The Drop Off

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An unexpected twist to a camping weekend.
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My wife Olivia and I loaded up our kayaks and last remaining items we would need for our weekend getaway into the truck. The summer sun beat down and we quickly began to sweat and I stared hungrily at her golden tanned skin and curvy body, glistening with perspiration. I looked forward to hitting the highway and sitting in the comfort of the air conditioning of the cab.

Our destination was two nights at a glamping dome campsite two hours south of where we live that we had visited before and I looked forward to exploring the surrounding area near the sea.

As I drove down the highway my wife rested her sexy feet on the dash as she texted and chatted on her phone. I removed my eyes from the road for prolonged periods to admire her sexy body, from the silver chain on her ankle contrasting with her tanned skin all the way up to her full thighs partially covered in her light denim cut off shorts. The thin strapped soft black top strained to contain her breasts, pressing them together as they bounced and jiggled across the bumps in the road.

Olivia noticed my thirsty gaze and without looking up from her phone pressed her finger against my jaw and turned my head forward.

"Eyes on the road. You're going to get us killed." She warned with a smirk.

She placed her hand on my thigh and noticed the bulge in my shorts. Placing her phone down she flipped up the console between us, unbuckled and slid up close to me. The seat belt warning indicator chimed and I re inserted the empty seat belt into place.

"Now you really need to pay attention to the road." She warned again as she unbuttoned my shorts and unzipped my fly. She yanked down on my waist band and I raised my hips off of the seat. As my shorts made their way down my legs my hard cock flopped out into the cool air.

I adjusted the steering wheel tilt to it's highest position and reached down to to pull the leaver beneath me, sliding my seat back as far as it went.

Olivia immediately grasped the shaft and began teasing my head with the tip of her tongue as she gently stroked me. I placed the truck in cruise control and made an extra effort to carefully watch for traffic on the empty road.

I gasped and gripped a handful of her silky brown hair when she finally placed her hot, wet mouth over me and swirled her tongue around the tip.

It wasn't long after she began bobbing her head up and down in my lap that I began to feel the approaching sensation of ejaculation.

I was suddenly startled as a large moving van pulled into my peripheral vision as it passed us and looked up to see the passenger looking down to see Olivia's head working in my lap. He grinned from ear to ear and quickly tapped the guy driving who leaned forward and got a quick peek as well. I grinned back sheepishly and placed both hands on the wheel as I was moments away from blowing my load.

Suddenly Olivia's smart watch chimed and she glanced at the screen, my cock still stuffed into her sexy mouth.

She sat up, abandoning my fully hard erection and retrieved her phone.

"What is it?" I asked.

"It's Jay." She answered with a half grin.

Jay was her latest boyfriend that she had seen and was hoping to meet up again with soon. It was no coincidence that the campsite we had chosen was approximately a ten minute drive from his camper by the beach.

Olivia continued texting with her right hand while she placed her left on my shaft, giving it the occasional gentle stroke.

Being so close to orgasm I attempted to pump my hips into her fist and surprise her with an unexpected ejaculation but she removed her hand to transition to two handed texting just in time to cut me off.

"It looks like Jay is going to be at his camper for the next few days."

I was instantly struck by a sharp stab in my gut followed by frantic butterflies and increased blood flow to my already throbbing cock.

"He says that he would like to spend some time with me. What do you think, babe?"

The weekend was supposed to be an opportunity for us to deepen our connection and increase intimacy in our already great relationship but I felt swept away by the possibility of such an exciting adventure.

"What about our us time?" I asked.

"Maybe we can still spend time together. Maybe I can bounce back and forth between the two of you."

The devilish grin across her face told me she was serious and I struggled to play down my excitement.

"Would you be willing to share me with Jay during our little vacation? Your body is telling me that you're at least thinking about it."

My breathing shallowed and my pulse pounded, causing my hard on to twitch with every pounding of my heart. She knew she was twisting a rubber arm.

"Let's do it!"

Overcome with excitement I squirmed in my seat in anticipation of what the next couple of days could bring.

She focused back onto her phone and without averting her eyes from the screen ordered me to put my cock away and get back onto my shorts.

"But..but." I stammered.

She silently shushed me with her finger on the end of her outstretched arm.

It was game on. Whenever Olivia played with a boyfriend we enjoyed her taking on a dominant, somewhat lovingly sadistic role in our daily lives. She also controlled when, where and how I ejaculated 365 days a year.

With disappointment, frustration and somehow a twinge of delight and excitement I pulled up my shorts and re adjusted the seat and steering wheel for the rest of the drive.

