The Cabin

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Daughter joins Dad on a hiking vacation in the woods.
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This is a one off story. I had so much fun writing this piece. I love all feedback, please tell me! Thank you so much for your support. I am open to commissions.


His eyes were scanning over my body. I knew he was taking in every inch of me. And my eyes... well, they were closed, the soft sheets crumpled against my face. I could feel his breath on my thighs, and it drove me wild! A finger tracing up the sheer nylons, sending a chill down my spine.

His hands began freely roaming my body. The body he helped create. Finger running through the hair he once put up in pig tails.

When I graduated high school, I moved on campus for college, only ever coming back every few months. I would stay for the weekend before heading back to school.

It was a weekend in January when I surprised my parents with a visit. Had I called before showing up after 9 at night, they might have been able to hide the fact that they had been fighting.

But, walking into the quiet house, I made my way to the guest room, since my room had long since been used for storage. I opened the door to see my dad watching tv. He was surprised and we had a chat about how long he had been residing in that part of the house.

I felt bad and didn't want to make him sleep on the couch since it was cold. The bed was big enough and I offered to share since we had several blankets anyway.

We stayed up and watched some late night talk show, eventually turning in for the night. I curled up to a warm blanket and was out like a light.

I woke up in the middle of the night to the sound of labored breathing. I thought something was wrong, but as I opened my eyes, I saw him sitting on the edge of the bed. I could feel the mattress lightly moving to the jerking motions of his arm. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Well, really, I didn't see anything. But I knew what was happening, even in my half awake state of mind.

I pretended to be asleep for the next several minutes, until he was done. I dozed off here and there and eventually woke up about 30 or so minutes after he was done. From then on, I always felt as though he looked at me differently. I could never tell if it was because he was thinking of me that night, or if it was because he knew I was awake.

Several years later, I got word that my parents favorite cabin finally has some openings for next summer. I decided to rent it out for a week to surprise them. It's 10 months away, but will be a great gift for their anniversary at the time. And as surprises go, they never quite work as planned. My parents announced their divorce just a few weeks after I rented the cabin.

Time goes by and I forget all about the rental until I get the email reminder. I decided to invite my dad up there. He's the one that taught me to love those hiking trails so much. It would be nice for us to catch up and be around nature. No distractions. Just the world.

He was so excited to go. We decided to meet up at my house and just drive up there together.

I made sure to pack all the perfect things. We were all set with groceries already at the cabin. It was going to be so much fun.

The 9 hour drive was long but we managed. The first couple hours, we talked about my work life. My non-existent social life. And then the divorce. After diving off that deep end, he told me how they had not had any type of intimacy for several years and there was no connection left with them. It was better this way.

In my effort to console him, I found myself resting my hand on his leg. It was comfortable being with someone I knew so well. Being with him always feels right. I closed my eyes and felt the breeze from the open window as he drove. It must have been several minutes before I opened my eyes, because the song on the radio had changed.

I opened my eyes as my hand moved away, and I heard him groan. I froze and looked up at him. His eyes never left the road ahead of us. He just said, "Dont stop."

I rested my palm back down on his thigh. His hips shifted and I felt the tension in his muscles. I kept my eyes on his face, looking for a reaction. Some clue to tell me what he was thinking. I let my hand get more comfortable, resting on his lap, running my finger back and forth over the seam sewn into his pants. He didn't stop me, so I kept going.

My hand rubbed back and forth. Gently caressing the bulge that pressed tighter and tighter against the fabric under my fingers.

We pulled up to an intersection, then slowed to a stop. My eyes are fixed on him and his are closed. I felt my hand begin to rise and fall as he lifted his hips. He brought his hand down to mine and held it there, gently squeezing it as his hips lifted over and over again.

A vehicle pulled up behind us and the moment was over. He put the car back in drive and I sat up straighter in my seat. My hands back to fiddling with my phone while I stared out the window.


A few hours went by, listening to music until the static cut in. Then we managed to talk about animals and nature. Political views and who we voted for. It was all boring and I don't remember any of it. My brain was clouded and focused on that moment at the stop sign.

