The Cycling Holiday


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"You did well there lad, come-on, let me help you up."

"No, it's alright. You go back to the boat; I just need to catch my breath."

"If you're sure?"

"Yeh, you go."

Derek looked at me,

"That twat of a husband of yours doesn't know how lucky he was to have someone like Steve around."

I didn't reply, and as he made the remark as he was already walking away, I don't think he'd expected me to. But I knelt down by Steve and put my arm around him.

"Can I do anything to help you?"

"You go and make sure your husband is ok."

"I can't leave you on your own."

"Nobodies gonna run off with me. Now you go and make sure he's not choking on his own vomit, otherwise I'll have done all that for nothing."

I bent over, and kissed his forehead. He looked at me straight in the eyes but didn't say a word. My lips went to his mouth, and our tongues wrapped around each others. We held this kiss so long, as our mouths parted, I felt faint through lack of breath. I stumbled to my feet, and ran as fast as I could to the boat.

Both Ian and Dave had seen me approaching, and they were both at the boats edge, I assume ready to help me aboard. It was a good job for me they were there. Yes I'd made the same gap as I'd left the boat, but that was going from the boats high rim to the lower bank. But now as I lifted my foot up to the rim of the boat, they each took an arm, and hauled me up and helped me down into the well. I went across to Tom, where Derek was busy taking Tom's wet mucky clothes off. He said,

"This is something we could have done without."

I felt he was reprimanding me, for screaming, and setting in motion this sequence of events.

"I'm sorry. But I warned Steve. I told him..."

He interrupted,

"No girl, not that. I mean him. We have to get his clothes off, they're wet. But he's in no state to take a shower. And the shower room isn't big enough for two, so nobody can help him. And the last thing we need is to ruin their blankets putting him to bed dirty."

"Hang on."

I went into the cabin, and got Tom's bedroll, unrolled it, and took his sleeping-bag out to Derek.

"Get him undressed, and put him in this, it'll soon soak-up what little wetness is left on his body. And if it ruins this, it's no matter."

"Good girl. Hey, you two, give me a hand."

So between them they got him stripped and into the sleeping-bag, and then into the first cabin onto a single bunk. Tom was either asleep, or drunk to the state of numbness. They lay him on his side, facing into the central cabin walkway, with a bucket placed on the floor in line with his head; in case he resumed his vomiting again. It was now obvious he was alive; his breath was so loud, and raspy, almost to the point a snoring.

It was just as I knelt alongside Tom stroking his forehead, that I saw Steve coming into the cabin; he'd obviously washed the worst of the mud off in the water, and was now making his way to the shower. Derek and Dave had already gone through to the back of the boat, and I heard the engine re-start. Within a few seconds with some calling back and forth to each other outside, Ian had released the front mooring rope and the boat was underway. As Ian made his way through the cabin, he said,

"You might as well come out the back with us. He'll be out for hours yet."

"No, it's ok, I'll stop here with him."

"Suit yourself."

And with that he was gone.

I got a clean cloth from the kitchen area, and mopped down Tom's face and as much of his body as I could reach, that is without him getting out of the sleeping-bag. And then being as I could see he looked as comfortable as could be expected considering what he'd just been through, I went to find Steve a towel. I knew where they kept them from the last time he'd showered after dragging me from the water. So armed with a big bath towel, I waited outside the shower-room door. I heard the water stop running, and I prepared myself for him stepping out naked. The door opened and out he stepped, almost bumping into me, he'd obviously not expected me to be standing there.

"Whoa! What the! What are you doing here? I thought you'd be in hiding somewhere."

I'd stepped back as we'd almost collided, and I now handed him the towel,

"Why would I be in hiding?"

"Huh. You know why. I'll bet you're now gonna try and wheedle your way out of keeping that promise you made me."

I took the towel from his hands, at first he resisted, but then he just let me peel it away. As I dropped it behind me, I encircled his cock with one hand, and reached up hooking my other arm around his neck. As I pulled myself up to kiss him, he stooped and our lips met. The kiss was long, wet and so passionate, my pussy was pouting before our lips parted.

But as they parted, I said,

"Take what you want, I owe you more than I can repay with my body."

