The Diary


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Sandra arrived home with a very dreamy expression on her face that Saturday. I wondered if she had been smoking pot and she made no denials when I mentioned my suspicion. At one time it looked as if that road would be out for several days but a breached dyke upstream apparently took the pressure off our area.

Mon Apr 21

I am thinking constantly about Friday night and my mouth salivates uncontrollably whenever I remember what she and I did to each other. The inescapable conclusion is that I am a 100% lesbian because the prospect of going with selfish sweaty men again, disgusts me.

Tue Apr 22

Cut Ken Fisher dead when he winked at me. He'll just have to go back to wanking in the toilets like they say he did before I took pity on him.

Wed Apr 23

Went into the storeroom with Derek feeling a marked lack of enthusiasm but I'm pleased to say that he quickly converted me back to the joys of the male organ. Roll on the weekend - it's going to be fantastic.

Thur Apr 24

Ken Fisher tried to blackmail into opening my legs for him again. I told him that if said one word to anybody then I would tell the whole firm about his apology for a prick. I don't think he'll bother me again.

Fri Apr 25

Arrived at the hotel with the weekend stretching ahead. Compared to the meagre lunchtime 45 minutes I get with Derek, the 40 hours of his company ahead offered the prospect of paradise. He was up to expectations and beyond. Straight away and many times after he put his tongue where his prick usually goes, more than making up for a certain neglect by all others. He certainly knew his stuff and earned his face a soaking more than once. I might have declared him 'a woman's best friend' had not recent events made me perhaps too critical. Derek could not be faulted for effort but on technique, against the finesse and light touch of my lady lover, I can give him no more than nine out of ten. Later on he did introduce me to a new experience. After solicitously coating my back passage with lubrication, (including some put ticklishly inside with his fingers), he pushed his cock into me that way. I couldn't believe that the terrible pain was meant to be pleasure so told him to stop and then called him a very dirty name when he persisted. I'm so glad he did. I find it hard to describe how good it felt but I certainly understand now why so very many men are gay. Had this happened to me a month ago then I would have earned that American punter's bonus with no second thoughts. Hour after hour it was long kaleidoscope of sex and I honestly believe that, out of the total period, I spent more time with Derek up me than time spent doing other things. It was rather funny when I got home because Don asked me if it had been hard. Managing to keep a straight face, I told him that I had to really stretch myself to cram it all in.

I was a bit jealous reading about the oral sex because that is something that I think I would quite like to do but the anal intercourse didn't bother me too much as I have no inclinations that way at all. What really got the green-eyed monster rampaging through my head was the picture of then sitting together very relaxed and taking about ordinary things,

Mon Apr 28

Who's a clever girl then? After supper Don started asking about my weekend so I had to be very careful and inventive in what I said. On the spur of the moment I told him that there were another three weekend courses a month apart and asked if I could go on them. He didn't even have to think about it saying, "Yes love - if they will do you good then you must go on them." I love him. It was nice to be able to say in all honesty that this weekend's 'course' had done me a world of good. Let's hope that Derek will be able to make it for these other weekends.

Fri May 2

Had a very mediocre fuck with a very nervous guy I think was cheating on his wife for the first time. It's not that good in the back of a car at the best of times but when the bloke concerned can't stop trembling it's absolutely hopeless. In the taxi going home my heart started pounding as soon as I saw Della and by the time we were the only two left, my mouth was watering uncontrollably at the memory of her taste. I switched seats just to be close her and when she said nothing I begged, "Can I come home with you again?" She just shook her head kind of gently so I pleaded, "Please, I think I could give up men altogether if I could be with you." "That's why," she told me, "There's a danger that you might really fall for me and I'm too promiscuous for that. I get my kick from seducing straight women and seeing the look on their faces as they realise that it's been in their natures all the time. I will have sex with you again because you were great - but not just yet." I was so upset that at my stop, I left Costos to get rid of his erection by himself.

