The Awakening of Zilphia Turner


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"You BITCH!" were Zilphia's first words. "You fucking bitch!"

Anjali waited patiently as Zilphia let loose a stream of profanity towards her. It continued for a minute, until Anjali raised her hand. The gesture was commanding enough that Zilphia silenced herself almost immediately.

"You have never felt this way about another person, have you, my lady? This rage, towards me?" Anjali asked, neutrally.

Zilphia did not respond. Anjali took that as assent.

"I promised you that you were to be a guest of honor. And I intend to keep that promise," Anjali started. She leaned in closer to Zilphia. "If you do as I say, no harm shall come to you, far from it. You shall see yourself at your most true. If you do not..."

Zilphia's face shrank, recognizing again that was on an island, a thousand miles from any safety. Her face contorted in rage and fear and pride, but she said nothing.

Anjali nodded, and stepped back. She snapped her finger.

From the darkness, footsteps. A young woman and young man stepped onto the dais, their hands interlocking. Zilphia's eyes fell on them, and her mouth widened. They were totally naked. The woman's curves stood out proudly, her breasts large, the firelight flickering off of the curves of her deep brown skin. Her only adornment was a gold ringlet, clasped around her waist. Her face was gentle and round, and hair fell down to her buttocks. The man was six feet of brown muscle, handsome, rugged, with a long beard.

In the corner of her eyes, Anjali took note of Zilphia's reaction. The British woman did not look away, out of shame or surprise; her eyes flitted between the nude woman and man, drawing up and down their bodies. Anjali had been trained for this, to see the inner feelings of women like Zilphia that were hidden behind layers of propriety. Anjali saw Zilphia's eyes stop over the nude woman's breasts, and imperceptibly wince in frustration at the man's groin, which was concealed in shadow. As though feeling Anjali examining her, Zilphia stopped and looked away, down to the side.

Anjali moved closer to Zilphia. "Don't look away," she said, sternly. "They are here for you."

Zilphia looked up. The woman and man were expressionless, their nudity clearly discomfiting Zilphia. "What... what is this? Who are they?"

"The bride and groom," Anjali explained. "This is what you wanted to see, no? Savages without clothes?" Zilphia swallowed.

"I wonder, why did you so want that?" Anjali tapped a finger against her mouth, examining Zilphia. "Ah...this must be the first man you have truly seen, no? You Britishers do it under the sheets, is what I hear, in the dark?" Zilphia flushed. "Perhaps this is the first woman you have truly seen as well?" Zilphia did not respond, but kept looking at them as Anjali stepped away to a nearby torch. "The only naked flesh you must see are statues in your museums. You must have thirsted for this moment. You, the educated observer, seeing the savage of the East in their element."

She took a piece of incense hanging nearby, and lit it on the torch. She held her breath and returned to Zilphia with the incense. Distracted, Zilphia didn't even notice as the incense was raised to her nose. She breathed in but once, and she gasped loudly, her body tensing as though shocked by lightning. Zilphia gasped like a fish once, twice, and then collapsed onto the frame, her body heaving.

Anjali extinguished the incense and gestured to the bride. As the bride approached, the slats of the frame began to move, as if alive, bending like accordion bellows, pushing Zilphia's body towards ground level, parallel from the ground, but still tightly bound. Zilphia moaned incomprehensibly, her head shaking from side to side. The bride began to gently tug at the fabric of her robe, peeling it off of her body. Minutes passed, and Anjali kept her eyes focused on Zilphia, waiting for her to regain consciousness.

Zilphia's eyes flittered open and closed, her mind coming back to reality. Anjali saw, and relished the confusion in them. She leaned in close, pushing her face close to Zilphia's ear. "What is that you feel, my lady? This thing, this strange thing, coursing through your body?"

Zilphia's words were slurred and slow, but her breathing was sharp. "What...what did you do to me?"

Anjali chuckled. "I did but little. Something to...aid you on this journey. But you did not answer my question. What do you feel?"

"I feel...I feel warm..."

"Oh, do you, my lady? Perhaps you should remove some of your heavy clothing?"

Zilphia looked to her arms, slowly. Her eyesight was clearly blurred, and she took a great amount of concentration for a moment. "My clothes... I don't have any clothes..."

"No, my love. You do not. But why are you so warm?"

Zilphia swallowed. "Something...something is happening." Her voice was becoming more lucid.

Anjali nodded. "Look down, Zilphia."

