The Diadem of Domination 03

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A prequel to Part 1
12.5k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 11/02/2022
Created 01/12/2014
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Born in the frozen mountains of the north, suckled on a tit as hard and sharp as broken glass, and deflowered by a very, very endowed bear, Val of the North (as she was now called) was not a soft girl, despite her incredible beauty. Having lived in the cold mountains where the wind blew so cold it could freeze a man's blood, Val now felt little need for clothing as she wandered through the warm forests and fields of the south. She wore little more than a tight leather vest to keep her firm, busty young breasts under control, and a skimpy leather thong to hide her shaven, pink vagina. Her sword and money-purse (which was empty) hung from a narrow leather belt, and her muscular legs were encased in knee-high leather boots, as were her forearms encased in leather gloves studded with metal knuckles.

She didn't have enough coin to pay for a tavern room, so she slept under the open sky in fields of grass, wearing nothing but her skimpy scraps of leather, and with nothing for a pillow but her sword. She didn't mind at all. Compared to her homeland the nighttime chill of this land was more than comfortable. She ate as she walked, picking berries and catching, fish, and she bathed in the warm, bubbling rivers.

She was doing this now, washing her messy brown hair in a crystal clear creek near the road as she watched a large caravan go by. The road to the Kingdom of Chovaughn was a busy one, but she had rarely come across more than a company of travelling merchants or adventurers. This caravan was made up of more than a hundred people, most of them soldiers with long spears and curved swords. They were all incredible foreign, judging by their dark skin and pointed beards, not to mention they're strange style of armor and ornate carriages. The largest carriage looked to be a royal one, large enough to fit a small family or one very, very spoiled princess. It was covered with colorful silks depicting images of naked goddesses in sexually explicit positions.

Val was a foreigner to this kingdom as well (she was easily a head taller than most Chovaughnian girls, and they were all blonde) but her skin color was the same as the Chovaughians and she spoke the same language. These exotic soldiers were clearly from a land much further away than she was, so in their eyes she must have seemed little different from the blonde, blue-eyed people of this soft, southern kingdom.

The guards noticed her and gazed at her young, naked body dripping wet with the chilly water. Her pink nipples were fully erect, and her goose-pimpled skin was taught around her muscular waist. Some of the guards eyed her suspiciously, but most starred with lust. Val didn't blame them. She knew what a arousing sight she was, and she didn't hide herself as she rubbed her body clean and leaned over to wash her hair, giving the guards a generous display of her fresh womanhood. She even started to rub herself there, stimulating her overactive sexdrive as she bit her lip to stop herself from moaning. The idea of being watched while she masturbated aroused her, and if left for a few moments she would already be on the cusp of a pleasant orgasm. If one (or several) of the guards was handsome enough, she saw no reason why they shouldn't come bathe with her.

But she stopped.

The sound of wood snapping, horses screaming, and metal striking metal filled the air.

Val turned around to see that the caravan was suddenly under attack. From the thick tree-line burst a small party of orcs, green-skinned monstrosities that looked much like humans, except they had large tusks, bulging muscles, and often times ridiculously proportioned sexual-organs. They wielded crude weapons and stolen armor, most of it barely fitting properly.

The orcs must have been following the caravan for miles through the woods, choosing now to strike since they were at the furthest point from any Chovaughnian fort. Val watched as two of the dark skinned soldiers were killed, one of them messily decapitated by a stone axe, and the other dying as an orc bit out his throat. But the guards fought back as well, plunging their spears into the thick muscles of one giant orc and bringing him down like a harpooned whale.

"Protect the Princess!" the captain yelled, swiveling his horse back to the largest carriage. "They're in the trees above her!"

But it was too late. The royal carriage was underneath a huge, moss-covered tree. An orc was running along the branches like an experienced acrobat. This one was female, with a large bust held in place by a leather belt, and she had a lithe, muscular body not unlike Val herself. The female orc leapt and spun through the air, slicing out with two curved swords, killing three guards in the process. She leapt into the royal tent, and not a moment later jumped out the other side, running down the grassy slope and into the very waters in which Val was skinny-dipping.

"I've got it!" The sexy orc yelled, lifting a box above her head. "The ring is ours!"