Sat May 3

Went with Don to a free dinner laid on by my firm for employees and guests and the seating arrangement could have turned out to be embarrassing. One side of the table Derek had me on one side with Angie on the other while opposite us sat Derek's wife flanked by Don and Angie's husband. To complete the piquancy of the situation, on my right was old Joe and from his place two seats further down the table, Ken Fishers malevolent eyes rested on me throughout the meal. I hardly tasted the food lest something untoward happened to be mentioned. Actually the only real ticklish moment came after the meal while I was having a quiet word with Derek. Don walked up and asked if he had heard how I had done on the course. Derek carried it off with real aplomb saying, "If I remember the conclusion accurately she displayed 'enthusiasm, energy and a real talent for innovation'."

Since starting to peruse the diary I had come to accept with a degree of pragmatism the fact that Derek was screwing Sandra on a regular basis. However, this shaft of humour at my expense made me want to hit the man.

Wed May 7

Derek's wife is a really attractive woman so I reckon he's really got it made, having sex with either me or Angie during lunchtimes and then going home to her at night.

Fri May 9

Marcus lined me up with another Yank who took me to the same high class hotel - that black doorman certainly has some very wealthy friends for a bouncer. My cunt was completely neglected as I spent the whole evening lying on my stomach being poked the other way over, and over again - what is it with Americans? I returned home with £200 in my purse but suffered a bit when going to the loo afterwards

Sun May 11

Men are going to have to leave my back passage alone for a bit if the discomfort is always going to last this long. I was fine after Derek so perhaps this last guy just overdid it.

Tue May 13

My feelings for the children and Don are far more intense these days. Probably being so fulfilled and happy means that I have much more love to give.

Fri May 16

Went with that young guy again - the one with the inexhaustible supply of cum. He's a phenomenon - I'd like to have him as a pet, to keep in a cupboard and bring out every night when Don is asleep. In the taxi Della gave me a certain look and I knew that I would not be going home. When I told Andreas that I was getting out with her I think for a moment he assumed he was going to fuck the pair of us but I shook my head. Della picked up on this exchange and I later explained that I usually opened my legs at the end of the ride but pretended to her that it was only to save on the fare. I knew Don would be in bed but he had to be informed that I wouldn't be coming home so he would not worry at my absence in the morning. I told him I was helping her with a burst pipe and Della spoke loudly about catching a drip in a bucket to let him know I was really at her house. In bed, as she lowered her head between my thighs Della surprised me by saying, "I hope you're nice and squishy down here." Emerging later with her nose and mouth glistening she explained, "I don't particularly like men but I love to taste the stuff that comes out of them and this is the perfect way to do it." It turned out a bit 'dykey' this time. Della produced a double dildo complete with twin clitoral stimulators. It was great fun lying kissing with our tits rubbing together, taking turns to grip and thrust. I did cum one hell of a lot but somehow we never recaptured those almost poetic moments from before.

Sat May 17

Arriving home only on Saturday morning meant that I had to do my supermarket shopping in the afternoon with Don and the kids in tow and this led to a rather embarrassing encounter. I was busy studying my list when a warm hand covered mine on the trolley handle and a voice said, "I didn't realise that you lived round here." I looked up to see the face of my young companion from Friday night smiling inanely at me. He gushed on, "My mother lives just round the corner. If I'd known last night I could have run you home and...". At that juncture Don stood up from where he had been selecting an item on a lower shelf and dropped a tin into the trolley while I started speaking quickly, desperate to shut my admirer up before he blew everything. "This is my husband Don, "I said, "Don can I introduce you to...", and at this point I realised that despite two evenings enjoying very exuberant sex with him, I did not know the young man's name. "Chris," I went on extemporising madly. "Chris has been doing work on the computers at work." 'Chris' tried to help by saying, "Yes, I'm a computer what-do you-call-em... programmer," - it was pathetic. There was an artificial exchange of pleasantries, I think they shook hands and then, thankfully Chris wandered off. "I thought he said that he saw you last night?" Don said suspiciously when we were alone. I tried to think of anything plausible that sounded even vaguely like 'last night' and failed dismally - so my only resource was to say firmly, "You're mistaken," and push the trolley rapidly forward to show that the discussion was at an end. Later when Don had gone alone to the delicatessen counter, I spotted my young lover giving me a devilish grin from behind a pile of bananas.

