The Convert

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Compromise is a girl's way to true love and happiness.
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*Note to readers: It's a story, my friends. Just go with it and enjoy!


September 17th

"I was really surprised to hear from you, Sage. I'm glad you called even though it was under these circumstances. And I'm really sorry, by the way." He paused and told her, "But this has been nice."

"Yes, it has, Dax. I hope you know I didn't mean to bother you. It's just that Gabe wasn't returning my calls, and I didn't know who else to talk to. I knew he was probably going to call things off after the last time we were together, but I started freaking out when every message just went to voicemail. At least now I know."

Dax looked over at her and asked, "Would you like anything else, Sage? Some dessert or maybe another glass of wine?"

"Oh, no thank you. I'm fine." She sat there for a moment then said, "Dax? I was just wondering. Did Gabe ever talk You know, why he broke up with me? Sorry. He never actually told me we were breaking up. He just...left. Literally."

"Not with any specificity, Sage. I guess he just felt like you guys were on different wavelengths with you getting serious while he just wanted to have fun."

"So nothing about us...personally?" she asked.

"No, not that I can think of. Why? Did something happen? Did something to you?"

"Oh, no! No, never. Nothing like that. No, he was really great. It was me. At least I think it was me, anyway."

He didn't probe for details. She'd either keep talking or she wouldn't and it was really none of his business.

"We'd been dating for almost four months and well, I wasn't exactly um, you know, providing what most guys want in a relationship."

He could tell this was very uncomfortable for her so he said, "You don't have to tell me about it, Sage. It's over and it's none of my business anyway."

"Thank you, Dax. I really didn't want to discuss that. I guess my only point is I blame myself. And I'm not going to let another relationship like that get away from me. Well, if I ever have another relationship. I'm definitely at a point where I'm ready to make real sacrifices for the right guy." She had a kind of wistful look about her as she told him, "Had I been willing to do that for Gabe, then we'd almost certainly still be together and maybe I would be planning my dream wedding now."

He didn't want to tell her about the money and how it changed his older brother. But Dax knew Gabe would have taken off no matter who she was or what she did or didn't do. Rather than bring that up he just told her, "Well, it's his loss, Sage. I've always thought your were pretty amazing and...really cute."

Sage blinked as though she had to make sure she'd him correctly. "Who? Me? I'm cute?" she said with genuine disbelief.

"Well, yeah. I mean, you have that kind of...what is it? An...understated beauty. Seriously, I'd take a girl like you over the ones who look like models any day." Dax immediately realized how that sounded and said, "No, wait. Sage, that's not what I meant. What I was trying to say was..."

Sage laughed. "It's okay. I get it, Dax. And that was really sweet, by the way. I know I'm not hot. I just rarely even hear guys tell me I'm cute." She looked away from him then said quietly, "Especially not...cute you."

Her previously moderate level of discomfort with this line of conversation went so high and Dax could feel it.

"So who's funding this study, Dax?" she asked changing the subject completely.

He thought about telling her but decided to wait. "I'm not prohibited from telling anyone, Sage. I'd just rather not say where the money is coming from. At least not right now."

"Oh. Well, that's okay. I'm sure there's a good reason for that. I was just wondering. You have the lab area, the cameras, the monitors, and then there's the money you pay the girls and now that you've hired me... But that's fine. It's none of my business. Curiosity killed the cat and all that, right?"

He loved her smile. He'd loved it from the first time he'd seen it. It was part of the reason he'd asked her to be his personal assistant when he didn't need one. He loved her smile, but mostly he loved her innocence. There was something about a girl like Sage who didn't seem to know she was attractive. To Dax, she was a very attractive girl even though she wouldn't catch the attention of many guys who were themselves considered to be good looking. She wasn't stunningly gorgeous. She was just...really pretty. She had a kind of naiveté about her, too, and that was also hugely appealing. He'd had a thing for her the entire time she was dating his brother, but 'bros over hoes' was their motto so he never so much as mentioned it.

That said, while he found Sage incredibly attractive, there was one critically important thing missing without which there would be no first (or second) date. As Dax sat there mulling that over, Sage interrupted his train of thought.