My body ached at the realization that the next man my wife would make cum probably wouldn't be me.

"He would like me to go over after supper tonight!" Olivia announced excitedly.

"He said that eight would be perfect!"

"That's great." I responded. "That will give us some time together and you a chance to get dolled up for your date."

I deeply enjoyed being a part of prepping her for time with someone she was meeting. Once we finally arrived at the dome we unpacked and enjoyed the laid back atmosphere of the place and made supper together on the barbecue.

Around seven o'clock Olivia decided to start getting ready for her meeting with Jay. We showered together and I scrubbed her body clean. She shaved her legs and I carefully helped her shave areas of my wife's body which were usually meant to be seen only by a woman's husband. Once done I towelled her off and laid on the bed as she went through her bag in search of something she thought Jay would enjoy. She held items up against her naked body and turned to me, noting my reaction and then to the mirror before tossing them down across my legs.

We eventually settled on a skimpy black romper that left a lot of her tanned skin exposed and I watched hungrily as she walked across the floor to the bathroom to do her hair and makeup.

"It's time to get in your cage, baby." My wife yelled out from the bathroom.

"I didn't even know that you brought it." I responded, surprised.

"It's in the top pocket of my suitcase."

This was another part of the ritual we had fallen into. Whenever she met with another man I was to be locked up.

I found the cage and attempted to clasp the ring around my shaft and balls but knew that I wouldn't fit since I was still semi hard, aroused from the scenario we were experiencing.

I needed to lay back and focus on anything that wouldn't cause me to get hard. Eventually I closed the ring on myself and squeezed my cock into the cold steel cage, assembling the cruel device and snapping the tiny Master lock closed.

Olivia walked out of the bathroom looking absolutely stunning and I immediately began filling my cage.

She glanced up from the screen of her phone momentarily to confirm that I was in fact locked up. She smirked when she saw that I was and gestured to the edge of the bed.

"On your back, head here." She commanded coldly without removing her beautiful blue eyes from her phone.

I quickly obeyed and moved into the designated position.

Olivia stepped her left foot up onto the bed and hovered her crotch above my face, peeling the light fabric of her romper aside and exposing her freshly shaven pussy inches away from my mouth. As she crouched lower her soft lips parted ever so slightly and I noticed a glistening of wetness between them.

I extended my tongue, dying to taste her.

She sharply tapped my cage, causing my body to jolt.

"Kisses only!" She ordered.

"This pussy doesn't belong to you right now."

I groaned and squirmed in frustration and we hadn't even left the camp site yet.

I gently kissed her delicate mound and she slowly ground her hips into my face as she continued messaging Jay.

"He is saying that he would rather not have me park at his camper this time as there is a chance that his ex's friend might be in the area and she's prone to start drama." Olivia announced.

"He can come here to pick me up or I can get dropped off. I want you to drop me off."

"Yes of course, my love."

I quickly got dressed and grabbed her bag, holding the truck door open for her to get in and closed it behind her.

During the short drive she placed her right foot up on the dashboard and turned towards me, peeling her romper aside again and exposing her beautiful pussy. She slid a finger slowly up and down her slit, gently gyrating her hips seductively.

"I bet you'd love to pull my truck over and fuck this little pussy, wouldn't you babe?"

"Oh god yes please." I moaned.

"You're so worked up you wouldn't even last one minute. I bet you'd love to fuck it and blow all that built up cum deep inside. That would make this so much easier for you wouldn't it?"

"Oh yes it would!"

"That's too bad." She teased with a pouty face.

"I need to get fucked long and hard and Jay is going to do that for me soon."

"Jesus baby, you're killing me!" I hissed.

"I know I am. The only thing that you're going to do about is be a good boy and wait in your cage until Jay is done with me."

"Until tomorrow?" I winced.

"Maybe tomorrow, maybe longer."

She knew that she had me wrapped around her finger.

Olivia directed to me to the campground and along the beach. We drove slowly along the backs of the camper trailers which were parked less than a hundred feet from the water. It was a very beautiful area.

We finally arrived at Jay's camper and pulled into the parking area behind it. I assumed that I would be quickly dropping Olivia off and driving away but to my surprise Jay emerged from around the corner.

It was the first time that I had seen him in person. He was about 6 years younger, my height and beefier since he invested a lot of time in the gym.

Olivia opened her door and got out to meet him. They embraced and kissed passionately in the headlights of the truck and I was struck with a queasiness that I wasn't sure if was enjoying.

My aching cock convinced me that I was enjoying it more than I wasn't.

