The Conquest of Artemesia


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No problem there. It's all just a matter of timing. I pulled out of her cunt and positioned myself for delivery, squeezing just above the head of my cock, to staunch the flow. Eva had by now placed her lips near, and opened wide. I released the squeeze, and pressurized goo blasted out, hitting the bullseye. She leaned in and wrapped her lips around the bulging head, swallowing everything I put forth, gulping loudly. When she had consumed everything I could produce, she withdrew with a smile. I laughed as I sat back on the couch. "You may want to have a peek in the mirror."

Eva did as directed. She laughed back, finding the reflection as humourous as I did. Her lipstick was smeared wildly, and a rogue glob of my semen succumbed to gravity, trickling from the corner of her mouth. Apparently, her lipstick was semen-soluable, because the cum had a pinkish tinge to it. Well, at least there wasn't any in her hair.

"Maybe I should leave it. Serena, my makeup artist, would love it!" she giggled. "I told her a little about you, you know? She is happy for me... for us."

"Was Audrey present for this little gab fest?" I inquired.

"Why yes, how did you..." then she realized, "... Ah... gave you the look, did she?" I nodded. Eva giggled. "I hope you don't mind, darling. They are my friends. Surely, friends can have a little..."

"... Girl talk?" She nodded. "Of course, I don't mind. I am glad you have 'girlfriends' to gossip with, and that they look out for you. It's even a bit of a turn on," I admitted, "Knowing that they know about us." I picked up a towel from the table, and approached her. She looked up at me. I wrapped the towel around my fingertip, and wiped the offending sperm and lipstick away. "Lest the paparazzi use this as ammunition, my sweet." I kissed her gently, and we shared a long, naked embrace.

We sat, and ate some of the food Audrey had delivered. After I cum, I am always hungry. Eva had consumed my protein smoothie, so her needs were more along the lines of sweets. We gradually began to get re-dressed, and I was putting my socks back on last, when Audrey knocked on the door. Eva was in bra and panties, but unlocked the door. "It's only Audrey, and she knows." she said to me as she stepped away. "Enter!"

Audrey opened the door and stepped in quickly. She took in my lack of shoes, and Eva's lack of clothes, smiling widely. "I trust you had a pleasant..." wink, "... lunch?"

Eva beamed. "Why yes, we did, Audrey. Thank you for asking." She looked at me, then leaned over and whispered something in Audrey's ear, after which, they both broke out laughing, and looked at me with big smiles. "Could you help me with my costume, Audrey dear?"

"Don't trust me to reverse the process, darling?" I asked, playing along with her public acknowledgement of our sexual adventures. That was greeted by more girlish giggles.

I spent the balance of the day on the set, watching Eva work. In addition to being a certified sexpot, she was extremely talented. But watching her perform also made me aware of something else.

I had watched Eva on screen for some time, and ever since I first did, I had always fantasized about being the one to hold her. I had wanted so badly to be the one to kiss her. I had dreamed about being the one to share her bed. I had felt desire, excitement and lust. And when I had been so fortunate to become the one that held her, kissed her, and made love with her, those experiences had been more than my fantasies could possibly have hoped.

Now, I watched Eva kiss someone else, as a consequence of her performance. It was part of her job, to kiss her co-star. It was acting. This time I felt something new. It was sneaky, but I felt it just the same. Anger. Jealousy.

I shook my head. 24 hours ago, I hadn't even met her yet. How could I be in love already? I knew she would leave. I had already reconciled that thought, and decided to enjoy the ride, without getting entangled in emotion. But my brain has forgotten to tell my heart. Well, those two parts of my body were talking now, and they were not getting along. My brain won the argument, for the time being.

A few hours later, we were dining together again. Different restaurant, but the same company. Eva was dressed conservatively, to minimize the amount of attention she would attract, but there was little she could do to hide her eyes. I mean, sunglasses are a bit of a cliché, and tend to invite a second look as often as they deflect one. I sat there, taking in her beauty, while we talked about nothing in particular. The internal disagreement was flaring up again.

For the next few weeks, the only time we spent apart was when she was on set. I used that time to make a few trips to my apartment, to change clothes and bring some spares to Eva's suite. I was getting laid by a Hollywood starlet every night, several times a night. Usually at lunch as well. I would be the envy of every male in the city, if not the planet. I was having a great time. I was also miserable. My heart was beginning to win the arguments. That discord was making me crazy.

