The Bet Ch. 01


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She nodded, "So, let's be honest, this chance you're talking about. What do you mean by it?"

"If you mean, do I want a one-night stand, then that's a no."

"Really? That's a little surprising," she stated.

"What am I, 18, 20? One-night stands are for college frat boys. Will I sleep with you if given a chance? Hell yes! Is that all I'm looking for? Nope. As for what more than that," I shrugged. "Who knows, I'm not running away from anything and if I end up in a relationship, that's fine. If not, so be it. I hate trying to define what I'm supposed to be looking for at the beginning, it's kind of retarded if you think about it."

"I like that and I agree, I'm not looking for anything specific, and I think too many people make that mistake." she clasped her hands together, rolled her eyes and used a mocking tone as she said. "I want a boyfriend."

Switching back to a normal voice, "Then they jump into a relationship that's bad for both of them. Better to not expect anything and whatever happens is what works."

"Cool, so we'd be on the same page if I got a date."

"Doesn't this count as a date?" she asked.

"I don't know, you tell me."

"I would think so."

"I usually end my dates with a kiss."

"Oh really?" she said drily.


"Even bad dates?"

"Especially bad dates."

"How does that work?"

"Think of it like this, no matter how good the date, if there's no chemistry then what's the point of a second date? And as for a bad first date, I figure you can't judge a book by the first chapter. So maybe if there's chemistry then you try and see if the next chapters are better."

"Interesting outlook... so how's the chapters so far?"

"I say it's a must read."

She smiled.

After I paid the check we walked to the car, reaching down I took her hand and held it, it felt natural as we walked across the parking lot hand-in-hand.

Right before the car I paused and turned her to face me, I let go of her hand and cupped her face and she closed her eyes as I drew her in for a kiss.

Her lips were soft and tasted like wine, her hands held my waist as she met my kiss with equal passion. As her lips pressed against mine, her small pink tongue darted between my lips, seeking, teasing, exploring my mouth. She pressed against me, her chest softly yet firmly crushed to me, I felt the beat of her heart against my chest. Time stopped as we stood there, embracing, lost in the moment. After an eternity she nibbled my lower lip and pulled away, letting my lip slide between her teeth and opened her eyes to look at me.

I was powerless for a moment, then I pressed my forehead against hers and muttered, "Ok, that's a positive on the chemistry thing."

"Definitely," she breathed. "But now we have to talk, so let's get into the car."

"Uh oh, a 'talk' already?"

She laughed and after a few seconds we sat in the car facing each other.

"Ok, let's hear it," I said.

She straightened and took on a very businesslike tone, "Ground rules. I'm going to do this..."

"You really don't have t..." I protested.

Quickly she said, "Interrupt me again and I'll slap you," raising her hand to hold in front of me.

I eyed her a little nervously, "Yes ma'am."

Her change in attitude was a little alarming and she glared at me a second to see if I was going to say anything so I kept my mouth shut.

"Ok, ground rules, the dates over ...wait," reaching over she grabbed my face, pulled me forward and kissed me.

Stunned I kissed her back. Once again, our tongues met and discovered each other. She ran her tongue across my lip and I let her take control of the kiss. Her tongue kept darting forward, teasingly, playing with my tongue and lips and her breathing deepened as her fingers ran through my hair. Shivers were running up and down my spine from the combination of her tongue and hands. I reached up and grabbed her shirt and pulled her tight, she squeaked but continued to kiss me. I felt her boobs, heavy and firm as I kept hold of her shirt and after a minute she broke and pushed me away.

I was speechless as she stared at me.

"Ok, now our date is officially over."

Still seeing stars, I nodded.

"We're going to go back to your place and I'm going to be your maid for the weekend, but no more kissy face for you."

My heart slumped.

"Don't give me that look, you got way more than most first dates get and you're about to get way more of an eyeful than most ever get. So just like you don't want to screw up your 'chance,'" she said raising her hands and making air quotes. "Neither do I so I'm not going to let you screw it up. Any kissy stuff will be done by me. No touchy," she said as she flashed her hands in a mock wall around her. "You break that rule and I leave and I'll sleep in the spare room, got it?"

"Yes ma'am," I said.

She giggled, "Your next date is number two and just because you get to see whatever you get to see this weekend does not mean you've earned the privilege to see or touch it next time."

