The Best Man

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A man dies & his best friend takes over his bed & his wife.
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Mitchell and Matthew were closer than most brothers. They had met the first day of kindergarten and cemented a bond that lasted a lifetime. They went through Matt's tonsillectomy and through Mitch's parents' divorce. They were gangly teen boys together who compared cocks and pimples on a daily basis.

When dating age approached Matt dug a hole for himself by getting his girlfriend Lisa pregnant. Everybody had reproach for Matt and sympathy for Lisa, the only person who had his back was Mitch. Similarly, Matt had sympathy for Mitch when he divulged that he wasn't all that sure he was attracted to girls. Two years and a graduation later, Matt had weathered a string of Mitch's girlfriends and boyfriends when Mitch finally came to the conclusion that he was hetero-fluid. Matt told him that meant he was quite willing to put it in any hole and wasn't particular about what the hole was attached to. Mitch found that hilarious.

There was a darker side to Mitch that others had found, but Matt was oblivious to it. One night before they left for college, Mitch was having a quickie up on Lover's Lane with one of the girls who put out for anybody. The two were busy in the back seat of Mitch's 'hand-me-down' sedan when another car pulled up. This one full of rowdy young men, all drunk to the point of either horniness or fighting. They quickly noticed the activity in the sedan and decided to bust whoever it was.

Before Mitch could pull up his pants, both back doors had been yanked open with shouting boys on the other side of it.

"Who is it?"

"Who is it?"

"It's Matt's boyfriend with Chiquita."

"Go fuck yourselves!" Mitch shouted struggling out of the car.

"Aw... What's it Mitch? Matt too busy for you tonight?" This was the taunt from a six-foot-six football player. Mitch saw red and stormed him, he caught the guy off guard and as he tried to correct his balance, Mitch kicked him in the back from behind. The football player went down and Mitch kicked him in the side of his head. Then he jumped on him and smacked his head into the ground over and over.

The fight went on for a couple of seconds until the drunk boys realised their buddy wasn't getting up and was being pummelled instead and they jumped in and grabbed Mitch and pulled him off.

"Are you fucking crazy?"

"You piece of shit, kicking a man when he's down."

Somebody from the side kicked Mitch under chin and he fell to the side unconscious for a bit. Chiquita was shouting madly and shooing the guys off when he came to.

"You okay?" She asked him. He didn't answer. He wiped the blood off his mouth with his hands and told her to get in the car. The boys had driven off already. He dropped Chiquita off at her house without another word.

Matt and Mitch left for college a week later. A week after that the football player, who's name was Conroy was having his own little tete-a-tete with a young woman up on Lover's Lane when she noticed a foul smell. Conroy told her he'd been smelling it in his car for two days now but couldn't find the source of the smell. It put a damper on things and the two eventually climbed out of the car and started to search for it. About thirty minutes later when they had found nothing, the girl suggested to Conroy that he look between the trunk and the back seat rest. He pulled the stops up and pulled the rest forward and they discovered the source of the smell. A dead decomposing dog had been squashed in there. It wasn't a pretty sight and the smell was overwhelming. No criminal case was ever made in connection to the dead dog but the young people still in town generally agreed that Mitch was a strong contender as a 'person of interest'.

Both men returned to their hometown after college. Matt took up his first post as a teacher at the same elementary school he and Mitch had attended. Mitch found work at a large company selling agricultural hardware, putting his horticultural degree to use. Matt was by far the most settled of the two and although he joined his best friend regularly for a friday night drink after the high-school football match, he also found himself a permanent girlfriend - Kate.

At one party Matt was drunkenly playing pool when Mitch started to flirt with Kate. She was also drunk and flirted back. Things got a bit wild and soon Mitch and Kate were exploring each other's orifices and genitals before Kate came to her senses and told Mitch to stop. They both swore not to tell Matt and never to do anything like that again.

But women and whiskey... Each time they made the same promise to each other. Matt proposed and Kate accepted and Mitch was the best man at their wedding. When the newly-weds returned from honeymoon things cooled down between Kate and Mitch. The fact that Kate had began to drink less had a lot to do with it.

About a year after Matt had married, the annual hike to Widow's Peak arrived. This climb was something Mitch and Matt had started doing as teens and the tradition had continued even through college. This year wouldn't be an exception. The boys left early Friday morning, they expected to summit about midday on Saturday and would climb down on Sunday. Kate kissed her husband good-bye at the base camp, which was also the local picnic area.

