The Courts Of Pleasure Ch. 12


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He stopped and gazed into this break in the wall of shrubbery and the cobbles beneath his feet gave way to the smoothness of brick as he stepped into the space and walked through it. "Damn!" he muttered in awe as he stared at the collection of cottages and the tower glowing in their center.

So this is where Sarah Murdock was, somewhere in one of those houses! Feake stood and stared at the sight as Trapnell's original order of "Get her!" resonated within him. By the looks of things there might be more than one 'her' to get from here.


It was well past noon when Vi awakened from the deep sleep that had captured her and blinked at the smooth white ceiling of their suite. Beside her Sarah roused and sighed herself softly awake as yesterday's memories slipped through her consciousness like the pictures in the leather-bound book on the bed-table.

There were sounds out in the dining area. Someone was setting the table, and savory food smells wafted into the bedroom. Sarah looked at Vi and stretched luxuriously as Vi laid her head on Sarah's bosom.

"What a day!" Vi sighed.

Sarah chuckled. "Weren't you the one who said 'casual sex is so... inadequate'?"

"Seems like ages ago." Vi murmured. "God, those girls were so sexy last night, and those guy's so hot yesterday afternoon! Did we really do all those things?"

"Yes dear. All the things you dream about but know will never come true. Except, voila', it's all here. And everything else seems so far away, so unimportant now. Doesn't it seem like that to you?"

"I know," Vivienne murmured cuddling against Sarah. "I just love it here. I feel so turned on all the time and everyone is so beautiful and so sexy I could stay here forever. Let's see what's in this book on the bed-stand," she giggled. They pulled the volume over onto the bed, opened it at random and gazed at the first picture it offered. ''The Sultan' the legend read below the fine monochrome of a beautiful young girl stretched naked upon her belly between the legs of her master. Her delicate hands held his huge phallus in her mouth while two equally lovely beauties watched her giving fellatio to his gross delight.

In the background a nude young woman lay stretched over a divan, her hips lifted by a pillow while her legs opened to the hand of another naked girl playing with her sex and a third nude girl enjoyed the spectacle. And beyond them could be glimpsed a cluster of male musicians rendering music appropriate to the mood.

"Can you imagine what it would be like to be in a harem like that?" Vi mused. "To have a master who could fuck you anytime he wanted, and make you do anything he wanted right in front of everybody? Look he doesn't even have his clothes off. He just takes out his big cock and makes her suck it in front of everybody!"

"Well you can see that's not enough to keep the girls satisfied," Sarah giggled. "They have to take care of each other."

"How about an appetizer before lunch," a familiar voice announced from the doorway and they glanced up to see Maya in her empire dress again, holding a tray with two tall glasses of fruit juice.

"Yes," Sarah agreed enthusiastically, "I'm dry as a bone after all that heat last night."

"I thought you would be ma'am," Maya smiled enticingly over the folds of her demure dress, but this time they all knew the charms that it concealed.

In The Penthouse above them The Patron knew all their charms as well. He smiled with satisfaction as the women drained their glasses of 'juice'. All it took was a single dose each day to keep them in that state of lubricious excitement so titillating to the sensibilities of his retainers. The combination of the aphrodisiac and the mild amnesiac was a salubrious one indeed. They wouldn't forget the present, and the recent past would simply dim.

Of course the trick was to get the dosage right. Clearly Sarah and Vivienne were succumbing to all the seductions of Bountiful Towers. They would soon be so conditioned to its offerings that the drugs would not be required and Sarah could resume the artistic explorations of her innately sensual nature.

Certainly last night's visit to the Baths that ended in that orgy of cunnilingus in the bathing room was totally gratifying. In fact it was so gratifying he determined to share it with the Connoisseurs. A touch of his fingers on the keys sent the video to the Viewing Room of the sport between Sarah, Maya, Vivienne, and Lisa in that endless unrestrained daisy-chain orgy of cunt loving and anal licking as the girls feasted uninhibitedly upon each other in coupling after coupling.


Zack leaned back on the couch, savoring the bouquet of the Chateau Marquand on his tongue before he swallowed, letting the delicate aftertaste rise in his throat and fill his nose. He held the glass by the stem in his left hand and rolled it upon his lips, the fingers of his right massaging Millicent's young nipple beneath the filmy fabric of her dress. She squirmed deliciously on the floor beside him, her chin resting on his knee, her glass of wine in her hand as they waited in the semi-darkness of the Viewing Room.