I found that meeting very odd at the time as the young man had no idea what to say and Sandra looked as if she wished the ground could swallow her up. It seems so very obvious now but then my suspicions were completely lulled by his youth.

Wed May 21

Getting my period out of the way ready for the weekend so I had to just suck Derek off at dinnertime. I love doing it so much that it's a pity he always wants to fuck. He says he has a surprise in store for me but won't tell me what it is.

Fri May 23

Arrived at the hotel for my second weekend with Derek hoping for another sex-fest and I was not disappointed. In his case he had a load of sex toys that he had meant to bring the first time but forgot. My favourite was the things called 'love beads' and we had a whole lot of fun with them. The sex itself was stupendous as usual. I've got a real yen for Derek - besides that gorgeous cock and boundless energy, he's got such a deliciously dirty mind. He had brought a bendy rubber imitation dick that he stuck up my bum - then when we started fucking it really did feel as if I'd got two guys in me at the same time. One day I must try that for real.

I realised that my wife had already told me this but in codified form. She had arrived home looking just as tired as after the first 'course'. I asked if she had been given another hard time to which she replied, "You could say that. There was lots of new stuff that I had to take in - one way or another." Sandra must have got quite a kick out of verbally tempting fate like that.

Wed May 28

It seems that everybody on the firm knows Derek is poking me. It's very unfair because he shags Angie far more but has managed to keep that secret.

Fri May 30

Marcus waggled his tongue at me going into the club - it gave me quite a buzz. I expected him to say something if only to mention another 'pal' he wanted servicing but nothing happened and I was a bit disappointed. I copped for one of the flash types with nothing in his pants and by the time I got into the taxi I was raging with frustration. My plan was to make Andreas do double duty on me but one of the girls was sick all over the floor and the stink was terrible. It was impossible to have sex in the taxi because of the smell but I couldn't manage without a fuck so I took Andreas into the house and we did it on the sitting room floor. He did it a lot more than once - in fact it was almost getting light by the time he left. I knew the children would not come down but Don often gets up in the middle of the night so it was an extra thrill knowing that he might wander in and find me in the middle of getting shafted.

I have a clear memory of that night. Noises from downstairs woke me up. I realised that Sandra was much later than usual and just assumed that she was snatching something to eat before coming to bed. I almost went down to join her but didn't want to be going down just as she was coming up which is the kind of thing that happens. I do remember lying there thinking that she was a hell of a long time but must have fallen asleep again. Thinking further, there were cries that I presumed at the time must have come from the television or possibly the radio. Discovering the truth of what I heard I should have started me crying and indeed I did have an urge to do so yet my penis seemed to take this information as further cause for excitement

Sun June 1st.

Life is wonderful. I give so much pleasure to men and get so much myself without doing anybody any harm that I can't see how it can possibly be wrong. The system of monogamy is stupid. I think that every woman is entitled to have one man as a caring loving possibly platonic long term companion and another, or series of well hung others, always on hand to fuck her out of her mind.

After the first half dozen or so times my wife seemed to abandon her asterisk system but ahead of the next very long entry there were five extra large ones in a row.

Fri Jun 6

Marcus stopped me outside the club and told me to get in the passenger seat of the red sports car round the corner. I obeyed and sat in the spectacular Ferrari type vehicle for ten minutes wondering what the driver would look like. Even when it was Marcus who drove us away I still assumed that he was taking me to some client or other and it was only when we were alone in an opulent apartment that I realised I had finally 'got lucky'. In the bedroom I hesitated for a moment, rather expecting to be unwrapped like a parcel but when Marcus busied himself sorting some CD's I started to slowly undress myself. I was naked to the waist when he finally turned attention to me, his brutal rather than soft seductive words shocked me. "On your knees bitch. I'm going to give you a taste of black cock you will never forget - You're going to get your tonsils fucked." I took this for a macho act, assuming the tonsils reference to be just a figure of speech - but I was mistaken. As he was speaking Marcus stepped out of his pants and I could hardly believe what was revealed for his cock was fully three inches longer than the biggest I had seen. I opened my mouth eagerly anticipating the taste of the hot flesh on my tongue but was taken aback by the force with which he pushed his stiff rod past my lips.

