The Cupid Effect Ch. 14


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"Come on Dexter; don't you wanna fuck?" I could see her out the corner of my eye that wasn't mashed into the tiled floor of the corridor. There were people milling about as if nothing were happening. Everyone seemed oblivious and blind to the situation in the hallway.

"You just can't get it up, can you Poindexter?"

It was the taunting manner in which kept using my full name and giggling that fueled my resolve. I found myself looking up at her as she quickly disappeared behind some double doors. I mustered all the strength in my body managing to rise into a crouch and threw myself forward through the double doors face planting on the cold floor. I didn't have a clue where I was and my heart felt as if it would burst. For the longest time all I could hear was the sound of my own breathing and the desperate beating of my own thumping heart. My vision blurred going in and out as I managed to get on my knees.

Agnes was sitting on a bench staring at me expressionless...we weren't alone.

My senses heightened as they were registered a multitude of others breathing heavily while hearts thumped wildly inside their bosoms. Some of their mouth hung open taking in what amounted to an overdose of the Androstenone-X flowing from the pores of the only two people currently effected on the planet. Sweat was running off my body and dripping to the floor in a puddle as I noticed dozens of legs standing around. I looked between my own legs finding even more people standing behind me as I slowly rose to my feet to face everyone.

"Heidi." She was the first person I noticed that I recognized taking point in front of a full girl's locker room. There were teenage girls as far as the eye could see and I gauged my chances of making it to the door realizing that I might have to get rough with some of the women gathered here. Some of them were in various stages of undress while others were completely nude.

"Hi Dexter; you know I've been looking all over for you. Uhm; we never got to finish our talk about "things" before that Tiffany cunt interrupted." I could see that her pupils were dilated while her nostrils flared taking in more of my oppressive sexual aura.

"Yeah Heidi; sorry about that. Why don't we go anywhere you want and "talk" as much as you like." I took her arm at the bicep softly squeezing it for emphasis. I was using prison logic figuring that Heidi had to be the toughest woman in the locker room.

"No, Dexter...No way." She roughly peeled my fingers away from her arm breathing hard.

"Heidi what gives; I thought you wanted to hang?"

"Kiss me first."


"I want a kiss Dexter; kiss me on the fucking mouth and make it real motherfucker." Seems Heidi was keen to my intent and was going to squeeze as much out of me as possible. I looked around at some of the other crazed faces around me. One nude, bespectacled teen was already masturbating furiously slouched against a locker.

"Just one kiss Dexter; how hard could that be; I-I mean we all KNOW how HARD it IS and what IT can DO, right girls?!!" There was a mixture of ambient noise and some anxious laughter at the back of the locker room. Agnes sat watching silently with vested interest at the proceedings and Heidi immediately noticed.

"WHAT the FUCK-are you LOOKING at her for DEXTTER; I'm right here in front of you and YOU STILL CAN'T SEE ME!! FUCK I GOTTA DO FOR SOME of YOUR PRECIOUS ATTENTION-DEX-TER!!" She sounded truly enraged and I quickly lurched forward cupping her narrow cheeks pressing my lips to hers in a chaste affair that elicited a few lustful gasps. Heidi was having none of that pushing her tongue into my mouth and molding her tall, lanky body to mine. I felt her nails digging into my ass cheeks and she roughly fondled me. It was weird and embarrassing as Heidi humped and ground up into my erect cock. My response was physically automatic as my member surged against my jeans. Finally, I pushed back almost five minutes into it as she nearly rubbed one out. I noticed another girl standing nearby who I recognized as one of Heidi's teammates on the volleyball team. Her name was Francine and I'd already banged her during my earlier days ago.

"What about me; I'm Heidi's best friend; won't you kiss me too?"

"Uhm; yeah I guess that's right Dexter. She's like one of my best friends too." Both of the girls exchanged glares as Francine wrapped an arm around my neck drawing me in for a deep kiss. She didn't waste any time immediately cupping my package. The front of my slacks immediately soiled as precum ran down my leg. I tried to find Agnes in the sea of women but Francine brought her other hand up pulling me back in her direction.

"Fuck Heidi; what am I, chopped liver? I don't get no fucking love bitch." Some short haired, thin brunette interjected herself roughly between me and Francine stealing a hard kiss and shoving her tongue into my mouth. Francine silently watched wiping her mouth with her forearm. This girl humped against my leg as somebody quickly pinched me drawing my attention. It was some dorky, looking girl I didn't recognize trying in vain to disappear into the crowd of horny teenage girls. She was giggling in a manner that made me feel as if she were a special needs person when another girl roughly squeezed my cock.

