The C.F.N.F. Club

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A club of women, by women, for women who love (naked) women.
12.1k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 10/13/2017
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Categories: BDSM, Exhibitionist/Voyeur, First Time, Group, Reluctance


Queen Of Clubs

Saturday, May 13th, 2017, 11:01 a.m.

Today's meeting was come to order, chairwoman Cheri Brock announced, tapping her gavel.

"Welcome once more, ladies!" she greeted. "And how is everyone on this beautiful day?"

The other ten women around the massive tablet-shaped table expressed mutual contentment. The eleven in total comprised the city of Juniper's one and only C.F.N.F. club. It was a tiny phenom and community among the town's lesbians and bisexuals. With it went their web site and video shoots, which the ladies hoped would further their endeavor. Cheri and her friend June Walters had started the enterprise a few years back, and the online presence since coaxed more members onboard. They'd lost but one months back, who entered into a romantic relationship, and whose partner didn't approve of her being in the club. While sad to see her go, her decision was respected. The club was sort of its own large matrix of romantic—mostly sexual—relationships. To date, they met two to three times a month, sometimes at a member's home, other times like today at the 35th Street downtown conference center. Due to the unorthodox nature of their meetings and activities in which they partook, they were granted this space on days when the center conducted little to no business. Cheri laid the gavel to rest.

"Wonderful! June, would you please refresh us on the minutes of the last meeting?"

Her friend the club secretary slipped on her glasses, popped open her laptop and opened the appropriate file.

"Right! Okay, so let's see...yes: here we are, April the 29th. Peggy hosted at her house. We reviewed and updated our monthly video sales figures...Stella shared with us her newest article for Curve...she and Babs also distributed the May newsletter...Maddie regaled us with a lovely erotic reading from her private fantasy collection—which I personally very much enjoyed," she added with a shiver.

"...Eileen was kind enough to bring one of her sizzlingly hot Bound Heat films for us to enjoy," June went on, "During which we began our game of strip blackjack. And of course, we ordered supper, and the first member to lose all her clothes had to pay, and answer the door. Which in this case would've been..." She looked up to grin at the shy blonde to Cheri's left.


The rest of the ladies playfully taunted her. Katie Stephenson, who wasn't the most skilled or lucky blackjack player, tried to smile it off. At 26, she was the youngest and newest member, having just been with the club a short time. So being the newbie, she continued to be "initiated" and hazed by the others. At least until another member stepped aboard. But she'd lost the most blackjack games fair and square. And so the delivery man took in the sight of a naked Katie picking up their dinner, amid fellow members' laughter at her little torture. To make up for it, however, they did make sure she enjoyed an intense post-supper "reward" before calling it a night.

Which was not to say that the other girls didn't pick on or mess with one another as well. All in the name of fun and humor, of course. This was what the club was all about. There may've been a fine line between serious intimacy and mischievously toying with each other's naked bodies...but members were prepared for these things at their initial interview. The ladies checked any traces of drama or moodiness at the door. Sometimes a meeting would coincide with a bad day for somebody, due to any number of reasons. So if anyone was down in the dumps, her fellow members had some good-natured fun with her, to take her mind off it and restore her spirits. At the foundation of the club were the basic tenets of friendship and love.

And then there was the fun of just tormenting each other.


Quick Flashback Before We Return To The Present Day's Meeting

Saturday, April 29th, 2017, 6:41 p.m.

The pizza pies and dessert were due to arrive any moment, and the completely nude Katie was nervous as hell. The ten other women were all smiles. And in various states of undress, discerned by how many blackjack rounds and garments they'd lost. The half-naked and very relieved Eileen sat in only her panties, so glad she didn't have to do this. They were on the edges of their seats, except for hostess Peggy Feldman, who stood watch at the window. Their erotic movie waited patiently on pause. Katie whimpered.

"I dunno if I can do this," she worried. The British lass called Babette gave her a gentle punch on the arm.

"Don't worry, babe, you'll be fine," she assured, before turning back to the others. They broke out in raucous laughter. Somehow, this didn't put Katie's mind a great deal at ease.

"Can I..." She looked around to the lot of them. "Am-am I allowed to cover myself? I mean...y'know, just with my hands?"

"Oh, sure y'are," said Cheri. "If you wanna sign the receipt with your toes." More laughter.

