The Big Tits Club Ch. 47-48


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"Oh, so it was a competition sort of thing."

"Nah. Just a 'I woke up needing to feel Matty's dick in my mouth' sort of thing." She gave me a beaming smile.

I started to smile back but felt a pang in my heart, took a deep breath, and didn't reply. Turning my attention back to the TV, I changed the channel again.

Sam reached up, took the remote from my hand to turn off the TV, and then tossed the remote onto the coffee table. Wrapping her arms around my neck, she leaned in and pressed her lips to mine. I sighed, returned the passion of her kiss for a brief moment, and then pulled my head back. Putting on a wry smirk, I asked, "Good lord, woman. Give a guy a rest. I had to satisfy six girls yesterday, you and Belle teamed up on me both last night AND this morning, and Alice will be here in less than an hour."

Sam smirked. "Sounds like a rather ordinary Friday and Saturday combo for you."

"Yeah, well, satisfying Belle alone on Friday night takes half as much energy as satisfying both Belle AND you."

Sam sighed. "Well, I suppose I should let you rest up for Alice and all. I mean, I've got errands to run and my truck is due for an oil change."

"Go for it. I don't plan to leave this seat until Alice gets here. I need all the rest I can get."

"Or..." Sam's eyebrows waggled. "I let you and Alice partner up to dominate me on Tuesday. Maybe this morning WE can partner up and dominate her."

I snorted. "Alice doesn't have your affinity for being blindfolded and handcuffed. On the other hand, I suppose I could sit back and watch you try. It's been a while since I've seen a good catfight."

"Meow..." Sam bared her teeth and hooked her right hand into a claw. It was pretty hot. I chuckled at her, and a moment later she crawled back into my lap and started a new makeout session.

Good lord I loved kissing this woman, but once again I broke the liplock and sighed, "I'm serious. I need my rest."

"Fine," Sam conceded with a sigh. She dismounted my lap and got up. I immediately reached forward and grabbed the TV remote. Moments later, the screen flared back to life.

I heard her start walking out of the room. I also heard her stop walking, and could picture in my mind's eye the way she was looking back at me thoughtfully. I felt the urge to switch the TV back off, turn around, and invite such an incredible woman back into my lap so I could seal my lips over hers and never let go. But I resisted that urge, took a deep breath, and kept flipping channels.

And in the end, I heard Sam walk away and head up the stairs to her own room.


The bell rang, and when I opened the door, I was immediately struck by how insanely hot my Korean friend looked this morning. Today she wore a purple muscle tank top designed to look as if it had been painted on, with jagged Korean lettering that I couldn't read across the chest. She also wore black spandex arm sleeves and her ever-present Golden State Warriors trucker hat. Below the waist, she wore what looked like black bikini bottoms and skintight black thigh-high leg warmers that left her ankles bare and really showed off the form of her athletically toned legs. Black low-top Chuck Taylors completed the look.

"Aww, no naked blonde kneeling on the floor this time?" Alice mock complained as she sauntered into the house.

"Still here," Sam called as she came down the stairs. "I can get naked and kneeling pretty fast if you'd like."

Alice laughed and waved her off, holding up a CD jewel case for DOA2. "I actually DO want to play video games today. You're welcome to join in. Big-titted babes wearing revealing clothing trying to kick the crap out of each other."

Sam laughed and turned her right hand into a claw. "Meow."

I snorted immediately. Alice gave me a funny look, to which I replied, "I'll explain later."

Sam shrugged and said, "I'll give it a shot."

Twenty minutes later, I sighed and drawled, "It's official. We finally found something Sam's not good at. I think it's time you went and got that oil change."

"I can do this," Sam growled in obvious frustration.

"It's only been twenty minutes," Alice reasoned with me. "And you're not taking it easy on her."

"She hasn't beaten you, either."

"Nor would I expect a newb to seriously challenge the Empress of Planet Playstation," Alice chuckled. "If she wants, let her practice against the computer sometime."

"No, no," Sam sighed, setting down the controller. "I just started doing this to hang out with you guys. I don't think I'm ever going to be the kind of girl to play by myself."

"Maybe we should switch to something you're actually good at," Alice proposed. "Like stuffing Matty's dick in your mouth."