Her demeanor had changed to that of a parent explaining to a child, so I sat there and nodded and kept repeating, "Yes ma'am."

"Now drive us home."

"Yes Ma'am."


When we entered the house, I asked if she wanted a drink.

"What do you have?"

"Most everything," I replied.



"I'll take a crown and coke then."

"K, I'm going to change back to my house clothes and I'll wait in the living room with our drinks."

She nodded and walked toward her room. Hurriedly I went and changed into a pair of black workout shorts and my batman t-shirt and then made us drinks. I dimmed the lights to about half and waited on the couch.

A minute later I heard her voice.

"Are you ready?"

"As I'll ever be," I replied.

Boldly she walked into the room and stood in front of me putting one hand on her hip and bending one leg behind the other.

"What do you think?" she asked.

"Marry me," I blurted.

Laughing, "No, but I'll take that as an approval."

The outfit was low cut, showing an ample amount of tanned cleavage. She looked between a C or D cup and her nipples poked at the thin material. The front skirt reached below what would best be described as indecent since it barely covered the juncture of her legs. She'd kept her high heels on and the fishnets showcased her smooth muscled legs. The choker made her look submissive, but the smile she wore was definitely predatory, reminding me of a tiger, sleek, beautiful and above all, dangerous.

She stood still, enjoying my reaction and blatant staring.

Pausing, I looked up into her eyes, "And the back..." I questioned.

Smirking, she slowly turned around.

"I'm not sure why you're so interested in the back, there's nothing there," she joked over her shoulder.

Once again, my heart stopped, I hadn't lied, the outfit I had bought her was basically a sexy apron. It had shoulder straps and a back tie that kept her front 'endowments' in place and a waist tie to keep the front of the apron from shifting but that was all. The rest of her back was completely showing. She had a small, tight butt with a visible cleft between her legs and cheeks and her back had the muscle definition of someone who visits the gym regularly and lifts weights. She had the physique of someone who cared about her body and didn't just do cardio to keep in shape.

"No panties?"

"You said it wasn't part of the outfit and I was already committed so..."

"Wow, and I do mean wow, on so many levels you're very impressive. You honored the bet, and your confidence while wearing that and definitely your body."

Blushing, "Thank you... Are we finished with the display? Can I have my drink now?"

"Yes, here you go."

She took the drink and sat down on the couch next to me keeping her legs tight and back straight.

"So what now?" she asked taking a sip of her drink.

"Let's keep it simple, want to watch a movie?"

"Sure, what do you have in mind?"

"Boondock Saints?"

"Sounds good."

I got up to put the movie in the player and she took the moment to get comfortable, scooting to one side of my gray suede couch she took off her heels and brought her feet up beside her. She smoothed out her outfit as she relaxed.

"Have to be careful with this thing, I'd end up flashing you if I turn wrong."

"Yeah, that would be a total shame!" I said sarcastically.

She giggled and took another sip of her drink while I respectfully sat down on the other side of the couch and started the movie. For a while we watched the movie in silence.

Glancing at her from the side I had a great view of most of her ass, eventually she noticed my peeks.

"What made you come up with this bet?" she asked. "Do you have a thing for maids?"

"I do now," I laughed. "No, I don't have a thing for maids, it was a spur of the moment thing. Mostly I didn't want to lose my bike for a week so I thought if I came up with something ridiculous, you'd back out. To be blunt I'm surprised you took the bet."

"Yeah, me too, but I really did expect to win."

"You really want to ride my bike, don't you?"

"Mostly I don't want to ride bitch at the rally. I love bikes and I've had a blast in the past when I go, but I don't want to go with anybody. I want to be on my own, with my own bike."

"Not even with me?" I joke.

"Don't take this the wrong way, but no, not even with you."


"Don't take it personal, even if we were dating, I don't want to be on somebody else's bike."

"Fair enough, so why not get your own bike?"

"I plan to. I'm just saving my money because I want a custom job and it's not cheap. I'm not going to spend less to get something that isn't perfect just to ride to one rally."

"You know I have three bikes, right? The Harley, a CBR and a Hayabusa," I said.

She looked up quickly, "What? No, I didn't know that, all I've ever seen you ride is a CBR and the Harley!"

