The Day My Brother... Pt. 02

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Her brother comes into her room later that night.
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Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 11/22/2020
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In a stunned state, I sit on my bed, not looking at really anything as I stare forward. I still can't believe it happened. That my brother did that to me. After all, I'm his older sister. His family. I'm Marisol, his 19-year-old sister he grew up with. How could he do that to me? Why would he do that to me?

It happened over 2 hours ago, where I was going to take a shower, but he had the same idea. After a brief fight at the bathroom door, we both fell to the floor, only he fell on top of me and his dick went inside me. And then...he fucked me. Fucked me on the floor, face down. My own brother. Fucked me on the floor like some porno girl. Even came inside me.

After that, he went into the bathroom and took his shower, leaving me naked and fucked on the floor. As if he hadn't done anything bad at all. Like he didn't just fuck his sister.

I picked myself up, then went to my bedroom, where I've been since. I put on my pajamas, but other than that, I have just been sitting on my bed, still in shock over what's happened.

What do I do now? Do I talk to him about it? Do I tell on him? Who would I tell? And why did he do it? I'm so confused.

I gasp and nearly jump off my bed as my bedroom door is opened. It's not kicked open but is opened hard. It's opened in a manner that lets me know whomever is coming is pissed.

In walks my 18-year-old brother. He steps in, wearing his pajamas consisting of a tshirt and pajama bottoms. Only, he doesn't look like my brother. It is him, the same body, the same shape, etc, but now he looks different, strange and odd. Like he's possessed or something. It looks like him, but the eyes are different. The eyes look almost murderous.

"How could you?" My brother asks, no, demands. He looks me right in the eye and demands this, as if I've done something horrible. It's so shocking that I forget all that's happened, how he fucked me just a couple of hours ago. I mean, the way he says it, it's as if I murdered his pet or something.

"You knew you that. That you had something that could make me feel so great...and you hid it? You hid it from me. How could you?" He states in an accusing manner.

My mouth drops open. Of all the things I thought he could say or accuse me for, I didn't expect this. I thought for sure the first thing he would say to me was to apologize. That he would break down crying and say how he'll never forgive himself for what he did. That he lost himself in that crazy moment.

But no. Instead, he's made me the bad guy. That I'm the bad guy for not sharing my vagina with him. That I didn't go to him and say that he could fuck me whenever because it would feel so good for him.

I really don't believe this is happening. Has he gone crazy? In what world would any family member think they have a right to another family member's body part(s)? And the way he's so mad at me. It's so crazy and weird. He's mad because he thinks I was hiding some great secret from him instead of, you know, being normal.

"That's it. Get up, NOW," he demands, almost yelling the last word. When he does, it makes me remember our parents. If they hear noise, they will investigate. But then I consider if I want them to. Do I want to tell them what's happened? Do I want them to know what he's done? Or tell them what my brother thinks he has a right to?

No. I don't want them to know. I don't want anyone to know. This is something I think I'll take to the grave, as horrible as it is. It's between my brother and I.

Feeling myself go pale, I stand up off my bed. I'm not even sure why I do it. No, that's a lie. I do it because he's freaking crazy. Look at him. If I don't do as he wants, he might really go off the deep end. And also, there's a tingling inside of me that wasn't there before. Like an itch inside me that I know I won't be able to scratch. A very dark itch at that.

My brother walks towards me and I actually back up in fear. I back up into the wall as he calmly moves forward and grabs me by my shoulders. Then, forcefully he pulls me towards him, then spins me around, nearly knocking me over. Once turned, he pushes me forward, making me press against my wall.

"Wait please!" I beg as I feel his hands moving down my back. They press against me hard, pulling on my top on their way down. Then they reach my bottom, where he cups my ass on the outside of my pajamas. He gently squeezes my ass as if checking the firmness in a humiliating manner.

"You can't do this!" I beg as he squeezes my ass again, only harder. Now he uses both of his entire hands to feel my ass, groping away at it hungrily.

I swear I hear him whisper, "Oh really?" to my beg, as he snakes his hands around my front to grab my breasts. I gasp at this, feeling that same level of shock as before as he squeezes my tits over my top. He doesn't just squeeze but lifts them, seeing how large they are and how heavy. He begins to maul at them, groping them just as hungrily as he did my ass.

"Shut up bitch, you know you deserve this," he finally spits out and his words are filled with venom. There's no doubt at all that he believes I do deserve this. And that he deserves to get to grope me.

And then my younger brother grabs the waistband of my pajama bottoms...and yanks downward. They are forced down to my ankles, exposing my bare ass and womanhood.

I go into something of a daze as I feel this. No words come out, even if I tell myself to beg him to stop. My brother just pulled down my pajamas and can see my ass. Stunned, I just stand there as I feel his hands moving to the hem of my shirt.

He grabs the hem of the back of my shirt and lifts. In my daze, when he pulls on my shirt upward and my arms prevent him from pulling my shirt off, I slowly lift them up. He then pulls my shirt off completely, exposing my bare breasts and back now. I'm not sure why I just helped him but in this mood, he might be dangerous.