The girl gazed up at him in adoration; 'Senior Abbado' had become her favorite lover since her arrival at the Towers months ago. It was not only his prowess in bed but his influence amongst the other guests and his endless stories of his travels around the world that impressed her. He had been coming to the Towers for a long time, stopping frequently between his junkets to this exotic place and that.

The soft hum of conversation mingled with ever-present mood-music in the room as they awaited the latest morsel from The Patron's collection. Zack smiled down at the lovely girl. As the connoisseur 'Franklin Abaddo', he had infiltrated one of the more select circles in the Towers and rumors of a new treat had reached his ears only hours ago.

He lifted his hand fondly to Millicent's head and stroked her fine soft hair as the chime announced the opening of the treat and the huge screen lit in front of them. It began with the foyer of the Thermae and the four handsome women who paced dramatically through the crowd. Openmouthed Zack watched Vivienne and Sarah enter into the pleasures of the baths. Things amazed him, but nothing shocked him, and so it was with utter fascination that he observed the other half of Vivienne's life. That half of her life that he knew she had, and lived on her own. What amazed him was the abandon with which she gave herself over to it. He had long ago discovered that beneath her girlish appearance lay a woman of deep passion

The girls of the Caladarium didn't surprise him. Vivianne was a fondler and she loved touching. Sarah's tender caresses upon Vi's breasts and her pleasure in receiving them were what he expected but of course he couldn't put himself into Vi's body and know what she was feeling.

But what she was feeling began to be revealed to him when they went into the steamy Laconicum. There Vi began to fondle not Sarah but herself, and for the evident enjoyment of the girls watching her! Her masturbation's were a treat that she often shared with him as an immediate turn-on for them both, but it was revelation to observe with what passion she was sharing these pleasures with her female companions, soon responding in kind. It was in the bathroom that his marveling turned to astonishment. As a devotee and connoisseur of feminine lovemaking the display offered by all four girls was a total thrill. But it was Vivienne's performance that riveted him. Her passion, her insatiable hunger, her endurance, her endless orgasms held him spellbound. He had known that she was a gem, but these sparkling facets had been denied him. Awed, aroused, and a bit envious he determined to get to know Vivienne much better. For the moment however Millicent had been gauging the effect of the viewing by the swelling of his phallus under her hand. The limits of its turgidity and ripeness had been reached. Opening his waistband she uncovered him and bent her head to the feast. Zack sighed in delight. The day was off to a wonderful start.


The old hobo skulked listlessly through the park his sack slung from his shoulder as he searched the ground with his stick for cans. He moved from one thicket to the next, wandering in apparent aimlessness but working deeper and deeper into the shrubbery until it seemed he could go no further.

Feake had worked on his disguise. He planned to spend a long time in it and there was a chance he would be discovered, in fact that might actually be necessary. He had taken the bus to the park this morning and shuffled off at the stop by the old stone bench, rummaging in the wire wastebasket for a time before disappearing into the trees. Lurking in the open wasn't wise. The police were constantly on the lookout for vagrants from Shantytown and he didn't want his plans interrupted by an improvident arrest.

Nothing on the city maps had revealed the presence of dwellings in the park and for now he wanted to keep it that way. Trapnell needed to know nothing of this for the time being, and the more the pictures of Sarah and the other two women in the coaches had turned in his mind the more the possibilities of his scheme had jelled.