The orc ran through the creek, water splashing across her nearly-naked body, her breasts and sensual midsection dripping wet. Her nipples were so erect that Val could see them sticking through the leather belt the orc had tied around her heaving green chest. Her fang-filled mouth smiled as she escaped the soldiers, but she stopped dead in her tracks as her large breasts nearly slammed into Val's naked chest.

"Hey!" the female orc yelled at her. "Get the fuck out of the way bitch, before I cut you into pieces!"

Val was naked and obviously less strong than the orc bitch, but she wasn't intimidated. She stood in a saucy pose with her hands on her naked hips, leaning over slightly to show off her cleavage.

Val snickered. "You can't unsheathe your swords and hold that box at the same time. So what' it going to be, fucker?"

Orc's were usually emotional and quicker to act than to think, but this one seemed bright enough to try both fleeing and attacking in the same move. She threw the stolen box high into the air (intending to catch it again in a moment) and she began to unsheathe her swords in an attempt to slice Val's sexy body in half. But Val was quicker. Her own sword was hidden in the creek, right beneath her feet in the mud. She was never without a weapon, not even during sex.

Before the orc could fully withdraw her blades Val had hers and she slashed up, cutting the orc from the lips of her pussy all the way to the top of her head. Val's blade came away so quickly that the orc wondered if she had even been hit at all, right before she fell into the creek in two perfectly cut halves.

Val dropped her sword and caught the box in the orc's place. She saw that the soldiers had been victorious, and the rest of the orcs were being slaughtered by spears and scimitars.

Val sauntered up the hill, swaying her young hips as she held the box above her head, smiling coyly as she saw how flustered the guards were by her shameless display. They didn't seem sure of what action to take: whether they should attack or thank that naked barbarian girl, but their decision was made for them as the silken flap to the royal carriage opened, and out of it stretched the most sensual, lewd body Val had ever seen.

The woman who emerged was entirely naked, except for heaps of golden jewelry she had hanging from her wrists, ankles, and neck. Her skin was the color of milky chocolate, and her nipples and lips were so dark they were almost black. Her dark nipples were thick and erect, each pieced by a golden ring. Her large, sparkling black eyes were heavy and sleepy-looking, almost as if she had just awoken after a night of exhausting sex. Every curve of her being implied sex, and even her uncovered vagina glistened slightly, as if perpetually aroused.

The carnal creature licked her lips slowly as she looked over the young northerner's busty, firm body, and she seemed to approve. Without any words passing between the two beautiful women Val put the box down at the foreign noble's feet, and then slowly rose up as to intentional show of every supple curve of her body. She bit her lower lip and smiled, flexing her stomach slightly which she knew pushed her breasts up in an enticing way.

"My hero," the dark woman said, her voice oozing like warm honey. "You slew that bestial bitch of an orc and returned my treasure. I am in you debt."

"A debt I will enjoy being repaid, I'm sure," Val said, stepping just a little closer so that her young pink nipples nearly touched the older woman's large dark mammaries. "Maybe you can give me a ride into the next city, and afterwards fill my purse a bit."

The exotic damsel laughed haughtily, holding one of her large tits to stop it from bouncing. "Oh, I may be a woman, but I am more than capable of filling your purse. Trust me."

Val actually hadn't been speaking euphemistically, she really had been referring to her literal purse being filled with literal gold, but whatever. She enjoyed sex just as much as she enjoyed money.

Suddenly the tent flapped open and out scurried a younger girl, this one perhaps just a bit younger than Val, but whereas the buxom barbarian was a woman in sexual bloom, this girl was a skinny little waif, despite her cute sexiness. The girl was less than five feet tall, as flat chested as a starving boy, and her buttocks were cute and tight but not really appetizing. She had beautiful dark eyes though, and puffy dark lips that would have looked perfect wrapped around a fat cock, or maybe a swollen pussy, as Val imagined. The silks she wore were transparent and skimpy, so every detail of her lithe naked body was totally bare.

"Bala, good timing," the large breasted queen said, gentle caressing the young girl's chest. "Tidy up the carriage and make room for my friend . . . um . . . I'm sorry. I don't even know my hero's name."

"Val," the barbarian said. "Just call me Val."

"Val," the naked noble responded, rolling the name over her tongue as if it were something salty and delicious. "I am Kamuka Killa Khan, Queen and Goddess Incarnate of the great Kingdom of Sutra, which is the wealthiest of all kingdoms in spices, gemstones, and beautiful women." She emphasized that last part by swaying her hips a bit.