I'm naked now. Naked, in my room. Naked in front of my brother...again. My brother just stripped me naked. This can't be happening.

Oddly I hear and feel him step back. I'm not sure what he's doing but he doesn't say anything for a long while. I hear his increased breathing, but no words or even mutterings. But I do hear a weird clicking noise, which I can't make out.

"Turn around," he then orders in that same crazed tone. Hearing this, I notice how warm I feel. My skin is very warm, as if aroused. The dark tingle I feel has grown too. It's built up right in my gut, almost like a butterflies in the stomach sort of feeling.

I know a part of the reason I feel like this is, how in charge he's being. No one has ever been so strict or demanding with me before. Never to the point I got actually worried for my safety. I never knew that something like that would be so, interesting. I've never got into super-kinky stuff like bondage or slapping or whatever, but this...this feels dark...and good.

Slowly I turn around to complete his demand, one arm over my chest, the other cupping my womanhood. When I face him, I see what he's doing, or what he's been doing; taking pictures. He has his cell out and has it aimed at me. His finger is tapping away at the screen, no doubt taking pic after pic of me like this, naked and scared of him.

Seeing this almost makes me faint. My brother is taking naked pictures of me. And who knows what he's going to do with them. Share them with friends? Put them online? But I know neither. The way he's doing all this is as if I'm his secret. From the sounds of it, he wants them so he can look at them whenever he wants. That he would never show anyone this secret thing he's found.

"Don't be a stupid bitch, hands behind your back," he states bluntly and angry. Looking down and blushing, I do as he wants and move both hands behind my back. When I do, he sees everything fully. I know earlier when he fucked me he saw me naked, but that was brief encounter. Now he's actually able to see everything. He's able to see my bare breasts, with both nipples pierced, my womanhood, which is completely shaved and even the small tattoo I have on my hip that I've hidden from him and my parents.

Picture after picture is taken of me like this. Of my tits. Of my womanhood. Of my face. One even of just my mouth. How many did he take? My guess is at least 50. And all the while I just look stunned, hating myself for not doing something to stop this.

"Turn and face the fucking wall, sis," he says, saying the 'sis' part with a lot of anger. Slowly and feeling very strange as I'm so aroused, I step out of my pajama bottoms and take a step towards the wall. He then pushes me so I'm press against the wall completely, my breasts being smushed and my hands against it.

SMACK! He slaps my right ass cheek. Instead of yelling out as I want to, I bite my lip instead to try and stay quiet. That hurt, a lot. Sure it's not a as-hard-as-you-can hit, but I still I feel his handprint on my cheek, throbbing and stinging. And the sound it made echoed around.

"How dare you keep that from me," he growls right into my ear, then slaps my other ass cheek, not caring about the noise as the slap rings out. Again, I grunt and bite on my lip to deal with the pain. Not just the pain but the humiliation that my brother is doing this to me while naked.

The dream-like feeling I was feeling gets stronger as it occurs to me that I'm being spanked. Spanked by my younger brother...for not having sex with him sooner. For not sharing what my pussy would feel like to his cock. That's what this is about. I'm naked and being punished for not letting him fuck me sooner. Oh, he's clearly lost it.

The slaps are so loud and I'm sure Mom or Dad is going to wake up from hearing them. Then what? Will he tell them what he told me? Or pretend this isn't what it is? Or would be run out of the room and leave me to face them naked? I am an adult, so I guess they would accept me being naked in my own room, but it still would be awkward.

"Please," I beg softly as both ass cheeks are very red and sting from his spanking. Only he still doesn't stop, and I'm too scared to do anything but keep my hands against the wall. The smacks do get a bit softer, but he makes sure to use his entire hand when he makes contact.

"I...I'm s-s-sorry. You're right," I finally say out loud to him. "I should have shown you what you could do with my pussy sooner," I add on, tears falling from the pain and humiliation. I say this as a long shot to get him to stop or I fear he might spank me for literal hours.

Oddly, when I say this, I get a strange tingle between my legs. A dark tingle as if I know this is wrong, but I want to go through it anyway. Not just wrong, but I know what it's going to lead to.

He stops. The asshole actually stops. He stops because that's what he wanted to hear. He was waiting for me to apologize for something no one ever should have to apologize for. Especially not a sister to a brother.

His hands are on me now, reaching from behind. It feels that, at least at first, he's giving me a hug. But then his hands grab onto my breasts and I know he's not hugging me at all. Keeping my hands up and out of the way, he gropes my breasts again only this time harder. His hands squeeze, grab, lift and drop my breasts as if he's never felt a pair before. Then to be mean he pinches the nipples very fast over and over, to which I hear him laugh as I jerk over and over from the sensation.

"Get on the bed. On your knees, but bend over," he then orders in that strange commanding tone that makes the dark tingle worse. At this I put my forehead against the wall as he's getting worse. He's going to have sex with me again.