The women were a handsome trio, and if the dwellings didn't exist in the city records then perhaps officially the inhabitants didn't either? There was a market for unattached beautiful women other than at Bountiful Towers, a market where no questions were asked and the fees were staggering for such gems of femininity. The hedge was thick here, so damn thick there was no way through it. Where the heavy trunks of trees didn't bar the way, saplings, branches, and vines had wound their way through the mesh of an ancient wire fence forming an impenetrable barrier. Disgruntled Feake worked his way along the mass of greenery, coming at last to the opening he had found last night, an opening barely large enough to drive a car through. In the daylight the scene staggered him but what captured him was the gaggle of young women streaming out of the nearest cottage. A dozen, maybe more, were filing down the steps, their bare limbs gleaming whitely in the mid-morning light, their torsos clothed in black leotards. He watched them straggle down the long brick drive, climb the hill by the tower, and descend on its other side towards the shining sheet of water beyond. Could his timing have been so fortuitous? He could hardly believe his eyes as he cast about the scene before him. On the inside the huge hedge stretched away on both sides curving in a great semi-circle towards the pond. He eased himself through the opening and into the sheltering shrubbery on the inside of the fence offering a freer passage. Skulking through the bushes he worked his way towards the pond until at last he reached a screen of shrubs at its edge. The sounds of the bathing guided him and he parted the bushes to reveal the unbelievable. The waters were filled with young women and girls utterly naked, washing, sporting, swimming, some reclining in each other's arms, others languishing in soft caresses. He counted them, sixteen in all; and there in their midst were the two Trapnell had sent him in his transmission. And what a handsome set they were, as fit and lovely a bouquet as he could imagine. What a price any one of those flowers would fetch on the market! All together, a huge fortune! And what pleasures might they unfold for himself while he had them? Whether his determination roused from his stiffening organ or emanated from it the result was the same. His urge to gratify his lust upon them hardened into the resolve to own them, to make them his, to use them any way he wanted before he sold them. All the while they played in the water he watched, savoring every breast, every set of luscious buttocks, all the shining wet sexes glistening in their hairless revelations, the beautifully shaped limbs, and every imaginable hue and drape in their tresses. By the time they left the pond in their exquisite nudity he knew them all, had filed their shapes and faces away in his memory, and was harboring his lusts. Coverly first spotted the old hobo working his way slowly up the drive to the Tower House leaning heavily on his stick. Midway into the cottages the old fellow paused and stared as if bewildered, and then he shuffled on.

Surprise lighted Coverly's features as he considered this invasion, but the old chap seemed harmless enough and no doubt could use a good meal before going on his way. Hailing him from the front foyer, Coverly came down the walk to meet him and conducted him around to the patio where he seated him at one of the tables. "Beautiful gardens you have here," the fellow offered, attacking the plate of food Coverly brought to him some minutes later. "Yes, indeed. They give us much pleasure."

"Used to do a bit of gardening myself," Feake muttered. "Couldn't use some help could you?"

Coverly considered the offer. "We don't have lodging here for outsiders."

"No problem. I don't need much. I come and go."

"Well I suppose we could put you up in the gardener's shed for a time."

"Just show me what you want me to do," Feake replied gazing out across the gardens to the cottages and the maidens passing here and there between them, reveling at his good fortune.


In their suite at Bountiful Towers Sarah and Vivienne contemplated this new day while Maya and Lisa served them. The girls moved with a polite detachment that astounded Sarah after the intimacies of last night. She had expected they would at least be on a first name basis considering the lovemaking, and be chatting like chums this morning.

But Maya continued to address her as "ma'am", and seemed to take a certain pleasure in regarding Sarah as her 'mistress'. And Lisa behaved with a decorous deferment to Vi. Sarah threw a long glance into the studio room at the end of the suite. Today it seemed more remote than ever and she had no urge to enter it. The sight of it only gave her a sensation of pique. When she looked at Maya on the other hand she felt mellow, even horny. "What shall we do today, Maya? Have you other pleasures to show us?"

"Well we didn't visit the Frigidarium and the Natatio yesterday, ma'am. And there's endless entertainments at the Thermae other than bathing."

"Is there anything more 'entertaining' than the bath-room?" Vi put in with an archly suggestive smile that made Maya giggle happily. "I can't think of anything..." the girl managed with a giggle glancing at Lisa.

"Perhaps mademoiselle would enjoy a repeat visit this afternoon," Lisa offered with a quick dart of her lovely green eyes into Vivienne's.

"How should we dress, Lisa?" Sarah put in.

"Simply, ma'am. I would suggest loose wrap-arounds with nothing underneath," Lisa's eyes held Sarah's meaningfully. T

hey left the table for the closets then and Maya sorted through the dresses for Sarah. "I think you'd look really cute in this ma'am," she exclaimed pulling out a double-breasted long flannel robe with wide deep lapels, patch pockets, and a cloth belt as only closure at the waist.

Sarah nodded approvingly and slipped her arm around Maya's shoulders, "Yes I like that, Maya. You're getting to know me, aren't you?"

