The Chair Game


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My eyes opened wider and I wanted to shake my head, but inside my brain was telling me how much fun this was going to be, and how the humiliation afterwards when I thought about it, would give my pussy thrills as I played with myself. I just watched him watching me, hoping he would be merciful. But then I didn't want him to be. I wanted him to use me like he used to! Okay I had an orgasm that I have never had the likes lately, and maybe that was ruling my head, but it still frightened me. I have had orgasms that have gone on, but nothing so intense and so draining as the last one, and that's what was freaking me out.

Robert bound my wrists to the arms of the chair with two lengths of rope, but not very tight so I could move them a little. He looked down between my legs at the chair seat.

He switched the vibrator on, "Don't look so scared I've only got it on number 2."

My ass squirmed about a little, due to the lump of plastic doing its thing deep in my dripping pussy. I watched him attach a peg to my left nipple, and then one to my right. He twisted them slightly making me whimper. He never did this before, and he never let anyone else in on the chair game. The doorbell made me jump and Robert called out he would be there in a minute.

"So who do you think it is Kay? It could be a stranger, or maybe it is one of all the men you know, and let's face it, you've had quite a few in your time, would I be that cruel? Oh, how about Simon, you fancied him rotten didn't you?"

Oh god, please don't let it be Simon, not my brother in law!

"You see Kay you shouldn't have told me all those things. You shouldn't have told me you fucked with him."

"But, but that was when, I mean when, Mark and I split up. He took advantage of me I was low, and lonely."

"What about young Dean, Sammy's old boyfriend? Sam had told me lots of things about him. She even said he got on well with you, which really pissed her off, seeing her stepmother and her boyfriend so friendly. When you and he got snowed in, in that hotel, did you really have to share a room? Kay, did you really have to fuck Sam's 18 year old boyfriend?"

The vibrator kicked into life again, as I remembered telling Robert about Dean. Dean was always telling me how nice I looked. Okay I used to have fantasies about him, I never thought they would turn into anything more. We were on our way to the airport. Sam was going to France to see her real mother. We were all travelling up to the airport together, just to see Samantha off. Mark suggested Dean and I stay at a hotel because the snow had become worse. He said he'd drop his daughter off and then pick us up on the way back. He phoned me from the airport to tell me the plane was delayed, and he and Sam had booked into one of the airport hotels. Dean and I had a meal and a few drinks, and the next thing I knew was I was dragging him to bed! Dean seemed shocked at way I sucked his cock, and as he fucked me I pushed a finger in his ass, and he just exploded in me. What brought me back down to earth was Dean saying, "Fuck, I never thought you'd be that dirty."

"Of course, it could be someone you don't know," I watched as Robert moved towards me with a scarf, "Now just try and relax, it might be a little difficult with you on the verge of another orgasm, but hey, you are a fucking slut, and my guest knows it."

"Who's scarf is that?"

"Do you really have to ask?" he replied with a grin.

So there I was bracing myself as I heard footsteps coming into the room. I was trembling and my legs wouldn't stop shaking, if anything they had increased.

I felt a hand on my knee and I flinched and gasped again. The hand moved slowly up my leg, and caressed my thigh and it slowly explored further. It carried on squeezing and touching me, as the vibrator worked away in my pussy. I felt the pegs getting yanked roughly off my nipples, and then the mystery man's lips tugging on my left nipple.

"GOD....NO..........PLEASE!" I screamed.

"Shut up Kay," Robert snapped from the other side of the room, "here, take the controller, she hasn't been higher than 4 yet, you have the controller, set it where you like. Hey Kay, he is pointing at 6 Kay."

"Oh god you can't...........please not that...high!"

I could feel it vibrating faster than ever. My whole body had gone rigid and my poor pussy had never felt anything like it before. My orgasm started almost immediately and it was so powerful and so intense, I couldn't speak, all I could manage was a gasping high pitched wail. Whoever the man was, he was now stood back and chuckling dirtily. He must be looking down watching my legs flail, and my mouth wide open in a constant gasping shock. My nails dug into the arm rests and my back arched right off the chair. I was stuck like that until the man with the controller decided he had seen enough, but as long as I kept coming I didn't think he would stop it, and I just couldn't stop myself coming. It was a vicious circle that my mind thought would never end.

I felt the guy get up on the table with me. My head was pulled forward and his cock pushed past my lips. I heard the man grunt, and he started fucking my mouth.

"That is nearly 3 minutes, and look at the state of my fucking chair. Only you could make that much mess, you fucking whore."

Robert's taunting words were meant to embarrass me, and they did. The guy pulled out of my mouth and got off the table. I was squealing and shaking, as the heat from my pussy had spread out on my thighs. I felt drained, physically and emotionally. Now and then I started to beg them to turn it off, but I just couldn't form any words. I could feel my legs being held still, just above my knees.

