The Defiled Temple Ch. 03

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They open the library, the treasury and warm up the baths.
6.2k words

Part 3 of the 6 part series

Updated 10/01/2022
Created 11/18/2010
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When Malika awoke she was happy to find Shanti still entangled with her. Though after a few moments, as sleep faded, she realised that Pugward was gone from between their breasts. She quickly opened her eyes to find Eluria was also no longer standing at the bedside either. As her brain put together several nightmarish circumstances that their absence could mean she urgently sat up and awakened Shanti in the process.

"Whu...? Malika?" Shanti's voice was till wreathed in sleep.

"Pugward!? Pugward where are you!?" The sudden shout from Malika made Shanti jump and the naked girl promptly fell out of the bed to land on the floor beside it.

"Out 'ere!" The familiar gruesome voice of the imp called out from behind the door that led out into the spiral shaped hallway of the tower.

Shanti's head popped up from beneath the edge of the bed wearing a particularly irked expression. She rubbed her hand through her short platinum blonde hair where she had hit it on the floor. Malika gave her an apologetic look before she turned and rushed to the door to see what Pugward was up to.

As she flung the door open she was treated to the sight of the imp casually sat on a small iron stand upon which had once sat an idol of Lagria. His back was resting against the wall behind him and his long arms were folded behind his head. His legs rested wide open and between them Eluria was busy giving him a blowjob. It was obvious from the way her eyes bulged and the dark shade of red that her face had turned that this had not been her idea. The idol of Lagria was resting in several different pieces on the floor beside the stand.

Pugward looked up to Malika as if she'd just interrupted him reading the morning paper. Puzzled at her obvious state of alarm and wondering what was troubling her.

"Huh? Where's the fire?" He asked as Eluria notably glugged his cock back into her throat after taking a breath.

Clearly startled by the scene before her, it took Malika a few moments to compose herself before she finally spoke. Her shoulders visibly relaxing as Shani, still rubbing her sore head, walked around from behind her.

"Sorry Pugward. I thought I'd lost you." Malika's spoke with a relieved sigh.

"Nice to see you're enjoying yourself imp." Shani grinned at him and he lifted one hand from behind his head and gave her the thumbs up. She imitated the sign though she didn't quite know what it meant. From his sharp toothed grin that it appeared to her that it was an appreciative gesture.

"Ya know she's not half bad." Pugward confided as he looked down to Eluria. "Less teeth, more tongue."

Eluria's red face turned a shade darker as slurping noises started to echo throughout the halls. Pugward looked back up to Malika.

"Sorry about da confusion Silky Thighs. Just woke up between two gorgeous sets 'o tits and needed to work out some tension. Didn't wanna wake ya." Pugward explained. The hand that had given Shanti the thumbs up lowered to grab a tuft of Eluria's hair and guide her head as it bobbed up and down between his legs.

"It's alright Pugward." She said affectionately, ignoring the muffled enraged cries of Eluria and turning to Shanti. "Can you get the apprentices and assemble them in the hall please?"

Shanti nodded and smirked at Malika. That was likely the first time any sorceress had used the word 'please' in the temple for centuries. Quickly the girl grabbed a cloak to wrap herself in and hurried off down the hallway to do as she was asked. Malika looked back at Pugward who was watching her tits with a lecherous grin as he started moving his hips to thrust himself into Eluria's mouth faster and harder. Seeing where he was looking, Malika lifted her hands and gave her cantaloupes an encouraging squeeze that drove Pugward over the edge.

"Aaaaah that's the stuff right there." Pugward grabbed Eluria's head and shoved it down on his cock before he finally gushed his hot black cum down the woman's gullet.

When he finally let Eluria go Malika saw the paradox of the way she looked daggers at Pugward and then licked her lips of some of the excess that had dribbled out of her mouth. She found that strange since Pugward certainly hadn't told her to go that far.

"There's a good lil slut. Now go get daddy his shorts." Pugward ordered her as he caught his breath and looked back up to Malika. "Thanks for the show boss. So what ya got planned for all dem hot, nubile an' barely legal babes?"

Pugward's question drew the sorceress back to reality. Eluria obediently hurried past her to get the imp his shorts as Malika contemplated how exactly she should deal with all the apprentices. That wasn't even mentioning what she was going to do with the former sorceresses she had locked in the bowels of the temple.

