The Box

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She finally divorces him and now can have her fun.
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I am not sure how much time has passed since I agreed to do this little experiment, but if I have to estimate it's been a bit over two weeks. Some would judge me for my decision, tell me that I needed professional help to deal with the termination of my six-year-marriage and that I was acting irrationally. Those people knew nothing about me, not the real me that I've been hiding for all of these years. I had a yearning so dark, not even my insatiable ex-husband could satisfy. My craving would be considered taboo to the outside world but I knew there were others like me and as soon as my divorce finalized, I searched for those people.

It took me over six months to find what I was looking for; a group that specialized in the brand of torture that I so desire. It wasn't easy, I had to get unique with my searches, which eventually led me to browse the dark web. I knew it was risky, but I didn't care, I wanted to be free from the restraints of society that I was starting to despise with every breath of my body.

I did my research on the company and its unique brand of services. The reviews were mixed, some claiming to have had the best experience of their lives and others complaining that they were left with mental scars that they will never be able to repair. Heart beating fast, I took the plunge and made a request for more information and was immediately sent a link detailing the different programs I could enter. I quickly clicked on the full-package and was blown away at how detailed it all was.

The full-package included 18 months of servitude; with six-weeks of reintegration after services rendered. All applicants must go through several steps to be accepted into the program and the cost was high enough for me to briefly reconsider my decision.

I could just sell the house, I thought with a shrug.

I wouldn't regret selling the two-story home, it was the one thing I won in the divorce settlement and I knew that I could make more than enough money on the sale.

The requirements to qualify for the program were very strict. All prior medical records must be sent over to their administrator to check for any health complications. Applicants must complete a full physical, check for STDs, take psychological evaluations, and have a background check done for safety reasons. Participants were also required to be under a certain weight for their height and ordered to take full-length nude photos showing front, back, and sides.

I'm glad I lost that extra twenty-pounds, I thought, glancing down at my slender figure.

I skimmed over the other small details before reading the preparation clause, which included; having all of your body hair lasered removed, quitting your job, saying good-bye to loved ones, and finally getting a numbered tattoo just below the ankle.

I bit my lower lip. I never thought about putting a tattoo on my body, I had a fear of needles that made it difficult for me to even get a simple flu shot, the thought of having something pierce my skin longer than a few seconds was a bit terrifying, to say the least.

Ball-up Tammy, you need this.


It took three months to complete all of the entry steps and for me to get a buyer for the house. I wasn't able to get the price I wanted, but I didn't want to wait longer to put down a deposit on the program. My family wasn't too happy with my decision to leave the country without being able to contact me, but they didn't argue much considering that I will still be paying the mortgage on the family home.

Once an ATM, always an ATM, I thought cynically.

My friend Lisa put up more of a protest.

"Tammy, I don't see why you need to take a sabbatical now," she said suspiciously, "you are doing great in your career, you finally left that jerk of a husband and...and..."

"And what," I asked, "Nothing is going right for me now outside of work Lisa and you know it, my life has been falling apart for years and I just need a break from it all, I thought you would understand."

Lisa's eyes started to water and she got up to pace.

"Can you at least tellme how to reach you," she said desperately, "what if something bad happens to you?"

"Nothing will happen to me," I said slowly. Even though at the time I wasn't too sure about that, I was basically about to put my life at the hands of strangers.

"What about Pete?"

A twinge of guilt hit me. Pete was my dog and my very best friend. I had him for over seven years and leaving him behind was something I felt like I would regret for the rest of my life but not even for him was I willing to pass up on this experience.

"A shelter will be taking_."

"What, no," she said aghast, "why don't you leave him with family?"

"You know I can't trust them to give Pete the care he deserves, the shelter I'm sending him to is top-notch and known for safe adoptions."

"I won't hear it," she said, "let me take care of him until you return."

"Really," I asked, stunned at the offer.

"I am offended that you didn't even ask me in the first place," she said, her tears flowing now.

