The Church Lady Comes to my Door


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I crawled up her body, kissing and licking as I went, being careful not to lose too much of her essence along the way. I stopped, inches from her face, and smiled. Leaning down, I slipped into a soft, loving kiss, sliding my Belle covered tongue into her mouth.

Abruptly, she twisted her head away. I was surprised and disappointed until she licked my cheek. Giggling, she asked, "Is that what I taste like?"

Rubbing my cheek on hers, and then licking off the remains, I said, "Yep, and I love the way you taste!"

Giggling again, licking again, she said, "You know, I think I do, too."

Suddenly, surprising me with her strength and speed, she rolled us over, landing me on my back. Staring with her bright blue eyes into my amber eyes, she briefly pinned me down. I watched, fascinated as she descended to kiss my lips and then started moving down toward my chest.

"Belle," I murmured. "You don't have to do this."

She pulled her face to mine, kissing me again. "Oh, yes I do, 'Do unto others...' and all that." She paused, kissing my lips, then my cheeks, and then moving to my breasts. "Besides, I want to give you what you gave me... It's only fair, and since I'm here and sinning" she giggled, showing that she wasn't serious, "that I should do it all. Besides, I really, really want to do it all with you."

She moved up and kissed me again, briefly, before moving to my breasts. As with her fingers in my pussy, the touch of her lips and tongue was feather light. Every time she touched my nipple with her lips and tongue it felt as though a fairy was dancing on it. The lightness, the tenderness was unlike anything I had experienced. But, it wasn't tentative, I could tell it was deliberate, it was her way of demonstrating affection and it began to excite me a great deal. I could feel my pussy begin to drip and spasm every time she touched me.

When her tongue and lips weren't dancing on my diamond cutter nipples, her fingertips or the baby soft backs of her hands; were. When her hands were active on my nipples her lips were just as active on my lips. But, instead of intense kisses, her kisses were butterfly light, just like on my nipples. She was beginning to drive me wild.

She bent her head to my boob and I had grown tired of seeing her hair bound tightly to her head. I longed to see her hair flowing around her face, so I reached up and started pulling pins out. After several pins, one strand finally fell out, and then another and more until I found the key pin and the rest of her beautiful blonde hair tumbled around her face. There was a surprising amount and it looked to be shoulder length. She stopped ministering to my boobs and shyly looked up at me through the tangles. It was so incredibly innocent and sexy that I pulled her to me and kissed her deeply, my pussy throbbing in response.

After she pulled away and went back to her fluttering caresses of my breasts, I said, "Belle, your hair is beautiful and you are so, so unbelievably sexy with it down, you should never, ever, put it up again."

She looked up at me, briefly, blushing and didn't say a word, but went back to her ministrations. She spent long minutes just kissing and touching and holding my breasts. This was her first opportunity to play with breasts not her own and it seemed she was intent on taking full advantage of it. The upside for me was that I can come multiple times from having my nipples stimulated and I was well on the way to my second orgasm of the day. When Belle experimentally bit down on my left nipple for the first time, I was driven over the edge to a pleasant, effusing orgasm. It wasn't soul rocking; it just made me warm and tingly all over, from the tips of my toes to the end of my nose.

Belle sat up and looked at me with a quizzical look on her face. "Did you just come?"

Now it was my turn to blush. "Yes, I can come by someone just playing with my nipples. You do that so nicely, so, so, sexily, that I came. It was a beautiful little come..."

She silenced me with a kiss before returning to my nipples. She continued where she had left off, though this time she started licking the underside of my boobs. She seemed to know, instinctively, where I loved being touched, how I loved being touched. The underside of my boobs almost never got attention from my lovers in the past. When somebody did give the soft, smooth underside any kind of loving attention, I normally went off like a rocket. Belle's feather light, loving touch on the heels of the little orgasm had me ascending the ramp to liftoff at a record pace. When she started stroking the underside of both breasts simultaneously and then lightly bit my nipple again, the rocket lifted off and sent me into orbit. My hips bounced off the bed and collided with Belle, knocking the wind from her with a little 'oof' and I grabbed her head and pulled her into a deep, soul-searching kiss. I started to come down and Belle pulled away, heading down my body once again.

This time she didn't stop at my boobs or my belly button, she went straight for the gold; my freely flowing, gaping pussy. She started licking around the outside, cleaning up the remains of my last come and then moved slowly toward my center. I was throbbing in anticipation of her touch and I wasn't disappointed. Her tongue lightly touched the edges of my lips, much as she had with her fingers. She flicked and fluttered and teased, my pussy straining to be touched. My hands were clenched at my side, fistfuls of sheet held tightly. Belle evidently has infinite patience; she kept using the same light touch around the edges of my pussy, seemingly for hours.

