The Book of David Ch. 11


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"I'm just happy I was in the right place at the right time."

She stopped us walking and leaned towards me, her face just a few inches away. I was actually a little intimidated by how intense her stare was, blue laser beams boring right into the back of my skull. It was a little overwhelming.

I glanced down to get out of that stare. It was a mistake, now I was looking at her tits, so round, firm, and delicious-looking in the white bikini top. I shook my head then turned back to the path.

I was still walking gingerly, wincing with each step. Dammit, there were like a million pebbles on this path. Things weren't that much better when we got back to the beach. The sand was softer, but the heat was now searing the open cuts on the bottom of my feet.

Claudine held my hand the whole way, whispering her thanks over and again while also ruminating on her own stupidity. But eventually, we made it back to a middle-aged couple reclining on some beach chairs.

Claudine called "Papa!" in relief. Her dad, resplendent in a brightly patterned Hawaiian print shirt, got up as we approached and gave me a funny look. Perhaps he thought I was flirting with his daughter.

But as we got closer, he caught sight of the blood and scratches on the both of us, and his eyebrows went up in alarm. He began barking concerned questions in French.

Claudine rapid-fired a response, and then her mother was similarly out of her chair. What followed was a frantic three-way conversation in French as the story unfolded haltingly, frequently interrupted by more questions. I did catch the name "David" a few times, with that accented dah-VEED.

In a way, all I wanted to do was slip away. Claudine was safe and with her parents. I'd done my thing and now I could go home. Plus, a sudden wave of exhaustion was tugging at my shoulders. But Claudine held fast to my hand, clearly not willing to be separated from her rescuer just yet.

Things only got more complicated when a boy of about 15 in board-shorts waltzed up. Now the parents were laying into him as if it was his fault, and I assumed this was the aforementioned little brother. And the three-way frantic conversation became a four-way frenzied conversation.

Then, just when I thought things were calming down, Claudine's father turned and bear-hugged me. I rocked back from his heavy embrace while he patted my back and said haltingly, "Thank you, David. Thank you for saving the life of my daughter."

The mother said something and pointed at the drying blood on me. Then immediately the father said, "We must get you both cleaned up. Please, come with us. We have, uh, medical supplies in our house."

The mother barked orders at the boy and the beach gear was quickly packed up. Claudine returned my sandals to me, and while it was still painful, walking was at least tolerable now.

Turned out, her family was renting a house that was literally right on the beach. Less than two minutes later, I was being herded towards a bathroom to take a shower and clean away the dirt. But before I could go, I took a last look at Claudine.

Wrapped up in an oversized towel, she looked so incredibly young, maybe a full decade younger than me. Her bright blue eyes continued to stare at me as she bit her lip pensively. And then her mother got me down the hall and into the bathroom.

After I cleaned up, my boxers and cargo shorts were drying into hard cardboard on a rack while I wrapped my towel around my waist. I felt incredibly vulnerable in that moment. It didn't help when Claudine's mother opened the bathroom door without knocking and urged me with broken English out into the living room.

Wearing nothing but the towel around my waist, I was put on the couch while the mother began stinging me with cotton balls dunked in medicinal alcohol and then coating my cuts in Neosporin. It was a bit of an embarrassing position, and I began wondering where those oversized towels went. My own towel barely extended past my knees, and I was in grave danger of showing my jewels to the whole household.

Things were not helped when Claudine's mother finished with my stomach and lower legs. But then she began tugging my towel upwards so she could get to my knees and the upper slopes of my thighs.

Alarmed, I snapped my knees shut like a defensive little girl. But she gave me a firm look and stated sternly, "Yours is not the first penis I have seen." And then she pushed my towel back and finished cleaning me up.

By the time she was done, I heard the water from the second bathroom finish running behind the walls. Claudine's mother got up and went into the Master bathroom. When no one came out, I assumed she was similarly addressing her daughter's wounds.

That left me alone in the living room with Claudine's father. He was a man of few words, not saying anything to me while looking gruff but approving. That left me alone with my thoughts.