"Just remember," Peggy told her, "Be extra friendly, and put a generous tip on there. He—or she—deserves it."

"That's right," Eileen chimed in. "Big smile, Kates!"

"Well, it is chilly out," said another member named Raina. "She's gonna be perky either way."

The girls were absolutely in stitches. Katie reddened, hugging herself about the middle. She had lost tonight's strip tournament, which meant firstly she had to buy dinner. That was no big deal. But this was especially unnerving. If anything, she supposed she should look at this as an incentive to become better at blackjack. Peggy looked back out the window.

"Oh—oh, wait," she announced, seeing a car slow to a halt. "I think w—...yes, yes, I do believe this is it!"

The girls cheered. Katie felt her heart start pounding. Cheri gave her one more piece of advice.

"A'right, now remember, K., you wanna make sure this is the pizza. Don't just start flashing anybody who comes to the door."

Yet another wave of laughs, into which Peggy intervened.

"Okay, sweetie, here he comes!" she informed the anxious Katie. "Now don't dawdle. He's got other deliveries to make."

"Oh god," Katie lamented, forcing herself to her feet. "Oh my god, this sucks."

"Well, there you have it," said Viv, giving her a nice spank on the ass. "Next time, don't lose."

"Don't lose," indeed. Ah, what sage advice. Yeah, as if the game's based on skill alone, Katie sourly thought. Thanks a lot.

The doorbell rang, prompting a rousing chorus from the other girls.

"Ohhhhhhhhh!" said half of them, in unison with the other half's "Here we goooo-oooo!"

Katie let out a few more whimpers en route to the door. She leaned up and called out.


"Yes, ma'am."

Katie unlocked the door, but her modesty wouldn't allow her to open it just yet. She looked helplessly back. Ten faces leered at her.

"He's waiting, cupcake," Peggy prodded, with a particularly evil smile.

God... Katie knew it wouldn't get easier no matter how much time she let pass. She made herself comply.

Creeeeeaaa... "Uh, hi. Hi there."

"Here you g—...oh. Um..."

The delivery gentleman was indeed taken aback, removing the boxes from the warmer. Sure enough came the collection of titters and snickers from behind. Katie felt the chilly air on her nipples and pussy. Almost as if on obedient cue, her breasts began to puff.

"I'll-I'll sign," she said, trying to smile at him, just wanting this over as soon as possible. The rest of the girls heard a smile in the gent's inflection as well. Their merriment was just the icing on Katie's cake of humiliation.

"Uh, right, right," he chuckled, handing her the receipt.

The C.F.N.F. club loved to make someone else's day, at the expense of one of their own. So Katie knew she had to tip nice and big. Injury, this is Insults. Say hello. She hastened to scribble out her signature, handed it back, and gestured for the boxes.

"Oh,," he remarked, taking his eyes off the naked girl for one moment to note the gratuity.

"Um...thank you. Thank you very very much. I ap—...preciate it," he again chuckled.

Katie eagerly clutched the boxes, able to conceal a bit of flesh with them.

"Oh, of course," she smiled. "You deserve it. The nip, I mean. Tip! Tip! deserve the tip."

The girls all but fell on the floor laughing.

"Well, thank you again," smiled the impressed delivery man, admiring her up and down.

"Uh-huh. Thank you. Bye-bye now!" Katie bade, hastily pushing the door shut. Safely secluded, she let out her breath and covered her crimson face. "Oh-ho my god!"

"Yayyyy!" applauded the club, clapping for her. "'Atta girl!"

The mortified—and now slightly aroused—Katie toted the pizzas back to the living room.

"Is it okay to say I kinda hate you guys right now?" she muttered.

"Of course!" Cheri beamed. "You can say you hate us. You can even think you mean it. We've all been through it. Congrats, kiddo. You are now officially a member of the C.F.N.F. club."

Katie looked up at her. "Does that mean I won't have to answer the door naked again?"

"If you don't lose again."


Supper was relished, along with the rest of the Bound Heat film. Just like their states of disrobing, the ladies were stimulated to various degrees. Katie was relegated to further sheepishness, as the stiffness of her nipples and the blush of her pussy were visible to all. There was no point in trying to hide it; everyone knew already, and denial would invite only more teasing and ribbing.

The DVD returned to its main menu, cuing a sultry mixture of "Oh!"s and "Whew!"s. A few of the women fanned themselves, also feeling their libidos woken to life. Peggy relieved her brow of a trace of sweat, and stood.