We pulled onto a bumpy dirt road and drove for another twenty minutes or so before parking on a small hill next to a beautiful large cabin. The photos could not do this place justice! No wonder they loved it here.

We took our things inside and got settled. A few hours went by and I couldn't even look at him without these new thoughts just taking over my mind! Each time I close my eyes, I can feel his body moving with pleasure. I hear his groans in the back of my head.

Everything changed on that drive.

I decided I needed to talk to him about it. This situation was not going to get any better by ignoring it and pretending it never happened.

I walked into the kitchen and had decided to get to work making dinner. My dad had walked in from the other room and brushed his hand on my lower back as he came up beside me. Chills ran through my whole body! I felt my thighs instinctively clench together as I felt a deep pulsing inside myself.

I began washing vegetables as he pulled out the dishes.

"Dad, can we talk about what happened in the car?"

His whole body had frozen as he stood there looking away from me.

I was worried he felt bad about the whole thing. I didn't want that at all.

I moved over closer to him and lifted myself to sit on the empty counter space beside the sink. He had no choice but to look up at me.

"Dad..." I smiled as I looked down at his dark eyes. "I'm not upset about it. I just wanted to talk. I wanted to know..."

I took a deep breath.

"I wanted to know if you had been wanting that for a long time now. From me, that is..?"

He took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

"Dad..." I threw my head back, looking at the slowly spinning ceiling fan as I found the courage to continue. "I liked it. I... you... I haven't been able to take my mind off of it since it happened. I just wanted to know if..."

Just then, I was surprised to feel his hands on my thighs. His body now between my knees as I sat on the counter. I lost all my words and couldn't even understand my thoughts. I felt him struggling not to grab my legs too tightly. He groaned in frustration.

I Don't know what came over me at that moment. I whimpered like a needy kitten hungry for attention. I felt his warm breath on the bare skin below my shorts. I felt my legs part even further, almost begging him to be closer to me. His hands slowly slid up my thighs. His hard working, rough hands, exploring the smooth skin of my inner thighs, stopping when his finger tips had just begun to slide underneath the denim fabric. He licked his lips and looked up at me. Pleading with his eyes. I didnt know if I should apologize and get down, or beg him to fuck me.

Finally finding his words, he told me that he couldn't stop thinking about me. Looking at me made him hungry to feel my touch again. He was hungry for me.

"Then maybe you should eat, Daddy."

My heart skipped as I heard myself give this offering to my dad. To know I just call his bluff. And mine too.

He leaned forward and I felt his hands move to my hips. Sliding up my sides and lifting my top as he did. His lips pressed against my stomach as he covered me in soft kisses. I smiled and moaned as he became more acquainted with my body, one kiss at a time.

He unbuttoned my shorts and his fingers hooked inside the fabric as I lifted myself off the counter top long enough for my shorts to be pulled down. I flushed with embarrassment as I was letting my Dad look at my pink hip hugger panties. The little pink bow was visible, right above the damp spot that was slowly getting darker.

He pulled my shorts off and tossed them to the floor. I rested my hands behind me on the marble and let him gaze down at his next meal.

He ran his long, fat tongue over the dark circle on the thin fabric. Pressing firmly against my needy slit. My stomach tightened and I whimpered as I felt my inhibitions slowly falling away. He hooked his fingers under the edge of my panties and slid them down my thighs and off my feet. His strong hands slid down and under my ass and I let out a lustful moan. I closed my eyes and waited for what felt like an eternity, feeling only his warm breath on my pussy.

He began kissing the skin on my bikini line. Soft slow kisses that gently grazed my lips.

I remember briefly thinking that there must have been some bigger reason mom and dad split up. If he was this good, I could never stop. That's when guilt and shame hit me. My dad was holding my ass and about to smother himself with my pussy. Was this okay?

Just then, I lost all ability to think, to even move! His lips wrapped around my clit and sucked hard as I felt his tongue sliding out and lapping up my juices as it trickled down my slit. I could hardly breathe! I felt my hand move to his head. Fingers gripping his hair and my palm pressing him against me. I was so close!

My hips began writhing and grinding against his face as I moaned with a sense of need I have never felt before.