A small part of me wanted to leave. This wasn't my family and we had no bonds. And yet I felt an overwhelming sense of concern over Claudine now. It was as if my saving her life made me responsible for her life. I seriously hoped she would grow up to be a good person. In a way, I would have hated to rescue someone who would turn out evil.

But as I thought about her, there was no way I could ever think of her as evil. She was too sweet, too innocent. And she'd faced a life-altering experience. I knew right then, no matter what happened for the rest of our lives or how far apart we drifted, we would forever be a part of each other's lives.

Then she returned, and what I saw took my breath away.

Claudine was wearing a short, summer dress. The hem was high enough to show off her wonderfully toned legs and the light fabric flowed around her ample curves. The top was neither cut too low or too high, showing just enough of her big cleavage to be enticing without scandalizing her parents.

But above all else, she had the face of an angel. With her hair blown dry, it was now an incredible coppery color, and this time her smile was full of perfect white teeth.

Automatically I stood up as she walked in, but my graceful motion was completely ruined when I felt the towel begin to slip around my waist and I had to hunch over and grab it.

Claudine smiled, lighting up the room, and then she said sweetly, "I can never thank you enough for saving my life. I will forever remember my miracle rescuer."

Her mother suddenly came to a realization. "Are you here with your family? They must be very worried about you!"

For the first time since the entire ordeal began, I remembered Brianna. I didn't have any obvious haven like Danielle and Cherys' house around here. She probably would be worried about me. "Uh, well, no family. I'm here with a friend."

I don't know why I said the word 'friend' instead of 'girlfriend'. Something subconscious perhaps?

Musing on that, I leaned over to my wallet and cell phone. There were no missed calls. Still, I said, "I probably should be getting back."

Her father looked at me. "You will have dinner with us." It was a statement, not a request. "You may bring your friend if you wish."

Before answering, I glanced over at Claudine. That look of absolute adoration was in her face again. And then I thought of my girlfriend. I thought about going back to her and spending the evening patching up our relationship. It was what I SHOULD do. But I had to see Claudine again. I smiled tightly and replied, "I'd love to."


Claudine's father lent me some clothes to make it back to my condo. I would return them when I came back for dinner. And when I arrived at the door, I stopped and took a deep breath.

I would tell Brianna what had happened. It was an incredible story, but it had the benefit of being true. I would mention the dinner and explain that I felt obligated to go. I would share my little act of heroism with Brianna, and she would feel proud of me, if a little scared at how she might have lost me had I drowned too. And then we would come home together and make love like always.

The only thing is, when I went into the condo, Brianna wasn't there. And from the stifling heat built up and the look of the place, she hadn't been there for a long time.

Immediately I pulled out my cell phone to call and find out where she was. But as I held my thumb over the speed dial, I hesitated. In all the times we'd fought and I'd walked out, Brianna always waited home for me. My absence carved a hole in her heart that she couldn't stand. I'd steam for a bit and then eventually return, and she was too in love to not be there when I came back.

But today she wasn't here. And if she didn't want to be here, then I didn't want to be the one to call her back. I changed my clothes, freshened up, and did my hair. And then it was time for my dinner with Claudine's family.

I took one last look at the empty bedroom, and then I went out the door.


The dinner was pleasant enough. The five of us squeezed around a table on the deck at Duke's, overlooking the harbor in Lihue. I was given a prime spot right at the deck railing with Claudine beside me and her father at the head of the table.

Her mother couldn't help begin spinning the tale of my dramatic rescue of her daughter to the elderly couple sitting nearby to us. Five minutes later, the waiter overheard and now both Claudine and I were blushing furiously under the intense stare of a dozen people, including a restaurant manager.

On the bright side, my dinner got comped.

We also finally got a little more personal information about each other. I explained about my Engineering job and my hometown. They were a family vacationing from France. Claudine mentioned that she would love to go to college in America, maybe even the one close to my hometown, but her parents frowned at the idea of being so far away from their darling daughter, especially after nearly losing her today.