His arms encircled me, and I was lifted and carried into the next cabin. I'd like to say I was laid down and fucked, and it was all so romantic, but in the next cabin, he stood me back onto my feet, and said,

"Stand clear while I lower the bed into place."

But it wasn't as if I had to wait long, it was just that I felt so foolish standing in the doorway between the two cabins, Tom my husband lying there just a few feet away, while I waited for a stranger to prepare a bed to fuck me on.

But as I say, it was only seconds, and as soon as the sheets were pulled back, he held out his hand to guide me onto the double bed. I pulled my trainers off as I lifted each foot from the floor, and standing on the bed, began to lift the 'T' shirt over my head. At the same time, Steve was releasing my belt buckle, and my shorts (or to be more accurate, Dave's shorts), just dropped of their own accord.

Steve took my waist and lowered me onto the bed, where he straddled my body, putting his face into my crotch and his cock in front of my face. Now I know I said I'd mastered the art of deep throat with Tom in our courting days. But Tom's cock wasn't anywhere near as big as Steve's. This monster was like the cock on the bouncer in Mr Ross's office; a good eight or nine inches of throbbing flesh. And thick with it! But I took it in my mouth, and in no time he was thrusting hard with his big fat bell-end forcing its way into my wind-pipe. But this was no one-way operation, as I did my best to pleasure him by sucking his cock; he was sending waves of pleasure through my pussy. But before either of us reached our climax, he pulled out of my mouth, re-positioned himself in between my legs, and pushed his monster cock at my pouting pussy.

He'd obviously timed his stimulation of my pussy to perfection, and I shamelessly lifted as I felt his cock touch my pussy lips. And yes I know some time ago, I'd been fucked by a man with a similar sized cock, but I'd obviously forgotten just how much pleasure and pain they give. As his cock entered and my pussy walls stretched, I shrieked. It was a mixture of sensations, yes it hurt, it hurt like hell. But the pleasure it gave came in equal measure, and I didn't back off. I heaved even harder, forcing myself onto him. I think when he'd first heard my squealing, he'd actually withdrawn a little. But I lifted all the harder making sure the cock drove ever deeper. And once he realised my screaming wasn't a plea for him to stop, he joined in, enhancing my efforts, until after a few seconds of in-out shafting, his balls were slapping into my crotch.

We fucked each other with such passion; I lost all conscious knowledge of my surroundings. I guess these last few hours' things had been building up in side me, and now Steve had won me over, all my pent-up tension had been released in one flood. Our climaxes coincided and I went into a wild frenzy, not that I knew it at the time. All I knew was the pleasure took me to a new level of existence, and when I re-entered normal existence, Steve was standing to the side of the bed pulling up his underpants. But his back was lacerated with deep gouges and scratch marks. I would have tried to get his attention to find out whom or what had caused them, but someone else was determined to receive my attention. It was Ian, and he had been knelt on the bed, in between my legs, waiting for me to return to normality.

And now he'd seen the lights come back on, so to speak, he was lowering himself in a position ready to fuck. I knew this was inevitable, so I didn't attempt any kind of protest, but as I just took a casual look down, I was taken aback by the size of his cock. It was every bit as big as Steve's. I mean another eight or nine inch monster. And not a thin one. In fact, as he began to thrust himself up inside, I began to gasp for breath. This was surely fatter than Steve's cock had been, and within seconds I was deliriously heaving and squealing with ecstasy. I can't even run through the build-up during his fuck, it was just so rapid. One minute I'm thinking 'Oh no, but I guess it's not worth fighting him off'. The next, he's taking me to heaven and giving me the guided tour of every delight the human body can deliver.

Again I came back to reality, with a man kneeling in between my legs, waiting impatiently to mount me. And no surprise to see it's Dave. And after the shock of last time, seeing the size of Ian's cock, I just had to look to see what Dave had to offer. 'Oh no. This is unreal. I must be imagining things'. Is it really believable to find three men together, all with cocks of such a monstrous size? Well once he began to fuck, I had to believe it. I mean, you'd have thought after having two big cocks in succession, the third would be easy. But again I was gasping as he pushed up and my pussy stretched. And again, my body just took over all my actions, driving me hard onto his thrusting. I wasn't in a conscious state long enough during any of these fucks, to estimate how long any of them lasted. But when I came back to consciousness after this third fuck, the three men, Steve, Ian and Dave had all gone, and Derek was sitting towards the bottom of the bed, looking my way.