"I'm sorry Lisa, I wasn't thinking straight," I said, feeling my own eyes fill up with tears.

After several hours spent with Lisa, I prepared myself to start the new chapter of my life.


I looked down at the freshly-inked tattoo on my ankle. Getting it was worse than I thought, even after taking a muscle relaxer, using an eye mask so that I wouldn't panic and saying every prayer I could think of, when the needle hit my skin I internally had a breakdown. The tattoo artist kept asking me if I were okay and if I needed to take a break, but I was short with him, telling him to just finish the job already and quit with the small talk.

The number 64704 was etched into my skin permanently.

Sighing I laid down flat on the hotel bed and thought about the upcoming 18-months. I had one more day of freedom and all I wanted to do was get it over with so I can finally be free from the life I've been leading. Spreading my legs open, I fingered my pussy with two fingers and was not surprised to find them slick with juices.

I wonder what is going to happen to me I thought while playing different scenarios in my mind.How will I be used?

My fingers started pumping fast in and out of my tight wet twat. My folds were smooth and hairless.

I took my fingers out and trailed the juices up toward my clit and I started rubbing faster, my heart pounding in anticipation. My mind was spinning a mile a minute, imagining what's to come and before I knew it I squirted all over the hotel room sheets, my legs spasming as I came down from the most intense orgasm I had in years.


I took a three-hour flight to my destination, there I met a chauffeur holding a sign with my name on it and I followed him into a limousine. Inside there was a bucket of champagne and a platter of mouthwatering food. A note read;

This would be the only time you would enjoy this luxury, so do not hesitate to indulge yourself just this once

I didn't know if I could because I was so nervous, but I was able to shove down a few morsels and take a couple of sips of wine while we drove. I could not see where we were going because the windows were blacked out from the inside.

It's starting, I thought.

After what seemed like hours the driver stopped the vehicle and opened a door for me to get out. We were parked in some abandoned parking lot and the sun was just starting to set. The heavyset driver looked me up and down and smiled.

"It's time to remove your clothes 64704," he said hungrily.

I looked around confused.

"Here," I asked cautiously.

"Yes," said the driver patiently, "remove all of your clothes and jewelry, do it now 64704."

Please don't tell me this was a scam, where I am left naked in the middle of nowhere I thought slipping out of my clothes quickly. I couldn't see anyone else and I didn't know what the driver was planning.

"Remove those too," he said, pointing to my bracelets and rings. I was still wearing my wedding band, it became a part of me and looking down at it I was a bit reluctant to take it off.

"Will I be getting these back," I asked, handing him the jewelry.

He just shrugs and placed my items in his pocket. Despite the weather being about 80 degrees, I could feel a cool breeze across my bare skin. The driver gaze burned a whole in my body as if he was about to touch me, but glanced at his wedding band with a look of regret.

"Turn around," he said.

I slowly turned around facing the abandoned building. He came to stand behind me, he was so close I could smell the garlic from his breath.

"I am going to blindfold you now," he said while tying a strip of fabric over my eyes. Everything around me went dark and I wondered what would happen next.

"Okay," he said, stepping away from me. "You must leave that on, or you will be in violation of the contract you signed, do you understand?"

"Yes," I said unsure of what to do, "what's next?"



I could hear a door close, and the sound of an engine starting and knew that he was driving away.

I reached up to take off the blindfold but stopped midway.

He said not to take it off, I thought.

It seemed as if I was standing there for at least 15 minutes before I heard the sound of a vehicle pulling into the lot. I would be lying if I didn't say that I was terrified. All sorts of thoughts were running through my brain; was it the authorities here to arrest me for indecent exposure? Maybe it was a random person pulling in and will take advantage of the situation?

I didn't have long to wait when I heard a masculine voice say, "64704, I am here as your guide for the next 18 months, all of your instructions will come from me, you no longer have a voice unless it's to the use the kill word written in your contract, do you understand?"