"Dax? Did you really mean it when you said you thought I was cute?" she asked returning to their previous conversation.

"Of course I did, Sage. I've always thought you were very attractive."

"So is that why you asked me to be your assistant for this study?"

Dax smiled and said, "Well, it doesn't hurt to see a pretty girl every time I need help, but no, that's not why I asked you. You got a really raw deal from Gabe and along with your studies, this will help you keep your mind off that."

"Oh, so I'm a charity case?" she teased.

Dax chuckled politely at that. "Hardly. The fact that I do think you're cute aside, it seems like this will be mutually beneficial. You have a job and some extra money and I get a pleasant, did I say cute already?" He watched her smile then finished his sentence. "Assistant."

"Okay. It's a deal. I guess I'll see you Monday morning then and find out what this big secret is all about."


September 7th

"Any idea what you'll do with your share of the money yet, Dax?"

"No, not really. My undergrad loans have all been paid off so I think I'll pay off what loans I've taken out since starting grad school. I don't have much in the way of credit card debt so I'm thinking about maybe buying a house and paying off my car or even buying a new one. After that, we'll see. How about you?"

"Oh, I'm gonna travel my ass off, little brother! I've always wanted to see the world, but the furthest I've been from home is Yellowstone Park when Dad took us back when Mom was still alive. I'm gonna start with Mexico, head south to Brazil and then Argentina. From there, I'll decide whether to head east or west and go from there. A kind of 'wherever the spirit moves me' deal, you know?"

"What about Sage? Are you gonna take her with you?"

"Sage? No way, man. Definitely not. I mean, she's great and everything, but I want to have some fun and she's not exactly what I'd call fun, you know?"

"Really? She's pretty damn cute, bro."

"Yeah, she's okay, but I can a lot better." Dax let that pass knowing his brother was damn lucky to have a girlfriend as attractive as Sage Melton. Dax was by far the better looking of the two Johnston boys, but Gabe was a pretty decent-looking guy. Dax had always thought Sage was out of his brother's league even though very few other guys would have agreed with that, but beauty really was in the eye of the beholder.

"Dax? If this money hadn't come along and if I was ready to settle down—who knows?Then again, we've been dating for like four months now and I do really like her and everything, but she's already planning our wedding and where we'll live, what the house will look like, and how many kids we're gonna have. And between you and me, she flat doesn't put out. For me, Dad's money means freedom. It means a chance to see and do what I've never done before. So taking her with me is out of the question. Ain't gonna happen, Daxster." Gabe snapped his fingers and said, "Hey, why don't you come with me, bro? For a while, at least. It'd be a blast! New girl—or girls—in every town. The best beer and wine out there. Five-star hotels. What do you say, little brother?"

Dax laughed. "Nah. You know I love you, Gabe, but that's not my thing. No one's ever called me a 'player' and for good reason. Don't get me wrong. I would enjoy traveling, but now just isn't the time. I've got to finish this master's program and then we'll see."

"Okay. Suit yourself. But as soon as the check clears, I'm booking my first trip!"

"That's cool. Just don't overdue it. I know 500 grand seems like an endless supply of cash, but look at most of the guys who made it to the NFL or big stars like Fifty Cent. They made five or ten times that much and they're broke and out selling used cars or whatever. Just take it a little easy and save something for the proverbial rainy day."

"Dax, Dax, Dax. That's just like you. You're too practical. You need to live a little, buddy! This is money we never expected to have so it's! Who knew Dad even had a life insurance policy, let alone for million dollars? I didn't. When I asked the lawyer about it he said Dad never dreamed Mom would go first. After she died, he took out this policy and never told anyone else about it. First time I heard about it was when we talked after Dad's funeral. So have some fun, dude, or you'll be the one settling down and getting married way too soon."

"If I could find the right girl, that wouldn't be all bad, would it?"

Gabe shook his head and said, "I guess not. Not for you, anyway. It's not for me, but yeah, I could see you with the white picket fence and the 2.5 kids. And unlike me, you'd be happy with that. Uh-uh. Not me. I'm gonna live a little first and see the world!"