I loved it and I hated it. An orgasm was building deep within me, once again, and yet she never increased the pressure on my pussy or even touched my clit. She kept licking and flicking and fluttering, keeping me on edge, but not allowing me to burst over the precipice. Then, agonizingly, she left my pussy altogether and started kissing my lower belly and touching the outside of my legs. The fire of orgasm that was burning in my belly and throughout my body was dwindling down to an ember and I feared she would let it be extinguished.

After kissing all over my tummy, hips and belly button, she moved back down and touched the tip of her tongue to the very tip of my clit. The ember reignited and she flicked her tongue over the increasingly sensitive bud, again and again and again. Her fingers left my legs and found their way into my drooling pussy and, imitating what I had done to her, only more gently, began thrusting in and out of me. She pushed one, then two and finally three fingers softly, slowly in and out. Then just two and then she turned her hand and found that rough patch of nerve endings just as she nipped my clit with her teeth.

The orgasm that she had been nurturing in me for the last ten years (OK, OK, probably twenty minutes) burst over my body in a crescendo of lights and sounds and incredibly warm, glowing feelings. I have never come like that in my life. It just kept reaching higher and higher until I simply collapsed on the bed, delirious. Belle kept lapping and rubbing and touching, and even though I was could barely take any more; I was powerless to stop her. Aftershocks kept pulsing through my body and I lost count of them. I lay on the bed twitching from the mere touch of her lips on my hot skin. I closed my eyes, assuming she was going to literally fuck me to death.

I awoke sometime later and Belle was holding me in her arms, facing me with a worried expression. "Reyna? Are you OK?" She whispered.

I pushed my head forward and kissed her, tasting myself on her lips. "I am wonderful, baby. Where did that come from?" I giggled.

"I really don't know." She admitted with a giggle of her own. "I just started out doing what you did to me and I was having so much fun and you were like a little orgasm machine, that I just wanted to see how long I could keep you going. I wanted to see how many orgasms you could actually have."

I raised my eyebrow.

She giggled again, "I don't know, I lost track."

I kissed her and climbed out of bed. She looked worried.

"I'm sorry; I gotta go to the bathroom." I said.

She nodded and said, "I went while you were out."

When I came back I lay on my back and opened my arms to her. She snuggled up to me and lay in my arms, her beautiful, soft, blonde hair spread over the pillow and on my chest. We lay still for a long time, not speaking. I was simply enjoying the closeness with her. I looked into her face and was concerned by her expression. She seemed content, but a little introspective.

"Belle?" I whispered, "What's wrong? Do you feel guilty?"

"That's the funny thing," she murmured. "I don't feel guilty because of what we did, in fact, I loved it." She paused to give me a little kiss, and then she giggled ruefully. "I feel guilty because I don't feel guilty."

"I'm not sure I understand." I said.

"I know..." She said, pausing. "My father is a Baptist minister like his father and his grandfather. My mother's father is a Methodist minister, my husband is a deacon in my father's church, so I've been raised and live in a very, very strict environment and homosexuality is the biggest taboo next to killing someone..."

She took a breath and hesitated. I waited, letting her tell her story.

She continued. "Anyway, as a child I was always at some church function or another. Many of them were camps, or sleepovers, whatever. There were always times where all the girls would be in a big dorm, or tent or shower. Somebody was always naked or nearly so. I knew it was bad, but I always peeked at the other girls. I liked the way boobs and butts and p-p-pussies looked on all of the other girls."

She blushed when she said 'pussies' and I thought it was adorable. "It didn't matter if the girl had tiny boobs, you know, basically just nipples or giant boobs. I loved to look at them all." She was blushing from head to toe with her confession. I kissed her forehead to reassure her. "I loved how the little ones didn't move at all, I loved how the perfect medium ones jiggled and I loved how the big ones swung heavily."

She paused again and reached under my chin, lifting it to kiss me. "God," she moaned, "I love kissing you."

Then she giggled. "Have you noticed how there is nothing else that moves and sways and slides around like a big boob? That's one thing I think I want to do. Play with a really, really big pair of boobs." She lay quietly for a moment and then added, a little wistfully, "Like my friend, Misti's..."

She paused again, thinking. "You know, now that I think about it, I spent a lot of time looking at boobs. I'm surprised I didn't get caught."

I interrupted. "It's probably because no-one expected the minister's daughter to be a closet lesbian, checking out all the young tits and asses." I giggled again, "Maybe you are a pedophile."

She acted shocked. "Bitch!"

I laughed, shocked at her outburst. "Bitch? Nice language young lady, what would your father say about that mouth?"

She kissed me again, her hand drifting to my boob. "Not as much as he would if he knew where that mouth had been."

I laughed, "That's probably true..."

She finished her story. "Anyway, I guess I've always been interested in girls, I just didn't recognize it for what it was. Maybe, the threat of eternal damnation was enough to keep me on the straight and narrow. I don't know. Thank you for opening my eyes. Though now, I don't know that I can go back to that life and be content."