"WHAT-THE-FUCK?!!" I jumped back a few steps as some people behind me helped themselves cupping my butt until I swatted their hands away.

"That guy has a huge dick." I hear someone comment to nervous laughter. There was some other ambient female related conversation that escaped me at the moment as I busied myself fending off errant hands grabbing at my anatomy. There was a sudden flash of pain as Heidi slapped me across the face as hard as she could. The low was powerful enough to send me reeling into a wall of girls who quickly ensnared my limbs. One particularly chubby teen managed to get her arm across my neck in what amounted to a chokehold as Heidi nursed and wrung out her bruised hand.

"Hang; is that what you called it?!!" She yelled covered in a thick sheen of sweat like most of the other women who were inside.

"HEIDI!!" Her volleyball jersey was stained from perspiration making the outline of her small, pert breasts and erect nipples visible. Her makeup was already starting to run and she appeared near the point of exhaustion despite her actions.

"M-Me and the girls have been talking; uhm, talking about how we're tired of your BULLSHIT!! Think I'm FUCKING STUPID HUH?!! You're just gonna run away and FUCK THAT STUPID TIFANY COW!!" She was getting hyped up pulling at her jersey and tearing it a bit.

"Heidi, please help me." She paused for a moment looking like she was trying to process what I was saying as craned my head around looking for any sign of Agnes Newton and finding none. Her distinctive scent remained intermingled with my own and I knew it was driving the women inside this enclosed area wild with lust. I'd never dealt with this many women at one time remembering how I'd had to run away the last time this situation happened.

"HEIDI-PLEASE?!!" Most of the women in the locker room looked towards the only apparent "Alpha-Female" for some sign. She looked conflicted probably realizing what they were going to do was wrong but unable to deny what was going on between her legs.

"Get his cock out."

Three girls pounced on me tearing and ripping at my pants almost fighting one another for my erect member. This led into a shoving match between a few girls that quickly became a scratching, hair pulling brawl even as some more volunteers drew my jeans and underwear away from my body. Wild excited screams and catcalls erupted in the locker room the moment my cock came into view. I managed to yank one of my hands free covering it only for it to be snatched away and held in custody by two girls. One of the girls locked her arms around my bicep pushing it into her deep cleavage inadvertently causing my cock to squirt a slight jet of precum. Wild, harpy's cackling filled the locker room while a number of camera phone zeroed in on my junk.

"OH MY GAAAWWD; LOOK AT THE SIZE OF THAT FUCKING DICK!!" A surreal carnival atmosphere was emerging along with a somewhat familiar state of mind that hadn't reared its ugly head since the day I was doused with Androstenone-X. It was debilitating and all encompassing; taking me back to days long since passed.

"Man, that shit will split you in two, but way a way to go!"

"This fucking guy has a HORSE COCK; nuh, nuh girlfriend-it's like BIG AS A FAAAWKING HORSE!! Some blonde was reporting what she saw to an unknown person on her phone before snapping a picture to be sent to that unknown person.

"Imagine the LOAD that CUMS out of that fucking hose; too bad its connected to a geek."

"Yeah; he's not much to look at when you get down to it."

"Too bad you can't take that BIG FAT COCK off of this LOSER and put it on the guy you'd REALLY want to FUCK."

"Who'd need a guy?" Both girls started giggling profusely as another stubby looking female poked at my crotch with a pointer wand." I tried to force my hands free but more girls would run over and help to keep me restrained. Heidi was already in a state of undress tossing her jersey to the floor. I managed to get one of my arms free whaling about and scattering a few crazed, giggling girls when something struck me in the back of the head with considerable force. I crashed to the floor with at least five girls on top of me as someone repeatedly struck me on the side of the face.

Whoever it was seemed intent on beating me senseless before I felt her weight lifted away from my body along with the sounds of a scuffle. My assailant turned out to be some obese girl I'd seen hanging around the school with some stoners. A group of Heidi's friends were restraining her against the wall as the team captain ran over and delivered a resounding sucker punch that floored the girl.