"Well!" she exhaled. "I think it's about time we reward young Katherine for her good sportswomanship. Don't you, ladies?"

Unanimous agreement followed. Katie supposed this meant she'd done a good job with her punishment for losing the card game, but as far as being "rewarded" went, the lass was clueless. But she'd ostensibly no choice, as friendly hands reached for her arms, urging her from her seat. Another wayward paw pretended to reach and miss, "accidentally" grabbing her pussy instead.

"Ah—he-ey!" the N.F. giggled, red in the cheeks as well as her moist womanhood. The C.F.s proceeded to escort her to Peggy's guest bedroom, quietly shutting the door behind. There was no one else in the house besides the club's eleven, but the door was closed anyway, just for the sense of seclusion. Or that of imprisonment, should they feel in the mood for malice.

Katie was eased down into the bed, head nestled into freshly fluffed pillows. Viv and Madison climbed in on either side, holding her down at the wrists. They weren't holding very tight, and Katie could break free if she wished. Especially given that she worked out, and was arguably the strongest member physically. But she took this to mean she was to stay put. Besides, this part was supposed to be her reward. Suffering through the earlier admonishment as she had, if this was truly to make up for it, it made no sense to bolt. Katie figured she might as well settle in and enjoy...whatever was about to happen.

Raina and June curled up at either far end of Katie, and began to rub and kiss her feet. This felt good right away. Peggy crawled in between her legs. The five others gathered along the remainder of space. Fortunately, the well-to-do Peggy'd had furniture movers build this king-size right here in the guest room years ago. It could support the lot of them and then some.

Maddie and Viv fondled Katie's arms and shoulders, as did June and Raina her ankles and peds. Babette danced her fingertips over Katie's belly, giving a tickly caress. Stella lapped up over the left of Katie's torso and sensually kissed her face, leaving affectionate lipstick prints. Cheri grasped Katie's right breast and went at her neck for a hickey. Natalie massaged her thigh and pelvis. Eileen straddled her between the tummy and boobs. And Peggy lay on her own tummy between Katie's gams to give her pussy some love.

Katie felt overwhelmed, but in a great way through and through. She had girls all over her. Her body temperature rose steadily. She hadn't had many romantic mates, but truly loved sex. It was one of the things that made life worth living. Countless hands groped, smoothing her ripe flesh. They applied varying levels of pressure, massaging Katie through a spell of hot foreplay. Her eyes fluttered, paying less attention who did what to her. She thought she felt Bab nose and kiss her side. She was sure that was Stella taking her chin in her paw to gnaw her jaw. Her mind went fuzzy with all the love thrust upon her, but...OH my! Eileen was the only other girl with her tits out, and that was definitely Eileen's nipple Katie felt slip in her mouth. She gratefully sucked like a baby with its bottle.

Everyone gradually took things up a few notches. Cheri's hickey came to fruition on her neck, and she migrated to a different spot. Maddie nuzzled her elbow and tickled her armpit, as Viv sucked her other hand's fingers. Raina slicked her tongue between Katie's right toes, June nibbling her left ones. Someone gripped her by the hair and ran her digits through and back. Another member reached beneath to squeeze her ass. Peggy, having felt she'd made her wait long enough, spread her damp labia apart, and licked.

Katie gasped through her nose and dropped a muffled 'f'-bomb on Eileen's nipple. An imaginary flame tore down the center of the mattress, igniting her from underneath. The four girls at her extremities felt her digits curl. Katie's ten co-members marveled at her leap in arousal. The flattered Peggy felt her ego swell, laying into Katie's warm, wet sex with her tongue, and that same evil smile.

They still had her by the joints so that in theory she couldn't run away, but fleeing was the last she felt inclined to do. She was still overwhelmed, but now running with it, her libido revved and purring. She began to have trouble discerning which girl was where anymore, or even who was who. One of her nipples was taken between a set of teeth and ground. Katie shrieked, biting the nipple in her own mouth. This in turn made Eileen scream, which made everyone react and the heat of the atmosphere even more intense. Half the pussies in the room had dampened. The lasses put their idle paws to use touching and goosing one another as well. As the only other girl with (half) her privates on display, Eileen felt herself pleasured additionally from behind. Naughty hands found their ways under her panties...easing them down...detaching the moist fabric from its wearer's own wet, hot lady parts.