When the meal was done and we returned to their house, Claudine shyly asked her parents if she could walk me home. Looking approvingly over me, they agreed and we said our goodbyes, extending their everlasting thanks again. Claudine and I had already exchanged phone numbers. They knew we'd keep in touch.

We walked out of the beach house and onto the sand. Nothing was said for the at first as we simply walked along side-by-side in the moonlight, reveling in the warm tropical air and light breeze ruffling our clothing. I glanced over at the pretty girl more than once, but her expression was inscrutable and she seemed to be lost in her own thoughts.

But when we hit the beach and passed out of sight of the house, Claudine reached out and slipped her hand into mine. Her touch was simultaneously soothing and exciting as I felt a little electric buzz pass up my arm. This time when I looked over at her, her wide-eyed adoring gaze was on me again, accompanied by a brilliant smile.

We ended up walking across the beach and Claudine tugged my hand, directing us closer to the surf and onto the hard-packed moist sand. She slipped off her sandals and held them in her other hand, and I followed suit so that we could walk along together and feel the cool water lapping over our feet every now and again. I was happy that the salt content of the water didn't sting my healing cuts noticeably.

"How are you feeling?" I asked her softly.

"I can't describe it," she answered. "But what I'm feeling is very strong, very intense." Somehow, her accent made every word that much more sensuous. And the look she gave me then was pure lust.

That look set my heart racing, and with my lip trembling I returned to our walking and she squeezed my hand.

"Claudine, you don't have to do anything. I'm sure you're feeling grateful, but-"

"It's not about being grateful," she interrupted me. "What happened was so... so terrifying. I was certain I was going to die. And after that kind of experience, I want... no, I NEED to feel something good." She looked at me then as we splashed along. "You make me feel good, just by being with me."

After that, we walked in relative silence. Her words had said 'just by being with me'. The signals she was sending me hinted at much more than just relative proximity. She knew that I knew she was suggesting more, and the sidelong glances we would occasionally give each other more than enough to communicate our desires. I could feel the sexual tension between us thickening with every step we took. It was a wondrous feeling, the mystery of a strange person you were terribly attracted to. I hadn't felt like this in a long time.

Without really thinking about it, I realized that that all the artificial lights were fading around us. We were getting farther and farther away from the road and the parking lot, following the curve of the bay and heading towards the point where I rescued her.

"Do you want to go back there?" I asked.

"Not quite that far," she answered.

In fact, we went almost clear to the end of the beach, so that the only unnatural lights were far off in the distance. Presently, Claudine stopped and turned to face me. She had an unearthly glow in the moonlight, her copper hair now a shimmering silver. And with the water up to our ankles, she stepped right up into my personal space and looked at me with luminous eyes.

I felt a tightness in my chest and I think I stopped breathing for a moment as she raised her hands to my face, giving me that wide open look of absolute adoration that just melted me inside. And then stroking my temple with her finger tips, back behind my ear, she gently pulled my head down and reached up to pull our lips together.

I was immediately intoxicated by her spicy flavor, and a sharp thrill shot down my spine like a lightning bolt. We started at first just rubbing our lips together, but as time went on we progressed to firmer mouth molding and finally to real French kissing. Her fingers were tangled in my hair as she crushed her big tits into my chest, and I wrapped my arms around her slender body holding her tightly to me.

The emotions buzzing through us felt so familiar. And as I reveled in the kiss, I suddenly understood the raw adrenaline rush an intense event has on a person. I now knew how Amber had felt the night I rescued her from a rape attempt. And I was swept away by the passion with which Claudine was kissing me.

Somehow, the memory of Amber reminded me of Brianna. And despite the pleasure, my conscience scrambled a mad alert to the forefront of my brain. Feeling sharp pain in my head, I grimaced and pulled back, breaking the kiss and leaving Claudine panting before me.

"I can't!" I croaked in anguish.

"Why not?" Claudine's voice was breathy and her chest heaved. I had a gorgeous, sexy teenager panting with unadulterated lust for me, but my morals had a voice. I wasn't a horny eighteen-year-old desperate to lose his virginity anymore. I'd grown up since then.