"How would you deal with them Pugward?" She asked finally.

"How would I deal with a bunch of gorgeous chicks with no sexual experience an' a whole loada curiosity? Gee lemme think." He added insult to sarcasm as he pretended to ponder what someone with his nature might do in such a situation. Then he snapped his fingers and his eyes widened as inspiration dawned. "I know! I'd start a new celibate coven that used all its magic to go do good and right in the world until they all started farting rainbows outta their virgin asses."

She gave him a long level stare after the sarcastic tirade and then broke out in a grin.

"Pugward that's a marvellous idea!" She exclaimed.

The imp looked back at her like she'd just cancelled Christmas. Eluria returned then holding out his tattered and stained shorts with her fingertips, keeping them at arms length.

"Hey you ever heard o' the concept o' sarcasm?" He snatched the shorts from Eluria and started putting them on, completely ignoring her as he continued to talk with Malika.

"Why no Pugward. Please do explain this mysterious concept that you call sarcasm to me." She said sarcastically.

Pugward grinned at her, he liked it when she stood up for herself. She didn't do it often enough.

"And for your information I didn't mean the idea of becoming celibate. I mean with this place we could actually go out there and help people! The cult has done so much wrong over the years and we have extensive knowledge of demons and all of the old treasures and tomes on healing and white magic that the white priestesses used to use are still kept in storage. Imagine what we could do with all that!" As Malika spoke the idea solidified in her head. She looked back to Pugward to see what he thought.

Unfortunately as Malika was speaking in her excitement she had begun to bounce up and down which, given the fact that she was still completely naked, had made her impressive tits do wonderful things. Pugward was looking at her boobs, entranced.

"Pugward!" She complained.

"Uh? Oh! Yeah sure boss, whatever you say." He said as his brain tried to piece together what she'd been saying. When he finally had it his expression changed to a frown. "Wait, what? You wanna turn around a demon worshippin' cult and make 'em into a bunch of saints?"

When he put it that way Malika's smile fell.

"I just...Now that it's over I want to make up for all those things I did." She turned and pointed her finger at Eluria, suddenly becoming furious. "All those things you made me do!"

Malika's red eyes flared with rage and Eluria suddenly felt as if something boiling hot were getting closer and closer to her skin. Sweat began to pour from her as she stood immobile and just before her skin began to blister Pugward snapped his fingers and Malika seemed like she was going to throw up for a moment before turning to look at him. Eluria was relieved as the searing heat fell away and suddenly for the first time she began to fear Malika.

"Pugward, what did you do?" Malika lifted her hand to her brow and seemed a little shaky on her feet.

"Sorry boss. Had to pull the rug out from under ya. You were about ta deep fry the slut 'ere an' ya said I could keep her. Plus I didn't think you'd wanna start out your whole new way 'o life by boiling alive a defenceless victim." Pugward's words were oddly gentle, especially for the rough mouthed creature.

"I-I was..." Malika shook her head and regained her senses, she felt normal again. In fact she felt better than normal as Pugward's magic still flowed through her. "I'm sorry Pugward. I didn't mean to hurt her."

"I know Sweet Cheeks. That's why I stopped ya. Now c'mere an' lemme kiss those melons g'mornin then we can roll out. An' who cares what I think about turnin' all those girls around to join the good guys? I'm a freakin' demon. O'course I'm a cynic." He reassured her making her smile somewhat bashfully at him before stepping over to where he sat on the stand and cupping her large tits for him to play with.

The imp wasted no time in sucking one of her offered nipples into his mouth as his hands gently kneaded the soft mounds. Despite his sharp yellow teeth Malika never felt any discomfort when he sucked her tits like this to the point where she suspected he might be able to retract them if he wanted to. After a few minutes he switched his attention to her other boob and finally ran his long black tongue up between her cleavage. This last move made her yelp in surprise though she found the sensation far from unpleasant.

Once he was done he gave the large boobs a playful jiggle that made Malika laugh and then released her.