I grabbed the remote and hit pause.

"Follow me," I said walking through the house to my garage. I opened the door and turned on the lights, inside were my three babies.

I had a fully custom Honda CBR1000 with lightning paint job. A red Harley Street Glide with candy coated custom paint, and finally a black Hayabusa with minimal chroming.

"Oh my god, why have I never seen these other bikes?"

"I've rode them, I just don't think you've been around when I have."

She walked around admiring each of the bikes. I sipped my drink and tried not to stare at her butt every time her back was to me. To be fair I succeeded almost half the time.

She kept circling the Busa.

"You like that one?" I asked.

"I do, I really really do," she answered never taking her eyes of the bike.

"I'm sure you'd look good riding it too."

She looked up at me, "Don't tease me like that."

"I'm not," I said seriously.

Our eyes locked, putting on a serious face I told her bluntly.

"Look, all this fun stuff and dating aside I'd consider letting you use it for the rally that's coming up."


"Actually, yes, I think I can make both of us very happy."

She didn't say anything but I saw the doubt on her face.

"As it happens, I have to do some studying for a few weeks for my degree. I'll be extremely busy for three weeks, I need somebody to take care of me and my house."

"By take care..."

"I want my house cleaned, dinner ready and I don't want to be bothered with anything. I finished law school and I'm studying to take the bar exam."

"I thought you were active duty."

"I am but I've been doing coursework in my free time. I can't stay a Marine forever you know."

"Wow, I'm impressed."

"Thanks... so is it a deal?"

"I get to ride the Busa?"

"From one Sunday to the next, you don't have to hang out with me or see me that week."

"And it won't be awkward for you?"

"Again, all having fun or whatever this weekend aside, I'm going to be super busy these next few weeks so I can't take you on a date anytime soon anyway. By then the rally time will be here, but if it'll make you feel better, I'll include a date in the deal after the rally's over."

"No, no dates in this deal."

I shrugged, "Fair enough, just make sure I'm taken care of over the next few weeks and I'll consider it a good deal."

"No more maid uniform?"

"Not unless you want to wear it."

"What if I wreck it or drop it?"

"I'm insured if you wreck it and if you drop it, well, it was the next project bike for me anyway. So if it's going to be dropped, now's the time to drop it, before I start the paint job and complete chroming."

"So three more weeks of maid duty versus one week of owning your bike?"

"That about sums it up."

"You got a deal," she said walking over to me and thrusting out her hand.

I looked at her hand and then back in her eyes, "So we're clear, this is not a fun sexy maid thing, you'll be my employee for three weeks. Dress how you want, but you cook one meal a day and you keep my house clean and you don't bother me or let me be bothered."


I took her hand, "Agreed."

"Let's go finish the movie," I said.

"Sounds good."

I moved out of the way, "Ladies first."

Following her back to the living room I noticed a little extra sway in her hips.

"Enjoying the view?" she asked when she sat back down.

"How could I not?" I said.

We played the movie and sat in silence for a while before eventually she looked over at me.


I glanced at her, "Sooooo?"

"I'm going to get comfortable."

"Annnnnnddddd..." shaking my head back and forth in a question.

She rolled her eyes, "You better behave."

With that comment she carefully stretched out on the couch face down with her feet in my lap.

"And if I don't want these here?" I asked while touching her feet.

"Gee, you're right, I should've asked," she said sarcastically. "I guess I'll roll back over and sit on the couch and you won't get to stare at my ass the rest of the movie." She put one foot down in order to change position.

Hastily I grabbed her foot and put it back in my lap, "No, no, I was just kidding, never mind, you can leave your feet in my lap all you want."

"That's what I thought."

We stayed quiet the rest of the movie, it was a good thing I'd seen it about a hundred times because I stared at her bare butt most of the night. Her tanned legs seem darker under the soft light and I had to fight the urge to reach out and caress her.

Thinking to test her so I grabbed a foot and massaged it, immediately she let out a moan.

Encouraged by the sound I began to massage her feet in earnest. She made little happy noises as I dug into the bottoms of her feet with my thumbs. I was enjoying giving her a massage almost as much as she seemed to enjoy receiving.

I worked my way from the soles of her feet to the ankles, then moved to her calves, always taking my time and giving her plenty of attention. She made little happy noises the entire time I rubbed her and before I knew it an hour had gone by and the movie was over.