Maya looked happily up into Sarah's face. "It's my pleasure ma'am. Shall we bathe and do your hair?" Sarah held the girl in her embrace and Lisa turned to Vivienne as they wandered into the bath.

Clearly the girls were as expert as beauticians as at making love. As Sarah watched Maya and Lisa working and thought about the passionate intensity of their caresses a question rose in her mind. "Tell me, Maya" she probed, "do you like boys?"

Maya smiled and nodded as Lisa laughed, "Especially if they're hung like Stephen."

"Isn't he fabulous," Vi giggled.

"Well he's almost too fabulous for me," Sarah sighed.

Maya rolled her eyes. "I know. I fit better on Alex."

"Me too, Maya," Sarah added.

"Well when I saw you Sarah you were getting-off pretty good on Stephen," Vi giggled.

"I got-off pretty good on all of them as I recall," Sarah laughed and so did you Vivienne."

"I know! Aren't I awful? How about you Lisa? Do you like boys?"

Lisa caught Vi's gaze in the mirror with her green eyes. "Sometimes," she murmured. "When are the 'sometimes' Lisa," Vi teased.

"She means sometimes better than others," Maya laughed, "like when she's got her bum up in the air, and she's so hot she can't stand it, and she wants me to come and lick it for her. Only that isn't enough is it Lisa, and neither is my finger. That's when she wants a boy to ride her butt with his horse."

Lisa gave a little shrug and made a sexy pout with her mouth. "Is that when she likes Jeffery?" Vi giggled.

"How did you know?" Maya gasped.

"Cause that's when Vi likes Jeffery too," Sarah teased. They all got the giggles then. "You should have seen her yesterday afternoon." Sarah went on. "She had Stephen in her pussy, Alex in her mouth, and Jeffery in her bum. I never saw her so wildly sexed up before."

Vivienne was blushing all the way down into her robe and below it by then. "Well it was my first time. I never did an orgy with three guys before. I must say it was quite lovely," she finished earnestly.

"How did you do it?" Maya gasped. "I could do it with Alex but not with Stephen. He's just too big for my pussy."

"You're small like I am," Sarah explained. "But there's a way. I could show you so it would feel really good."

"Do you want me to call the boys?" Lisa volunteered with a wry smile on her face. "Then you could show all of us."

"I don't think there's enough cocks to go around do you Vi?" Sarah asked.

"Oh I think we can manage," Vi smiled slipping her arm around Lisa's waist. The girl smiled, leaned into the caress, and touched Vi's cheek with her fingers.

"Maybe all we need is Stephen if this is just going to be a demonstration," Maya offered. "Is he up to it?" Vi responded. "I mean I want to get in on this. And I'm sure Lisa does too, don't you darling? Let's face it girls we would make just one cock wilt too soon, we need at least three for the four of us."

"I know someone who is up to it for sure," Lisa exclaimed. "Would you like to try someone different? Maya and I can't speak from personal experience but he has a marvelous reputation with the girls."

"Sounds good to me," Sarah replied, and with a giggle Lisa jumped for the phone. They trooped into the bedroom then and Maya opened the bed while Lisa arranged banks of candles and Sarah lit them. Vivienne rustled about in the cupboards and sure enough there were incense burners, which she placed amongst the candles. The music playing softly was sensual as always. And when Sarah pulled the drapes over the windows the room was transformed into a courtesan's boudoir.

"I think we should dress for this event. What have we got that's really sexy?" Sarah exclaimed dropping her robe.

"Let's start with the jewelry," Maya cried opening another drawer and pulling out a box. Inside there were golden arm bands, lovely jeweled necklaces, golden circlets with pearls for their crowns, large pendant earrings, fine golden chains to girdle their waists, delicate ankle bracelets with tiny golden bells, and the finest of transparent veils in lovely soft hues of saffron, cerulean, mauve, and rose.

"Oooh this is going to be fun," Vivienne exclaimed slipping out of her robe and watching Maya and Lisa shed their dresses.

In the next half hour they transformed themselves into the bejeweled beauties of a harem as each diadem drew attention to the beauties of their bodies. Finally Lisa produced a tray of perfumes and they took turns scenting one another with a lovely bouquet of sensuous odors. The last touch came from the veils loosely draped to accent their erotic charms as they reclined in each other's arms amidst generous piles of pillows to await their lover.