She rolled me over and kissed me deeply. I closed my eyes for the kiss and then reopened them when she withdrew. She was hanging over me, her nose inches from mine. Her eyes were glistening with tears.

"I don't want to, but I've got to go home." She said tearfully.

I tried to kiss her again and she quickly slipped out of my arms. "No, baby, I really have to go." She glanced at the window. "It's nearly dark and my husband will be worried. I can explain late, but I can't explain spending the night. I'm afraid if we kiss again while we're naked, I won't leave your arms or your bed...ever."

She started picking up her underwear that was strewn around the bedroom. I scrambled off the bed and snatched the lacy boy shorts away from her just as she picked them up.

"These are mine, just in case you never come back." I straightened up and so did she.

"Belle, I want you to understand something," confessing something that I never thought I would, "I am a player. I fuck women younger and older than myself. My hobby is doing what I did with you today, seducing lesbian virgins, making them beg me to make them come, and making them love what I do to them."

The pain that came into her eyes was almost too much for me to bear. The tears rolled down her cheeks, and she turned from me. "So I was just a quick lay? Nothing but a conquest?"

I gently touched her arm, turning her to me. "Belle, I didn't tell you that to hurt you, or to brag. I've never said that out loud to anybody, including myself. I told you that because I don't want there to be any secrets between us. I told you that because you are the first woman I've ever met that my heart wants."

She had been looking at the floor and looked up sharply at me, her eyes narrowed. She searched my face for any sign of deception, finding none; she dropped her clothes and flew into my arms.

"It's too soon to say whether or not I love you, but you make me feel things I've never felt before. If you decide that you want to leave your life, please know that I'll be here." I whispered in her ear. I wanted this to be for just us, not even the walls could hear my confession or desire. "You're the sweetest, most naturally loving and innocent woman I've ever known."

She kissed me on the cheek and stepped out of my arms. "I don't know if I could do that." She said sadly, "I would have to leave, not only my husband, but my entire family."

There were tears in my eyes now. I was talking to her back as she got dressed. "I know; believe me, I completely understand. I want you to know I will accept anything you can give me." I couldn't believe I was acting with such desperation. "Once a year, once a month, once a week..." I giggled, "or once a day..., anything."

She said nothing until she was fully dressed and faced me. "I don't know; it's so much to absorb. After all, I just cheated for the first time in my life, not only on my husband, but in any aspect of my life. This was huge for me. I have to think. You must understand that as special as this is for you, it is simply unbelievable for me. I just need time to process."

She stepped into me, drew me into her arms and kissed me deeply. She released me and ran out of the bedroom and was headed for the front door. I followed, grabbing things as I went.

"Belle?" I said and she didn't slow down.

"Belle!" I said more forcefully.

"Reyna! Please don't!" She said as she approached the front door.

"Don't you think you'll need these?" I asked with a grin.

She stopped and turned around. I held her purse, her big floppy hat, her bible and pamphlets.

She giggled, "Oh gosh, I could never explain what happened to all that. Thank you."

I handed them to her, kissing her on the cheek. "It'll be hard enough explaining where you left your panties."

She giggled. "You're so bad."

She turned and went out the door. I went back and threw myself on my bed, smelling her scent, and cried, wondering if I'd ever see her again.


The next Saturday I started my weekly cleaning routine. I had on a pair of Daisy Dukes and a thin halter top. My hair was pulled back in a ponytail. As I was picking up the living room the doorbell rang. I looked through the peephole and a gorgeous brunette dressed in a black pencil skirt, gray wrap around blouse and what looked like a white silk jacket was standing on the porch. I immediately opened the door. The first thing I noticed when I saw all of her was that her boobs were enormous.

"Hello little girl," my visitor said in a mellifluous voice, "Are your mommy and daddy home?"

"No," I replied, "they're not here right now." (I can't help it; it's reflex.)

"Well," she smiled demurely, "could I come in and talk to you?"

"I guess," I said briefly and stepped aside.

As she walked past me and said, "My name's Misti Stanton," I glanced down to see what she was carrying. It was a bible and flyers from Belle's church. My eyes widened as I thought, 'Could Belle have...?"

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Top Ten, wonderful story! No sequel, let your imagination lead your mind and your hands.

AYuriLoverAYuriLover3 months ago

The way it ended... Hilarious.

Roti8211Chanai643Roti8211Chanai6434 months ago

Good story!

Thank you!

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

I really appreciate your ability to create a strong and overwhelming erotic atmosphere. The story is excellent, although I lack more detailed descriptions of the intimate encounters.

Talon5KarrdeTalon5Karrde5 months ago

Are you planning a Book 2 and Book 3? Because I can see the plot.

This is a very nice story and I would like to read more.

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