The Brass Statuettes Ch. 03


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Although Gloria thought that she was breaking fresh news to the group, Brenda had already briefed Ashley and Darlene that morning. She called them individually to smooth the way, being sure to extract promises of secrecy. It was important to make sure that no one displayed any hesitance and that all were in cheerful compliance. Cohesion was important for the success of any group. It wasn't automatic; someone had to see to it. For her services Brenda asked nothing, nor did she even mention it to Gloria. She was satisfied in her role; one day she would rise higher. Gloria was their compass; Brenda was the engine that made things happen.

"I think it will be so exciting," Brenda gushed. "It'll be like being back in our college sororities."

"And we'll get to dole out all that money," Ashley added. "And all those gala benefit dinners we'll have. It surely does sound exciting."

"I think we can get a tax deduction for the costs of our gowns," Darlene said.

"Yes, indeed!" Gloria confirmed, "along with any other expenses like lunches or travel. Alvin had the lawyers set up everything just right. The Foundation is a registered charity. All donations are tax-deductible, too."

"What about an office?" Ashley asked.

"For right now, I thought that we'd run it out of the house. But, we'll need staff soon and for that we'll need an office. I think somewhere downtown."

"Western must have people in the office who do real estate," Brenda suggested.

"Good idea, Bren!" Gloria exclaimed. "I'll have Alvin to assign someone in the office to help us in their spare time."

There was a pause as each waited for one of the others to offer a new topic.

"There's one last thing to think about," Gloria told them. "Brenda wants to invite Trudy Bennett into the group."

"Oh, no!" Ashley cried. "Little Goody Two-Shoes will ruin everything."

"She's not so little," Darlene corrected with a forced laugh.

I didn't want to do it, either," Gloria admitted. "Brenda convinced me." Brenda felt Gloria's eyes on her, and then Ashley's and Darlene's, too. "Tell them why, Bren."

Brenda drew a deep breath as she asked herself why Gloria punished her just because she'd taken the trouble to care about this most mundane of details. It was often this way. Gloria would make her pronouncements and leave those unpleasant little tasks to Brenda. It was vexing, but Brenda accepted it as the price of turning talk into action.

"If we pass Trudy by, our husbands will wonder why," Brenda explained. She looked out on the three faces looking back at her, with expressions that half acknowledged that perhaps she had a point. The other half was waiting to be convinced the rest of the way.

"They'll know why, too," Brenda went on, "and it will put them off. They won't risk hard feelings with Frank, especially over something like this. Remember, they're the ones who provide most of the money. We've got to welcome Trudy with open arms. Besides, after a while, Trudy should come around to our way of thinking—if we help her." She shot Gloria a reminding look; she was only re-synthesizing the material fed to her at lunch the day before. Darlene and Ashley nodded, signifying that the dawn had broken.

"Trudy's not very smart, y' know," Darlene pointed out. "Ah don't think she's evah bin t' college."

"She's smarter than you think," Brenda countered, "and if it's an issue, then we'll give her jobs that she can do—jobs that we don't want to do, ourselves."

"Makes sense," Ashley conceded. "Are you going to call her up and invite her?"

"No," Brenda replied. "Naturally, that call should come from Gloria."

"Me?" Gloria cried in alarm. Brenda could see that she hadn't yet considered the obvious point.

"You're the head of the Foundation, our leader," Brenda explained. She stifled a sigh of frustration. "Of course, it has to come from you." Gloria slumped in her chair, acquiescing by silence.

"Then it's settled," Brenda concluded. "It will be the four of us, plus Trudy."

"That does it for business," Gloria quickly declared before more inconvenient details could pop up. "Did you all bring your suits?" Gloria took a quick glance around the table; no one said that they didn't.

"Juana," she yelled out, "we'll have our drinks at the pool."