"I can tell," Val said, breathing heavily. She had to bit her lip to stop herself from just diving down and sucking one of those big chocolate nipples into her mouth.

"I am on my way to the Kingdom of Chovaughn to marry my arranged husband, the young Prince Lorian, and my caravan is heavy with treasures for my dowry, but nothing I have is more valuable than what I carry in this box, which is meant for my fiancé. Thank you for recovering it for me."

"No problem your highness, but I doubt whatever is in that box will excite a young man more than what you have right here," she said as her hand came up and took a firm, cupping grab at Kamuka's hairless genitals. They were plump, swollen, smooth and incredibly soft on the surface, but Val could feel bulging muscle hiding underneath the curvaceous fat. One of her fingers slowly teased at the queen's lower-lips, and Val was amazed at how quickly her hand became drenched with sexual lubricant.

Kamuka gasped so deeply her breasts giggled. Bala looked ready to feint. The surviving guards gasped and one even lowered his spear to Val's back, ready to impale her.

"You are . . . quite bold!" Kamuka gasped staring Val right into her eyes.

"You have no fucking idea," Val barely whispered back.

"Guards!" Bala squealed. "This barbarian is assaulting the Goddess! Kill her! Run her through-"


Bala's pretty little face snapped back as Kamuka's hand slapped across it, silencing her skinny servant and frightening the guards.

"No! I am indebted to the young woman. And besides . . ." she leaned in so that her large, soft breasts flooded over the younger girl's firm cleavage. "I admire her boldness."

Kamuka turned and climbed back into her carriage, filling Val's vision with a generous view of her backside and swollen cunt as she did so.

"Guards! Load our dead onto the horses for honorable burial later. Push the orcs into the ditch! Bala, retrieve some wine and food for our friend. And Val," she turned back to the barbarian babe and flashed her a tantalizing smile. "You'll ride with me."


After the caravan made its way around the next bend of trees and was far out of sight, the scene of the battle took on new life, as ravens and carrion dogs came to eat what blood and flesh littered the ground, but after one taste of the orcs even the dogs turned away. Their own feces tasted better than orc-flesh.

Another figure was moving amongst the tall trees, swaying branches, and thick, moist grass. A figure like that of a small girl wearing a cloak made of foliage slipped from the shadows of the brush without making and sound any louder than a falling leaf. The camouflaged child quickly moved from orc to orc, picking through their pockets and pouches with preternatural speed and precision, but found nothing to its satisfaction.

Lastly it came to the body of the female orc, the leader, the one that the beautiful barbarian girl had cut in half from groin to skull, like a razor blade cutting through a piece of paper. Both halves were resting in the ankle-deep waters of the creek, billowing a long red furl of blood.

The child inhaled, and then spat on the half of the orc's.

"Stupid green cunt. Couldn't even steal one lousy ring," the child groaned in a voice both raspy and sweet. "Oh well. I'll just have to steal it from the naked cutie who killed you. But I'll have to do it quickly. If I don't get that wedding ring before it's put on Prince Lorian's hand then I don't get any gold."

The child kicked the orc's body just out of spite, and then disappeared back into the woods.


"Wake up, my prince," a feminine, musical voice sang, echoing throughout the dark, expansive room. "It iz time to wake up, sleepyhead. Ze time for your marriage haz cum!"

The speaker pulled back a giant red curtain, flooding the dark room with sunlight, and outlining her own perfect silhouette. She was a remarkably tall young woman in her mid-twenties, and her amble breasts and bubble butt stood out quit remarkably from her slender, gazelle physique. Her hair was slick, black, and cut short so that it curled around her perfect cheekbones. Her extruding lips were painted dark crimson, as was the heavy mascara she wore around her startling blue eyes. Her clothing was minimal and tight, a revealing maid's uniform that accentuated her long legs and impossible cleavage, and the skirt was so short that it exposed her pristine white panties whenever she so much as breathed.

The maid strutted through the room on her long, slender legs like a model walking down a catwalk, confident and cocksure, flinging open windows and pulling open blinds with a flourish, turning the dark royal room into a bright, golden bedchamber fit for a prince, which it was, because it was the bedchamber of young Prince Lorian, heir to the throne of Chovaughn.