I couldn't believe this is what I have been missing! His tongue was caressing my pussy in a way that made me feel so loved, so adored. And at the same time, he devoured me like a starving man who only had one need and that was to use me. Every bit of this experience was unbelievable!

He licked and sucked on my needy clit. His hands kneading my ass like that was all he could do to stop himself from throwing me on the floor and fucking me right then and there.

My body began to tense and I felt my pussy dripping to my ass. The pleasure was building and I was aching to cum.

"So close... Daddyyy... Ohh fuckkk.. So goooooddd.."

My hips lifted and I felt him suck my clit between his teeth and it was all over.

My body erupted in a flood of pleasure. I moaned deep and loud as my body wriggled and twitched. My head felt light and my body spasmed. He moved his face away and began trailing kisses over my stomach before standing up straight once more. His hands slid out from under my ass, and I was left with the cold countertop touching my skin.

He reached out and helped me down, holding my waist until he was sure I had my balance. I smiled up at him and blushed.

I had just felt my Dad's tongue on my pussy. He made me cum! Hard! And here he was, holding me again, like I was still his little girl.

We stayed like this for several minutes. Just quiet and enjoying the moment.

The oven sounded its alert that it was preheated, and our moment was over.

He began preparing the food and I went to my room to change into something that was, well, not covered in my cum.

What had just happened?! What would happen now?

Are we going to do it again? Does he want anything else? Do I want anything else? Do we want more?

There were so many thoughts flooding my mind. I stopped and took a deep breath.

I looked in the mirror and found myself.

"I am a beautiful woman. He is a very attractive man. There is nothing wrong with what happened. But it does not need to continue. It's inappropriate."

My voice trailed off as my mind began to wander. Thinking about the night I spent at my parents house. In the guest room with my dad. When I woke up early.

I had blocked so much of that morning from my mind, because I didn't understand.

---I remember feeling... pleasure... No.. not feeling pleasure. WANTING pleasure. The mood in the room was like being in a fog. Not quite sure what was happening. I remember the bed shaking slightly from his motions. His hand was working at a steady pace. But what was that feeling?

I remember feeling something on my leg. It was his other hand, now that I think about it. His hand was rubbing on my thigh. I was tired and drifting in and out of sleep. His fingers tracing the crease of my skin between my thigh and ass.

I was on my back and remember having one knee bent up, my foot flat on the bed. His finger was tracing the outline of my ass. I remember feeling horny and sleepy. I wanted to moan but dozed off again. I heard him breathing hard and trying not to groan too loud. The light from the window was blocked as he stood in front of it. I remember making a soft whimper when something warm touched my thigh. Was it wet?

It was a damp cloth. He was gently rubbing my thigh with it. When I fully woke up later, he was watching tv and drinking coffee. My shirt was twisted and pulled up from my constant tossing and turning. One breast was fully exposed, my hard nipple taunting me with the tingle from the cool air. It took me a minute to realize the extent of the exposure. And I fixed it, not understanding why he had a grin on his face. ---

I staggered back as the memory came rushing back to my mind. How come I didn't remember all of this before?! How could I only remember this now?

I wanted to think this over. But he called from the kitchen that dinner was ready.

He always cooked such good food! I was excited for the steak and roasted veggies.

The smell of food filled the air. Aromas of pepper and garlic were enough to make me audibly moan. He looked up and smiled.

"I hope you always make that sound around me"

I didn't understand, so I smiled and commented on the amazing food in front of me.

He brought the food to the table and we sat across from each other. It was a small table and occasionally our feet would touch.

The food was amazing, as I expected. The company... was leaving electricity in the air.

I couldn't look up at him the way I did before today. I couldn't see him as my dad. He was this sexy man who had just made me cum so hard in his tongue. And until a moment ago, I didn't even realize that several years ago, he stroked his cock while touching me.

I looked over at him and saw his dark eyes just sinking into me.

I smiled as I took a piece of steak into my mouth.

The entire meal was wonderful and completely filled with sexual tension that I had never felt with him before.

Does this mean he wanted more? But what would happen if I gave in? Would he only want it one time?

