The Brass Statuettes Ch. 17


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"No one's like Raul," Gloria countered.

"Do you mean with the Deluxe Workout or Regular?"

"Either way; he seems to have a knack with me."

"I thought you had something going on with Alvin. Keeping Raul around can only put that in danger."

"I knew you might say that," Gloria snapped in anger. "I hoped you wouldn't. I thought you knew the way things are; I thought you knew better."

Gloria's rebuke stung Brenda like a slap on her face. Brenda regretted the comment. It served to remind her that kindness was a cheap commodity, capable of gaining only the easy-to-come-by things. "I was only telling you that as a friend, Gloria. I'm sorry if I angered you."

It occurred to Brenda that her apology was cheap, as well—just like kindness. They were only good for soothing feelings, and experience taught that they were the commonest of easy-to-come-by things. What irritated Brenda most was that she had forgotten the lesson. "She can have it her way, if that's what she wants," she uttered silently to herself.

"Oh Brenda, I've hurt your feelings again," Gloria whined. "I really don't understand myself sometimes. You're the only friend I've got and I always seem to ruffle your feathers more than anyone else's."

"It's okay, Gloria. I only thought..."

"Sure, it's dangerous having Raul here. I think that's why I like it. It feels like any moment I might lose control of myself and give into him; and then something exciting would happen to me—something that I can't predict or control. I could be swept away at any moment and not be able to stop. I think that I like being on the narrow edge."

"Perhaps you just want to make sure you have a backup in case Alvin disappoints you," Brenda suggested.

"Well, Alvin's been very preoccupied by work lately."

"If I were you, I'd tell Alvin to retire and ride off into the sunset with him. Forget all this; leave it behind—before Raul destroys it for you."

"That means that I would have to retire, too," Gloria shot back. "I'm not ready for that big ride into the sunset—not yet, anyway. Besides, I've had Raul around here for three years and Alvin's still here, too."

"So, you're not afraid to play with fire. Are you afraid to be lonely?"

"I don't know; I don't know," Gloria replied. "Let's not talk about it. C'mon, we'll go out and start stretching in the mini-gym."

"And I don't know, either, why I keep telling myself not to give a damn, but never listen," Brenda thought as she walked with Gloria across the veranda to the gym.

Gloria and Brenda were loosening up when they heard a knock on the door.

"Señora Warner, it is Raul."

He opened the door and stepped into the gym. "Raul, I have a guest today—like I promised last time," Gloria said as she opened the door to him.

"Si, Señora' I remember."

"This is my friend, Señora Hart."

"Ees a pleasure, Señora Hart. Raul plucked Brenda's hand lightly in his fingers and kissed it as though he was a Spanish don. He took a second longer than necessary before releasing it. Out of the corner of her eye Brenda saw Gloria watching them and she could tell she wasn't pleased.

"Close the door, Raul," Gloria scolded. "Let's get started."

"Si, Señora," Raul said, "but I have a surprise, too." He stepped halfway out the door and whispered something. He stepped back inside, followed by a youth who looked frightened.

"Ees my—how do you say—primo," Raul told them. "Ahh—Cousin!" he exclaimed, snapping his fingers. "Ees my cousin, Miguel." He paused to give Brenda and Gloria a chance to look him over.

It was hard to tell how old the man-boy actually was. He was taller than Raul, but less filled out. He wore white trousers and a polo shirt, just as Raul, that were too short and too baggy. His straight, black hair made his tan skin appear even darker than it was. He kept looking down at the floor, stealing glances at the women and at Raul.

"Raul, why is he dressed that way?" Gloria asked. "Did you loan him your clothes?"

"Si, Señora Warner. Miguel ees een dees country only two days. He ees from Chiapas; from a tiny village d'ere. Hees madre say when he turns eighteen he can come to Estados Unidos. So, 'ere 'e ees now."

Miguel, why are you so shy?" Brenda asked.

"Miguel speak no Inglés," Raul explained. "Well, why is he so shy, Raul?" Gloria asked.

"I teenk ees dee tight clothes of you an' Señora Hart. Miguel's village ees very small. He does not know woman. Maybe he has—how you say—man-feelings dat 'e does not know before now."

Gloria's eyes widened.

"I hope ees okay to bring Miguel today," Raul pleaded.

