Julie.

I ended the tears. "I have two gorgeous naked women on top of me and we are all crying. Fantasies never live up to the hype." The girls broke into laughter, lovely laughter. I then received lots of kisses and exaggerated cuddles for my suffering. My dick, although still a little sore, had lost its girth and sensitivity. Julie began to dismount.

"Jesus," Mary exclaimed as she quickly put her hands between Julie's legs, "I didn't think you would have any left." I looked down and saw a puddle of sperm on my stomach, and my wife's hand quickly filling up from Julie's pussy. "My husband the porno stud," Mary said, trying to keep the discharge off the couch and carpeting. I must say I was a little surprised and just a bit proud. No wonder it hurt so much.

It was like I never really knew my wife. I was watching her catching my cum leaking from another woman's pussy. I had never seen this side of her before. I had never really tried to expand our sexual experiences, but neither had she. Julie had let us loose and she wasn't done yet.

"We can't leave him all messy like this," Julie said, "not after nearly putting him in the grave."

"We did kind of screw up that male fantasy thing," Mary added, with a smile directed at me. They both sensually dropped to their knees and began to clean me up with their wonderful mouths. The whole time their eyes were locked to mine. They would giggle when their tongues met and they shared my seed. It was a lovely erotic sight, and kind of scary since I really didn't want my poor dick to get hard again, at least not right then. When they were done, Mary held up her coated hand and they shared the gooiest, sexiest open mouthed kissing I could have ever imagined in my life. The image burned into my brain. They were sex goddesses, a fantasy on steroids; one was my life, the other my dream. My body was totally spent, but my mind wished for more.

"Was that a little more like you imagined?" Julie said with her deadly smile.

"Way beyond perfect; erotically lovely; you two are goddesses of love." Corny, I know, but factual. I did say it with enough emphasis that they seemed quite happy with their efforts.

Mary sighed, seeing the adventure coming to an end. "So what's the name of your bastard ex?" she said, changing the subject completely.

"Terry Brindle," Julie said hesitantly. Mary went to the side of the couch and grabbed her purse. She removed her phone and a little black book.

"Let's see if we can't hurry things along." It suddenly felt strange sitting in the apartment with these two women, all of us comfortably naked. What a difference a day can make. Mary made a call to a number she found in the book.

"Who is she calling?" Julie whispered to me.

"I have no idea." Which I didn't. Someone obviously answered.

"Can I speak with Mr. Karpasky, please...he will take my call. Just tell him Mary Watson is calling."

That was her maiden name. I was now really curious about who she was calling. I had heard the name before, but I couldn't place it in context. Mary was tapping her foot while waiting for a response.

"Yes, it has been a long time Bobby. It's good to hear your voice too...No, I am still married...Yes, I still love him..."

She smiled at me while she said that. Bobby Karpasky. It didn't sound right. I kept trying to jog my memory but, something wasn't lining up.

"Bobby, stop that, I really love him....Look, I called because I need to call in that favor...Things happen, you were right, I was wrong, I am calling it in now...No, no, it's not for me...I have a dear friend whose ex is giving her some problems ..."

She looked at Julie and smiled.

"No, no, they're just breaking up, but he has hidden the money and refuses to complete the divorce. He has left her and their daughter high and dry for way too long...Bobby! He is a bastard, but you know I wouldn't call you for that. No hospitals, just some persuasion. She just wants an equitable divorce in a timely manner. Hell, most of the money is hers anyway...".

Hospital? Shit, it hit me then. Robert Karpasky had been in the papers, accused of being the head of a large crime syndicate. What else do I not know about my wife?

"Thanks Bobby, his name is Terry Brindle and he lives at..."

Mary looked at Julie with a prompting gesture. Julie stated Terry's address and Mary repeated it into the phone.

"Thanks Bobby, I really appreciate it....No, you can't come for a visit ...Dammit, Bobby, my husband is standing right next to me...No, absolutely not...You would renege on your word?...Whatever happened to your honor?...Well, okay, but you better not fuck with him..."