"If yer talkin' to that lot boss then ya might wanna find some clothes. Wouldn't want 'em to lose concentration starin' at that whoppin' great rack 'o yours." Pugward spoke as he turned to Eluria and pointed down to the floor. The purple haired woman rolled her eyes before she found herself involuntarily bending over at the hips with her arms snapping to her sides. She felt the impact on her back as the imp hopped onto her back just below her shoulder blades and he started stroking his fingers through her hair until he had it gathered into two long untied braids which she knew he would use like the reins of a horse.

Malika nodded at Pugward and turned to look through Eluria's things for something appropriate. Everything the former sorceress had was designed to show off as much flesh as possible whilst covering only the essentials. Malika frowned at the collection before something suddenly occurred to her and she turned to look at the imp.

"I'm sorry Pugward, would you like me to dress like the other sorceresses for you?" She asked as if realising she'd just shown some bad manners.

"What? You mean without hardly anything on? Well not really, no."

Malika's eyes actually blinked in surprise.

"Hey I'm not sayin' I don't appreciate the thought boss but if you really wanna go out there and help people it's prolly best you don't look like a stripper. 'Sides I ever wanna see the goods, I can always ask right?" He grinned at her from his perch on Eluria's back.

Malika was actually taken aback by that. She had never heard of any demon that would agree to such a thing let alone suggest it. Suddenly she realised that Pugward hadn't actually made her do anything she didn't want to since they had met. After all he'd done for her it seemed she hadn't given him nearly enough back. She would have to make that up to him.

"Th-Thankyou Pugward!" She said before giving a slight sniffle as tears came to her eyes. She rushed forwards and hugged the imp against her tightly, showering his face with kisses in spite of his slightly stale smell and bad breath. His slightly greasy body would have been repulsive to most but to Malika he was indeed a treasure like no other.

"Er...there there." He didn't quite know what had brought on the burst of affection or the tears but was happy enough to enjoy those big tits once again being squeezed against him. "Alright enough already, we gotta go impress hot girls. Put me down an' close yer eyes."

Malika nodded and putt him back on Eluria's back where he re-took his 'reins' in her hair. The sorceress closed her eyes obediently and waited. As she did she felt herself being caressed all over by soft sheets of fabric that seemed to wrap about her until finally settling into place.

"Alright now open up an' take a look."

She did so and looked at herself in Eluria's full length mirror. She found herself stood wearing clothing she had never seen before. A shiny obsidian tiara decorated her head and kept her smooth hair in place Her hands and arms were covered with long deep red gloves that reached up past her elbows and a matching red corset wrapped about her waist showing a generous amount of cleavage but nothing too over the top. Beneath the corset a long flowing black silk dress rested about her long legs with a thigh high cut up the side that showed flashes of bare leg as she walked. Her feet remained bare of course but she did feel that beneath the dress some kind of skimpy underwear was in place. About the whole thing draped from her shoulders was a loosely tied black cloak that made her feel toasty warm as she wrapped it about her, enjoying the feel of the new silky fabrics.

"Godamn fairy fucking grandpa." The imp mumbled to himself as he turned Eluria about and looked back to Malika who was still checking herself out, her jaw wide open.

"Pugward. You are without doubt the most brilliant thing that has ever happened to me. If I can do anything for you, just ask it." Malika turned back to him, practically beaming.

"I have that effect on women." Pugward shrugged his narrow shoulders with a cocky smirk. "As for what you can do for me, how 'bout giving my ride a good smack on the ass so we can go down an' see what your hot friend is gettin' up to."

Malika obediently if not enthusiastically lifted her hand high above her head and gave Eluria a thunderous smack on her bare ass that left a large red handprint for some time thereafter.

- - - - -

They descended through the tower and finally emerged in the great hall where the apprentices were already waiting wrapped in their cloaks. Many smiled encouragingly at Malika and others seemed awestruck at her new look. She glanced at Shanti who was waiting for her near the wall and saw that her lover was practically drooling at her. As everyone huddled around to listen to what Malika had to say Pugward reared Eluria up by her side until she came to a halt. He was looking over the collected eighteen and nineteen year olds and licking his lips. Then he turned to his mistress and winked encouragingly.

"Hello everyone." Malika's voice shook slightly as she found herself the centre of attention. Not everyone could see her but they could all hear her and they fell silent to listen. "As you know the sorceresses of Lagria are all powerless. In the hope they could devour my soul they tried to prevent me from completing The Tempting. They failed." At these words murmurs went through the crowd along with some shouts of outrage. Clearly the idea that the sisters would deny one of them all they had promised on a whim had turned what little loyalty Eluria had left into loathing.