Gloria looked at Miguel, starting from the top of his head and ended at his shoes. Brenda knew that look.

"You mean to tell me that you brought this young virgin-boy to my gym?" she gasped. Her eyes fixed on Miguel. "Is he just for me? Raul, this is too good to be true!"

Brenda noted the youth's fearful look an rapid breath as Gloria's eyes poured over him. She took a step closer. Her body touched his and he jumped back a half step. She changed course and put a sweet smile on her face. "Tell him not to worry, Raul. Tell him to sit on the massage table."

"No se anguste; asientarse aya," Raul spoke in a stern voice to the boy. He looked at Raul and hesitated. Raul nodded when he looked at the massage table with the leather pads and the boy obediently hopped onto it. Gloria slowly approached him. She grasped his belt buckle and began to undo it. He was afraid again; he cast a fearful look in Rual's direction, but said nothing.

"Don't worry, my little baby," Gloria warbled. "When it's over, I'll bring you some milk and cookies."

"¿Que?" the boy muttered and turned to Raul for help.

"Va darle galletas y leche fria," Raul told the boy.

"First, the shirt has to go," Gloria said as she ignored the Spanish banter. She grasped the bottom hem and began to lift it over Miguel's head.

"¡Raul!" the boy pleaded, barely above a whisper.

"¡Descansar y disfrute!" Raul commanded. His voice had turned harsh. He had lost his patience. "Señora Warner, I can get dee condom for heem."

"No need," Gloria answered. "After all, he's a virgin. I don't need to worry about anything." She finished lifting the shirt off him and threw it aside. "Raul, why don't you take Brenda over to the sofa and keep her busy while I attend to this little boy?"

Brenda was already standing by the leather couch when she felt Raul behind her. She didn't turn around to look at him. His hands were at the neckline of her leotard. She could tell they were practiced hands. The thin fabric was peeling away, down from her shoulders. She felt coolness on her breasts and she knew that he had stripped her to the waist.

"Shall we sit on the sofa, Señora?" he asked.

"No, I want to watch," Brenda replied.

She stood still, watching Gloria and the boy called Miguel on the massage table. Brenda expected to feel Raul's hands pulling the skin-tight leotard down over her hips and then down her legs. She didn't, and for an instant she nearly turned to see what he was doing, but stopped herself. She didn't care. Then, she heard the clink of a belt buckle and realized she would have a few more seconds to watch Gloria work. While she watched, she peeled the leotard the rest of the way and tossed aside.

Miguel was stripped of all his clothes. He lay on his back on the massage table. His erection stood straight up from his body. Gloria caressed it from the root to the tip with a soft hand. Miguel gasped.

"I usually don't do this—especially on the first date," Gloria giggled. She began to climb on the table with him. "Oops, I mustn't get anything messy on my leotard." She quickly peeled the garment away. She was nude, just as Miguel, who remained flat on his back on the table, looking at Gloria like a patient watching a surgeon approaching.

Brenda felt her breasts come to rest in Raul's palms as he grasped her from behind. His penis was hard like Miguel's. She felt it pressing against her. Raul was about her height. Most men were taller and pressed against the small of her back. Raul pressed against her at a lower place. It felt good. She grasped his arms that he had wrapped around her as she watched Gloria, who was on the table, kneeling between Miguel's spread thighs.

"Like I said," Gloria sang in a lilting voice, "I don't usually do this—hell, Raul's still waiting—but this is special." She went to all fours, hovering over him. Her palms lay flat on the table for support. She lowered her torso to allow her breasts to play on the erection. The youth hesitated and then grasped the flesh and sandwiched himself between them. Gloria pulled away. She knelt over him, staring down at what she desired. She bent low again grasped him around the buttocks. He moaned loudly as she took his whole length into her mouth and then her throat.

Raul released one of Brenda's breasts and had placed it on her vulva. A digit began pressing her special spot and she relaxed into her own thoughts.. "This guy really knows what he's doing." It felt good—better than good. Brenda thrust her pelvis into the pressure and she felt even better. The sweet sensation was taking her over; she decided then that she would allow herself a release. "You'll need a condom," she said without turning to speak to him. She said it just in time, before she passed the point of not giving a damn. She would be there soon. His hands released her and coolness spread over her back where warm skin had been. It was just as well. She wanted to see Gloria make Miguel come. Then she would be ready.