As Katie felt herself spun into oblivion below her, Eileen wanted some regard for her other 38 girl, so she plucked the first out of Katie's mouth. Katie opened said mouth to object, but was satisfactorily silenced. Especially as Peggy sank her teeth into her cunt to suck her lust juice. Katie's head flew back into the pillows, almost yanking Eileen right down on top of her. She wouldn't have minded. Katie Stephenson was in eleventh heaven. Her eyes and lips were closed. Her nostrils were intoxicated—almost even assaulted—by her playmates' artificial perfumes and natural pheromones. Passion met with itself inside to fuel and generate more, like the fire it was. The sizzle was getting to be too much to bear. Katie felt herself relentlessly pinched, palmed, roved, massaged, seized, kissed, tongued, nosed, fingered, cuddled, nipped, milked, petted, flicked, spanked, diddled, raked, grazed, caressed, tweaked, pecked, slicked, eaten out...and those were just the sensations she thought she could identify.

She could no longer concentrate on dutifully sucking Eileen's nipple, so she let it slip out. Unbeknownst to Katie, Eileen was on the receiving end of some serious attention as well. While Katie had a fair share of paws and mouths on her, supplementary digits and lips were put to task on Eileen. Her panties veritably ripped off, still straddling Katie just under the heaving boobs, Eileen felt her magic spots likewise activated. Cheri and Natalie forced fingers inside her and frigged her off. Stella alternatingly spanked her ass cheeks. Babette cupped her titties. June applied some pressure to a spot on the sole of her foot that turned every woman she knew into an animal. Eileen groaned in a hungry grimace, smushing and bapping Katie's face with her generous tits.

Katie found a moment to set off another fuseless 'f'-bomb. "Me too!" Eileen punned.

Both exposed drenched pussies pulsed redder than beets. Peggy went on to town giving Katie oral love, as Raina took some strands of Peggy's hair and tickled Eileen's asshole with it. Desperately wanting to stay in on the action, Maddie and Viv climbed further into either side, kissing and caressing the N.F.s' flushing hot skin. Katie's mind was gone, careening to the almighty apex, and Eileen wasn't far behind her. Their moans inevitably grew to wild screams, delighting the party. They heard the other girls marvel with whoops, laughs and giggles. The whole situation became so explosive, the naked subs could erupt at any second. At last, Peggy held Katie ajar, rubbed below with her thumb as she zeroed in on her stiff, swollen clit, took it between her teeth, and sucked.

Katie could take no more. She came as violently as she'd ever been made to cum by anyone—herself included. The majestically potent 'o' tore her inside out, scrambled her brain power, and blew open her pussy's floodgates. She caked Peggy's right hand and bedsheet—not to mention her own inner thighs—in liquid lust. She howled to high heaven, so ecstatic to reach the summit she never wanted to come down. And who could blame her; watching her revel through such extreme throes put the rest of them in the mood for a nice, tremendous climax as well. Naked chica number two was about to meet and be nailed head-on by her own. They stroked, smooched and jilled Eileen to climax, just as Katie dropped dead asleep beneath her. The next sound that came out of Eileen Lynn Hennings was impossible not to hear, and even less possible to spell. The girls had never heard anything like it.

Forced to cum just as vociferously, Eileen sprayed and splattered her own essence all over the busy hands of Nat and Cheri, as well as the upper abs of one Katie Hope Stephenson. Her own shrieks rivaled her predecessor's in dynamics and intensity. And they still didn't manage to wake Katie up. Her elbows wobbled, trying to keep herself propped and not collapse on Katie's sweat-soaked face.

Eileen did not fall asleep, so the other nine damsels helped her up and off the bed. It was getting late, and the evening was almost over. The girls returned to the living room to get dressed and part ways till next time. They let Katie stay in bed and sleep up. Only Peggy's best friend Viv Odell stayed behind with her. While by themselves, they liked to have sleepovers and play childish games and tricks. The two of them had earned a reputation of pranking the others. A reputation that only the C.F.N.F. club newbie, Katie Stephenson, was not privy to. Until she'd wake up later that night.

Once all the Xs and Os were doled out, and Viv and Peggy were left to their own devices, they scampered off among chuckles and find some shaving cream to place in Katie's hand, and their trusty feather to tickle her nose.