The Bet Ch. 03: End Game


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"That one," we both blurted.

She raised her eyebrows.

"Of course," rolling her eyes. "The second one it is."

She tossed the first dress on the back of my grey plush comfort chair and turned around.

"Do you mind?" she asked Jason.

Pausing a second, he reached over and unclasped her bra and she shrugged out of it and turned to face us as she slipped the dress over her head. This close I saw a faint trace of glitter on her chest and her nipples were crinkled and hard from excitement. I reached out and tweaked one while her head view was blocked by the dress.


Jason laughed then he reached out and tweaked the other nipple just as her face came free.

Her mouth formed a surprised O, "Hey," she said in mock outrage as we stood there innocently.

She shook her head and continued to let the dress drop down her body. It tied around the neck with two flowing strips of cloth going down the front to meet the bottom half leaving a wide V on her chest. The bottom half reached her ankles but was split on the sides to mid-thigh. When she stood still you could see the sides of her stockings but when she moved, I knew I'd be able to see the garter straps. She did a slow turn, the back side molded to her ass and stopped just above her butt leaving her back bare. She smoothed out the dress and waited for our reaction. I had seen her naked so much that it was burned into my brain but this dress still took my breath away and it took us both a minute before we were able to respond.

I blew out the breath I'd been holding, "Words fail me."

Jason nodded dumbly as she rolled her eyes at our reactions but I saw she was pleased.

I eyed the dark clouds overhead as I drove us to the restaurant in my truck with Jason in the backseat. The weather was forbidding but the night was warm and we parked a block away next to a gardened side square. We got out and she took each of us by the arm and with one on either side we walked toward the restaurant.

Once inside I saw quite a few heads turn from guys and girls as we made our way to a small 4-person table. Eva was stunning and she knew it but she looked straight ahead or at Jason and I, ignoring everyone else. I held out her chair and Jason and I took seats on either side of the table. We kept it simple and all ordered steaks and a bottle of wine. We talked while waiting for our food and the topic turned to Eva and her flashing as Jason asked to hear the story. I assumed even though he'd heard my version he wanted to hear the difference from her point of view.

"So why has nobody ever discovered you're an exhibitionist before?" Jason asked.

Eva shrugged, "I didn't really know everybody that well. My ex didn't like it, he was super possessive and after him I didn't want to alienate anybody in the club so I kept it under wraps."

"Why would we care?" I asked.

She rolled her eyes, "Spoken like a guy," she said. "If the girls heard I was showing off they'd get jealous, especially since I didn't have a boyfriend. Each one would think I was trying to get their guy, they'd quit inviting me to hang out and eventually I'd be forgotten."

"But dating princess over here changes that?" Jason asked.

My eyes narrowed at the princess comment but I kept quiet.

"Yes, now that I'll be seen as his property, I can be a little crazier, they won't feel as threatened by me."

"Makes sense," he nodded.

I laughed, "Of course it does cupcake, she used small words so you'd understand."

Ignoring me Jason turned to Eva, "I get all that but what I really don't get is what you see in princess over here," jerking his thumb toward me.

Eva giggled.

My eyes narrowed and I held up my steak knife, "I will stab you in the heart."

Facing me, "Naaaaaaaa, you love me too much."

"I'll get over it."

"Never happen."

"Really I will."

Shaking his head, "Now you're just embarrassing yourself."

Turning to Eva, "You believe this guy."

She giggled again at our banter.

Clearing his throat, "Ok, all serious now. Are you telling me you were naked at an art gallery in front of hundreds of people?"

She blushed and looked down, "Yes."

"How the hell did that feel?"

A look of ecstasy crossed her face, "Incredible."

"Annnnd you were tied down?"

She nodded, "Trust me, I was on the edge of orgasm the entire night."

She noticed my raised eyebrows and added, "It's true."

"Good to know."

Tilting his head toward me, "So now that you're with my boy here you can let loose. Is that it?" Jason said.

She nodded.

Prodding, "You really enjoyed flashing me throughout the day though, didn't you?"

She shrugged, "I just like showing off my body."

"Feel free to show your body to me anytime," Jason laughed.