"HE AINT GONNA FUCK ME; I AINT GETTING NOTHING!!" The fat chick was lying face down on the floor sobbing as she admitted the insane reason why she'd been pummeling me. Francine nudged the beaten girl with the tip of her sneaker as Heidi turned her attention back to me.

"See what you made me do Dexter, you know this is your fault right?!!" I didn't know what to expect as I scooted around on the floor trying to hide my cock from plain view. Some of the other girls were still tugging and grabbing at my t-shirt rearing bits of material from it as I tried in vain to free myself.

"Come on dick boy; jerk that fat fucking rod." One girl ordered before quickly going silent as Heidi glared in her direction. Some of the other teens were already using their hands in a jerking motion trying to prod me into action.

"LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE; I DON'T OWE ANY OF YOU A DAMN THING!!" My sudden outburst shocked a group of them into backing off. I found myself still surrounded as Heidi turned towards me with a crazed expression on her face.

"Well Dexter; me and the girls here have a difference of fucking opinion." Her blue eyes bore into me with predatory fire and wild, unbridled emotion.

I was suddenly seized from behind and pushed painfully onto one of the long rectangular benches. My eyes were still locked on Heidi as she lost her volleyball shorts. My cock was pointing directly at the neon lighting above as the tall, lanky girl fingered herself a little before straddling me with one foot on either side of the bench planted flat on the concrete floor. Heidi parted her lips with a few fingers while holding my cock just below the thick, purplish head.

"OOOOOOHHHH MY FUUUUUUUCKING GAAAAAWWDD!!" Her walls seized up around me as she came seconds after impaling herself on my member. Her cunt tightened and ground into my pelvis as she nearly toppled off of me unprepared for the intense orgasm. Some of the other girls actually looked afraid whispering amongst themselves as Heidi drooled onto my tattered t-shirt. Her eyes rolled up into her head as I felt her tighten up around me again resulting in a shrill, satisfied cry as she collapsed to the floor in a fetal position. The other girls pushed inward looking down at her as she rubbed her crotch gasping and fanning herself.

Francine didn't hesitate as she lost her bottoms and roughly pushed me inside her cunt. She'd barely begun to move when she seized up clutching her hands to her large breasts shuddering. The athletic brunette completed a quick set of stilted undulations before losing control of herself and digging her nails into my chest. Another girl, completely nude approached me earing an animalistic swipe from Francine as she continued weakly working her hips to another orgasm.

"Are you okay; uhm, is it okay girl?"

"Yeah, it's-just better when he does most of the work, then you can enjoy it more. I-fuck, FAAAAWK I'M CUMMING NOW!!" Some of the girls gingerly grabbed her shoulders pretending to help her up before letting her fall into a heap on the concrete. I was distraught and helpless as four more girls rode my cock and conflicted from all of the pleasure I was experiencing. Every fiber of my being was aflame with minute slivers and prickly points of pleasure were exploding along the length of my cock. But these feelings, this pleasure was involuntary. All of these girls were being influenced by a chemical mixed into my DNA and thus none of it seemed real. I couldn't tell or be sure of who was assaulting who in this locker room.

"GET OFF ME!!" I yelled and continued screaming until someone cupped a hand over my mouth. My eyes rolled up to find one of the female gym teachers cooing at me while roughly pressing both of her hands down on me. Her name was Ms. Collins and her large, doughy looking tits were touching my forehead as she motioned for another girl to take her place. She had a saggy, rough looking body with a thick, patch of graying pubic hair covering her sex that made me wretch and gag. I continued screaming through the jacket covered arm over my mouth as a woman old enough to be my grandmother struggled to mount my cock. Dirty jokes and insensitive comments filled the locker room when Ms. Collins failed being shoved off as two girls decided to fellate me. I twisted and squirmed under their attention as one girl used her tongue to tickle my vein covered shaft while the other sucked on the head like she was drinking a milkshake.

"WATCH OUT BIAAAAATCH!!" I erupted in a sustained stream plastering the face of the closest teen with thick gooey glaze. My victim's chin and long sleeved shirt was completely drenched in my enhanced semen. I just wanted to get one of my hands free but none of the women would relent. Another student I recognized from an earlier rendezvous forced me to cry out as she pinched and sucked hard on my nipple. I could feel someone's nails raking along my abdomen as a homely teen with a face full of acne pinched my nose until I opened my mouth accepting her invading tongue. She didn't seem to care that I was doing my best to spit up at her face; lapping up all of my saliva like an animal.