She handed the phone to me. "He wants to talk with you," she said reluctantly. Dumbfounded, I stood up and took the phone to my ear and said hello.

"You are one lucky son of bitch!" he said, and hung up. I looked at the phone then handed it back to Mary.

"What did he say?" she asked.

"He said I was a lucky son of a bitch," I replied, and shrugged my shoulders. Mary smiled.

"I'm the lucky one," and she gave me a loving embrace.

Julie asked, "Mary, what did you just do?"

"I sped things up for you. Bobby has a way of making things work on schedule. I just put your ex on your schedule." She smiled, pleased with herself.

"I recognized that name. I can't have you beholden to a man like that. Not for me." Julie's concern showed on her face.

"Nah, he was beholden to me. He owed me one, and I was just calling in the marker. Never thought I would, but I kept his number just in case." Mary said matter-of-factly.

"And why did he owe you?" I asked, with a tinge of jealousy.

"Oh don't worry, honey, he was just an old flame from my wilder days. Just before I met you, come to think of it." She was getting thoughtful. "I was his alibi for an incident that he had nothing to do with. Kind of risked hell with my parents when I told the police what he and I were actually doing. He told me he owed me one, and now he can pay me back."

"And what were you doing?" I asked.

Mary smiled "One day, when we are alone, I will tell you in great detail. But, not until this is ready to work again," she said, as she lightly caressed my cock. I basically just figured out that my wife had had wild sex with a crime lord who still seemed to have the hots for her, and that simple caress erased all my jealousy.

"I think I will be a lot better tomorrow," I said with a grin.

"This was just sex, Mary; you didn't have to get involved with my problems," Julie stated uncomfortably.

"That wasn't just sex for us, sweetie." She leaned in and gave Julie a kiss on the cheek, "Even if I never saw you again, I would still consider you a dear friend. I have held back with Chuck because I feared he wouldn't respect me, and Chuck held back for the exact same reason. Chuck was right when he called you a therapist." Julie was crying again. Mary embraced her, and I embraced them both.

"I thought I would have to move back in with my parents. My life was so fucked up," Julie whimpered.

"Well, I think Chuck agrees with me that you can stay as long as you need to straighten things out, even if Bobby fails to come through," Mary said while caressing Julie's back.

"Absolutely!" I said, way too quickly, "Those eviction talks tear me up inside. There's no way we're putting you out on the street now." I still couldn't believe that I was having a group hug with two naked women and I wasn't trying to hide my junk. It felt natural. I was feeling kind of like a stud hugging my two women. I felt it was a good time to straighten up my cluttered mind a bit.

"So why did you pick the name Ethel? Kind of a weird alter ego this day and age," I asked with obvious interest. I was learning a lot about my wife, and I thought this might give me a bit more insight.

Julie laughed, "What? Did you want her to use Fred?" Mary began to laugh, sharing another private moment with Julie at my expense. Fred...Ethel...ah, the light bulb went off.

"I Love Lucy," I grinned, as I finally realized the link.

"You better not!" Mary said sternly, followed by more of Julie's laughter. You get two in-sync women together and the sole male becomes a plaything for their mind games. Mary hugged me to prove they didn't mean harm. Damn, I married a smart woman.

"I fear we have made quite a mess of your apartment. We should help you straighten up." Mary said, looking around.

"Absolutely not! I haven't had guests in a while, and it will be kind of therapeutic for me clean up after. Kind of like getting back to the real world." Julie smiled as she looked at the state of living room. "You just get this lovely man cleaned up into and bed. I suspect he may sleep for a week." She grabbed my head and pulled me in for a wicked sexy full-mouth kiss. God, I felt like a stud. Yes, I had already begun ignoring my earlier non-manly behavior.

"Come on stud," Mary said, reading my mind as she pulled me off Julie. "Get your clothes on. Every wet dream has to come to an end." Mary and Julie shared a look laced with a smile. We dressed and said our goodbyes. They were mixed with a lot of hugging and delays, but we finally made it to the door.