By the time Raul rejoined her it had happened. It hadn't taken Gloria long, bobbing up and down, to bring the boy's cry of pleasure and surprise. His release was pouring down Gloria's throat. His first semen and his innocence belonged to her forever.

"I'm ready," Brenda informed Raul, who was pressing again from behind. She moved back a step and took her place on the couch. She figured Raul to be the kind who would last as long as she needed; he had done such a masterful job arousing her. She knew that Gloria wasn't done with her initiation, but it would be a while before she had the young novice ready again. By that time she and Raul would be finished and she could watch Gloria mount him.

Brenda looked up at Raul, who stood dutifully next to the couch waiting for a signal. She gave it by spreading her legs and stretching her arms out to accept him. He settled down on top of her. She noted that he was lighter than most men, and that would be a welcome change. Raul tried to kiss her, but she turned her face away. He buried his face in her breast, instead.

"I wonder if he can tell the difference between Gloria's and mine," she asked herself as he suckled them. To Brenda, it seemed that he liked them and didn't tire of them, as some men did once she granted them access.

"Put it in me. I'm quite ready," she commanded.

Raul lifted his head up and slid higher on her. She could feel him probing, latex on skin. Brenda lifted a leg over the back of the couch. It helped Raul find his mark. Just a little part of him went in at first. He wasted no time. He pushed forward and he entered her all the way.

Raul eased himself slowly out of her, and then a long journey back inside. He raised himself up on his elbows, a real gentleman.

"Never mind that," Gloria whispered in his ear. She threw her arms around him and crushed him down to her. "Hump me hard!"

Raul growled and she felt his hips thrust forward and his body advanced through her. "Ahh, that's it!" she moaned in exultation. Her cries urged him on. He exerted himself even harder. Brenda tightened herself around him and thrust back. Repeat! Repeat! Repeat! The engine turned faster. She felt orgasm speeding on its way, and then it crashed down on her.

She didn't know how long it took Raul to bring her off. It couldn't have been very long—it had been so intense. When it was done, they lay together panting, each covered in one's own sheen of sweat. She felt him oozing out of her.

"Get up," she ordered, "before that thing comes off and you leak inside me." Raul obeyed.

After Raul got off her, Brenda stood just in time to see Gloria hovering over Miguel. He was aroused again.

"My little baby," Gloria purred in a sing-song voice. "Gloria's going to put you inside her now." The man-child was appearing less fearful than he had a short time ago. He flexed his hips upward.

"No, no" Gloria chirped as if talking to a newborn. "Let Gloria do it for you."

She reached down and positioned him at the entrance of her vagina. "Get ready," she sang. She had a sublime look on her face, as if she thought the impending pleasure could carry her soul to a far off place. She promptly sank down on him. She gasped in a portion of air and slowly released it. She sat straight up, holding her breasts and gasped again as she impaled him even deeper.

She was staring, but not looking at anything. She began to move up and down—at a slow pace at first and then faster. "Oh, my little boy," she whispered, "put a baby inside Gloria." Her breasts bounced, even as she held them. Miguel began to groan and thrust back at her. It was apparent that his orgasm was close at hand.

"Yes, yes," Gloria breathed, scarcely louder than a whisper. Brenda heard her. Miguel cried out, and Brenda knew that he was emptying himself inside her. It was then that Gloria's face lost all expression. If her eyes had not been open, Brenda would have thought that she had passed out. Then, in an instant, she opened her mouth wide, sat rigid and still. She burst forth a single, loud cry of ecstasy. Then, she collapsed on the young boy's chest—breasts and all—panting deeply as she awaited her recovery. In a few minutes, she dismounted and plodded wordlessly to the bathroom.

Brenda had watched it all. She hadn't yet bothered to put her leotard back on. Movement off to the side got her attention and she spied Raul. He was already dressed, just buckling his belt. She made no move to cover herself. However low she might have descended, she was already there. Modesty offered scant absolution, if that was what she desired.

Gloria emerged from the bathroom. Her leotard was back on. "Raul, I think we'll dispense with the workout today. I find myself all tired out."