With previous partners I had easily mastered the technique of 'deep throat' but needed to do it in my own time after having psyched up the required concentration. I was not given that chance. His bulbous cock head continued to advance relentlessly deep into my gullet causing me to retch helplessly with copious tears welling forth from my eyes. This obvious distress did not give him pause, simply eliciting the hissed instruction to 'breath though your nose'. From then on he began to fuck my throat, treating it as second cunt. It was not physically a pleasant experience because I was in extreme discomfort throughout - but the knowledge that I was being used did something magical to me. As if some primitive instinct had been triggered, I revelled in the feeling of complete subjugation. When he came one jet went direct to my stomach but then he pulled out spraying spunk - my questing mouth caught some but most was left sticking to my face and tits in big clotted lumps. With a ravenous craving I scooped it up in my fingers to take to my mouth and this action prompted his satisfied response of, "That's my girl - you do know what's good for you." I continued licking and fondling until he was stiff again, my urgency fuelled by a burning itch between my legs.

She had so much to say, crammed into a small space that her writing was getting smaller and smaller until at this point I needed to break off and find a magnifying glass to make out all of the words.

When he entered me it was slowly and gently, in direct contrast to the brutality of my oral rape. As that long lingam advanced inside me I had a moment of fear remembering the possibly apocryphal story of the girl whose lover's excessively long penis touched her heart and killed her. I don't know what to say about what he did to me. I do know that I started to cum the moment that he stuck it in and I didn't stop until after he had pumped his semen inside me. It was not a succession of orgasms big or small but just one mind blowing sensation from start to finish. At times I felt I was completely impaled by him and at others that my whole body was just an extension of his cock. And there were times when I felt that my insides were being pounded to pulp by the iron hard pile driver he kept thrusting up me. Even when he kept calling me a 'white slut' and 'a filthy whore', it just made me anxious to be whatever he wanted. Later, lying legs still apart with a very bruised cunt and feeling totally drained, I seriously wondered if I could take any more should he want to go again. Marcus sat beside me and in the first show of affection from him since the start stroked his hand lightly over my stomach. "You've got a nice round white belly," he said. "What it needs is a big black baby inside it."

I shivered at his words and felt a momentary but real regret that I was on the pill. He did want me again, in fact more than once before morning but strangely, once that magnificent organ was inside me all sense of pain and exhaustion seemed to disappear. Approaching Saturday lunchtime as he was running me home, it was me who had to ask, "Can I see you again." He shook his head, "Sorry doll, I only gave you a treat because you looked a fun girl. When I bed a woman I don't want coils, condoms or pills standing in the way of nature." "I'll come off the pill," I offered, knowing how easy it would be to pretend but he was ahead of me. "I would need to be sure and also give you no chance to use a 'morning after' he stipulated. "I'd want you with me for ten days solid." I protested that I would be bound to get pregnant to which he said that was the commitment he wanted. "Have a black baby and my cock is yours whenever you want." Of course it's out of the question but I was still curious and asked if I would be with him every one of the ten days. "It will be just you and me for three or four days, then you can pull a few tricks just to defray expenses and after that some of the brothers will want in on the fun. Have you heard of a Jamaican yard?" When I shook my head to his question he said, "Imagine 36 inches of hot throbbing black flesh inside you." I laughed saying, "That's impossible and anyway there's no man got one that big." "I've got twelve inches and two mates of mine can provide the other twenty-four," he said. "Don't forget that you very conveniently have three holes - or orifices as we say on Sundays." I think that my mind must have gone into overload imagining this scenario because I suddenly came round to find the car stopped at the end of my road with Marcus waiting patiently for me to get out.