I placed the truck in reverse to pull away but was once again surprised by Jay's waving me out. I placed the truck back in park and killed the engine.

"Leaving so soon?" He asked through a bright smile, extending his outstretched hand.

"It's great to finally meet you!" He exclaimed.

He handshake was firm and enthusiastic. I was taken back. The years of pornography and smut that I had consumed had conditioned me to believe that man filling the role of a "bull" was generally disrespectful and inconsiderate towards the cuck. This guy was the opposite.

He took Olivia's hand and welcomed me to follow them to his fire pit where he offered us to take a seat. Olivia and I sat across the pit from each other and he went inside to grab us drinks.

The warm fire crackled and the waves softly rolled across the sand as my wife stared at me seductively through the flames. She leaned back in her chair and spread her legs, the left side of her pussy peering from behind the thin fabric covering it.

"Maybe tomorrow, baby. As long as you're a good boy." She teased.

Jay returned with three bottles of light beer and sat down next to Olivia. She half stood and lifted her camp chair, snuggling in closer into Jay and laying her head on his shoulder.

We chatted casually as if the situation we were in was perfectly normal, as if the two of them were a couple and I was the third wheel. It was surreal.

Jay turned out to be warm and respectful, seeming to genuinely want to get to know me while he and Olivia openly expressed their affection for each other. He ran his hand up and down her thigh while she slid hers up under his shirt and across his chest. She would occasionally interrupt him mid sentence by nibbling on his ear lobe and biting his neck, all while looking over into my eyes mischievously.

My cock throbbed painfully as I tried my best to maintain composure but Olivia saw right through my attempts to hide my torment and decided to escalate.

She stood up and sat down in Jay's lap as he politely peered around from both sides of her trying to maintain eye contact with me and continue our conversation. Placing her hand on his face she turned his head towards her, planting her mouth on his for a long, passionate kiss.

The kiss seemed to go on forever and I watched in awkward silence and erotic fascination as their hands explored each other's bodies like a couple of horny teenagers. His hand ran across the outside of her thigh and up to squeeze a handful of her ass. She squeezed his upper arms, admiring his bulging biceps.

My breathing turned quick and shallow.

Olivia removed her mouth from his and while maintaining eye contact with me whispered something into his ear before sucking on his ear lobe again. She squirmed and gyrated her ass into his groin and he took one last swig of his beer, finishing it and dropping it onto the sand with an empty thunk.

"Well. I think it's about time we called it a night." Jay announced, clearly flustered and eager to indulge in my loving wife.

"Yes it is!" Olivia agreed.

Olivia stood up and extended her arms above her head to stretch and Jay stood up as well. I couldn't help but notice his erection pressing outward against his light khaki pants and the small stain of pre cum that soaked through. He made no effort to hide it. I envied his freedom to be fully hard and how it would soon feel to slide into my wife's soft, hot wetness.

Olivia walked over and leaned down to give me a deep, passionate kiss but her lips left mine with a wet smack as Jay pulled her by the hand, guiding her away to his camper.

"Don't feel like you have to leave." Jay assured. "You're more than welcome to stay and finish your drink."

"Finish mine too, babe. I barely touched it." Olivia instructed without looking back.

The last sip of my beer had been sitting piss warm at the bottom of my bottle for what seemed like ages.

He opened the door and gestured for her to walk in, smacking her on the ass before following her up the steps and closing the door behind them.

I swung back my last sip of beer and tossed it down next to Jay's empty bottle. Having been facing the sea, I switched chairs to have a view the camper and picked up Olivia's nearly full beer.

I watched intently through the small window on the door as they stood, making out and groping each other ravenously.

Without removing himself from Olivia Jay reached out backwards and flicked off the lights, the camper now dark.

I wanted so badly to try and work my cock through it's cage but I was still visible from the neighbouring group at their fire pit about fifty feet away.

Suddenly the blinds were closed in the window of the bedroom and I knew it was on. I sat in disbelief and agony. Mostly in shock at how incredibly aroused I was.

I sat sipping Olivia's beer, imagining what could be happening in the dark of Jay's bedroom.

The minutes seemed like hours as I sat by the dying fire in lustful angst, frantically bouncing my heel against the sand.

A feint sound caught my ear and I cocked my head sideways, straining to hear over chatter of the neighbours and the rolling waves.

It was a rhythmic clunking, barely audible and almost a second apart.

It had to be Jay's bed. Maybe the headboard.

A breathless sensation rushed over me and I rested my foot on my chair

in order to place a barrier between the neighbour's view and my hand grasping my cock through my shorts. I squeezed and yanked at the cage and groaned at the lack of sensation that I felt and desperately needed.