"Si, Señora Warner." Miguel was getting dressed, too. Soon all were dressed, except Brenda, who remained naked.

"Brenda, please don't go. Stay with me a while," Gloria said as she approached Raul and fumbled in her wallet. She handed Raul a roll of bills.

The odor of sex was all around. Brenda remained nude until the two men shut the door behind them.

Raul and Miguel moved quickly through the house and out the front door where Raul's car waited. They didn't see Juana watching them.

"Don't say nothin' until we are in dee car," Raul whispered to his protégé. As Raul put the car in gear, Miguel counted the bills that Gloria had given them. "Seis cientos," Miguel said before Raul had to ask the question.

"Oye! What you say, niño? No bad for an hour's work, eh?"

The young man known as Miguel grinned broadly. "Ees good, Raul. D'ere ees only one question."

Raul shrugged his shoulders.

"Where are dee cookies and milk?"

He handed Raul three of the six bills and the two roared with much laughter—at Miguel's joke and other things—as they sped down the long driveway.


Brenda put on a terrycloth robe that Gloria kept in the mini-gym. She sank into the sofa where she had just had sex with Raul. She was worn out and had just used muscles that hadn't had a good stretching in a long time. She had her eye on Gloria, who was exhibiting signs of a brand new mood. Her host finally came over and sat next to her.

"Did Raul please you?" Gloria sighed. "I hope so; it was my treat."

"He has a great set of hands," Brenda replied, "and he finishes well, too. Most of all, he's good at doing what he 's told."

"I knew you'd like him," Gloria said, and patted Brenda on the knee.

"To me, he was someone who was good at doing his job—a hired hand. There's nothing more than that—nothing else to like or not."

Gloria grimaced. "Yes, Brenda; you're always the practical one—down to earth. No matter what the fantasy, you keep us all grounded. Sometimes I indulge myself and lift off the ground; sometimes I like to fly."

"I like to think of myself as realistic," Brenda answered. "By the way, you don't really think that young boy impregnated you?"

Gloria laughed. "Good gracious, no; I'm on the pill. It was just one of those fantasies I enjoy so much. It's fun to pretend. Then everything is under control—even when it feels like I'm out of control. And when I'm being bad, I can pretend it's good, or that it's not me. It makes me feel better."

"But you don't have to pretend..." Brenda began to say.

"It makes life better," Gloria insisted. "I can make it any way I want it to be."

"I couldn't do that, Gloria. I need reality. I can't draw that fine line."

"What line?" Gloria said, looking puzzled. "It can be all make pretend, or part. There's no need for lines."

Brenda threw her hands up in frustration. "But you don't need such things, Gloria. You have the children at the school; you have Alvin; you have all this. You don't need to pretend."

"But it gives me double the life I have," Gloria argued. "And tonight I can go to Alvin if I want to and what happened with that young boy just now won't matter—because it was my fantasy. Alvin wasn't part of it, so it won't matter."

"Gloria every time I think I know you, I find out that I really don't," Brenda said.

"Well I know you, Brenda, honey. You have no fantasy. There's no reality for you, either. All you have is practicality. No conscience, no lines, no regrets or second thoughts; just what serves you in the moment."

"Gloria, how would you know?"

"It's the ultimate fantasy, honey, and you don't even know it."



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bruce22bruce22over 16 years ago
Hateful characters

seem to be present in an abundance!

For me Gloria and Alvin should catch some crabs

or something along that line. Gloria should

have seen that she was being set up and taken

a protective line.

Oh well, at least Frank and Trudy still have not

done anything stupid....... I can't understand Detlef

telling Sweeney that yes he had to go down to but it does

look like the manipulator is not Sweeney, Alvin, Detlef, Aaron,Jason or Frank which bothers me because the others are almost always off-stage and does not seem fair to give them a major role.

PEATBOGPEATBOGover 16 years ago
I like how this is going!!!

A little too short but enjoyable! Alvin and Crossman have confirmed my low opinion of them and Jim Sweeney has risen somewhat in my opinion. With Sweeney's help Frank is on the way to finding the identity of the "inside trader" who has to have been somebody at the secret meeting. My bet is on Lambert but Crossman can not be ruled out IMHO. The interlude with Gloria and Brenda was a necessary distraction since we are, after all, at LITEROTICA! More please. Pete.

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