She turned serious and looked him in the eyes for almost a minute before she casually glanced around the room. I followed her gaze, all the other patrons were engrossed in their own conversations and nobody was paying attention to us. She brought her hands down and sat back in her chair just a little straighter so that we could each see her lap. Still glancing around she grabbed the sides of her dress and slowly bunched it up to one side. After a few seconds we saw her panties and garter belt. She looked around while smiling and holding her dress up, I glanced at Jason and saw the waiter at the next table look at us right then, his eyes went wide and I knew she'd been caught. When I looked back at Eva, she'd calmly let her dress drop back into place.

"That was so sexy," Jason whispered.

"You have a new admirer," I said gesturing at the other waiter. "Pretty sure he saw what we were doing."

Eva blushed but didn't say anything.

After taking the other tables order he made his way to our table, he was a lean young man with a good-looking clean face and short dark hair, he looked Puerto Rican and spoke with a slight accent.

"Hello, I'm Andre," he said. "I know I'm not your waiter but I just wanted to let you know if you need anything, I can help you.

Eva gave him a winning smile, "Thank you Andre, I'll wave you over if we need anything."

We all held matching conspiratorial smirks as he nodded his head and walked away.

"You gained a fan," I said.

"Yeah, I don't think he saw anything because of the angle but I'm sure he figured what we were doing."

"Your nipples are hard," Jason said.

Eva glanced down at her dress at her conspicuous display before looking at him and whispering seductively, "Yes they are Jason, I guess that means I'm excited."

The first of our food came and broke the conversation for a while as our waiter placed dishes and refilled glasses.

The meal was perfect as we laughed and talked, Jason and Eva finished our bottle of wine and I limited myself to one glass since I was driving.

After dinner I asked for the dessert menu but Eva told the waiter no.

"But I wanna..." Jason sputtered.

Eva raised her eyebrows, "I said NO!"

Jason looked at me with a small scowl but I had no idea what she had in mind so I handed the waiter my credit card.

"Whatever," I said offhandedly.

We left the restaurant arm in arm to see the weather getting worse.

"I was going to suggest a walk around but I think that'd be a bad idea now," Jason said.

"Maybe next time," I said.

Halfway to my truck the wind picked up and silence fell in quick premonition as fat drops hit the street, we picked up our pace and were hallway across the park before the rain picked up. Other well-dressed pedestrians out for evening strolls and dinner were making mad dashes to their vehicles as we all tried our hardest to avoid getting wet. Thirty yards from my truck the rain increased as we sprinted the last dash. Breathless we hopped into my truck, we were mildly wet but laughed while the rain steadily fell.

"It's actually not too bad," Eva said. "Let's wait and see if it goes down."

I turned my truck on and music played as we watched in silence.

Eva turned up the volume as Only Girl by Rihanna started.

Sitting up straight, "Wait, pause this," she snapped.

Reacting to her urgency I did what she said.

Looking over her seat, "I know I saw a speaker box in your backseat."

"Yeah, I use it for the beach, why?" I asked.

"It's right here," Jason said reaching down to grab it and hand it to her.

"Perfect," she said clutching the box. "Is it waterproof?"

I nodded, "Yeah, like I said I use it at the beach. What do you need it for?"

Ignoring me she grabbed my phone and played with it syncing my Bluetooth. Then she reached over and hit the lights on my truck. Grinning she looked at us and winked and before we knew it, she'd opened the door and hopped out. She ran around to the front of the truck and stopped a small way out. She set the box down and started the music, I rolled down my window to ask what the hell she was doing when the song flooded my truck.

La la la la

La la la la

La la la la (yeah)

La la la la

The rain was soaking her but she ignored it. Closing her eyes, she threw her head back and kicked off her heels as she slowly matched the rhythm of the music. Raising her arms above her head she began to sway.

I want you to love me,

Like I'm a hot ride (uh yeah)

Keep thinkin' of me (uh)

Doin' what you like

So boy forget about the world

'Cause it's gon' be me and you tonight (yeah)

I wanna make your beg for it

Then I'mma make you swallow your pride

I was speechless as her body picked up speed, swaying sensuously with the music. Her head rolled forward then back with her black hair plastered to her body. Her dress clung to her as her legs danced, stepping back and forth. The wet material stuck to her, highlighting her curves, her garters became visible as the weight of wet cloth restricted the flowing garment.