The clunking from Jay's camper began to intensify in volume and tempo with my heart rate following suit. I wondered what position they were in, imagining that it was missionary as she pulled his ass into her while they kissed hotly.

After about another 5 minutes I heard what sounded like a whimper. Then another. It was Olivia becoming vocal. Her moans became progressively louder as the bed went from making a clunking to a violent slamming sound.

It wasn't until the group of people walking by behind me were ten feet away that I noticed their presence. They had obviously heard the sounds of my wife being fucked in Jay's camper as they walked by, chuckling and whispering to one another. I was very grateful to be facing away from them.

Altogether the sounds of their lovemaking halted and I assumed that they had finished. I quickly pounded back the remainder of Olivia's beer and was about to leave before I heard Olivia moaning once again. Soon after the bed began banging and I could also hear the loud smacking of their bodies slamming together. It sounded as if they had changed positions. I assumed it was doggy style and couldn't wait to find out if I was right the next time I had access to Olivia.

Olivia's moaning soon turned to loud cries of pleasure and in my peripheral vision I noticed that the people at the adjacent fire pit were turning in our direction, probably catching ear of the action in the camper. I felt comforted by the concealment of darkness as the fire died down to glowing embers.

After what I estimated to be approximately a half hour of vigorous sex I heard Jay grunting out and moaning as the pounding stopped, obviously releasing himself into my beautiful wife's depths.

I quickly stood and made my way to the truck. As I passed their window I heard faint murmurings and giggles of their post sex conversation.

Once back at the campsite I dropped down on the bed, staring up at the ceiling and mentally prepared myself for the sleepless night and agony to follow that I somehow deeply craved. If they were to follow their previous patterns he would fuck her a couple of more times before the morning and another time before or after breakfast.

I grasped my cage and the lock rattled as I shook it in frustration.

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blackwindow7blackwindow710 months agoAuthor

Thank you, Jackie! I’m super happy that you enjoyed it!

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

That was extremely hot; there is just something about one man delivering you to another that rocks my world. I liked the quasi-respect too; it’s a hell of a gift for one man to lend to another.

Thanks for sharing, Jackie.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

The next morning Olivia called crying, asking her what was wrong? Please just hurry over and pick me up. I hurried over and was surprised to see Jay's camper was gone, but Olivia was setting in the sand Hunched over. I ran over to her, she had been badly beaten and was still crying. I got her in to the truck and she finally started talking. He beat me this morning, when I got mad at him. Why did you get mad at him? He told me this morning after he had fucked me in all my holes several times, that he just found out couple days age that he had Caught an STD, and that I should go get tested. Hubby just thought to himself Serve you right slut, for cuckolding me!!

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

The next morning after Olivia had been fuck all night long, she tryed to call her husband, there was no answer. After several calls she ask Jay to drive her over to her camp site. When they got there her husband was gone, there was a stick stuck in the sand were they were parked with a paper impaled on it. Her hand was Shaking as she grabbed the paper. It was a note from her husband, it simply said "we came here for Quality Connection time between us and US Alone. Since you thought it wasn't important to you! Our marriage is not important to me. Don't ever come home, I will drop all of your stuff at your Parent's home. So long Bitch, maybe Jay will drive you to your parent's home. Oh and maybe you can give Jay that BJ that you never finished giving me....

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Her husband was quietly thinking about all the times that his wife had locked him in the chastity cage, while she was busy fucking other men, and how she wouldn't even finish him off, with her blow job during the drive down to the camp site. He was mad, no he was very mad. As they Approached Jay's camper, and he stepped out towards them. Her Husband didn't put his foot on the break Pedal. But he Swerved towards Jay, just nearly tapped him when he hit him. He just kept driving back to their camp site. All the long Olivia was screaming her head off and in Shock, that they had just hit Jay, and just drove off, leaving Jay laying in the sand. In the review mirror husband could see Jay Shakely standing up. He stopped the truck and grabbed his wife's phone. Sent a text back to Jay. If you contact, or try to see my wife again, I will come back and finish the job. His wife could see what he had typed, and her eye got real big. After he sent the text He threw her cell phone out the window. Then put his hand out, and said give me the fucking key now, almost scream. She quickly gave him the key, he pull the cage off and threw it out the window too. Looking at his very Scared wife, he yelled, I didn't mind playing your fucking cuckold games! BUT you will never ever leave me hanging in the NEAR completion of a great blow job! NOW get your god damn mouth over here, and finish me off NOW as I drive !!

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