Eva and I were snuggled in each other's arms, on the settee of her balcony. The sun was low, shining brightly on the ocean. Off to the side, snow remaining on the mountains reflected in contrast to the darkening blue of the sky. It was the dictionary definition of breathtakingly beautiful. So was Eva. She turned and looked up into my eyes. I looked back, and as I did, my heart put any doubts to rest. I kissed her. I kissed her with a passion that surprised even me. I kissed her like I loved her, because I did.

I knew it was ridiculous, but I didn't care anymore. I knew I would get hurt, but I didn't care anymore. I knew I was acting like a lovestruck teenager, but I didn't care anymore.

"Whew... That was very nice," she whispered as our lips parted. She looked deeply into my eyes, and I reciprocated. "What is it, darling?"

"Nothing that can't wait," I said, kissing her again.

My hand covered her breast while I kissed her, and her hand met mine. "Mmmm," she moaned, breaking away from my mouth. "I get the feeling you are trying to change the subject." Her hand gripped the back of my neck gently and forced me to look at her again. "Please, darling. Tell me what is bothering you. Please?"

If I hadn't been distracted, I would have seen her concern as a positive sign. You don't pry into the thoughts of someone you don't care about.

I didn't know where to start. My mind turned the logic over and over. In the end, all I could do was tell her the truth, but I couldn't bear to look into her beautiful eyes while I did so. The prospect of her feeling the same way was outweighed by seeing rejection in those soulful orbs.

"I think we have a problem, Eva," I started, my voice trailing off as the sentence progressed. "I Love You."

She laughed.

Did she just laugh at me when I told her that I Love Her? I looked up, surprised at her reaction.

She was smiling. She also looked a little relieved. She laughed again. Her eyes sparkled happily.

"Oh, you do, do you?" she asked.

"Yes. I Love You, Eva." Now that I had said it, it didn't sound so crazy.

"You are such a 'man', darling. Are you worried that I wouldn't feel the same?" I guess that was rhetorical, because she didn't really give me a chance to respond. "I Love You too."

I sat there with my mouth open. My mind was reeling.

"Darling, I know we started very quickly, but, if I didn't have feelings for you, we wouldn't still be together. How often would you be with someone you just started dating?"

"I don't know. Maybe two or three times a week." I replied.

"And we have been together every day and every night for?... "

"Twenty-three days," I answered.

She smiled. "Such a man! Did you make a note on your calendar? Darling, we have been together for almost three months, on a normal life schedule. We just condensed it down to... what was it?... twenty-three days? I hope that is not an issue. That's just life in the entertainment industry. It doesn't change the way I feel about you. I Love You, too."

"I was worried you didn't feel the way I did. I mean, the way I do," I corrected myself. "I thought we might just be having fun."

"Oh, we are having fun, alright... but not only fun," she smiled and caressed my crotch with her small hand." I have had more 'fun' the last three weeks than I can count."

Seventy-six times. But I kept that to myself. No calendar notations required.

Eva's hand, and the realization that we were now officially a couple, were having an effect on me. She looked at her handiwork, then at me, licking her lips. She crawled across my lap and grabbed my head with both hands. Her lips and tongue attacked mine voraciously. I began to unbutton her blouse. Seconds later, it was off, and my hands gripped her breasts, thumbing her nipples to attention. She stood, and wiggled her ass at me, peeling her shorts down over her hips.

I reefed my pants down. Her lips were on me in an instant, but she didn't stay long. Just long enough to lubricate me, before she turned away and grabbed the railing. I took a position behind her, and slipped into her. It was still quite light out, so we would be visible to anyone who happened to look, but she obviously didn't care.

"Oh yes, darling! I need that cock in me now!" she whispered as I reached her cervix. "Yessssssssss!" I began a gentle rhythm, taking in the ocean view that paled in comparison to her ass. "Fuck me harder, darling. I need to cum desperately!" she said quietly, in a voice that was controlled and even. I did as requested, slamming her with longer, harder strokes. Her breathing became 'less controlled and even'. She was fucking back, driving her hips back against me. She had a death grip on the railing, and was hanging her head down. Her head came up and she hissed over her shoulder "I like the way my boobs feel, swinging in the open air!" Her head dropped again, then up again, "Ooooooooooooooo, the view of my tits bouncing is most exciting. I think I'm gonna cum soon."

I pounded her. I could see the tension build, and felt her pussy get wetter, and hotter. She would reach her peak within seconds.

Suddenly her head lurched up, throwing her hair wildly in an arc to land on her back.