Sam pretended to muse on that. "She has a good point. I AM much better at giving blowjobs than playing video games. Proper resource management would suggest allocating human capital to their fields of expertise."

"I'd tend to agree," Alice added cheerfully.

"We haven't actually gotten a chance to play yet," I complained to Alice before turning back to Sam. "Alice and I have spent all our time trying to teach you."

Sam blinked, her good mood evaporating. "You actually want to play the video game?"

I gestured back and forth between Alice and me. "That's why we meet up like this every Saturday. I mean... yeah, we end up fucking each other's brains out eventually, but this is our gaming time." And I added a look that wordlessly suggested, And you're crashing it right now.

"Oh... well..." Sam fumbled for a moment, surprised by my expression.

"Hey, nobody's kicking you out," Alice said gently while shooting me a hard look. "You're welcome to stay and play with us."

"No, no, I get it," Sam said immediately as she stood up. "I do have a bunch of errands to run and my truck is due for an oil change."

"An oil change can wait."

"Really, I don't want to get between you two."

Alice giggled. "So long as your tongue is on my clit I'm perfectly happy for you to get between us."

Sam cracked a grin at that. "Another time, perhaps. Matty obviously wants to play with you one-on-one this morning. I'll catch you guys later." With that, Sam waved goodbye and headed for the front door.

A minute later, she was gone, and Alice turned to me with an accusing glare. "What was THAT about?

I blinked. "What was what about?"

"Did something happen between you and Sam I don't know about?"

"What? No. I'm serious, I wanted to game with you today."

Alice gestured up and down her scantily-clad body and drawled, "I'm dressed like this and you want to play video games instead of having a threesome with that big-titted blonde who just walked out the door?"

"I happen to LIKE playing video games with you, remember? As for the big-titted blonde, she was here yesterday afternoon, last night, AND this morning."

Alice blinked at me and frowned. "Are you like... getting sick of Sam living with you or something?"

"Of course not." I immediately averted my gaze over to the TV.

Alice mused on that. "I mean, you did seem to spend the least amount of time with her compared to all the other BTC girls for the last few months. Now all of a sudden she's here 24/7 and fucking your brains out each and every day from what I can tell. So... I guess it makes sense that you're getting sick of her."

"I'm NOT getting sick of Sam being around. She has errands to run, I want to play video games, and I just don't really have the patience to keep trying to teach her right now, alright?"

Alice shrugged. "If you say so."

"I say so. Now c'mon. Let's re-start the game."


For once, I really did want to play video games more than I wanted to have sex, while Alice seemed ready to start the "post-game activities" ten minutes after Sam left. We compromised by stripping off Alice's tank top, bra, and bikini-cut bottoms. The arm sleeves and thigh-highs remained, as did her Chuck Taylors and the trucker hat. The Korean hottie wound up impaled on my upright prick, just sort of slowly gyrating her tight pussy around my upright pole while we continued battling each other. I rather enjoyed how the more intense the fight on-screen became, the more she clenched her inner muscles around me.

An hour and a half later, Sam opened the door and came inside while Alice and I were still slumped together across the family room couch, panting in the afterglow. We hadn't fucked that entire time, just the one round at the beginning and the one round we'd finished just now, separated by more gaming. In fact, my shorts were still around my left ankle and Alice had never undressed any further either.

"Hey guys. Need me to clean out a creampie?" Sam asked rather eagerly as she came into the family room.

Alice made a face and apologized, "Sorry. I titty-fucked the first load out for a pearl necklace, which is long-gone by now. And I swallowed the one he just blew."

"No worries." Sam chuckled and waved us off, like it was no big deal.

But I'd seen the look of disappointment on her face before her façade came up.

I felt a brief pang of guilt, but swallowed it and turned my focus to Alice. Drawing my best friend into a hot kiss, I let her passion overwhelm my remorse, and by the time we separated to breathe, Sam had already left the room.

After Alice and I cleaned up and got dressed, Alice went to find Sam and invited her out to lunch with us. The three of us grabbed some food at a nearby strip mall that had plentiful shaded tables in a nice courtyard and we had a pleasant conversation. But after the meal was over, I asked Alice to drop off Sam back at home as I had some of my own errands to run.