"Well, I'll have to find the future mother of my kids before we can have 2.5 of them. Then again, I'm not sure I even want children, but I'd be okay settling down with Miss Right. Finding her is the problem."

"Well, with this kind of money, you'll have no trouble finding women, bro. Just make sure they want you for the right reasons and not for your money because there are plenty of bitches out there who'll be glad to take you for all you're worth then bail and never think twice."

Gabe was so cynical about women. Dax told him, "Finding a woman or even women in general isn't the issue. It's finding the woman. Not that there's one and only one right woman out there, mind you. But for me at least, there are some must-haves in a woman and unless she's got them, there's no way I'd settle down with her. That's not something you ever need to worry about me doing."

"Well, have no fear, Dax. She's out there and you'll find her. Hell, with this kind of money you could just...create her, right?" Gabe laughed then said, "I gotta run—or maybe I should! Catch you later, bro."

Dax watched Gabe leave then just sat there thinking quietly. Just create her. That was a very intriguing thought. Just create her. Hmmm.


September 10th

"So I can lease this space for just two months?"

"Well, I'll need a check for the two months rent and a security deposit upfront—non-fundable, but sure, you can do that. I've had it on the market for a year and no one's made an offer so renting it out makes sense. That means you'll have it for two months guaranteed. After that, either one of us can break the lease with a 30-day notification, so if I do get an offer, just understand that a short-term contract could work against you if you want or need to stay longer than 60 days."

"Two months should be fine for what I've got in mind. Once you finish the renovation per the plans I gave you...oh, and here's a check to cover the cost, I'll set up shop and take over and the 60-day clock starts."

"Great. Let's get this thing signed and I'll have the contractors there tomorrow. They'll be in and out in 3-4 days and you'll be all set."

While the renovations were being done, Dax went ahead with the marketing plan which was really just local advertising. The University of Washington in Seattle was his target audience. Since it was privately funded, he wouldn't be able to use anything owned by the university, but that didn't include student newspapers or electronic bulletin boards. He finished word smithing the ad he planned to run in several different venues and took a final look.

Wanted: Single females ages 20-30 to participate in a study on addiction. Modeling opportunities are also possible. Requires daily availability as per contract for 60 consecutive days. Selectees will be paid $100 per day upon completion of all contract requirements for that day as well as weekly and monthly bonuses. Those selected for modeling will earn additional money daily. There will also be another bonus for completing the entire 60 days. Interviews to be held between 8am and 4pm Sept 14th and 15th at the following location: Remodeled warehouse at 1369 Longview Street in Seattle."

Satisfied, he hit 'enter.' Four days later he was in his new office and very pleased with it, as well as the new lobby, and especially the three rooms equipped with recording cameras and one-way mirrors. All that remained was to see whether or not any suitable candidates showed up for the initial interview.


September 11th

"He's not returning any of my calls. I've left like a hundred voicemails and now his box is full. This is all my fault, Dee. I have no one to blame but myself because I wasn't willing to compromise."

"That's nonsense, Sage! No one should have to compromise for any guy. I say it's his loss!"

"Love is all about compromises, Dee. Unless the guy is asking you to betray yourself or your highest values, then you have to be willing to give and I wasn't. So here I am. All alone—again."

"You're not alone, silly! You have me and you have your other friends. Come on, let's go do something and get your mind off of that. Besides, you can do a whole lot better than him anyway."

"That's easy for you to say. You're this gorgeous extrovert and guys seem to just flock to you. I'm the quiet, shy girl who was the wallflower at every dance. I finally had a really nice guy and I just blew it."

"Yeah, right. Because you weren't willing to blow him, you blew it? Uh-huh. Sure. Tell me how that's your fault, Sage?"

Sage just looked at her. Nothing needed to be said, but that didn't stop Dee from speaking. "Okay, so maybe you did hold out a little too long and okay, maybe a little too strong. But if you're not ready, you're not ready. Right?"

"Sure. Holding out for nearly four months with the same guy is very reasonable for a girl who's 25 years old. I mean, what woman my age says no to sex or even oral sex after being exclusive for most of that time?" Sage sat and sulked for a while longer then said, "I'm such a prude. If I get another chance like that, I'm definitely not gonna blow it."

