Supernatural Earth Pt. 03


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Mila's eyes went wide in fright. But that is not my fault, Master! She mentally pleaded with the creature. I tried telling Miss Bethany about you. I followed my instructions. She was too distraught from her parents' deaths to listen. She didn't even know about the lawsuit that you all had me initiate on her behalf until just now! Mila felt a growing dread in the pit of her stomach and wondered if she'd live to see her husband again.

[annoyance] We are not going to terminate you... That would be a waste of resources among your kind... The creature's large black eyes seemed to narrow in on her. [annoyance] The pleasures we have for your actions mitigate your failure just slightly... You will have to know that there are penalties for failure...

Master, please, I beg you to be merciful!

[instructing] We have decided that you will be bred for seven of your solar cycles... Pain will accompany pleasure... You will be wiser for the experience...

Mila's eyes were now as wide as saucers. The creature was going to keep her for a whole week! she breathed in fright. "M-M-Miss Bethany will be expecting me tomorrow." She squeaked aloud.

[informing] We have already informed her that you will be here longer...

"I- I've never been bred for that long before. T- T- Two or three days at the most is how long my Master keeps me for..."

[annoyance] If our thrall can survive for nearly seven cycles during her first breeding without proper preparation, we have no doubt that you can survive as long with proper preparation... The creature told her, raising her up into position before it, but keeping her in the subservient position. [instructing] You will be taken care of... We shall now begin...

Tentacles shot out from the creature through the water faster than Mila thought possible. Mila's knees were drawn far apart to the point of being uncomfortable, leaving her womanly parts wide open for the forthcoming intrusion. She trembled in fear and anticipation once again. Tentacles wormed their way into her waiting ass and cunt, eliciting a wail from Mila as she was roughly penetrated. "Master, please be gentle!" she cried out as the tentacles expanded within her to the point of slightly stretching both holes. The creature was not being gentle in the least little bit with her. Another pair of tentacles went straight for her hardened nipples. They formed into tiny suction cups to cover only the rosy tips of her small B cup tits.

Mila was slightly confused as her Master usually cupped the entire breast. Was the Supreme Master different? She got her answer a moment later when her body felt like it was on fire as electrical shots coursed through her nipples, pussy, and ass. Mila screamed in agony and strained against her bonds. The shock last for only a moment but was enough for her to then hang limp from the pain. She'd never experienced punishment from the creatures before let alone ever heard of one being carried out.

Two more tentacles came out to take up positions along side of her creamy white thighs. The creature spoke to her again. [educating] Humans tend to take great humiliation in whipping, especially that of a sexual nature. This, combined with the bioelectrical shocks that you will receive prior to each birthing cycle, should suffice as a reminder... [stern] You will do well to remember this lesson as your kind enjoys the pleasure that we provide in return for your services... [musing] Be thankful that this is the standard punishment... We have come up with harsher penalties for your kind in the event of a failure on a grander scale...

Mila really did not want to know what those were. She hung her head in resignation as the tentacles besides her started whipping through the water to come into hard contact on her round butt cheeks. Mila cried out with each stinging slap on her ass. Then she was screaming in agony when she was shocked all over her most private parts.

"M-master... please... I-I can't..." Mila panted out when the shocking ceased. She jerked when she was spanked a few more times across her now sore ass. "Please... I-I'm sorry... I tried..."

[ordering] When you leave this place you will assist our thrall in taking a mate. You will not fail us in this matter...

"No Master... I won't"

Mila wasn't sure if the creature was appeased or not as it just let her hang there suspended in the water for a moment. Then the tentacles on her breasts molded to fully enclose them. Warmth spread throughout her body as the tentacles inside of her began pulsating instead of shocking. Her heart leapt with joy as the pleasure gradually replaced the pain. Soon all was right in her world as she relaxed to welcome the creature's converted seed into her body.

[stern] You are not, as humans say, 'off the hook'... [educating] There will be more lessons of pain prior to each cycle...

"Yes Master. I understand." Mila said meekly as she shifted her hips forward to meet the blobs that were now travelling down the tentacle leading into her pussy. She was still uncomfortable in her position and with the tentacles inside of her stretching her, but she was able to make the best of it. She figured that the creature was doing it as part of her punishment.

