The Enigma of Margaret Thomas Pt. 02

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Things becomes interesting.
7k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 11/26/2023
Created 01/04/2021
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The Enigma of Margaret Thomas pt2

copyright: Hitchhiker 2021

Well dearest reader, after 21 years of posting on Literotica, rather intermittently over the last decade or so, now comes the third story in just over year. A big thank you to Jackie.O.Hikaru for editing and introducing me to Google docs. (Potential writers take note!)


Please Read pt1 first otherwise you'll not have a clue what's actually supposed to going on, this story takes up where the last part left off. Sorry to rattle on but people need things explained more these days. Right this story really covers several category's posted in Group sex but it also covers, mature, First time, and interracial.

Enjoy and don't forget to comment as we, dear readers, we the writers love nice comments. No anon comments please send private comments instead, after all life is a two sided conversation.


The Enigma of Margaret Thomas. Part 2

"Well!" said Dorothy "Shall we go to the house? I've a very comfortable little home. I'm sure you'll like it Margi. Best of all I have a very big King sized bed. I didn't know why until today, but hey ho!"

"My car is parked up on the downs and I'd like to collect it. If you take Adam and our stuff I'll go and fetch it. You do have a drive I presume Dorothy?" Margaret asked as she straightened her clothes and redressed herself.

"I do have a drive you'll see as you come down the hill on the right, the first one just under the trees. Mind the turn in it's very sharp and the track is a little uneven"

"Come on then Adam you can carry the picnic baskets and I'll bring the blankets. Oh! Margi, it's so wonderful to have you back." Dorothy said and she hugged Margi to her kissing her again long and hard on the mouth.

They parted company, Margaret going off back to collect her car. Adam followed Margaret and helped her to climb back up the little cliff. When she was at the top Margaret looked down. Lifting her skirt to show her legs and still naked quim, in a teasing tone she said "And don't you two start anything... before I get back... I might get jealous!!." and with that she vanished from view.

Adam just groaned inwardly and thought to himself, "Fuck me! I'll wake up in a minute, and this will be just a wonderful dream. No one will ever believe this ever happened. I can't believe it myself and I've just fucked two women, both old enough to be my mother, and they don't seem to be finished yet. Can you die from to much fucking?"

When Adam returned to Dorothy, smiling to himself, as he saw the last image of Margaret's stockings and naked sex in his mind.

Dorothy said "By the way Adam, there's a little secret, well big secret waiting for you back at the house. I've an adopted daughter, she's from South Africa. Anyway you'll see."

Adam and Dorothy picked up the picnic baskets and blankets and Dorothy guided him back up through her wild garden, toward what turned out to be a large 1920's bungalow which also had an equally large veranda, the windows and doors were open to the June day, allowing the fresh sea breeze to blow through and chase out the last of winter's stuffiness.

On the grass in front of the veranda to Adam's surprise laying on front was a naked woman. Most surprising was the colour of the woman's skin. When Dorothy had said she'd adopted a daughter he automatically thought of a European girl.

What he saw was the most beautiful female form he'd ever seen in his life. The woman's skin was the most wonderful dark honey brown, her skin shone in the bright sunlight like polished bronze, oiled and glistening.

Adam stopped, his mouth gaping, Dorothy smiled at him and before they got too close to the naked woman, Dorothy called out.

"Zuri, we have a gentleman caller. Don't turn over, and cover yourself with a towel first."

The girl grabbed the towel next to her and discreetly turned over to see who the visitor might be. She smiled at the young man before her, who as he came closer politely put out his right-hand.

"Adam Shelley, honoured to meet you. Z..uri." He said as Zuri smiled up at him. She grasped his hand and Adam pulled her up to stand in front of him, a smile as wide as the, River Thames at Southend, on his face.

"Zuri Stevens and I'm honoured to meet you, Adam Shelley." Zuri looked Adam up and down seeming to approve of what she saw, she guessed she was maybe a one or two years older than him; and by his stupid expression on his face she'd made quite an impression on this young man already.

Zuri was extremely confused, emanating from both her mother and Adam was the scent and aroma of sex, this she found somewhat perplexing. Zuri then looked at her adopted Mother, who was clearly flushed; her pale white skin could never disguise arousal, a fact which Zuri had always found amusing, the poor white man could never cover his emotions.

Even Adam was flushed when she took a closer look at him and was that that bulge in the front of his shorts?

Zuri looked at her mother for explanation.

"You will never believe it, Zuri. Do you remember the stories I've told you about Margaret Thomas?" Dorothy asked her daughter.

"Yes. So this is her son and somehow you've already met and been well? Been what?" Zuri was very confused, her mind jumping to all kinds of conclusions.

"No this isn't her son, but her young friend!!! They were making love in the quarry, right next to my favourite little spot, I watched them and well... I couldn't stop myself." Dorothy studied her daughter's reaction to this revelation.

"You what??? You found two people at the bottom of our garden fucking and you are now standing here with one of them. One who is... young enough to be your son. Where's this Margaret Thomas then?" Zuri's voice was a little raised in utter shock at the situation, but a situation she found interesting to say the least.