"You look contented."

I coloured up red, feeling so ashamed in front of a man who I'd guess was old enough to be my dad.

"Don't look so guilty. It was good to hear you enjoying yourself."

Again I didn't reply.

"I was just wondering if you need a break before you see to me?"

Now this was a direct question, and he was just sitting there waiting for me to answer him.

"You mean you want to have me next?"

"Well it is my turn. Do you have any objections?"

He'd never shown any inclination that way, and anyway, wasn't he too old to fuck?

"I guess not. But I didn't think you were like the others."

"Not like them? In what way?"

I didn't want to offend him, so I said,

"I mean, I thought you were maybe married or something."

"I am. But so are Dave and Ian. What difference does that make?"

"I I don't know. I think I just thought maybe you wouldn't get involved in this sort of thing."

"What sort of thing do you mean?"

"Well rape."

"RAPE! Did they rape you?"

"Well not rape exactly. But I mean. Well both Steve and Ian said they'd take me by force if I didn't let them do it to me."

"That's not quite the same thing. But are you saying they forced you to have sex with them?"

I began to realise, although they had as I'd said threatened me, it was me who'd offered myself to Steve.

"No, I guess I was so grateful to Steve, I kind of thought I owed him."

"And what about Dave and Ian?"

"Well I didn't say they could. But I didn't fight them off; so I guess they just assumed."

"So back to me. Am I to be left out because I didn't force myself on you whilst you were still under the influence?"

"Under the influence? I'm not drunk."

"No, but I'm sure you were under the influence of an over stimulated libido."

"I see."

"So, now your arousal has subsided, have I missed my chance?"

I thought for a few seconds, and he was right. He'd been the most gentlemanly of all of them; I'd put that down to his age. But should he go without, when I'd not fought off either Ian or Dave?

"Do you want me to go and have a shower and make myself presentable?"

"Ha ha. No my dear, for what you are about to receive, I'm sure you're presentable enough as you are. So can I take it I'm being offered a taste of your delights?"

"I guess so."

"Ok my dear, if you'd like to get up a minute, while I get undressed, and then you can be on top."

So as I shuffled myself to the edge of the bed, Derek stripped. As he lowered his underpants, I watched with interest, wondering what an old man's cock might look like. To my astonishment, his semi-hard cock drooped out in front of him, and even in this semi-aroused state, it was monstrous. Maybe no longed than any of the others three previous men, but thicker by far. At least as thick as a large cucumber. My gasp was audible.


"Is there a problem?"

"Your cock."

"Do you like it? Steve said you like a good size one."

"B But all of you have got big cocks. I I mean. Most men aren't as big as that; are they?"

"No my dear. We are part of an elite club. In fact, Steve's cock is borderline on size; he only just got in."

So as he began to position himself on his back in the middle of the bed, I manoeuvred myself around thinking I'd need to suck his cock for him. But in the few moments it took him to get into position, his cock was pumping itself up. He wasn't wanking it; it must just have been the thought of the imminent fuck. So I straddled his loins, and took hold of his now hard throbbing shaft. It was too thick for my fingers to encircle, but I positioned the head of it at the entrance to my pussy, and lowered myself down.

Oh god! It hurt like hell, but the more it hurt, the harder I pushed down.

"Jesus Christ."

"Are you aright. If it's hurting you, don't push so hard."

"Oh fucking Christ."

He was telling me to back off, and the pain was like I'd never known. But inexplicably, I drove myself down. Then I felt his hands on my waist, and he lifted me.

"No fuck me. Let me have it."

I was delirious, I was so annoyed with him for lifting me, I even started to thump his chest. But the lift was only temporary, and then down I went again, this time it went in even deeper. Then he lifted, and again I begged him to drive it in.

The next few seconds were manic, but within a minute he'd managed to get his full length up inside me, and was now holding my waist, and pumping rhythmically. It was a slow determined rhythm, but each and every thrust had the inside of my thighs slapping hard down onto his belly. It was less than three minutes before my orgasm erupted, and I clamped his cock so hard, I saw a grimace on his face. He held me patiently until my clamping subsided, and then he continued his slow shafting. Once my afterglow had backed-off a little, I then had enough of my wits about me to be able to take-over the fuck.