I nodded my head.

The kill word was put into place if for any reason I wanted to back out of the contract I will be able to, but the consequences were high. Not only will I have to stop the entire program, but I will also forfeit my full payment and be charged a termination fee which was higher than the initial transaction. Using the kill word would put me in a financial bind that I wasn't willing to be in, not to mention I would not be able to continue paying off my family home.

A pair of hands grabbed my arm and guided me into a vehicle, which most likely was a van of some kind. I started to ask a question but remembered that I wasn't supposed to speak, I knew there would be consequences if I started breaking rules at the start, so I kept my mouth shut. The drive seemed longer than the one to the parking lot and I started dozing on and off.

When we arrived, I felt my bladder about to explode. The guide addressed this immediately as he helped me step down from the vehicle.

"You are free to relieve yourself here," he said.

"What," I stammered, feeling concrete beneath my feet.

"I am granting you a favor just this once," he said firmly, "you must not speak or your contractual obligations will pile up exponentially."

I quickly sealed my lips. He placed his hands on my arm and guided me in a squat. I felt my cheeks grow warm with embarrassment as I let out a stream of piss, a bit of it ran down my leg, the relief was almost orgasmic. On shaky legs, I was guided forward and I could hear my guide jangling keys before opening a door. He ushered me in and it felt as if I were walking across a wooden floor.

"I will be guiding you downstairs now," he said, leading me down step by step. The air grew a bit cooler and my nipples responded immediately.

"I will be taking your blindfold off," the guide said," you must keep your eyes forward and do not look back at me, nod your head if you understand."

I nodded my head, feeling my heart pound in anticipation.

It took a while for my eyes to adjust but I found myself in a dungeon-ese room. It was dimly lit and in the middle of the room, there was a large black box, with a trapdoor. Before I could take in too many details, the guide pushed me toward the box.

"Get on your knees and crawl in," he said softly.

I hesitated.

What the hell, a freaking box?

"Don't make me ask again 64704," he said.

I slowly went to my knees and crawled into the box.


The box was fairly huge, not tall enough for me to stand up in or long enough for me to stretch out, but wide enough for me to extend the full length of my arms. The floor was well-padded and there were small holes all around the box.

For air?

There was a small empty pot sitting in the far corner of the box.

They can't mean to lock me in here, I don't think I signed up for this.

The door I crawled in closed abruptly and I was surrounded by darkness. Before I could react, a small window opened to my left and a bit of light shined through.

"One knock is for understood and two knocks is for repeat, understood" asked the guide's voice, sounding a bit muffled.

I knock one time to the side of the box.

"Very good girl," he said.

My chest felt warm at the praise.

"This box here is your starting place in the program," said the guide.

The starting place?

"There is no telling how long the Master will keep you here, but if your performance is good he will allow you to serve him, if not you may spend 18 months in this box."

No way will I be able to spend 18 months in this fucking box, I thought, as I felt my heart drop.

"I know what you are thinking," he continued, "but I assure you that this box was tailored specifically for all of your needs. It was designed for your height and weight and you should have no problems adapting to your new home."

A hand reached through the small window of the box.

"Every morning I will visit you to bring you your vitamins and food, you will also be provided with washing material during this time, you will receive those items through here," he said.

"You were also provided a pot for when duty calls, you will hand that through the window each morning for cleaning and you will get one hour to finish your morning routine and your pot will be handed back to you, do you understand?" he finished.

I knocked one time.

"You're doing fine," he said, closing the window.

Another window open, this time at the bottom of my feet, it was wider but not quite wide enough for me to crawl out of. I felt the box moving upward and I held on to the sides, unsure what was happening. The moving stopped and I could tell I was now at an elevated level.

"Whenever this window opens you will be given a minute to get into position one," said the guide. "Lay flat on your back, your feet pointed toward the window, keep your head down and legs together."