It was close to sunset on the Friday when the 911 operator received a frenzied call. The caller was close to hysterical and the connection was bad.

"Stay on the line with me sir. Do not hang up."

"... Fell... Hurt... Please... Begging you... Climb-"

"Sir where are you calling from?"

There was a click, the line was dead. The operator called back. The connection was much better.

"Sir, you called 911."

"Yes! Yes! Oh thank God I can hear you." He was hysterical.

"I need you to calm down sir, I cannot send anyone until I know what the problem is. Take a deep breath. That's right."

"My friend and I were climbing up to Widow's Peak, we were climbing to the top of Cop's ravine when he lost his footing. He's hurt badly. Please send someone."

"Can you see him?"

"Yes he's lying on the edge of the ledge, there's a forty foot drop there."

"Is he moving?"


"Where are you?"

"At the top of Cop's ravine, I'm looking over the lip."

"There's a helicopter on it's way, they should be there in five minutes. Stay on the line with me sir. What's your name?"


"And your friend?"


Everybody agreed that the funeral was beautiful and made more sad by the fact that the deceased had been cut down in his youth. Heads shook in disbelief and women of all ages cried tears of regret for a life never to be fulfilled. Neighbours arrived daily at the young widow's house bringing all manner of food she would never eat. They were greeted at the door by her dead husband's best friend. They told him it wasn't his fault when he said he felt guilty that he was here and Matt was dead.


She opened her eyes slowly. Then the pain hit her. Matt was dead. That pain would stay all day, nothing took it away. There was that one moment when she woke that she forgot and the pain was gone. But it was always there a second later. She told herself she was being selfish when she wished that moment would go on forever. The pain wasn't like the twist of a knife. Somewhere between the dark night and daybreak there was healing, and resting and wholeness. And the second after she woke it was like a knife plunged into her belly for the first time. Day after day. Not painful enough to die from and too painful to focus on anything else.

"You're awake." She looked into Mitch's eyes. Silently imploring him to go away and leave her alone. Words she would never speak because she had never felt this alone.

"Let's get you up." He said tugging on her arm. She had no more will of her own. She allowed him to pull her up and followed him into the bathroom. He had set out clothes for her. When he was sure she knew what he wanted her to do, he shut the door. Tears filled her eyes - first cry of the day.

Time passed and Kate came back to the world, bit by bit. About three months after Matt's death it occurred to her that Mitch had effectively moved in. She had returned to work as a sales lady in a department store. She was thinking about the new living arrangement that had just 'happened' as she was putting meatloaf in the oven.

"Hi honey, I'm home." Mitch sang out the cheesy line and Kate heard him drop his briefcase in the hall. He walked into the kitchen. Kate smiled at him.

"Hi, I'm making mealoaf and salad." She said. He came over and hugged her and she pulled away. Mitch was immediately incensed by this.

"I don't know what your problem is!" He shouted at her.

"It's just dandy to hold on to me at night, but I'm not allowed to kiss, hug, feel anything but pity for you. Get it in your head, Matthew is dead! Past tense!" He took a step towards her and she cringed. He grinned and shook his head and got a beer from the refrigerator, then disappeared to the den, leaving Kate in the kitchen with silent tears falling from her eyes.

"Umm... Do you want to eat in the den or at the table?" Kate stood in the door to the den and asked hesitantly, not wanting to poke the bear again. Mitch shrugged then he stood up and turned to her.

"I'm sorry about just now." He offered.

"No, it's not you. You're right, I have to face things." He nodded.

"Would it feel like a date if we ate at the table?" He asked. Kate realised the question was loaded. No, she thought.

"Yes it would." She said and smiled slightly, just enough to make him think she wanted a date with him. Don't poke the bear...

It was at night that the pain was the worst. Grief would come and stand by her bedside, daring her to sleep. He brought his friends loneliness and emptiness with him. Mitch came to her bed one night when he heard her crying and she had fallen asleep in his arms. One night led to every night but she had always shied away or gotten up when his hands started to wander. She knew she had to make a decision soon, whether she was still grieving for Matt or not. Mitch and the rest of the world had moved on. She would have to as well, with or without Mitch.