"You won't feel this Kay, well not until we pull your knickers up, anyway, you'll have felt the same thing before loads of time I'll bet."

What the fuck was Robert on about! Then I heard the grunts of two excited men. They were close to me, touching my legs and holding them still. I could feel my panties being shifted.

The vibrator was finally switched off, and I was left there in the chair for a few minutes.

Exhaustion wasn't the word that fits how I felt. The lifeless lump in my pussy had done the job. I was sobbing a little, not crying my eyes out, just sobbing because of the intensity of those last 10 minutes, and I still didn't know who the second man was!

My pussy was still tingling and still on fire, as Robert undid my wrists. He pulled me up on very shaky legs. He slowly pulled the vibrator out, while I was still stood on the coffee table, holding onto his shoulders so I didn't crumple in a heap. I felt my panties being dragged carefully up my legs.

"Oh you bastard," I whimpered, as I felt the wet cold spunk of the two men being mashed into my pussy.

I heard the other man chuckle close by as he reached under my panties and pulled up hard. The sticky mess mashed everywhere, and he rubbed my panties back and forth, making sure the wet mess went into every crease.

I felt the unknown guy's harsh lips close around my nipple. I tried to look down, hoping I could see out of the bottom of the blindfold, but I couldn't. Teeth gripped my nipple hard, and a rough hand started rubbing my wet spunk filled panties into my crotch again.

"It is time you left us. Kay should be on her way to cook her, husband's dinner," Robert said with an amusement in his voice.

I heard the door close, and then Robert started pulling my tights up into place.

"Let go of me you bastard," I snapped as I pulled the blindfold from my eyes.

He grabbed my arms and with my dress still hanging off my shoulders, he dragged me off the coffee table, and marched me to the door.

"God Robert no.......let me clean up."

He stopped at the door and spun me round facing him, "You might be crying now, but tonight when you are in bed you'll savour every minute, just like you used to do. So, do you want to know who was here, who it was that turned the controller to full power, and who besides me, filled your knickers with spunk that is now drying to your pussy?"

I honestly didn't know if I did or not. I nodded slowly as I looked down to the floor.

Robert chuckled a little, "I'm afraid Kay, I'm not going to tell you, I might, one day, but I might never tell you. From now on it could be any man you pass in the street; it could be any man Kay. Only that person and I will know. I'm sure, knowing that person like I do; he'll have a hard job keeping it to himself. So the next time someone stares at you, ask yourself, was it him, or did that person tell him."

I wrenched my arm from his hand and stared back at him. I wanted to slap his face, so I did!

"I'll allow you that one. Oh, I believe Sam is going to ask you and hubby to dinner next week. Be a good girl and turn up, I don't want to have to let her find the video."

I stared at a camera that Robert pointed to sat in the corner of the room. Before I got a chance to respond he threw me out by my arm. I quickly pulled my dress over my body doing up the buttons with frantic fingers.

That night I was just too confused by my own actions. What really worried me was the video. When I started seeing Robert he was kind and well, not the sort to do such a thing, or so I thought. Gradually he started playing little games with me. I know I let myself be led, and being honest the whole thing thrilled me beyond words. But now, now he is back in my life, and okay, I got on the chair. My pussy ruled my head, but not anymore.

I tried his phone number a few times, but he had obviously changed his mobile. Now I was stuck, now I couldn't get out of going to dinner. But maybe that would be the end of it.

Mark took a bottle of wine, and I took Samantha some flowers. I could barely look at Robert he just took Mark round the flat, while I tried to make conversation with his daughter.

"Do you think this needs more salt?" she asked.

I reached up to the cupboard, opened it, and put my hand straight on salt canister.

"My god, how did you know where to find it?"

I coughed nervously, "Um, well, I guessed it would be there, up above the cooker I mean."

She smiled at me, but I had to turn away. How bloody stupid was that? I knew exactly where it was, because I rearranged his cupboards when I was seeing him!

"Kay, Kay come here, come and look at the view."

I walked back into the lounge, and out through the double doors, onto the small roof garden. We were 4 floors up, and looking out across London. It was hard to show the excitement that my husband had. After all I've seen it a few times before. Okay it took my breath away the first and second time, but now, well it felt like it was mocking me.

"Hey do you remember you told me a while ago, you would love a place with a view like this."

"Um, did I?"

"Yeah, come on Kay, you said you'd love to look out over London, and see St Paul's, look, there it is."

Mark started chucking and telling Robert about my little fantasy, of living in a place like this.

"Did she now, well I wonder where she got the idea from?" Robert replied with a grin at me.

I could have strangled Robert for saying that. He just stood there with that grin on his face. The grin that I used to find sexy, but not now, now it is bloody infuriating, Mark went back inside and my eyes focused on the dressing gown belt tied to the railings.

"Oh dear, we left that there last night."

I spun on my heels and scowled at Robert, "You played that game, with, her?!"