Zilphia craned her head downwards, looking down past her own naked body. Nestled in between Zilphia's thighs was the bride's head, licking and sucking dutifully at Zilphia's cunt. From Zilphia's view, she must have only seen the bride's shock of black hair. It wasn't until the bride's eyes locked contact with Zilphia that she fully understood what was happening. Zilphia's head was thrown back as the bride's tongue snaked up her cunt. Zilphia, now fully lucid, was thrown back into confusion at what was happening to her body. Her lips moved, clearly attempting to voice words of resistance, but none came out.

Zilphia's hips began to lift ever so slightly. Anjali leaned in. "My lady, I know that this perhaps must be confusing to you. But will you not look to her? She only seeks to please you." Perhaps Zilphia's instinctual desire to be mindful of manners led her to obey Anjali, in some absurd way. But Zilphia looked back down to the bride, who was continuing her ministrations at Zilphia's cunt. Zilphia began to moan, despite herself, her breaths coming out in a sharp hiss.

"Yes, that's it..." Anjali urged. "This is it. Do not fight it."

Zilphia's hips began to thrash, and cords in her neck stood out. She was silent for a tense moment, and then cried out loudly. Anjali took a step back, almost staggered by the visible force of the British woman's climax. Zilphia's hips thrust out against the bride's face once, twice, three times, held aloft for another second, then collapsed to the ground.

Zilphia's breasts heaved, her pale white body reddening as she came down from her climax. She seemed staggered and bewildered, her mind adrift. Anjali hovered over Zilphia's prone, nude body, examining her. "That was the first time you came, wasn't it? Even with all those times your husband fucked you?" Zilphia bit her lip in response, at the small shock of hearing the word "fuck" spoken so loudly.

"You enjoyed it, didn't you, Zilphia?" Anjali asked rhetorically. "But there's something else, isn't there?" The bride, still kneeling between Zilphia's thighs, ran a hand up her stomach, towards her breasts. Zilphia gasped.

Anjali leaned close to Zilphia's face. "You feel unsatisfied, don't you, my dear? Something is aching inside you, something that wants...more?" Zilphia tried to avert Anjali's gaze; her body language indicated more confusion than shame. That was good.

Anjali rose. "You must be wondering what is happening to you. You deserve to know." She gestured towards the incense, hanging in a decorative binding next to the torch. "An herb grows on this island, and only on this island. They call it zusma. When burned, the smoke seems to have a curious effect on humans and animals alike; after inhaled, it causes one's sexual energy to take over all other energies. Their carnal desire begins to dominate all other desires. And their body feels sexual pleasure far beyond anything they have felt before."

Zilphia looked to the herb in alarm, which only a few minutes before she had inhaled deeply. Anjali could see the wheels turning in Zilphia's mind; the British woman was desperately trying to figure if Anjali was lying or not.

Anjali continued. "The herb, after inhaled, has another curious effect. Your bodily fluids are now producing that same aphrodisiac. Any other person who comes in contact with your fluids will likewise receive this same sexual power. If they contact your saliva, your sweat, or even..."

Zilphia looked to the bride, with two fingers was wiping her cheeks. Anjali continued. "Or even your cunt juices." The bride stood and licked at her fingers, smiling blissfully at Zilphia. Zilphia seemed to want to avoid her gaze, but did not; her eyes stayed fixed over her face, and down her body. Anjali could see Zilphia beginning to desire the other woman despite herself.

Suddenly the groom strode into view. Zilphia looked to him, her mouth slightly agape as his manhood came into view for the first time. It was swelling, halfway erect. "That's right," Anjali said. "He was looking at you. Your body, exposed to the world. You are beautiful to him." Anjali leaned closer. "He desires you."

The slates of the frame that Zilphia was bound to began to shift again, seemingly autonomously. Zilphia groaned as her body was pushed upright and her knees downward, until she was bound in a kneeling position, her arms behind her.

The bride embraced the groom, kissing him deeply. Anjali could see their tongues dancing as they viciously pressed their lips against each other. Zilphia was watching intently now. "You have never seen anyone be kissed like that, have you?" Anjali asked. "They know their desires, and their bodies. And she knows how to please him."

The bride kissed and licked her way down the groom's muscled chest, until she too was kneeling. Anjali looked to Zilphia, who had little idea what would happen next. The bride then gingerly took his member in her hand, and began stroking, firmly and slowly. After several strokes, the groom's member was now almost fully erect. Zilphia was entranced by the sight, seeing a full erection for the first time.