Each of the women had worn their suits under their casual clothing, except for Gloria, who wore her bathing suit under a beach cover-up. The four ladies formed a kind of parade as they walked from the veranda to the pool and the waiting chaises. There, they kicked off their sandals and slipped off their blouses and skirts.

"Someone, help me with my lotion," Gloria called out as they each opened a bottle of sunscreen. Brenda jumped to the task, while Ashley and Darlene traded the same favor. Each of them wore bikinis, even Gloria. It was a good day to work on their tans.

Nearby, José had a crew of four young men helping him build a flower bed and some other landscaping tasks. The sudden appearance of four scantily clad gringas didn't escape their attention. They were well worth the look, too. Although Darlene, the youngest of them at thirty-two, was a good ten years older than the youths, the quartet inspired plenty of interest. The women in the barrios had no money or time for personal trainers and private gyms. Not only that, their women were bronze, while these had creamy, white skin that they rarely got to see.

"'Eer are dee drinks, Señora," Juana announced, as she opened the gate to the pool area. She carried a trayful of four tumblers with a green, frothy mixture. There was a pitcher full of replenishments on the tray, too."

"I thought that we'd have Margaritas today," Gloria announced.

"Good choice, Gloria!" Ashley spoke out in glee on behalf of the group.

"Juana," Gloria ordered, "put the pitcher in the refrigerator in the exercise room."

"I dun't 'ave de key," Juana answered. "Dee Señora has dee only key."

"You should have reminded me," Gloria scolded. She reached into the pocket of her cover-up and produced a keychain. "Here you are. I'll get them from you later. Now, put the pitcher in the refrigerator and go back to the house."

"Si Señora," Juana mumbled as she complied.

The women were left to themselves and their sun lotion. No one said anything for a few moments.

"Mah goodness," Darlene gasped. ""Ah do b'lieve that those young men are oglin' us."

Of course they are," Gloria said. "That's one reason why I moved the meeting out to the pool. Don't you want them to? You can ogle them, too, you know."

"That would be undignified!" Darlene exclaimed.

"Who the hell cares?" Brenda laughed. "It's all in fun; nothing will come of it. Besides, it's good practice for when it counts."

"Here—here," Gloria seconded the motion.

The workers had discarded their shirts long ago. Sheens of sweat shone on their dark skin. They were lean and muscled, a product of their toil. They tried hard to get a view of the women without giving themselves away—which was not easy since they were being watched, themselves. A leer or lingering gaze at the wrong moment could cost their job.

"Watch this," Ashley told the others after taking a big gulp of her drink. She was a raven-haired beauty with pale, creamy skin. She worked hard on her figure and it worked hard for her.

She put a dollop of sunscreen in her palm, and then stretched out her other arm. The oiled hand softly glided the length of her arm to her shoulder. She repeated it on the opposite side. The white, outstretched limbs were flags calling the young men to attention. She took a little more of the lotion in her hands and started circling applications along her collarbone, and then she went lower and then a bit lower, yet. When she was sure that she had the attention of her audience, her hands smoothed the tops of her breasts spilling over her bikini top. She repeated it over and over until the boys almost had their fill.

When she knew she had them, she lifted the strap away and slid her hand down inside the cup and left some of the sun cream there. She did it to both sides. One could imagine her hands cupping, kneading, and gently squeezing.

"Ashley, you are just shameful," Darlene scolded, claiming the right of indignation.

"Be quiet, Darlene," Ashley answered. "I'm, just having a little fun."

"Why, you're just teasin' 'em." Darlene argued.

"Men love to be teased," Ashley said, "and believe me, girl, those are men." She cast a glance out at them, counting their muscles. "Now, for my grand finale."

Darlene's mouth fell agape as Ashley took more sunscreen in hand. She bent one leg up on the chaise, leaned forward and reached out with both hands to her ankle. The journey up the flesh of the calf began. Ashley made it go slow, so that those watching her would take in every inch of her shapely legs.