Winching as my ass stings so bad, I turn and look at my bed. Not saying a word to him as he stands to the side of me, I walk to it, then crawl on top. With a whimper, I crawl to the middle of the bed, and sort of curl into a ball while on my knees.

He's on the bed now, right behind me. I feel his weight sinking on the bed as he gets closer as he moves behind. To this, I put my hands to my face as I can't believe this is really happening. That I'm naked on my bed and my brother is right behind me seeing...everything.

"," I pout as my younger brother grabs my ass with both hands again. He grabs it gently this time, feeling my hurt bottom. Then he lifts my ass, making me bend more and place my head against the bed. Up my ass goes more and more till it's all the way it can go, giving him the perfect view of not just my pussy, but my ass.

I then hear the click of his cell as he took a picture of me like this. Of my womanhood. Of my ass. Of me in such a submissive and cowardly pose.

"P-P-Please..." I beg again after a few moments as I feel him poking my entrance with his hard member. There's nothing else it could be either. He at some point pulled his pajamas down so his hard cock could spring out.

"Shut up," he states in that cruel tone and presses his cock against my pussy entrance fully. He just places it there, not going in, but not removing it either. Like he's warning what is about to happen.

And then he grabs both of my hands and pulls. He keeps pulling until he has them behind my back and holds them in one hand. His hand grips my two wrists in a vice-like manner that I know I won't be breaking.

Then pushes his cock inside me. He slides it in slowly where I hear him moaning comically each inch it goes in. At the same time, I groan as his member pushes aside my pussy walls, forcing its way in. Only, I find I am very much wet. Like, very much so to the point I can't hide that I'm aroused. Nor does he find any resistance at all.

"There it is. That's the good stuff," he says to himself as he presses all the way up to my ass, making his cock go as feel as possible. His cock goes inside while I keep my head against the bed, feeling very much like a whore in this position as I don't move. Never have I felt like...a I'm made to feel now. Not even in the best sex I've ever had.

Now he pulls his hips back and moves forward, his cock easily sliding within me. He goes so slow with his thrusts as if savoring every inch of the warmth that is my sex. That he wants to feel every inch that is my pussy with his cock, exploring something he wants so bad. In a way, it makes me think that this is what sex with a super-virgin might feel like, but he's not a virgin.

Small moans escape me as he starts to go faster, his cock pressing against my pussy each time. Now each time he thrusts, when he rams into me to make our bodies produce a small clap. Furthermore, my entire body starts to rock which makes the bed starts to creak.

He goes faster, but not harder. And I know why. He's trying to be quiet. He doesn't want to wake up our parents to the sounds of someone having sex. He knows there would be no way to talk his way out of that, so he's fucking me in secret under their nose, knowing that I'm not doing to say anything about it.

I bite the sheet under me as I feel the dirtiest and nastiest orgasm I've ever had flush over me. Never have I cum so fast, as it's only been maybe a minute. It climbs over me like a wave, drenching me in dirty waves of pleasure as my own brother is fucking me. Fucking me in this lewd position on my own bed. My brother's cock is in my pussy. My brother is making me cum.

I am unable to help the moans that do come out, but thankfully they are sent into the bed and not out. But he keeps fucking me until he shudders, and for the second time, I feel him finish inside me. He just let's loose and cums inside me, uncaring about any risk. I don't even think he knows if I'm on the pill. I don't think he cares.

He keeps his stiff cock in me for a bit, as if savoring the warmth as he shoots his seed into it. He leaves it in me, where my own body betrays me when I feel my pussy try to cling to his cock, showing it wants more. It's something I know he feels as he makes a 'oh' sound as he's never felt that before.

He finally pulls his cock out of me, again making me gasp from the feeling. To this he climbs off the bed after letting go of my hands. Slow and calmly he climbs off, as if nothing had happened at all.

I wait for him to say something. To say like he did before, how he owns my pussy, or that he'll be back. Or maybe even a threat of don't tell our parents. But he's oddly quiet and doesn't say anything.

Finally, I turn my head to look and I find that he's gone. He left my room, leaving the door wide open. Stunned, I stare at the open door, still in this lewd position. And I don't move either. I stay like this, still feeling his warmth inside me at the place I can't reach. In a thought that almost makes me laugh and cry, I sort of want him to come back just to take another pic of me like this, at the aftermath of what he just did.

I roll over onto my back now and put my hands to my face. I let out a sound that is very odd as it is one part crying, one part relief, one part happy from a really good orgasm.

All I'm able to think now, is what is he going to do next? When is he going to do it? And what will I do?

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

So hot! More please!

twizzlers4youtwizzlers4youover 2 years ago

Yes, I love this. I love how she's made to feel

JeepOwnerJeepOwnerover 2 years ago

GREAT story. It was similar to my own real-life experience... with my sister... that happened with slightly less reluctance.

Robinius1Robinius1over 2 years ago

Nice. Not that I'm condoning rape, but the sister's reaction, submissive and accepting of what is happening, awaiting their next encounter is what is so arousing. Awaiting more. Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I love it

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