"That's right, my love, your nude Greek statues never prepared you for this, did they?" Anjali asked. "Perhaps they won't prepare you for this either."

The bride took the groom's member and let it slide into her mouth. Zilphia gasped and Anjali chuckled. "She has now gained the aphrodisiac from you, after enjoying your cunt. And now she gives it to him, through her delicious mouth."

The bride was gracefully bobbing her head back and forth while the groom's eyes widened. Loud, slurping noises echoed throughout the chamber. She withdrew his member and ran her tongue around the shaft and over the head, giving Zilphia a full view of his slickened cock. A small amount of white fluid was gathering at the head of his penis. The bride, with a finger, gathered the fluid onto her fingertip. Zilphia watched as the bride took the fluid and spread it across her lips, as though it was lipstick.

The bride then strode towards Zilphia, and took both her head firmly in her hands. She then pressed her lips to Zilphia's. Zilphia's eyes widened and she gave a half-hearted squeal of resistance at the unexpected gesture.

"Shh..." Anjali quieted her. "She is giving him to you. Taste his fluids on her lips. Bathe in them. They are now full of the aphrodisiac."

Anjali could see Zilphia's eyes begin to waver as the bride's mouth worked over her own. Her neck visibly relaxed as the bride's tongue slipped into Zilphia's mouth. The bride's body pressed onto Zilphia's, their breasts touching.

"She desires you," Anjali whispered to Zilphia. "Feel her lips over yours, her warmth. Feel her body pressing against you." Zilphia's body relaxed almost completely. She was becoming more and most lost in the bride's kiss, and her own mouth was now pulsing in response to the bride's. Anjali now felt the time was right. She nodded to someone unseen. The bindings on Zilphia's hands unravelled, withdrawing into the frame by some unknown force.

This was the first critical moment. With Zilphia's hands untied, she could easily attack the bride, and the entire ceremony would be jeopardized. Anjali watched Zilphia intently, trying not to let her nervousness show. Zilphia wiggled her fingers, barely recognizing that her hands were free.

The bride acted first, withdrawing her mouth from Zilphia's, white fluid stretching between their lips before disappearing. She then took Zilphia's hands in hers, rubbing them sensually. Zilphia looked deeply at the bride, and the two appeared almost lost in each other's gaze. The bride then took Zilphia's hands, and placed them over her own breasts. Zilphia looked down at the bride's breasts, seemingly unsure of herself, and her next actions. The bride guided Zilphia to caress and squeeze. Zilphia breathed unevenly as she began to caress the bride's breasts.

Anjali sighed quietly, relieved at the skill of the bride in seducing Zilphia. The bride returned the gesture, caressing Zilphia's breasts, as the two looked into each others' eyes, their breath matching each other. After a few seconds, the bride was clearly emboldened; she leaned forward for another kiss, which Zilphia returned. As she did, the bride took one of Zilphia's hands, and moved it firmly but gently down between her own legs. Zilphia cooed at the sudden sensation of her fingers against the bride's womanhood, encouraged by the bride's dramatic moaning.

"That's right," Anjali whispered. "Feel how wet she is. That is because of you. She loves this." The more that Zilphia was in contact with the bride, the more aphrodisiac she would absorb. It was crucial that she touch the bride willingly and eagerly.

As Zilphia slowly caressed the bride's cunt, the bride began to slide her hand down between Zilphia's thighs. Anjali noted attentively that Zilphia spread her legs in anticipation. Her body began to float and slacken at the sensations of fingers against her cunt; clearly the memory of the bride's tongue pleasuring her was still vivid. Her eyes widened and she gasped slightly; Anjali saw that the bride's finger was working its way into her wet opening.

The bride withdrew her hand, and looked at Zilphia intently as she took her finger and lusciously ran her tongue against it, drinking in Zilphia's juices. She then took her finger and moved it towards Zilphia's lips. Zilphia looked at it, unsure of herself. The bride smiled and nodded, egging Zilphia on. Zilphia hesitantly and ungracefully began to open her mouth and extend her tongue. The bride placed her finger against Zilphia's tongue, letting her wrap her tongue around it and drink in her own juices.

"You are delicious," Anjali whispered. "You are beautiful. Taste that. Taste how desired you are."

The bride then nodded towards Zilphia's hand, which had been working intently at the bride's cunt. Zilphia shakily withdrew it, unsure of herself. The bride grinned wickedly and gestured with her head for Zilphia's to bring her hand upwards. Zilphia obeyed. The bride drew her tongue lightly over Zilphia's first two fingers. She then took them totally in her mouth, and began sucking on them.