Want you to make me feel

Like I'm the only girl in the world

Like I'm the only one that you'll ever love

Like I'm the only one who knows your heart

Only girl in the world

Like I'm the only one that's in command

'Cause I'm the only one who understands

How to make you feel like a man

I glanced at Jason, he was as spellbound as I was. A quick glance around the park and I noticed a few people watching from under a nearby picnic shelter. I looked back at Eva, water had completely soaked her by this point but she never stopped or hesitated. Her pace matched the music as her body spun and danced, her hair whipping about her as she flung her head to each beat of the music. She dropped her hands from above and grabbed her tits while swaying with the beat. Even from a distance the light from my truck was able to highlight the hardness of her nipples. Suddenly she turned her back toward us and grabbed her dress and bunched the back together. Most of her ass and all of her garters were now displayed as she held the dress behind her and continued dancing.


Want you to make me feel

Like I'm the only girl in the world

Like I'm the only one that you'll ever love

Like I'm the only one who knows your heart

Only one

She dropped her dress and slowly ran her hands up her sides, rolling her head she snapped her hair to the side and reached for the halter around her neck. Teasingly she slipped her fingers under the material and hooked her thumbs. Taking her time as her hips swayed back and forth, she ducked her head and slipped the top off.

Want you to take it

Like a thief in the night

Hold me like a pillow

Make me feel right

Baby I'll tell you all my secrets

That I'm keepin', you can come inside (yeah)

And when you enter, you ain't leavin'

Be my prisoner for the night, oh

The rain glowed from the head lights as it struck her body. Tiny diamonds highlighted in a single pool of darkness surrounding her. Keeping her back to us she spread her arms wide like a luau dancer as she continued to dance and sway. Looking around I saw more people than before, silent watchers listening to the music and admiring the free spirit untamed.

Want you to make me feel

Like I'm the only girl in the world

Like I'm the only one that you'll ever love

Like I'm the only one who knows your heart

Only girl in the world

Like I'm the only one that's in command

'Cause I'm the only one who understands

Like I'm the only one who knows your heart

Only one

Water beaded on her back highlighting her muscles as she brought her right hand behind her back again, this time she grabbed her dress and slid the material out holding it with her hand as it came to the end. Now her butt was totally displayed with her panties and garters. The sheer wet fabric of the panties hugged her ass leaving nothing to the imagination.

Take me for a ride, ride

Oh baby, take me high, high

Let me make you rise, rise

Oh make it last all night, night

Glancing around I saw more people under the picnic shelter, I looked around and found that some had gathered on an opposite shelter too. Jason had pulled out his phone as he climbed into my front seat and was now video recording. I turned back as she slowly turned letting the fabric of her dress fall from her fingers. Her face was partially obscured by her clinging hair as her hands cupped her breasts hiding her nipples from view. Still she moved to the beat, teasing her body back and forth matching the rhythm of the song as if she choreographed it. Her hands moved back and forth on her chest, her arms blocking the view as she swept them teasingly across her body.

Take me for a ride, ride

Oh baby, take me high, high

Let me make you rise, rise

Make it last all night

Unexpectedly she crossed her arms and slowly drew them up her body as she gyrated her hips sensuously. She brought her arms straight above her head exposing her tits to the world with rivulets of water running down the hard-little mounds of her nipples. Closing her eyes, she thrust her chest out proudly, her arms reaching high, fingers spread, and head tilted back.

Want you to make me feel

Like I'm the only girl in the world

Like I'm the only one that you'll ever love

Like I'm the only one who knows your heart

Only girl in the world

Like I'm the only one that's in command

'Cause I'm the only one who understands

How to make you feel like a man

Her body was taut with barely contained energy, face resplendent in the beauty of her movements, shadows and light played over her muscular body highlighting the sleek strength yet feminine curves.

Only girl in the world

Girl in the world

Only girl in the world

Girl in the world

She slowed as the music came to a stop, head down, chest heaving she froze letting the water wash over her body. Out of the night another car turned its lights on spearing her in its beams. She looked up and around seeing for the first time the crowd of onlookers on either side. Another set of headlights turned on yet she never moved but just slowly looked around the park. The next Rihanna song began to play, S&M. A ghost of a smile crossed her lips as she walked over to the speakers, reached down and turned up the volume so everyone heard, she stepped away and threw her head back.