In theory, dinner would have just been between me and Sam since Belle had weekend dinners with her dad and Mother was always out, but on Friday I had talked to Mari and asked her out on a "date". I picked her up from her house, spoke to her parents for about fifteen minutes, and then we headed out to a nice restaurant. I wined and dined my luscious Latina (well "dined" anyway), giving her my undivided attention and focus in a way I could never do with five other BTC girls around. Meanwhile, Sam arranged to go have dinner with Zofi's family.

Sam's SUV was back in the driveway before Mari and I returned, but after having a pleasant evening with my angel I wanted to continue giving her my undivided attention and focus. We'd even arranged with Belle to stay home tonight rather than join us, weekend or not. Belle, of course, was more than happy to let her bestie have me all to herself for a night. I carried Mari bridal-style up the stairs and into my bedroom, shutting it and locking the door. And the door remained locked even after Mari's and my cries of passion died out.

That night marked the first time since she'd moved in that Sam DIDN'T join me in bed (in this case, she couldn't join me).

Mari and I woke up fairly early and had a morning quickie. We headed downstairs before Mother had even started on brunch, and Mother informed me (rather tersely) that Belle and Sam had gone out for their Sunday morning run but had not yet returned.

By now, the standard Sunday itinerary had been for the girls to have their long run, brunch with Mother, and then a mid-day threesome. I sort of blew that up this day because instead of waiting for the girls to return, I drove Mari home and then called up Naimh to ask if we could meet up.

The horny freckled redhead was of course happy to hook up, and we met in a grocery store parking lot so she could hop in my van and we could take an impromptu drive out to the Bay. We wound up at Coyote Point Recreation Area, hiking along the coastline and watching airplanes land at San Francisco airport.

We also found an out of the way place to park on an unused service road by the marina, lowered the van's back seats, and got jiggy with it. Naimh and I wound up getting dinner together as well, and when I returned her to grocery store parking lot, she gave me a sweet and tender kiss, thanking her "non-boyfriend" for the impromptu date.

Sam was already in her room studying when I got back, and we fell asleep in our own beds. This time, my bedroom door remained unlocked. But Sam still didn't come join me in bed, and I woke up Monday morning alone. Of course, she wasn't supposed to come slip into my bed, and had even stated that she wouldn't do it anymore (although obviously, she had continued for a least a little bit). Still, I found that I missed her presence, and spent a long several minutes gently rubbing my palm over the empty space on pillow beside me where her head would have been.

At breakfast, Sam was uncharacteristically cold. I felt bad, recognizing that she'd probably gotten used to a certain level of intimacy with me over the past week and could perhaps even feel a little rejected the way I'd been treating her this past weekend. I was reminded of my own feelings around that period when Sam always seemed busy doing other things that culminated in me freaking out that she'd gone on a date with another guy. In this case, I HAD gone on a date with another girl (two actually).

But while I could see that I was hurting her, I knew I was doing what I needed to do. And that resolve kept me going.

Otherwise, Monday felt routine. We went to school, and Sam acted completely normally with me, so I started to feel better that I wasn't traumatizing her or anything. She drove herself to school planning to take care of "stuff", whatever that might be. Meanwhile, Naimh came over in the afternoon for Neevie Monday to pick up right where we'd left off Sunday afternoon, and to my surprise, Zofi came with her - her dance class had gotten cancelled when the teacher called in sick.

Naimh and Zofi together always made for a really fun pairing. The nympho redhead Anal Queen of the BTC of course wanted me to leave a massive load deep within the darkest depths of her bowels, and Zofi came pretty spectacularly with Naimh fingerbanging her wet box while simultaneously giving the lissome brunette a rimjob. It was enough to let me believe Zofi might actually let me in her backdoor someday. But even that pleasant thought could only distract me for so long, and after the pair of them went home, I found myself wondering where Sam was and what she was doing.

She came home eventually of course. Mother also came home early, Belle and her dad came over as well, and the five of us had dinner together. After the meal wrapped up, Sam went into her room to study (AP Exams were coming up the first week of May), and we fell asleep in our own beds.

I woke up alone again on Tuesday.

At least Sam wasn't uncharacteristically cold. She was pleasant enough, held my arm walking between our shared first and second periods, and treated me much the same way she'd always treated me before she'd moved into my house.