When she reached her knee she leaned back in her chair. She kicked her leg straight up in the air, knee locked and toes pointed to the sky. She grasped her leg at the knee and moved her hands slowly down the firm thigh flesh, ever-so-close to the crotch. She did it twice. Then, she repeated the entire process with the other leg—perhaps a little more slowly.

"Just shameful," Darlene repeated, although with far less conviction than before.

"I, for one, am jealous," Brenda admitted, observing the lustful stares of the audience.

"Why don't you show them what you've got, Bren?" Ashley suggested.

"How could I follow that?" Brenda admitted. "I have a little something planned for later, but not 'til they get over your little show."

"I'll show you something," Gloria said. "Brenda, help me loosen up my bikini top. Don't untie it all the way; just loosen it so it doesn't hold me in place so tight."

After Brenda performed the request Gloria downed the rest of her Margarita and then stood up. "I'll just coil that hose for the pool filter," she announced.

She walked slowly to it, turned face-on to the watching young men. Ashley and Brenda looked at one another in silent communication as they marveled at how Gloria could flaunt her stuff, even though she was the oldest of them. It was tools and know-how. It was a complete set—one was useless without the other.

"Go, girl!" Brenda urged her on.

Gloria bent from the waist, picked up the hose and slowly wound it into a neat coil. Her large breasts hung down and the loosened bikini top fell away just enough to allow them to sway. When she was half-done she rotated her hips slightly in rhythm to the coiling of the hose so that her breasts would pick up the motion. When she was done she paused, and then straightened and looked out at them for several seconds. She slowly sauntered back to her place and sat down.

Ashley and Brenda broke into applause.

"I hope that you've been watching, Darlene. Next time it will be your turn," she warned. "No excuses!" Darlene turned red. The sun was hot and the Margaritas were strong. Gloria went inside to get the pitcher to refill all the glasses.

One of the men, a little older than the rest, edged closer to the pool. He was a little more heavily muscled than the others. As he drew closer the women could see the features of his face. He wore a smirk that let the women know that he was enjoying their game. He had a thin moustache and a tattoo of an Aztec symbol on his bicep.

"I think he likes you, Ashley," Brenda said. The women broke into giggling. The closer contact, seeing the expression on his face, raised their excitement to a new level. The young man stole closer. They were eye to eye and the women gasped. He paused for a moment, pursed his lips into a kiss and flexed a pectoral muscle at them, and then abruptly about-faced and sauntered back to the group, who held him hero's awe.

"Oh—Ah feel a little faint," Darlene swooned as she covered her breasts with her hands.

Brenda leaned closer to Ashley, but asked her question loud enough for all to hear. "Ashley, what would you do if you found that one's head between your thighs?"

Ashley laughed out loud, and then thought for a second. "Nothing, Brenda, dear. I wouldn't want to interrupt what he was already doing."

"Oh mah word!" Darlene gasped while the three others squealed in laughter.

"Nothing except enjoy it and not let him stop," Ashley corrected. The chorus of laughing got louder. Even Darlene joined in.

"I thought you were scandalized by all this," Gloria asked her youngest pupil.

"Well, Ah am, you know. But Ah know it's all in fun between us girls. It's somehow—excitin'." she confessed.

"He's not the one I'd choose," Brenda said. "I like that slender one over there. See him? He's been watching us all this time but he's scared to death of getting caught. I think he's a virgin. I could break him in just right."

"Interesting idea," Gloria said.

Brenda gulped down the balance of her drink. "Now it's time for my little part in this play."

She rose up from her chaise and slowly walked to the diving board, walking out and stopping at the end and paused for all to see. She dove into the water and swam the length to the shallow end. When she reached the far wall she climbed out and turned her back to her quarry and bent slightly at the waist. She reached back, traced her hand down her shapely backside. She inserted a finger under the clinging spandex at the crotch of the bikini bottoms and rearranged it properly over her cheek, and then did the same to the other. She walked slowly back to her chaise, swinging her hips all the way.