Despite the slight pain, Mila was in orgasmic bliss the moment the first blob reached her. The creature's nurturing fluid filled her waiting womb in spurts. Mila arched her back and moaned deeply with pleasure as wave after wave of her ongoing climax washed over her naked body. The cups covering her nipples molded around her breasts fully and started their stimulation, enlarging them.

"Ah... Ah... Ah..." Mila cried out in pleasure as the blobs continued pumping their fluid into her. Her belly started to swell. It gradually grew, stretching her from the inside. Her breasts became full, round, and heavy as they were laden with milk for the young. The orgasm continued on as fluid was constantly pumped into her. It was pleasurable to the point of being painful as her swollen clit was stimulated from the endless throbbing. She soon started to twitch and jerk in her bindings. "Master, please! No more!" She whined. "It hurts!" Her nipples felt like they were about to burst from her tits.

The creature ignored her pleas for mercy. It sent her images of others before her who'd displeased them. They were bred and given pleasure to the same point where she was at now as a form of punishment. Mila realized in horror that she wasn't going to be allowed to sleep until the young were maturing inside of her as opposed to resting after each orgasm. Usually the creatures allow human females to rest while their bellies are filled. That would not be the case this time.

Mila looked down to see her changing body. She now looked like she was very pregnant with her very swollen stomach and breasts. When the longest orgasm of her life finally ended she was able to catch her breath as she felt twinges in her sides. The creature was forcing her ovaries to release a lot of eggs. The throbbing of the tentacles inside of her dulled for a moment before firing back up again. The second wave of blobs started traveling down the tentacles.

Mila gasped as she followed them with her eyes. She wasn't only going to be awake for the process; she was going to be put in the proverbial fast lane for it. The creature confirmed her thoughts by giving her images of the ongoing process as it'd done before. Rather than let her do two days per birthing, she was going to be doing a birthing a day. "Oh god..." She shuddered as the first blob of seed reached her crotch.

"IEEEEEE!" Mila reared back and screamed as the pleasurable pain erupted within her again. Her clit was now very sensitive as the first blob ripped across it as it quickly pushed into her pussy. She felt the seed explode within her womb, now seeking out her eggs. The second orgasm ripped through her body so hard that she thought that she was going to pass out from just the sheer intensity of it. Part of her wished that she would but she knew otherwise.

Her body continued to spasm as blob after blob reached the now tender folds between her legs. Mila whimpered with each one that entered her. Her legs shook so hard from constant straining and relaxing that she wondered if she'd ever walk again. Mercifully, it was all over. The last blob pumped its fluid into her and the throbbing tentacles stilled. Mila breathed out silent thanks of relief to the Master as her eyes fluttered close and unconsciousness finally claimed her to allow her to rest.


At one point during her rest she was awakened to the creature's feeding tentacle poking at her lips. Mila was still exhausted from the blitzkrieg impregnation. Her mind was hazy as she just opened her mouth and began to numbly suck on the cock-like tentacle. Minutes later she was drinking down the creature's life-giving nectar. She managed to savor every drop.

While she was feeding, she was barely aware of her breasts being kneaded and massaged as the creature prepared the milk for its young. She was long past the point of caring as she drifted back off to sleep to save up her energy for what was to come.


The water around Mila in the cave was dark when she woke to a stabbing pain in her gut. "OOOH!" she called out as a contraction hit her. As she'd been trained by her own Master, she instinctively bore down. The pain woke her up and she saw that the tentacles covering her breasts had retreated as well as the tentacle that'd been lodged inside of her pussy. She bore down again with the next contraction in her womb and was rewarded with a relieving pop as one of the young sprang forth.

Contraction, squeeze, pop... Contraction, squeeze, pop... The cycle continued on for a total of ten times. There were now five young now vying for position at each of her overly swollen teats in their attempt to feed while she continued to bear the rest. Mila's head swam as she barely registered the gentle squeezing and sucking sensation on her tits. Ten? Her mind cried out in alarm.