"So what you're saying is you're gonna blow it...meaning...him?"

"Dee-eee!!" she said as though just talking about it was embarrassing. She looked back at her best friend and said, "Okay. Yeah, basically I'm saying I'm gonna blow him—or whatever it takes. I know I'm only 25, but I'm just so sick and tired of being single and alone. If I ever get another chance..."

"Hey! Check this out!" Dee was no longer paying any attention. She was browsing through the school newspaper on line. "Look at this ad. We should totally do this!"


September 14th

Dax had about half an hour before the doors opened, and there was already a line of young co-eds outside. He had 25 clipboards ready to go with all the necessary paperwork to include all relevant legal issues. Satisfied, he sat down in his modest-sized, newly-renovated office and reflected back on how this whole thing began.

He'd been deeply attracted to (and even fascinated by) good-looking women who smoked for as long as he could remember. He really had no idea how this fascination began, but it was quite possibly the single most important part of any relationship to him. Sure, a girl had to be attractive to him in the first place. Who dated someone they found unattractive? But beyond that, if she didn't smoke, he had no real interest in her.

He'd gone out with non-smokers a number of times, but there just wasn't anything to it. That 'pop' just wasn't there. There was nothing like watching a cute girl reach for a cigarette then take a long, deep drag knowing how badly she wanted to. Then there was the beautiful exhale and that long, bluish-colored stream of smoke. Everything else like snap inhaling and double pumping were nice but just icing on the cake.

Lately however, Dax found himself intrigued by the very process of becoming addicted to smoking. He'd never seen a girl smoke her first cigarette. He'd never watched a cute girl go through the steps of addiction where smoking was concerned. And while he knew most girls started smoking in the early-to-mid teens, the most exciting prospect was a girl who was beyond her teens smoking for the first time then gradually becoming addicted to smoking then learning to really enjoy it. Just the thought of it turned him on in a big way, and now he had to financial resources to explore the possibility. As he sat there he realized he had his older brother to thank for the inspiration. "Just create her," kept running through his mind until he'd formulated a plan. And now, here he was, ready to put it into action.

He planned on initially interviewing maybe 25 girls and funding around ten assuming at least a few of them would walk out as soon as knew what he was 'studying.' Of those who stayed, he hoped to have around ten, further assuming several of them would start the study but also walk away somewhere during the first week or two. He'd decided to fully fund three girls so if the others didn't drop out voluntarily, he'd have to make the cuts himself. His hope was to have three beautiful girls well on their way to being deeply addicted to smoking who also thoroughly enjoyed their newfound love of cigarettes when the trial was over. And if he had a little luck, he might just find that special woman he'd dreamed about for a very long time.

In anticipation, he'd purchased several cartons of his favorite cigarettes for women: Virginia Slims Menthol Lights. There was nothing like the taste of a girl who smoked that particular brand. It was just so...unique. It was different than any other brand and he could imagine that delicious taste just sitting there and thinking about it. He also loved the slimmer look in a girl's hand, while he didn't like the ultra-thin brands any more than the regular-sized cigarettes. Virginia Slims were perfect in size, length, the color of the filter, and...that taste. To Dax, the menthol was an essential ingredient to getting that perfect taste he loved while smoking Lights would make it easier for a girl to adjust to smoking. Just thinking about it was causing a real 'stir.'

He'd never told anyone, not even Gabe, about this fantasy of his. Perhaps it was a even fetish. Maybe it was some kind of psychological malfunction. Whatever it was, it was his and of all the sexual paraphilia known to man, this was just about the only one that 'did it' for him. He didn't fixate on threesomes or BDSM or lingerie or even high heels. Yes, he liked a girl to dress a certain way, and certain hair styles were generally more desirable than others. But smoking was the be-all, end-all for him and seeing a girl's addiction grow right before his very eyes was the Mount Everest of his one and only fetish.

He took one last look at each of three monitoring rooms, checked the audio-visual equipment, then switched everything off and headed toward the waiting area. He'd had twenty-five chairs brought in and thought that might be too many. But the moment he opened the door and saw the line stretching past the corner of the block, he wondered if he might need more.