They got into bed and Mitch reached for the bedside light on his side and switched it off. It's now or never, Kate told herself. She turned into Mitch's arms and kissed him on the mouth. He looked slightly shocked but the look evaporated as quick as it had settled. He kissed her back. She didn't pull or turn away. He kissed her again, this time he teased her mouth open and she allowed his tongue into her mouth. He explored her mouth and she responded to his passionate kisses by holding him tightly and playing in his mouth with her own tongue. A small groan of pleasure slipped out of her mouth. It egged him on and his hands cupped her breasts and he began to stroke them lightly. She lifted off the old t-shirt which she had on and Mitch was pleased with the perky white mounds in front of him. He licked and kissed her nipples and they hardened under his attention. To her shame Kate discovered that she was sopping wet already. It had been too long.

Mitch's hand made it's way to her panty and he drew it aside between her legs, he stroked her slit and she moaned much louder. She found his bulge and stuck her hands in his shorts and felt his cock, hard and struggling to free itself. She pulled his shorts down and his cock was rock hard and ready, already dripping pre-cum. He was stroking her pussy, when she began to stroke his cock, he rubbed her clit furiously.

He pulled her panty off and fingered her pussy and Kate shuddered from pleasure. He rolled onto her and she wound her legs behind his back, he sunk his cock into her deeply and she moaned again, somewhere between pleasure and pain. He started slowly but quickly increased his speed, thrusting into her relentlessly, harder and harder. Kate was almost shouting by now and thrusting her hips back at him. She felt her pussy begin to erupt like a volcano and Mitch was grunting, ready to cum. They came together and Mitch put his hand over her mouth afraid the neighbours would hear. She screamed with joy into his hand as her climax felt better than anything she had felt before. Mitch jerked as his cock unloaded into her.

He kept his hand on her mouth and when she moved to take it away he kept it there firmly. He leaned into her ear.

"Nobody will ever believe you, so it won't help telling anybody. This will be our little secret. I killed Matt. I pushed him off the lip and he fell dead on the ledge below. I killed him for you."

Kate was screaming into his hand, struggling and squirming under him, but he had her pinned. When he was done he told her if she so much as breathed loudly, he would beat the living shit out of her.

"I'm the boss. Understand?" She nodded into his hand. He released her mouth. Kate stayed dead still, not daring to breath. Mitch rolled off her and thanked for the fuck. She closed her eyes in shame.

She always battled to fall asleep and with Mitch holding her, she was wide awake as his words played in her mind, over and over. Eventually she got up and Mitch rolled onto his back, snoring. She went to the kitchen and poured herself a glass of milk. She sat there, dazed, drinking milk, her eyes fell on the knife holder. She went over to it and withdrew a huge butcher knife.

"911, please state your emergency."

"Yes, my name is Kate, I live on 1248 South drive. I killed someone." She was perfectly calm.

"Kate, stay on the phone with me, I have two cars in your area they'll be there in minutes."

"Okay." She said.

"Are you okay Kate? Where is the deceased in the house?"

"I'm okay, he's in the bedroom."

"Do you have any weapons with you?"

"No, I left the knife I stabbed him with on the bed."

"No other weapons?"

"No. You didn't ask why..."

"That's not my job Ma'am."

"Can I tell you why?"

"Yes you can but remember this call is recorded."

"He killed my husband."

"I see." Said the operator not seeing. There was a knock on the door. Kate opened it and four policemen stepped in. One of them went over to the phone and ended the call with the operator.

I guess I don't need to tell you what comes next. Kate went to prison and the town was divided between her version of events and the way they thought it played out. The funeral for Mitch was equally beautiful and there was lots of head shaking, again at a life ended so young, the same ladies cried tears of regret for this one too. But between me and you and the devil - Kate did mankind a favour by killing him. He was the sort that had he lived; the ladies would have cried for his victims.


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susangreenwaysusangreenway4 months ago

I liked this story. It's a bit rushed but I've been known to do that when writing a story while the idea is still hot in my imagination. Given the effort he put in to get in bed with Kate, I was a tad surprised that he confessed to her so soon. I did find the description of their sex very nicely done.

Rancher46Rancher46over 2 years ago

I didn't see that one coming, good twist at the end.

Just_WordsJust_Wordsover 3 years ago
That was different! 5*****

I liked it. Good writing!

26thNC26thNCabout 4 years ago

That was a depressing little story. You are a writer of serious range for sure.

26thNC26thNCover 5 years ago

That was one sad story. In such a small town, I would think other people would know of Mitch's split personality. Also I don't think that she would be convicted of she explained the rape, and his confession of murder.

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