[educating] As you will be busy with our thrall in her search for a mate, we are producing as much as we can... The creature told her as it reinserted the tentacle back into the deep recesses of her womb.

Mila squirmed a bit while the tentacle burrowed into her. The feeding young retreated briefly for two tentacles to reattach themselves to her nipples. Oh god... was all the thought that she could manage right before she was shocked again in her private parts. The creature gave her a series of quick jolts as part of her ongoing punishment before allowing the young to feed again. The tentacles inside of her began to throb. The second cycle began.


Birthing... Feeding... Shocking... Pleasure... Pain... Repeat... It got to the point that Mila barely knew where she was, who she was, or which creature she was with. Time lost all meaning to her as one cycle blended with another as her body was punished, pleasured, and used over and over again. Mila hit the point where she couldn't distinguish one sensation from another. One thing that she was sure of was that she'd never again fail her masters. She shuddered to think of what more they could do to her short of death if she did.


Mila woke up coughing hard as her lungs screamed for air. Her fist gripped the sand underneath of her. She blinked as she looked at the sand in her hands, dumbfounded. She jerked around, looking around in fright, more sand caking over her wet body. She began to hyperventilate. Mila blinked at the sun shining overhead.

Suddenly there were hands wrapping a large beach blanket around her. Mila jumped, startled by the slender human hands that were trying to lift her upright. "Easy Mila," Beth told her as she hugged the blonde tightly. "Relax! You're okay. You're back on the surface."

Mila managed to calm down by slowing her breathing to lower her heart rate. Adrenaline coursed through her body. She then felt weak and she wound up slumping into Beth's arms. She felt numb all over. Mila rolled her head to look up into Miss Beth's beautiful face. "How long," she whimpered.

"You were down for a full week," Beth explained, helping her to her feet. "He let me know when he was bringing you back up and that you would need some help walking again. Master didn't realize exactly why you couldn't be roused to full consciousness or why you couldn't stay conscious for very long after a few of the birthings until I laid it out for him." Beth bore most of the Mila's weight as she helped her up the hill to the house. "You'd think that something that's been around humans as long as he has been would know limitations."

"Wha-what'd you tell him?"

"I'm a swimmer by nature. You're a lawyer. I'm built, and probably bred from what he's told me, for underwater endurance. You're not," Beth explained. She nudged the back door open with her hip and got Mila upstairs to the bathroom where she placed Mila inside and threw on the warm water. Beth shucked off her own clothes and joined Mila in the spacious shower where she proceeded to clean her up. "What the hell did you do to piss the creature off like that?"

"I didn't get it through to you what was down there..." Mila said, breathing heavily. The warm water spraying down on them felt good. She rested her head back against the wall and let Beth do her work. "You were too out of it after your parents died to hear what all I was saying about the property."

Beth grimaced. "I-I'm sorry..."

Mila smiled at her. She found the strength to lift up her hand to cup Beth's young, beautiful face. "That's ok. After I recuperate, you can make it up to me by giving me a good pampering. After all, I'm supposed to help you now with your search for a husband and I'm not going to fail them this time."


Chapter 4: Mating Season.


Author's Notes: Originally published on 01/01/14 to under my former screen name.


It had been just over a year since the creature had given Beth her mission: find a male to mate with. It sounded easy in theory but reality was far different. First there was the matter of dealing with her newfound mental powers. Mila had been extremely helpful through the whole process. Mila and her husband had invited Beth into her own home while Beth got used to her new abilities. Mila and her own mate were excellent teachers in showing the young brunette how to use her mind to project and talk mentally. Mila also showed Beth how to control her pheromones.

While the threesomes with Mila and her husband were outstanding, Beth was anxious to get on with her quest to find the perfect mate. Beth certainly wanted someone who'd move in with her at the lake so an outdoorsman was a high selling point. He definitely had to be good looking and well-built but didn't have to be a muscle man or anything like that. Someone who took good care of their body was what she wanted.