He took a step forward, "Oh yeah, she wasn't as scared as you. In fact, your stepdaughter has quite an exhibitionist streak in her. Why don't you stay here I'll get you a drink, it'll give you time to compose yourself. Oh, you can relax too. There wasn't a film in the video camera. I didn't want you pretending to have a headache and missing Samantha's cooking. She's trying hard to like you, the least you can do is reciprocate."

He walked back in leaving me staring at dressing gown cord. I saw his mobile phone on the table, I switched it on and there I was, tied to the chair, with my legs scraping across the coffee table and the guy backside in full view as he fucked my mouth!

I looked back to the dressing gown cord, and I closed my eyes in embarrassment. Robert brought me out here one morning. I was wearing a dressing gown, and we had breakfast over looking London. He walked me to the edge and tied my wrists using the belt from the dressing gown to the rails. He spread my legs and made me bend forward. I felt his cock slide in my pussy. I was so aroused but so bloody scared. The dressing gown was hanging off my body. He fucked me hard, pulling at my exposed breasts. I kept pleading with him to untie me, but at the same time I pushed back against him, wanting more and more. The guy in the flat opposite, about 50 yards away and level with our position opened his curtains. Robert fucked me for nearly a minute before the guy noticed and nearly dropped his coffee. I think that was when I came, really hard, the moment the man saw my naked body being fucked, and my tits being mauled. There I was, unable to move, unable to get free. The man had started grinning at me by then, that was until his wife appeared next to him and saw what he was gawping at. She yanked the curtains closed, but not before she stuck two fingers up at me.

I wonder, did the same man see Samantha, and just how many more women and girls has Robert tied to the railings so the man in the block of flats opposite, and others, could watch?!

When I got back into the flat they were seated at the table. Robert stood up and pulled a chair out for me, he winked at Samantha, and my stepdaughter suppressed a little giggle. A shudder ran up my spine, as I realised the chair had finger nail marks on the arms!

Six days later I was back in Robert's flat. I couldn't ignore the threatening phone calls anymore.

"I thought this wasn't about me?"

"Well, I'm getting a little sick and tired of her. You see, Sammy while being a nice girl, has nothing to worry about. She's a good fuck and she plays the games, but, I don't have a hold over her. Like I do with you, and the rest of the women I played with."

"Is that what turns you on?"

"Hell, you should see your face, and yes that's what turns me on. Getting some sad little bored housewife, and seeing how far I can push them."

"Did I go further than the rest?"

"Sometimes yes, but not all. I've got a few more games to play with you, tougher games, games that will break with no limits."

As I stared into his eyes, for first time I could see just how evil he really was.

"These, tougher games, have you played them with Samantha?"

"No, like I said she is too eager, although if I pushed her too far, she would just back out, where as you, Marcy, and Linda, and others, all had secrets to keep."

"What happened to them, I mean how did it finish with them?"

"Linda paid me off. Incidentally, you could always go for that option, just £5000. I'm not a greedy guy. As for Marcy, poor Marcy is still playing the games, like you, she does have a choice, but unlike you, she doesn't have any money."

"And what if I refused to carry on playing, and I didn't pay you?"

"Well it wouldn't go down too well if poor pathetic Mark, found out his wife was once a prostitute. I bet you want that little gem kept a secret, don't you? Basically Kay, you are fucked."

"Why didn't you force me to carry on, when I told you it was over?"

"Well, I had to leave the country for a while. Let's just say one of my games went a little wrong, I got caught by an angry husband. But now, well, I guess you belong to me, and anyway you like the games."

"That's where you're wrong. I was a fool to come back here the other day."

"Yeah well, you'll be coming back. You can't let hubby know that you opened your legs for money."

I stood up and walked to the door. I looked back at him, "My husband knows about my past."

"That doesn't make any difference. You cheated on him, just think what that news would do."

I reached for the door handle, "He knows I cheated on him too, I told him."

"So he's kicked you out then?"

"Yes, I told him everything. I also found Marcy's number on your phone, and Linda's number too, she confessed everything to her husband."

"Does it look like I care?"

I pulled open the door and watched his face drop, "What's up Robert, you've gone all quiet. Oh this is Marcy's husband, and this is Linda's husband, and you've met Mark. They would like a word with you, and I think you have some money to find and pay back."

I looked into Mark's face and mumbled, "I'm sorry," he nodded, and I walked out of the door, leaving Robert in the hands of three angry men.

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JBEdwardsJBEdwardsover 5 years ago
Great story!

I suspect there's an element of truth in it, however small. Doesn't matter though, because it is so well done! -- JB

hotmetalmanhotmetalmanover 11 years ago
Fun and exciting read

Great story! I love the way that your mid thinks!

chytownchytownover 11 years ago

For sharing,

gandj130gandj130over 11 years ago
Excellent Story

So well done again Sylvia

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