So as I began to lift myself and then drive down onto him, he was now able to lie-back and let me do the work. And boy did I work it! Now I'd got over the initial shock of the size, it was like my pussy knew this was its real purpose in life, and it wanted to excel. It was quite a long fuck, and towards the end I was beginning to think I'd orgasm again before he cum. In fact a couple of times I had to pause on my drive down, just to let things settle. But I did manage to keep my self-control, long enough for him to come to the boil. And then as we both erupted simultaneously, I handed over my body to sheer ecstatic frenzy.

I came back to reality still on the bed, and lying in Derek's arms.

"Ah, there you are. Was it as good for you as it appeared?"

I didn't reply, but just smiled.

"I'll take that as a yes. So Steve was right, you do appreciate size."

Again I kept quiet, but this time I blushed; knowing he was right and feeling very guilty.

"It's nothing to be ashamed about. Most women do. But occasionally, you come across a woman who finds the pain out-weighs the pleasure. Not very often mind; but just now and again."

I thought for a while, and then said,

"You sound like you do this kind of thing a lot. I mean with women you're not married to."

"Well yes my dear. That in essence is why we formed our club. Like sized men, who can entertain like minded women. And while not wishing to crow, we are never short of ladies at any of our functions."


"Yes, dinner dances mostly. But that is really just an excuse to sort out who is taking which lady to bed."

"Oh my god! Are you serious?"

"Of course. Why? Wouldn't you accept an invitation?"

"No, of course not. I'm married."

"Ha ha, yes. But he isn't meeting your needs. Is he?"

Again I didn't reply, but in truth, maybe he was right.

"But speaking of your husband."

And at this point he turned, and looked into the next cabin (The doors between the two cabins had been open all the time these men had been fucking me).

"I guess it won't be long before we reach Tamworth."

"Tamworth? But that's only a stones throw away from where we started out a few days ago."

"I know my dear. But on the canals it isn't how far you go it's the out of the way places you visit. And from where we picked you and him up, we've actually been travelling back towards your village; but from Tamworth onwards we'll be going further a field. But in Tamworth we can get a taxi to take him to hospital and have him checked out."

"Do you think he needs to go to hospital? He looks ok. I mean I know he's sleeping, but isn't that just the amount of beer he's drunk?"

"Maybe, but we were close to loosing him back there, so it would be wise to get him checked out."

"I guess you're right."

Then I thought, we have very little money and I have no idea how far a taxi would need to take him to get him to hospital.

"Couldn't we phone for an ambulance?"

"We could, but it would take for ever; that's if they'd even come out. No it's better we phone for a taxi."

"I'm not sure if we have enough money to pay for a taxi."

"You don't have to worry about money. This trip of ours is a promotional thing, so everything we spend goes on exes."


"Expenses. The company pays for everything. All I've got to do is be a little creative when filling out the forms. But taxis are easy."

"I see. How long do you think it will be before we get to Tamworth?"

Before he replied, the engine note changed, and Dave came into the cabin.

"Have you pair finished yet, we're about to moor up."

Derek said,



And with that, Dave left, and disappeared out through the cabin where my Tom lay (Still snoring and fast asleep), and I assumed out to the front of the boat to take the front mooring rope. The next few minutes there was a bit of bumping and lots of different noises from the engine as they brought the boat to its moorings, but Derek and I were busy with our own business. I let him use the shower first, and he only took a couple of minutes, and then I got in, whilst he dressed and joined the others. I didn't take long in the shower, and when I emerged into the cabin to get dried and dressed, I was pleasantly surprised to see they'd closed the doors to the adjoining cabin where my husband had been sleeping. I say this, because it was obvious from the voices coming from that cabin, that they were busy dressing my Tom in readiness for his trip to hospital. As my dressing was just a case of pulling on Dave's shorts and 'T' shirt, this was also quickly achieved, and then I went through to the next cabin to help with dressing Tom.

By the time we'd completed this task, Derek returned from the front well, where he'd been waiting for the arrival of the taxi. And now it had pulled into the boat yard he came back to organise Tom's trip,

"Dave, you go and get him to pull up as close to here as you can, and Ian and Steve, you come and help me with her old man. Ah Kelly; you can go and wait for us in the taxi."