A stubborn groan came from the bundles of covers rolled up at the center of a massive bed. A peachy white leg was peeking out, and it slithered back into the covers like a nocturnal snake, afraid of the morning sun.

But the maid was quicker than the foot. She grabbed it, giggled, and then stuck out her lengthy tongue so she could give the foot's underside a long, wet lick.

"AWWW!" a boyish voice yelled from under the blankets. "Bebe! STOP!"

The young prince kicked and struggled but it was no use, Bebe the maid was much stronger than him, and she loved teasing the little king-to-be as if he were her little brother.

"Got you, naughty little boy. Zis leg belongs to moi!" Bebe laughed, pulling the blankets off him one by one. "Time to get up. Rise and shine!"

She pulled the final blanket off and gasped, blushing a little when she saw what she had just uncovered. Prince Lorian was naked, completely, and his hairless little body was pink with embarrassment. Underneath both of his hands he was trying to cover his stubborn morning erection, but he simply couldn't cover it all. The prince's cock was simply huge. Just shy of being twelve inches long and as thick as one of Bebe's wrists, his penis looked more like a third leg than a reproductive organ, especially considering he was no more the five feet tall himself. It was peachy and pale, like the rest of his smooth, slightly defined body, and it's head was a light pink. That monumental battering-ram of a cock had been the talk of the castle from the day little Lorian was born, but instead of being an object of respect and lust for the kingdom's blooming maidens, the tremendous phallus made poor Lorian and the subject of much girlish giggling and slutty snickering. Lorian wasn't a virgin by any means (Bebe had seen to that herself on many occasions) but he was submissive, cowardly, and worse, too easily pushed to climax. "What's the purpose of having such a large canon if it fires before the enemy is in sight," his mother would often say after hearing of his premature ejaculations.

"Bebe!" Lorian whined. "Leave me alone! I just wanna sleep." The little prince tried to pull the covers back, but he was powerless against the might of Bebe (who in truth was no stronger than any twenty-something year old girl).

"Oh, but my big, strong, manly, seductive prince," she cooed mockingly, puckering her lips and swaying her hips. "Surely you are excited for your nuptials, no?"


"Aw, but look at zis one," she said, reaching down and grasping his erect cock. It was so thick that her long fingers couldn't even make it completely around, but she still squeezed him hard enough to make the little prince whimper. "Zis one looks ready for his honeymoon at least. Zis one is ready to make some very lucky woman into a very, very tired bride. Zis one is ready to make the queen some grandchildren, no?"

"Bebe! Let it go!" Lorian nearly cried, not because he was in pain, but because the firm grasp of his domineering housecleaner was pushing him very close to popping. He felt humiliated, dominated, emasculated, and yet so pleasured that his vision went blurry.

Bebe laughed softly, more of a satisfied, sexual moan than actual laughter. She crawled onto the bed, her high-heeled shoes cutting into the expensive fabrics of the mattress like knives into a loaf of bread. Her jutting cleavage hung tantalizingly over Lorian's face, her erect nipples nearly popping out of the plunging neckline. She never released her viper-grip on his turgid cock, and as she continued to stroke him his engorged helmed slapped against her stomach, legs, and finally her inner-thigh. He could feel the heat coming off of her white panties, which were now soaked with the honey of her tight, womanly fruit. Her large, feline eyes stared directly into the Prince's tear-filled sapphires, easily intimidating and dominating him like a tigress pinning a soft little bunny-rabbit.

She leaned in closer, teasing him with a kiss that never quite touched his lips, and then she leaned back, straddling his legs as she measured his erect cock against her body. Her hot pussy was resting on her swollen balls, and astonishingly his pillaring column made it all the way up past her navel. She continued to stroke it with one hand, going faster and faster, squeezing harder and harder as her other hand cruelly pinched the skin of his helmet. Lorian tried to squirm away, but he was helpless and already caught. All he could do was whimper and moan and wait for Bebe to finish playing with him.

"Bebe," he cried. "Just . . . just please finish it."

"Finish it? Iz zis something boring to you? You don't like ze hand-fucking?


"Iz zis what you are going to zay to your blushing bride to be? Are you going to cry like a little bitch when she tries to fuck you?"