But every now and again I'd catch her staring at me, a hurt expression in her eyes. Of course, the instant I looked up at her, her mask slammed down over her true face like a brick wall, and everything would go right back to normal. I tried not to let it bother me. I tried to keep my focus on what I believed to be the greater good. At least from the way everyone else acted around us, I figured that nobody else had noticed Sam's little looks.

But I figured wrong.


Alice came over Tuesday afternoon and met me with a casual fist bump. She was still dressed in her school clothes and nonchalantly sauntered into the family room. It was clear that sex was not at the forefront of her mind, which was just as well because I wasn't particularly in the mood myself.

Dropping her backpack, Alice scrutinized my face for a moment before declaring, "I think we need to fire up DOA2 first. Neither of us looks in any condition to start doing homework."

"You read my mind," I said with a sigh and flopped heavily onto the couch. Alice turned on the console and then handed me a controller.

Minutes later, both of us were button-mashing while watching digital big-titted babes wearing revealing clothing try to kick the crap out of each other. And then something odd happened.

I mean, I'd played the video game enough times that you'd think it wouldn't have such a titillating effect on me. And I'd had sex with real, living big-titted babes enough times that the poorly-rendered 3D model video game vixens shouldn't be able to get a rise out of me. And yet, watching Ayane and Tina Armstrong just sort of jiggle around in their fighting stances somehow got me to pop a woody in my shorts.

Alice glanced over a couple of minutes later and noticed the tent when I shifted uncomfortably on the couch. With a smirk, she drawled, "Is that your way of saying it's time to turn off the game?"

"Sorry. Thing's got a mind of its own today."

"When's the last time you came?"

I arched an eyebrow, not expecting such a direct question. But with the game paused on the character select screen, Alice kept staring at me, clearly waiting for an answer.

"Yesterday, with Neevie and Zofi," I finally confirmed. "Why?"

"I thought you said Sam kept slipping into your bed every morning."

"That was last week."

"She's not doing it anymore?"

I shrugged. "She said she'd stop, and she stopped."

Setting the controller aside, Alice slipped off the couch, knelt in front of me, and reached for my waistband.

"Whoa, whoa. I wasn't asking you to like service me or anything."

"I know you weren't. But the idea's in my head now."

I let Alice pull down my shorts, reveal my throbbing erection waving upward like a reed in the wind, and then swiftly swallow half of it at once. She hummed as she sucked, using her right hand to twist around the exposed inches while bobbing her head up and down in my lap while I set the controller down and slumped spinelessly against the backrest.

A minute later though, Alice popped off my prick and used both hands to stroke my joystick. "So what IS going on with you and Sam right now? You two were getting so lovey-dovey last week, and then there was that really odd Saturday morning when you practically kicked her out of the house."

I frowned and muttered defensively, "I didn't kick her out of the house."

Alice took a lollipop lick at my knob and remarked, "You pretty much kicked her out of the house saying you'd rather play video games with me."

"I DID want to play video games with you. I LIKE playing video games with you."

"Over and above having a big-titted blonde cramming your big dick up her asshole?"

"There's a time and place for everything."

Alice frowned, took another long lick at my dick and bobbed her head up and down for a minute. But after pulling off and sighing in frustration, she finally stood up and started peeling her jeans and panties off. I was confused. Her facial expression was one of annoyance but she was clearly getting herself naked for the explicit purpose of sex, and less than a minute later the Korean babe settled her knees to either side of my hips and slowly lowered herself down around my upright shaft.

"That's better," Alice pronounced. "Couldn't continue the conversation with my mouth full."

"Belle does this a lot."

"I'll bet." Alice smirked and clenched her pussy muscles around my prick, giving it a welcoming hug. "Now where were we?"

"You were gonna spin around reverse-cowgirl so we can keep playing?" I ventured.

Alice shot me a look and shook her head. "How in the world are you getting sick of Sam? Did she like... become clingy or something?"

"What? No. I just told you she's not slipping into my bed every morning anymore. She spends her evenings studying in her room. Yesterday she was gone all afternoon and we only saw each other at dinnertime. She's definitely not clingy."

"Then what is it? You just used to having this big house all to yourself and now that you've got a semi-permanent houseguest you're feeling an invasion of your private domain?"