"I learned a fun way to get cleaned up, honey," I said to Mary, trying to hint about a gentle continuation to the day. Mary leaned over my shoulder and silently mouthed a thank you to Julie as we exited. "Oh, really? Does it involve soap?" she teased me as we headed upstairs to our apartment.

Two days later, while I was reading the morning paper, Julie knocked on our door. She was really excited and ran right up to me at the kitchen table while dragging Mary behind her.

"Terry's lawyer just called. It's the most amazing thing. He has written up a wonderful distribution and has a judge waiting to adjudicate at my earliest convenience. I asked him if tomorrow was OK. He said he would schedule it immediately. I couldn't believe how much of the assets I get, and Terry is going to pay for my baby's college. Terry already signed it and cut a cashier's check. Of course, the lawyer made me promise that if anyone asked, I would say the agreement was equitable. He was quite insistent about that part. He really seemed concerned that I wouldn't be happy." She finally took a breath. Damn, she looked so happy, and was bouncing around while she was explaining.

Julie continued after filling her lungs again. "Thank you so much, Mary. I don't know how I will ever repay you. Oh, and you have to thank Bobby too. Do you think I should send him a thank-you note? I feel so free. Of course, I will get you guys your money immediately. I don't..."

Mary grabbed her. "Take a breath, sweetie. It's wonderful news. We couldn't be happier for you." She hugged Julie more to slow her down than anything else. "I'll convey the thank-you to Bobby. As for the money, take your time. We know you're good for it. Settle your finances and see us when you're ready."

"You two are the best." She was still bouncing. "My life was crap, I met you guys and now everything is coming up roses." It was infectious. Mary started smiling, getting kind of bouncy herself. I was just enjoying the happiness. Life was good.

"You know, I have a free day Saturday, and I still feel we kind of cheated Chuck out of his girl-girl thing." Life was great. My insides jumping for joy yelling pick me, pick me. Mary looked at me and I gave her an exaggerated nod as I could tell she was excited as well.

"That would be wonderful. Want to mess up our apartment this time?" Mary asked with smile.

"Hell no, I'm planning all new furniture now. Might as well give the old stuff a goodbye workout." I have never seen such a happy person, "let's get started early, say about 9 AM?" she asked. I was really beginning to like mornings.

"We'll be there," I said, before anyone could possibly disagree. Yes, another appointment with heaven, and I didn't even have to hide it from my wife. Life was excellent. Mary's eyes were broadcasting her desire as well. It was going to be a long wait till Saturday.

"Good, see you then," she said, as she bounced out the door. Just before the door fully closed, she poked her head back in. "By the way, I think I am going to be a few days late with next month's rent."

Mary looked perplexed. For once she was a little slow on the uptake. Rick, fortunately, decided to handle this. I slammed the paper to the table, stood up and, as sternly as I could, said, "I have ways of dealing with freeloading bitches."

A light bulb went off in Mary's head and Ethel added with false bravado, "Just another slut that needs a lesson in timely payments."

"Oh, goody," Julie giggled as she closed the door and scampered off.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

A fun to read tale, but he shared himself with a woman not his wife.

I have a problem with cheaters. 4 stars.

Bill S.

ttjbjr54ttjbjr543 months ago

Excellent story and well written.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

I really liked this story. It's a fantasy romp and should be read as such. It's not trying to be real life and all 3 were willing participants in the fantasy. Both humorous and hot in places. Believable not really but if viewed as horny escapism in the style of a porn film it really works and is well written too. BardnotBard

someoneothersomeoneother9 months ago

I have given a 5* to most DreamCloud stories, and they very truly great stories. This story, unfortunately, is not in the same category.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

This was a really different story. It had me confused after Mary entered the apartment, but everything worked out in the end with hope of fun to come in the future. A solid 5+.

Bill S.

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