"Nnngggg... owwwwmyyyyyyy... godddddDDDDDDD!" she screamed. I held fast while she shuddered in delight. Her scream echoed off the nearby buildings, and heads below started to turn, searching for the source. From down there, she would have just been any hot, naked brunette, who just so happened to be getting fucked on a balcony. Her orgasm waned, and we heard a single person applauding in the not too distant area. Eva laughed and tried to cover herself, backing away as I withdrew from her wetness. 'Encore' the audience said, and the applause continued. Eva pivoted on her way into the suite, did a curtsey, and pulled the sliding door shut behind her.

"Eva, you little exhibitionist you!" She hit me full force, knocking me over on the bed, and landing on top of me. Her mouth was on mine, ravenously searching for my tongue. Her hands were busy locating my hard cock. She found it right where she left it, and unceremoniously jammed it back into her cunt. She began to fuck herself vigorously.

We kissed with a fury, moaning and hissing "I Love You" to each other. I grabbed her ass with both hands and rolled us in unison, reversing our positions neatly, without even pausing our oral assault on each other. Then I started to fuck her hard. She would probably be sore tomorrow, but for tonight, we had confessed our love for each other, and celebrations were in order. I was going to 'celebrate' her until she was begging me to stop. I felt her shudder again, and she moaned into my mouth. I slowed down a little, suddenly feeling guilty about potentially hurting her, even if it was consensual. I kept stroking into her vagina, just a bit more gently. It didn't seem to matter to Eva, because she was soon quivering through another orgasm. For the next twenty minutes, my only concern was pleasing her. I shafted her through four more orgasms, and by this time, she was a limp ragdoll beneath me. Her hair was matted with sweat. Her body was slick and shiny, with big beads of perspiration trickling into her cleavage. She was mumbling incoherently, and her breathing was laboured. She was wrecked. Mission accomplished.

I pulled out of her and sprayed my load all over her chest and stomach. She moaned as the hot semen landed on her skin, and she tried to lift her head, but ended up just smiling with her eyes closed.

I regained my senses and walked... actually, more like staggered... to the bathroom. I came back with two washcloths, one warm and one cool, and a towel.

Eva's voice was quiet. "Hello? 911? I'd like to report an attempted murder," she paused, exhaling in a long blow, "My boyfriend just tried to fuck me to death."

I took the cool washcloth and wiped her face gently. She groaned and smiled a dazed, exhausted smile.

I bent to kiss her lips. "Boyfriend? I like the sound of that," I whispered into her ear. She smiled again. "You know, there's another term I like..."

"What would that be, darling?" she said dreamily, as I mopped the semen from her chest with the warm cloth.

"Oh, you know it. It's French. Fiancé?" I was drying her now.

Eva's eyes opened. "Really? You like that one? You know, it leads to another one. 'Husband'."

"I have no problem with that."

She pulled herself up wearily, and looked at me with those blue-gray soul searchers. "You know, Sweetheart, you don't need to propose just because I said 'I Love You'."

"I know," I said, brushing the hair away from her eyes. "Just think about it, okay? I understand that it's a big step. But..." I shrugged, "I Love You!" I walked back into the bathroom. Eva looked pensive.

"I have one question... " she called out, as I rinsed out the washcloths.

"Go ahead..." I answered.

"Do we invite the guy who was applauding us on the balcony?"

Stunned, I came back to the bathroom door. Eva was sitting on the edge of the bed. The smile on her face nearly met on the back of her head. She arched one eyebrow.

"Is that a 'yes'?" I asked, my heart suddenly pounding audibly.

She just stared, and crooked her finger at me, beckoning me closer. I moved in silence, pausing in front of her.

"Do it right," was all she said.

It took me a few seconds to decipher her meaning. She sat there, looking up at me. I dropped to one knee, and took her hand in mine.

"Eva Green... will you be my wife?" My voice trembled.

I looked into her eyes. They were wet, but they smiled as much as her lips. It seemed to take forever.


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totostorytotostoryabout 2 years ago

Wonderful, more Celebrities please , 5*

a_reader_from_germanya_reader_from_germanyabout 3 years ago

If you are an admirer of female beauty in general and of it's incarnation in the person of Eva Green specifically, watch Bertolucci's "The Dreamers". I've got it on DVD here somewhere. I might set my mind on finding it, later today...

Glad to be reminded of that movie by your story, thank you!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Unexpectedly good

Came to wank off but walk away crying...You have a gift sir.

KerryLynnJamesKerryLynnJamesalmost 7 years ago
Like Wow!

Brought me off with another good rope of work!U r good!

James7594James7594about 7 years ago
Amazing Writing

Good job! You still have to address the jealousy issue but well done!

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