"FUCK OUT MY WAY; I'M NEXT!!" I found myself looking at a girl known as "Big Bertha"; a girl so morbidly obese and thuggish that no one batted an eye when she was allowed on the football team (Although the coach made sure to keep her benched.). "Bertha" was morbidly obese with a Michelin Tire-Man body devoid of any discernable tits and a disgusting flabby looking inverted ass. Apparently Bertha somehow shaved her muff leaving the area with this kind of horse shoe look that made me throw up in my mouth a little bit.

"PLEEEEEASSSE NO; GAAAAWWD NOOOOO!!" It was too late as she came crashing down on me with her full three hundred and eighty-pound weight nearly breaking the bench I was pinned to single handedly. She looked like some kind of gigantic, humanoid grizzly as she worked her cheesy hips grinding into me with the force of a Mack truck. Her childish looking face was obscured by her shoulder length blonde hair leaving only her thin lips available. The noise inside the locker room was nearly deafening and I just lay there wondering why no one had come to save me from this situation.

Surely someone heard the noise and ruckus to call security?

Where were the teachers?


"FUCK; I'M GONNA CUM DUH-DUH-DEXTER...kiss me." She lurched forward creating this ripple effect on her oppressive belly.


"I'm so close and I just want a kiss from the boy who took my virginity." My eyes went wide with horror and I started shaking my head back and forth in denial as Bertha did her best to lock lips with me. Her massive belly kept her from reaching her goal as some of the other girls began to hurl insults and small items at my immobilized body.


"Boys are all the same; the least he could do is fucking kiss that pathetic sow." I recognized the nude multi-colored hair and horn rimmed glasses as a member of the chess club. She was talking to another female geek and both of them were holding condoms waiting for an opening.

"AAAAAAWWW KISS BIG FUCKIN BERTHA SO SHE CAN GET THE FUCK OFFA MY DICK!!" I also recognized this big mouth as the exact same girl that had attempted to direct traffic the first time I'd fucked Heidi. She was short and curvy with an annoying pixyish demeanor and appeared to be wearing an elongated sweater as a dress.

"All of you are so mean; Dexter is so mean." Bertha's tears rained down on my abdomen as the big mouth pushed and slapped at her naked back. Another girl slapped the hell out of the big, obese blonde who refused to budge. More debris hit both of us even as my cock luxuriated in the tight embrace of her contracting cunt. Bertha looked pathetic with her mouth hanging open and tears running down her face. I struggled with myself not to feel bad for her. The smaller girl had taken to hitting her with a shoe when I could stand no more.

"GET-THE FUCK OFF OF ME YOU FATASS!!" A chorus of laughter and catcalls greeted my desperate show of aggression.

"But, the kiss?"

"Bertha I'm sorry I know you're "special" but you do realize that this is a FUCKING RAPE?!!" She placed both of her hands over her face sobbing.

"ALL OF YOU ARE FUCKING RAPING ME!!" The locker room suddenly grew silent except for Bertha's crying. I didn't know what to make of it figuring that maybe they were all coming to their senses.

"My name is Gretchen; fuck you Dexter. I just wanted one little kiss and I couldn't even get that." I grunted as she pushed down on my chest with all of her weight to get up. My cock was covered with a coat of blood confirming Gretchen's claim. I stared daggers at the girls holding my arms and legs until they relented. The smell of sweat, sex and other bodily fluids gave the locker room the atmosphere of a zoo.

"Where are my pants?" I found my wrinkled slacks in Heidi's grasp and quickly snatched them.

"Dexter?" The big mouth girl was attempting to get my attention but I simply wanted to put my pants on and get out of there. Some of the other girls were looking around in a daze, appearing crest-fallen and upset. Out the corner of my eye, the big mouth was shedding her sweater dress to reveal an impressive figure.

"LOOK AT ME ASSHOLE!!" Before I could regard her, someone shoved a plastic garbage can over my head and torso knocking me to the floor. The noise started up again as I flailed about in the garbage can.

"DO IT-DO IT FATASS; FUCK'EM UP!!" I could hear the girls egging Gretchen into action and the shuffling of many feet as the big mouth had her way with me.

"FUH-FUCK YOU DEXTER!!" The fat girl bellowed before everything went to hell as her body crashed down on the plastic garbage can containing my head, arms and torso. She'd actually got a running start before leaping into the air and crashing down on me ass first.