When they finally quietened down Malika continued. "The imp you see is called Pugward and he is bound to me. It was he who destroyed Deckler and the rest yesterday and it is he who now rides our former mistress like a common mule." At this all heads turned to Pugward and he winked back at them. Some shuffled backwards, others giggled.

"I am the only sorceress in the temple, the rune circle and hall of summoning is destroyed. You are all now free to do as you please. Once we are done here I shall open the locked chamber in the library and you shall all find out where you come from. Then I shall open the treasury and everything within shall be divided amongst each of us. You will be given your share and with it you may leave to find your families or your fates elsewhere or you may stay here as my guest. Should you stay here know that I no longer worship Lagria. I shall use the magic that Pugward has granted me and the tomes of magic of the ancient priestesses to do what I can to help those we have hurt so much. You are all welcome to join me in this quest and you all may go and return freely at any time." Malika finished with a sigh. She was glad to see that most of the sisters were contemplating the offer, some seemed slightly irked at the idea and others were openly smiling.

"What about the other sisters?" A voice called out from the assembly, she recognised it as Valeska's.

"I have not yet decided what to do with them. They cannot be released with what they know and yet I do not wish to keep them down there permanently. I will not kill them in cold blood either." Malika said firmly.

This sent more talk throughout the crowd but it was cut short as Malika was finished with what she had to say and she along with Pugward and Shanti left to go to the library. The apprentices followed along quickly, some openly talking and laughing. Malika smiled to herself as she felt Shanti's hand interlink with her own. When they reached the locked chambers of the library that contained the secret knowledge of the sisterhood along with the records of where they were from Pugward offered to blow the door open. Malika lifted her hand to gracefully decline the offer before she pointed at the door and turned it to sand that blew away around their ankles.

"Nice." Pugward commented on her use of magic. Eluria sneezed as a few grains of sand got up her nose.

Many of the apprentices rushed forwards and there was a long search through the large stacks of books and papers until one girl exclaimed she'd found the records. Malika left the apprentices to find where they were they had been taken from as children and walked out toward the treasury. Yet many of the girls followed her partly out of curiosity and partly because they were having far too much fun by now to start leaving through dusty old records. Soon enough many were standing behind Malika as she stood before the large re-inforced stone doors to the treasury.

This time she let Pugward do the honours and with his usual tact he blew the door straight off its hinges with a thunderous bang. Then before the dust cleared he tugged on Eluria's hair to make her dart inside.

"Well slap me on a log and call me a twig!" They heard him cry. "You people are fuckin loaded!"

As the dust cleared they all peered past it to see that Eluria, not being able to see where she was going, had gotten stuck head first into a large pile of gold coins. Her legs were flailing wildly in the air displaying her wet pussy for all to see as she struggled with her torso submerged in the gold. Pugward had evidently done the same but his smaller stature and the fact that he hadn't gone in head first left him rolling about on top of the pile throwing coins about.

Gasps of delight came from the girls and even Malika herself was surprised at the treasury. Each of the apprentices were already richer than some kings if they got their share of this which Malika of course intended to pay out as she'd promised. The treasury was filled with gold, jewels and thousands of other treasures that the sisterhood had acquired over the years. It made sense after all since the sisters took whatever they wanted, they wouldn't have had to pay for it and Lagria took tributes in blood, not gold. So every time riches had come their way the sisterhood had thrown them in here and forgotten about them.

"Hey listen up!" Pugward scooted forward toward where Eluria's legs still flailed helplessly. He smacked out a tune on her ass cheeks as if they were a pair of bongos to catch everyone's attention. "Now if the boss is lettin' you out of there that's fine by me but no one utters a word about this lot to anyone you meet alright? If you do we'll have armies turning up at our doorstep to take the lot."

The gathered apprentices all nodded solemnly at him. They helped him get Eluria out of the pile leaving her gasping for air. Pugward let her take five whilst the apprentices played in amidst the gold dressing themselves up like princesses with the treasures. The imp enjoyed this immensely as the cloaks the apprentices wore were soon discarded in favour of jewelled belts and necklaces that showed off against their nude bodies.