Na na na, come on

Na na na, come on

Na na na, na na come on

Na na na, come on, come on

Come on, na na-na na come on

Na na na, come on

Na na na, na na, come on

Na na na, come on, come on

Come on, na na na na

Closing my eyes, I slowly pivoted a full circle while hooking my thumbs into the dress, I continued to pivot while increasing my speed in a revolving whirl of precision and grace as I pushed the outfit down. I would have tried a different approach but I knew the rain would make the dress near impossible to get out of gracefully so I opted to use the movements of dance to shed the soaked clothing. As I pushed it over my hip's gravity took it away and it slid off my body to lie in the grass. I wanted this; I wanted this as badly as I wanted to breathe. The entirety of my being moving with perfect clarity.

Feels so good being bad

There's no way I'm turning back

Now the pain is for pleasure

'Cause nothing can measure

Opening my eyes, I noticed the crowd, more people had gathered under the picnic shelters and more lights had turned on from parked cars so that now half a dozen headlights highlighted me to anyone within sight. Blood pounded in my head and I felt dizzy from excitement as I swayed to the beat in my underwear and garters. My senses exploded as I felt cool rain mingling with the warm spring air playing on my skin causing goosebumps to cover my flesh. The scent of wet grass invaded my nostrils as my feet danced to the beat. The patter of rain mixed with the pulse of the music heightening the energy of the moment.

Love is great, love is fine

Out the box, out of line

The affliction of the feeling leaves me wanting more

'Cause I may be bad but I'm perfectly good at it

Sex in the air, I don't care, I love the smell of it

Sticks and stones may break my bones,

But chains and whips excite me

Exhilarated I slowed to the music, swaying my body seductively, trying to seduce everyone around me. I saw men and women in the watching crowd, their faces suffused with awe, delight, and admiration. Almost everyone had phones out and I knew I was being videoed, I felt the intensity of the moment, the desire in the air as everyone watched me.

'Cause I may be bad but I'm perfectly good at it

Sex in the air, I don't care, I love the smell of it

Sticks and stones may break my bones,

But chains and whips excite me

My feelings overwhelmed me, threatening to engulf me and leave me collapsed on the ground. I focused on Michael's truck, I couldn't see his face past the light but I knew he was watching. I was doing this for him, nothing else existed, just him, as I kept dancing.

Na na na come on, come on, come on,

I like it, like it, come on, come on, come on

I like it, like it, come on, come on, come on

I like it, like it come on, come on, come on

I like it, like it

Love is great, love is fine

Out the box, out of line

The affliction of the feeling leaves me wanting more,

A slow feeling of arousal crept into me, the heady rush of the watching crowd gave ground to the slow build of sexual need. Impulsively I hooked my fingers into my panties and tugged them to either side. The material was wet and provided no protection from view but still the thought of pulling them off was dangerous.

'Cause I may be bad but I'm perfectly good at it

Sex in the air, I don't care, I love the smell of it

Sticks and stones may break my bones,

But chains and whips excite me

It was different from last night, that had been controlled, consented, and ultimately protected. This was raw, wild, out of control. I undid the clips to my garters as I slid my panties down my legs, bending I brought them to my ankles and stepped out of them, straightening I held them and pointed at Michael. I wanted everyone to know who this was for, whether they saw him or not.

Na na na come on, come on, come on,

I like it, like it, come on, come on, come on

I like it, like it, come on, come on, come on

I like it, like it come on, come on, come on

I like it, like it

S, S, S and M, M, M

S, S, S and M, M, M

His headlights flickered off and on as I threw my panties at his truck. I wanted him to take the words of the song to heart, to know what he was doing to me. I was falling for him and I felt inspired!

Oh I love the feeling you bring to me

Oh, you turn me on

It's exactly what I've been yearning for

Give it to me strong

And meet me in my boudoir

Make my body say ah, ah, ah,

I like it, like it

I slowed my dance down to be more seductive as I alternated moving my hips from side to side then front to back. I turned away from him delicately swinging my ass back and forth, my eyes looking down over my shoulder, teasing Michael with promises of later tonight.