Zilphia gasped, entranced by the sight of the bride sucking on her fingers as she did to the groom's member. The bride shut her eyes and moaned passionately as she sucked, drinking in her own juices. Anjali watched intently. Zilphia had to take the next step.

Zilphia gently withdrew her fingers from the bride's mouth. They were trembling, dripping with saliva.

"Smell her," Anjali whispered. "Smell her juices on your hand. That mouth that was pleasing him. Her cunt, which was so deliciously wet for you. Take it."

Zilphia drew her fingers, trembling, closer to her mouth. She opened her mouth slightly as she balled up her fingers. She breathed in deeply as her fingers were inserted into her mouth, her lips parting way, her tongue working around her fingers, drinking in the bride's juices. The bride and Anjali watched with eagerness as Zilphia shut her eyes and began to move her head back and forth, as though imitating the way the bride had sucked on the groom's member. She moaned audibly, slurping at her own fingers. The bride, aroused by the sight, began to kiss at Zilphia's neck, licking up her ear.

She was ready. Anjali gestured to the groom. Zilphia, her face flushed, slowly opened her eyes. She was greeted with the sight of the groom's cock, not inches away from her face.

This was the final critical moment. Anjali could see the wheels spinning in Zilphia's mind. The aphrodisiac was powerful, but not so powerful that Zilphia could not resist at this point. All of her years of propriety, of mannered thinking, were pulling her away, screaming at her to avoid temptation. They were screaming at her to shrink back, to cover her naked body, to push the bride and groom's bodies away. Those years were screaming at her to assume her duty as subservient and modest, to disobey the lust building in her body.

Zilphia looked away from the man's member, and to the bride. To the woman as naked and lovely as she was, who had pleasured the groom with her mouth without a hint of hesitation. The memory of her tongue pleasuring Zilphia's cunt still echoed in her body. The bride lightly kissed Zilphia on the lips, then gently turned her face back towards the groom's cock, their cheeks pressed together.

Anjali could see Zilphia making up her mind as she began to breathe more heavily. No matter what happened here, no one in her mannered society would ever know. She was thousands of miles from anyone she was close to. She could do as she pleased to this man and woman, and let them please her. To fuck like a camp follower. Anjali saw a flash of anger pass over Zilphia's brow. She was thinking of her husband, all those times he had surely enjoyed other women behind her back, perhaps other men. Why should he only receive such pleasure?

Zilphia looked up to the man, his eyes looking expectantly downward at her. She grinned wickedly, her eyes narrowing. She had made up her mind. She would suck and fuck until she went raw. She grasped the groom's buttocks, pausing for a second to admire his muscles. She then pulled them towards her, moving his cock towards her open mouth.

Anjali exulted silently as Zilphia's lips wrapped around the head of his cock. She sucked noisily, and the bride giggled, biting her ear. Anjali nodded again to someone unseen, and the bindings unravelled from Zilphia's legs. Zilphia hardly seemed to acknowledge this, except to draw herself closer to the groom, wrapping a fist around the groom's cock as she had seen the bride do. She began to stroke his cock with an energy and expertise that was far beyond her experience, letting her lips slurp and dance over his cock head.

The groom was groaning already, the sensations vibrant and sharp from the aphrodisiac in Zilphia's saliva. Zilphia withdrew his cock and licked up and down the shaft as she had seen, grinning at the bride as she offered the shaft to her. The bride made an O of surprise with her mouth and giggled, taking the shaft in her own mouth. Zilphia kissed at the bride's shoulder, biting gently, caressing her chest down to her breast. The bride then offered the cock back to Zilphia, who saw that white fluid was again gathering at the slit on his cockhead.

Zilphia hungrily took the cock back in her mouth, swallowing past the cock head, desiring more of his seed and the addictive aphrodisiac within. The groom groaned louder, and grasped her head with both of his hands. She moaned into his cock, grasping his buttocks, letting him thrust gently into her mouth. The aphrodisiac was relaxing her throat, letting her take him much further than she believed possible.

He thrust once, twice more, and then groaned loudly, driving far into her mouth. Her eyes widened as his seed burst into his mouth. Her body seized as a massive dose of the aphrodisiac entered her body. Anjali could see her hips tighten and lift as the aphrodisiac pushed her into a climax. The bride held her face to hers as though comforting her. Zilphia's eyes rolled back and her body shook once more. "Aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!" she screamed, the first true sound she had made in some time.