She looked over her shoulder at me with heavy lidded eyes, "You found my weakness, I love massages," she purred.

"Well, if you come dressed like that, I'll give them to you whenever you want."

"Mmmmmmm, I like that."

"You have a beautiful body," I said still caressing her calves.

"Really? How beautiful?"

"Well, you have cute ankles," I said kissing them.

She giggled.

"And you have very cute calves," I said while tracing kisses down the back of her legs.

"Is that all?" she whispered.

I paused and looked at her, our eyes locked, I continued kissing up the back of her legs, alternating each leg with a kiss.

"No, that isn't all," I whispered between pecks. I reached the top of her legs and my face was inches from her butt, I slowly breathed on her cheeks and saw goosebumps raise, breath caught and she turned her head forward to face the couch.

"You also have the nicest ass I have ever seen."

I kissed one cheek, then the other softly, she went still and the room froze, when she didn't object, I continued kissing her cheeks. The next few minutes I spent slowly kissing her butt, alternating my technique I gave her playful bites and small licks. She sucked in her breath as I traced my tongue on the cleft between her legs and cheek. I grazed her skin with my lips so softly I felt the flesh tingle then I dragged my lips across her lower back sending shivers up her spine. Her breathing became ragged as I gave her butt caressing licks. At last I picked a spot on her right cheek and I latched on to it with my mouth and gave her a hickie. She let out a soft "O" but never resisted. After a few seconds I released her and leaned back to look at the dark purple spot I'd left on her butt.

Looking back at me, "Did you just mark me?"

Meeting her gaze, "Yeah, I did."

Neither of us spoke as we looked into each other's eyes.

I broke eye contact first and leaned down and kissed her left cheek, then I gave it a slight bite, once again I heard a soft "O," as I kissed her butt and her hands clenched into fists while a low growl escaped her as I marked her again. Abruptly she shook her ass and dislodged me. Quickly she flipped over and put a hand on my chest and gently but firmly pushed me away from her.

"Enough," she said breathing heavily. "No more of that."

"You didn't like?" I asked innocently.

"I'm not answering that question," she said but her panting let me know the truth.

She closed her eyes and took a moment to compose herself.

Standing up she eyed me, "I'm going to bed now and I'm locking my door," she emphasized holding up her finger toward me like a parent scolding a child. "No more shenanigans from you tonight."

I grinned.

Shaking her head at me, "Why do I feel like you're going to become a weakness for me?"

I shrugged.

Turning away from me she walked toward her room, "G'nite," she said without ever looking back.

I admired her backside, obscenely proud of the two purple marks I'd left on her.

"G'nite," I said.


Sleepy eyed I woke up around seven in the morning, yawning and stretching I got out of bed and got ready for the day.

I dressed in black running shorts and a red athletic tank top, slapped on my Nike's, grabbed my iPod and headed out for a morning run.

After a brief stretch, I jogged, it was a beautiful morning and the air was still crisp from the transition of winter to spring.

I normally run for 45 minutes and try to beat my distance each time, but today I was feeling good and ran an extra 20 minutes for more than eight miles. Soaked in sweat I pulled off my shirt as I returned and entered my house.

I heard rustling in the kitchen as soon as I entered and rounded the corner to see Eva straining to reach the top shelf where I stored my cereal.

She was barefoot with her dark hair wild and tousled, she was wearing one of my nerd t-shirt's as I call them, this one was red with a Flash logo and her stretching had caused it to come all the way up and expose her bare ass.

"All I see is healthy shit in this house," she disgustingly, grabbing a box of Wheaties.

"What the fuck is this?" she muttered and pushed the box away and reached for the next one.

"Ughhh, you've got to be kidding me," she growled as she noticed it was Cheerio's and pushed it away before turning to glare at me.

She caught me looking at her butt and shook her head in disgust.

"No," she said.

"No what?" I asked.

"Just no."

"Somebody is not a morning person," I joked.

She glared at me, "And where the hell have you been? Are you sweating? Have you been running?"

"Uhm, yeah, I went for a morning jog about an hour ago."

"Oh dear god," she said turning away and opening more cupboards. She kept mumbling and I thought I heard the words "fucking idiot" as she rummaged through my kitchen.