"What happened?......"

"Well....." Dorothy began. I first heard them. Then I started to watch them and as I said, I'd been reading one of my books, so I was interested, so to speak."

"Fucking randy in other words." Said Zuri in mock indignation.

"Yes. That too. Well I watched then. Then I saw the woman's face as she was enjoying the undivided attention of young Adam. When I recognized who it was, I was so shocked and surprised along with a multitude of other emotions at finding my long lost friend, who I'd not seen for nearly 30 years. I came out of hiding."

"You what, and you confronted them?" Zuri was a mixture of shocked and aroused.

"We introduced ourselves and I sort of joined in." Adam couldn't believe this frank exchange between mother and daughter. His cock began to harden again tenting the front of his shorts.

Then the sound of Margaret's car pulling up the other side of the house could be heard, releasing some of the tension.

"Ah here comes Margi now. Come on, let's go and meet her." said Dorothy.

As the three of them walked around the house to greet Margi, Zuri was still shaking her head in disbelief.

Following behind the two women Adam took another opportunity to look at Zuri, although she'd wrapped her towel around her body it was tight enough for him to admire her perfect statuesque form. He also looked at Dorothy almost a foot shorter than her adopted daughter, who was he guessed nearly 6 feet tall and so taller than himself, but Dorothy still had slender hips, hips he could remember holding not an hour ago. Adam hoped events still might become interesting again. He'd seen Zuri naked from behind and wanted to see her from the front.

"Margi, Margi welcome to our little home hidden away here in sunny Surrey and I'd very much like to introduce my adopted daughter, Zuri."

Margaret was still a little flustered, her mind racing with the recent events and how fast things had gone. As her eyes took in the scene she was as stunned as Adam, she to had, had a preconception of how Dorothy's adopted daughter would look. To see this Amazon goddess approaching her was just too much. Margaret needed a quick reset.

Dorothy continued her introduction " Zuri, which means beautiful." Dorothy didn't seem phased by Margaret's expression of surprise at seeing Zuri for the first time.

Margaret politely held out her hand to Zuri, the two women stared into each other's eyes trying to guess the others thoughts as they clasped hands in greeting. "Margaret, I'm truly honoured to meet you. Mum has told me so many stories about you. You are a legend in our household and now, you've...returned."

"Zuri. Wow! You are truly the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. You are truly out of Africa..... Sorry that was a bit too forward." Margaret said pulling herself up yet again, she was definitely losing it.

"Sorry I think. I'm hungry, I've done a lot since my breakfast at the crack of dawn. Can we please, have some lunch?" Margaret smiled with a pleading expression on her face.

"Of course. I think we've all worked up an appetite with the mornings activities, well three of us have." Dorothy nudged Adam standing next to her and winked at him in a conspiratorial manner.

The nudge knocked Adam out of his daze. " Yes, yes.. I'll.. ah mmm. Are we going to eat on the veranda?" Adam asked questioningly, trying to stop his imagination doing overtime. Standing next to Zuri and smelling her scent, of oil and warm skin. Adams' imagination was in over drive.

Zuri came to his rescue. "Come on Adam, I'll show you where, and give you a hand."

"OH yes... please!!" he replied in more ways than one. The Image of a dark brown hand wrapped around his engorged cock came into his mind.

"Only if you are a good boy." Zuri came back knowing all too well what Adam meant.

Dorothy hugged Margaret and then looked at her friend with love and tenderness, knowing she was going through the same feelings of surprise, shock and astonishment, she was.

"Wasn't that something we did at the bottom of my garden? It was as if the 30 years apart had never been." Dorothy whispered into Margaret's ear.

"We were taken by the moment, I suppose. It was fantastic though, and I'd like to do it again and again." Replied Margaret equally quietly, as they both savoured the moment of quiet closeness and contact, each feeling the others breasts pressed into theirs.

"Well we can, and for as long as we want, dear, dear, Margaret. But I think Zuri is going to give us competition for the attention of young Adam. The boy's truly cunt struck with her." Dorothy said taking Margaret by the arm and leading her towards the veranda at the back of the Bungalow.

As the morning had progressed the sky had cleared to a cloudless perfect clear blue sky, hardly a breath of wind and the sweet heady aroma clean summer air.

Zuri and Adam had started to unpack the hamper of all the goodies Margaret had brought as part of her diabolical plan to seduce Adam to her wicked intent. Margaret looked at the array of sandwiches, Honey Roast Ham and Adams favourite, Roast Lamb with pickle, she'd also put in cakes of three different types. Some ginger beer and a bottle of red wine. Margaret had planned to introduce Adam to as many new temptations as she could.

It was now clear she'd needn't have bothered. Adam was totally up for anything that Margaret or for that matter any woman would like to offer, the last hour had proved that. Adam hadn't hesitated in the slightest, Margaret was so flattered when she'd first noticed his arousal in the car, and his politeness at trying to conceal it until she'd given the green-light.