"Good points for originality," Gloria pointed out. Ashley and Darlene were applauding. The youth's face could not be seen, but they assumed that he was gulping.

Juana had been watching the festivities from the kitchen window. She shook her head in disapproval and went to the veranda. She spied her husband working nearby.

"¡José, José! Los chicos, ses olvidan de las camisas."

Juana stood on the veranda and saw her husband roll his eyes. She knew that he had witnessed the little theater by the pool and she knew as well that he frowned on it less than her. It wasn't the modesty of the Señora and her friends that concerned her, but her sense of dignity of the young men. She placed her hands on her hips, letting José know that she was preparing to yell again. As always, he chose to comply and preserve the peace.

"¡Oye, Chicos!" José shouted out. "Ponerse las camisas." The youths heaved a collective sigh, but found their shirts and put them on.

"Well, that ends that!" Brenda exclaimed as their audience evaporated.

"It was fun while it lasted," Darlene sighed.

"Remember, Darlene," Ashley reminded, "next time it's your turn—and no excuses. Think of something really special for your first time."

"That damned Juana!" Gloria growled. Her face had turned bright red, and not from the sun. "She'll be sorry for this. I'll make Alvin let me fire them. I hate her; I hate them both. I'll have her ass on a platter if it's the last thing I do."

Brenda looked at her compatriots. She could see that Gloria's sudden rage had put them off. Gloria always seemed so cool and wise, a veneer that had to be protected. It was disconcerting to see her so out of control over a few tee shirts. Of course, Brenda had seen Gloria in ways that Ashley and Darlene had not.

"Gloria, Gloria," Brenda soothed. "We all know what a bitch Juana can be. Don't bring yourself down to her level."

Gloria slowly calmed; she was still panting. "You're so right," Brenda, dear. "Let's have another round of Margaritas."

"The pitcher's empty," Ashley informed them. "We'll have to have Juana make some more."

"I refuse to ask her for anything," Gloria hissed like a serpent.

"Well, all this flirtin' an' dirty talkin' has me...," Darlene wrinkled her nose as she searched for the proper word, "...I would say it's left me a little bit randy, if y'all know what Ah mean. I think Ah'll go now an' see if Jason came home early."

"Good idea," Ashley said. "I'm right behind you."

"Watch out, Tyler," Brenda called after her with a smirk.

"Juana drove away my friends," Gloria pouted as she slumped in her chaise. She stared straight ahead for a full minute, not uttering a word. "Aren't you going, too," she finally asked Brenda.

"No, I won't leave you," Brenda replied in a soft voice. She found something to brighten the mood. "We have some time to ourselves now. A workout in the mini-gym would be just the thing." She got up and started to make her way before Gloria had a chance to answer. She peeked over her shoulder and Gloria was following. Brenda was already fumbling with the tie behind her bikini top. This time, Brenda promised herself, she'd get naked before Gloria had a chance to stop her.


Dear Readers,

Thanks for reading. I hope you're enjoying the story so far. I'm always interested in your feedback, so drop me a line if you have any thoughts on what you just read.


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Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333over 11 years ago

You are doing. Good job of writing these characters as detestable. I know they are trouble and I want to see them ruined. Thanks.

bruce22bruce22over 16 years ago

I like the writing and most of the structuring though both Gloria and Alvin rub me the wrong way, but I did not find that disappointment was an appropiate description of the chapter. It is more filling in the background.

PEATBOGPEATBOGover 16 years ago
Well done!!!

I really enjoyed this chapter. The day by day working of Corporate America and the day by day operations (intrigue) of the true power behind the men – the "Brass Statuettes"! I am beginning to like and appreciate these women and their importance in the scheme of things. Their success with Trudy may be limited since she is not cut from the same material as they are. Or is she? Only time will tell and we are in for an interesting time. Pete.

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