I got into position and was surprised when the bottom of the box started slowly sliding forward and my feet, legs, and thighs went out the opening. My upper body was in the box, my eyes looking up and my lower half was outside the box.

Trick bottom?

I felt hands spread open my legs and strapping them to different platforms. A warm hand stroking the folds of my bare cunt.

"This is perfect 64074," said the guide, his voice more clear now. "The Master will be pleased with the sight I am sure."

I felt myself growing wet as I tried to lift my hips but was prevented by the design of the box.

"Position one allows you to stretch your legs," he said, dipping his fingers into my pussy," we call it the privilege position."

He started working his hand in and out of me at a faster pace. I started moaning, which sounded louder in the confines of the box.

"Your pussy will be used here very often and you are not to speak to anyone that uses your pussy, understood," he asked, rubbing my clit while going in and out of my cunt with his fingers.

I felt my lower parts growing warm. And suddenly without warning, he withdrew his hand from my pussy, and before I could let out a moan of disappointment his hand came down hard against my twat.

I let out a surprised yelp, trying to close my legs but they were bound.

"Understood?" he asked again,

I quickly tapped the box once, as a hot tear rolled down my eye.

"Okay," said the guide, before releasing my legs and the contraption slowly pulled my body back into the box. The window quickly closed and I was once again surrounded by darkness. A smaller slot opened up in the box and the guide spoke up again.

"Position two is on your knees," he said, his voice muffled again. I quickly got on my knees and waited in anticipation. Another slot opened up on top of the box, I looked up as light shined through the window.

"This is how much light you will be granted," he said, and suddenly before my eyes, there was a cock and set of balls. I could see that it was slightly erect and the balls were completely shaved clean.

"Sometimes you will be able to get other forms of nourishment through this slot if you are a good girl," said the guide.

I stared at the dick in surprise.

"I don't think you understand," said the guide firmly.

I quickly covered the cock with my mouth, sucking it hungrily.

I can't believe this is happening, I thought with excitement. I put my tongue into good use, licking the sides of the cock, circling the tip. I leaned into the wall of the box, pressing my face as close as possible it, taking the cock down my throat.

"That's enough 64704," said the guide shakily. I released the hard cock and watched in disappointment as it was pulled out of the slot and the window shut closed. The light still was coming from the window above, I peered up to see if I could see out but there was nothing but a slight brightness.

The food slot opened again and the guide was speaking. I sat down and crossed my legs because they were already starting to cramp.

"Remember this is where you will receive your food slu..." he cleared his throat, "64704, I will be back in the morning, don't forget that you have a kill word and can use it at any time, you will always be heard."

With that, he closed the door and I tried to press my ear against the box to see if I could still hear him but it was very quiet. Looking around the small space I felt a wave of panic wash over me.

What if I am left here to die, no one will know where I was.

Every corner was dark and the only object in the box was the pot.

How will I squat over this thing to take a dump? Why didn't they leave me anything to clean myself with, I will have to wait until the morning to wipe myself?

I already was starting to feel humiliated but I couldn't stop myself from smiling.

This was going to be great.


My thoughts quickly changed after a couple of hours in the box. I didn't consider myself to be claustrophobic, but the combination of the small space, the darkness, and the utter silence was getting to me.

You won't be in here forever, I thought, attempting to reassure myself.You asked for this, you must not back out now.

I felt my stomach growl and I started regretting not eating more in the limo. I needed to get into a better position. I extended my legs out as far as they could go, I laid in position one, with my back against the floor and I looked up at the ceiling of the box. I wondered what the box was made of, it seemed very detailed and well built. I wasn't having an air quality problem which I feared would happen when I first climbed in.

Sighing I closed my eyes and waited for the morning.


I wasn't sure how much time passed since I closed my eyes, the small amount of lighting didn't change in the box and there was no other way to determine time passing, but I felt refreshed. Normally when I wake up I would quickly throw on some sweats and take Pete on a walk to relieve himself, now I felt a twinge of sadness for leaving him behind.