After going through the first few men that she'd staked out, Beth decided to add tall, 'well hung', and a good kisser to the list of qualities. The next batch after that she added slightly possessive (yet not the jealous type and is willing to swing), protective, and respectful of women to the growing list of traits. He also had to be good with kids as she wanted a good father figure for her future daughter. Finally, she wanted someone who'd dominate her in bed but treat her as an equal all other times. Someone who was into a bit of kink wouldn't be bad.

It was this last point that made it hard for Beth, but she'd finally set her sights on an ex-military Forestry Ranger by the name of Aden. The bonus was that he lived in the city near where Beth lived at. She followed him for some time before making a 'chance' meeting at the athletic club that he worked out at twice a week. Beth made a point to chat him up a little while at the club and even went out on a couple of dates with him until she decided to give him his final test.

Smiling to herself, Beth walked into the gym dressed in a pink workout leotard that was cut high in the thighs and low in cleavage with black tights underneath. With her gym bag slung over her shoulder while taking long strides, Beth made it a point to walk right by the treadmills where Aden always began his exercise routine. She even flipped her ponytail playfully as she passed him on her way to the locker room to stow her bag.


Aden stumbled on the treadmill but recovered quickly before he did something really stupid like fall and get shot out the back like some dumb kid on an internet video. The intoxicating woman of his dreams was at the club yet again. He watched her walk into the ladies locker room, gaping like an idiot the entire time. He got flashes of images in his mind of the two of them screwing like rabbits on a bed. Blood pooled in his groin to give him a hard-on of a lifetime. He had no clue what it was about this woman that made his manhood rise to attention each time he saw her.

He resolved to make his move tonight. The time for small talk, idle chit-chat, and casual dates was over. It was time for him to get serious about Beth. Aden nearly tripped on the treadmill a second time when she came out of the locker room, this time sans gym bag, to go over to the nautilus machines to start doing leg lifts on one. He couldn't help but drool over her shapely legs and thighs along with that tight ass of hers when she bent over to set the resistance level. He loved a woman who took care of herself the way Beth did. She was toned, but not overly muscular, and soft in all the right places. When she lay back on the machine to start doing resistance bench presses and got a good view of her round, supple breasts in that skin-tight leotard, he swore that he was going to blow a load in his gym shorts.

Deciding to end his cardio warm up early in order to avoid a severe injury due to stupidity, Aden turned the treadmill off and stepped down. He walked over to where she was working out and stood by her machine. "Hi Beth," he said, smiling down at her.

"Oh, hi Aden," Beth smiled back at him shyly as she continued working out, "nice to see you again."

"It's nice to see you too," he said, meaning it in more ways than one now that he got a good look down the front of her leotard at her ample cleavage when she sat up to do the leg lifts. "I was wondering if you were doing anything tonight. I got the weekend off and was hoping we could go to dinner and a movie?" and hopefully a lot more if things went well, he thought.

Beth stopped as she lay back to resume bench presses on the machine. "I'd love to. Unfortunately I have to work tonight," she said, sticking out her lower lip in a pout.

Aden caught her scent and it nearly bowled him over. Was it some kind of workout perfume or something? Whatever it was, he couldn't get enough of it. "Call in. Say you're sick. I'd really like to spend the evening with you."

Beth gave him a sad smile. "I would if they didn't already see me today when I stopped to pick up my paycheck to take to the bank. I don't even have time to swim laps today. But maybe some other time?" she asked as she moved on to the next workout machine to start doing elevated crunches.

Aden frowned. He scratched the back of his head. Did he just get the brush off? No, he didn't think that she'd suggest a reschedule if she was merely blowing him off. He decided to give her some distance and try a different approach later.

Over the course of the afternoon he ran into her several times. At one point he saw one of the club's shadier members corner her, insisting on taking her out among other things. Beth attempted to be polite in declining but the ape didn't take no for an answer. Even though he had no claim on her, jealousy ran hot through him. Beth had caught his eye and silently mouthed 'help me'. Aden needed no further prompting. He grabbed the guy by the shoulder, stared him down, and then escorted him out the door. Granted he 'accidentally' misjudged a few doorways and pieces of exercise equipment along the way. The big ape would be nursing bruises for days to come.