I still held Claudine in my arms and looked at her with a wild gaze of both intense attraction and fear. My head slowly shook side-to-side as I fought to get the words out, finally stating, "I have a girlfriend."

"I don't care. I want you for just right now! I want you more than I've ever wanted anything in my life!" Claudine writhed in my arms and jabbed her head up to kiss me, succeeding in touching my lips before I pulled back in a panic.

I was suddenly dizzy, the adrenaline pumping through me almost as hard as it was in the moments before I jumped in the water before. Is this really happening?

"You saved my life, David. I want you. I NEED you." Claudine was in a sexual frenzy now. Her jaw quivered and her eyelids fluttered almost out of control. She was trembling in my arms and trying to rub herself against me. And her accent was getting thicker. The lust was taking over.

Her eyes were locked onto mine, still adoring but now with undisguised desire. "I don't want to let you fuck me to say thank you. *I* want to fuck *you* because everytime I look at you my body feels like it's on fire. Because I get so wet inside and I crave to feel you inside me." Her eyes flared. "And because I know you want me too."

With that, she pushed through my arms and planted her lips on mine again as she practically leapt into me, scissoring her legs around my waist as I automatically moved to support her.

The kiss was electricity defined. I blinked, and the next thing I knew we were spinning around, lost in a dizzying whirl of passion before my legs gave out and I sat down heavily in the sand with Claudine sitting in my lap.

She gave me an intense look, and then reached down, pulling at the hem of her summer dress and lifting it over her head. I was in awe of her breasts, such firm, large mounds sitting proudly high atop her chest. I remembered the way Monica's had been in High School. Ah, the benefits of youth. And when Claudine removed her bra, my mouth began to water.

"Boys," she giggled as I stared, and then she was unbuttoning my linen shirt. Once undone, she pushed it off my shoulders to fall down my arms, and then she pushed at my pecs until I was lying flat on my back. And then she stood up to remove her thong panties and also drag my shorts down to my ankles so I could kick them off.

I got a glimpse of a tight, hairless pussy. Her folds were already opening to reveal the tender flesh inside, and from the way she glistened in the moonlight, I knew she hadn't been lying about how wet I made her feel.

But while she'd professed an uncontrollable urge to feel me inside her, she apparently had a little more patience than that. Instead of impaling herself upon me, Claudine crawled down until she was straddling my knees, and brushing her hair behind her ears, she bent over and stretched her tongue out to take a long lick at my cock.

"Ohhh, Claudine," I groaned.

She smiled and went back to work. Slowly, the teenaged beauty let her head loll around as she attacked me from different angles, teasing me with lavish touches before pulling away almost completely. And so when she finally took me inside her mouth, the sensations were unexpected and I almost lost it right there, only a straining squeeze on my part preventing an early eruption.

Claudine popped off and pouted. "Aww... Almost had you."

"I still want to be inside you," I breathed.

"You will be. I promise." And then she took my cock into her mouth once again. This time, her hands came out to play, one wrapping around my shaft and pumping me while the other cupped my balls, rubbing softly.

I picked my head up to look down at her. She was such a sexy sight, her youthful face crammed with my meat as she transferred all the adoration her eyes had been showing into pure worship of my cock. And when she realized I was watching, she looked up into my eyes, holding our mutual stare as she continued to pleasure me.

She read every expression on my face and reacted perfectly to maximize my feelings. I was amazed a girl so young could be so good at giving head. And very quickly she brought me to the brink.

I started grunting and my balls coiled, a telltale sign Claudine's fingers picked up on. She backed her head away until just my head was still inside her mouth, and then both her hands began jacking me quickly, twists in her wrists coaxing all the pleasure out.

"Oh, oh, Claudine!" I moaned and then burst. She hummed happily as I began to fill her mouth with all my creamy jism, and I watched her throat contracting as she swallowed repeatedly, never losing a drop.

When I was finished, she sat back on her heels and gave me a satisfied smile. I was immediately enraptured with the way her naked breasts looked in the moonlight, deep shadows making them seem even rounder and bigger than they already were. I let myself catch my breath for just a few moments, but then the way her body called to me, I quickly sat up and then attacked her.