"Dad," I began. "I need to know what you want. I don't know what is happening, and I need to know so I can understand what comes next."

He looked at me with a serious expression on his face and said, "I don't know. I know you want to think I know everything, but I don't."

"Dad I..."

He interrupted, "I couldn't help myself. I don't know what is happening and I don't know what comes next. I don't want to pressure you. So just say the word, and we can spend our time on opposite ends of the cabin."

"Daddy... I trust you. You always take care of me. And even if neither of us understand what is happening, I know you would never try to harm me."

I stood and took the dishes to the sink. As I began washing them, he walked into the other room.

That night, we sat on the front porch and played a game of checkers. I was wearing pajama shorts that looked more like underwear, and a tank top. It was warm out, but there was still a soft breeze that teased at my nipples.

I think he pretended not to notice. But I knew if I had made an attempt to hide them, it would have drawn more attention to that very thing. So we played checkers and sipped on some wine. We talked about a new house he might buy and a new job I might take.

It was late, and I decided it was time for bed. He agreed. We headed back inside and down the hallway to our separate rooms. That night, I couldn't sleep at all. I was sure he would have come to visit me before morning. But he didn't. I don't know exactly what happened between us.

But I do know, my dad made me cum with his mouth. And now all I want is more. I want to feel his hands on me. I want to feel the pleasure his mouth can give me. I want to know what his cock feels like. What it looks like! I want to feel him inside me. Owning my body.


I fell asleep to these thoughts. I woke up to the sun shining on my face. The gentle warmth kissing my skin as I lay on top of the covers. I could hear the birds chirping as the light continued to brighten the room.

I decided that maybe it was just a one time thing, between me and Dad. Maybe he just needed to get it out of his system. And I would be okay with that. I wanted my dad to feel better. He hasn't had a lot of happy days in the last several years, and I really wanted to make him smile again. If yesterday made him happy, I can live with it. I wouldn't beg him for more. I wouldn't make him feel bad for that. We are both consenting adults. It's not like I didn't enjoy it.

I put on a long t-shirt and shorts. Tied my hair up in a high ponytail, and headed to the kitchen. As soon as I opened the door, I smelled food. Bacon and coffee were the main course today. And probably every day, if I could wish it true!

Dad was sitting down at the table, doing a crossword puzzle. He looked up at me and smiled when I walked in.

I wanted to be casual and not push anything.

"Hey Dad. Good morning. I hope the bed in your room was comfy. MIne was a bit on the lumpy side."

He took a sip of his coffee and said, "Well tonight you can sleep in my bed."

I must have had a stunned look on my face because he chuckled and said, "Don't look so shocked. I would love to press my body up against you all night, sweetheart. Now come here and help me with this puzzle."

He moved his chair back and patted his lap, looking up at me with that familiar smile he always gave me. There was a time when I would sit on his lap and help him with the crossword. And apparently today would be no different.

I poured my coffee and brought it over to the table. I looked at him a little unsure and he just smiled, waiting patiently. I stopped overthinking things and brought myself to him. I gently sat down on his lap, not letting go of my full weight or relaxing much. The same way you would if you were just stooping over to see something for a moment.

I glanced at the book and tried to find an easy answer.

He took a deep breath and brought his hands to my waist, tugging me all the way down to him. My balance was lost and my body pressed against him. His hands stayed at my waist and I laughed as I heard him blowing my hair from his face.

"Dad!" I laughed more. "I'm a bit too heavy to share a chair with you these days."

"Don't be ridiculous honey, you fit just fine here on my lap."

His hands rubbed my sides and up to my shoulders. Eventually he began moving my hair to one side, combing it slightly with his fingers. I decided that the only thing I could do at this point is relax and get used to the moment. It's just breakfast.

I took a piece of bacon from his plate and munched on it while I looked at the puzzle.

I made a joke about a word he misspelled, and he laughed. It was the first moment I felt his skin on mine. I hadn't realized he was in a bathrobe, until just then. My bare legs were wrapped around his, skin to skin. No big deal I guess. It's not like we were naked. Except... he might have been. I felt pressure against my ass every time we laughed or moved a little.