Margaret's mind replayed the morning's events. From her noticing that her legs had become exposed, then seeing Adam adjust himself. She remembered her thoughts when she realised that Adam was attracted to her. An 18 year old man attracted to a 50 year old woman. She remembered the feeling of first seeing and then sucking his beautiful cock into her mouth, how it tasted, sweet and a little salty, how he quivered when her tongue stroked around the glands. Then she recalled the feeling of him penetrating her body, how hot his penis was, how hard it was, how utterly wonderful he felt deep inside her; and then he'd licked her pussy.

Margaret shivered at the memories racing through her mind, she wanted more. Her cunny almost hummed in agreement, she felt the muscles slacken with warm wet expectation.

Coming out of her reverie, as they approached house, Margaret noticed that Adam had removed his shirt and shorts, and was now naked apart from his underpants. She looked at him questioningly.

"Zuri thought, I'd be more comfortable in just my pants, I must admit my shorts were a little tight." He replied and winked at her quizzical look.

"Well from where I stand you still look uncomfortable." Dorothy quipped.

"I'm sorry, but I'm only human, and I can't get him to go down; I've seen and done so much this morning. I've seen all three of you naked. Made love to two of you and...Please don't be offended Zuri."

"Adam I'm not offended in any way. In fact what better compliment could any woman receive from a gentleman? You aren't too shabby yourself looking at you makes me feel all warm inside." Zuri reassured Adam as best she could, she did feel attracted to him and the brief story of earlier events Dorothy had told made her feel aroused.

"You are a truly remarkable woman Zuri." Margaret complimented, smiling at her, and again taking in her goddess like beauty.

"Well, my Mum. Dorothy, has taught me about relationships in a very non Christian way. It was the clash of religions that made me an orphan." Zuri began to explain to Margaret. How her parents had been pulled apart when her grandfather had found out that his son of Pakistani descent had fallen in love with a Zulu girl. That the girl, Zuri's mother, was a Christian and black. It had been to much for the strict Muslim hypocritical family to allow.

Shortly after Zuri was born, they'd been caught together again after being forcibly separated. Her fathers brother had killed and murdered them both in an enraged and very brutal attack, a so-called honour killing. Her Uncle had been hung for double murder of her parents, leaving poor Zuri an orphan totally disowned by all of her relations.

Dorothy had been good befriended the couple helping them in their battle against bigotry and racism and outdated religious beliefs.

After Zuri's parents had been so cruelly murdered, Dorothy decided to adopt the poor innocent baby girl. Dorothy continued the story. Telling how on her return to England she'd faced disapproval and racism, much the same as in South Africa. But fortunately her supervisors and social services had given her a lot of support. Yes it had been tough and yes she'd had to tell people in no uncertain terms to mind their own business and grow up. Now in the 1970's attitudes were very slowly changing.

Both Adam and Margaret understood the situation, and were fully supportive of Dorothy and her brave move to take care of Zuri ensuring her a good education and upbringing.

The brief history lesson over, it was Zuri who spoke up about the day's events so far.

"Come on Mother spill, what happened at the bottom of the garden?"

"I've told you." Dorothy responded trying to be cool.

"OK, Margaret what happened at the bottom of our garden?" Zuri asked.

"The most amazing, unbelievable, and lovingly beautiful thing ever. I was reunited with my long lost friend, confidant and lover, for we surely were lovers weren't we dear Dorothy?" Dorothy nodded in agreement, smiling and Margaret continued.

"They never made any comment or saw anything wrong in those days of two women sharing a room or even a bed."

"Not like poor dear Alan Turing. The way the authorities treated him was disgusting, in the end he took his own life, after he'd basically ended the war because of his genius with computers. Hopefully one day his work will be recognised, but I'm sad to say, I can't see it happening anytime soon." said Dorothy, a sad tone in her voice. "Anyway let's brighten things up, what are we going to do now?"

"So Margaret you were saying, what happened? Why were you at the bottom of our garden with this rather attractive young man?" Zuri pressed again.

"Do you want the honest answer? Margaret asked.

Zuri and Dorothy nodded in unison. "Yes"

"Well..It's quite simple. I'm randy old spinster, who has the hots, seriously badly for young Adam. It was all too easy to seduce him, I've known him for a couple of years and noticed how he ogled my body. So now he's turned 18 it's at least legal to educate him in the ways of the world, if not strictly an accepted thing in society even today, for a 50 year old woman to seduce an 18 year old. No one could argue with it in all honesty, could they?" Margaret said, hoping she'd not have to explain further.

"Oh! Well put like that it sounds quite reasonable." replied Zuri, raising an eyebrow.

"But how did you all three end up, having sex? It's just unbelievable, that's all. Dorothy?"

Dorothy responded "It's not every day you are reunited with a long lost friend; and to see that friend in the act of making love to what looked to be her son. That was, well.... too much and I couldn't help crying out as I came. That's when Margaret called out, with her. I'm in control voice. I came out of hiding and wham bam, thank you Ma'am...It was good wasn't it Margi? I'm not asking you Adam."

They all laughed at Dorothy's quip. All knowing what Adam was thinking. Both Dorothy and Margaret wanted more. But Margaret felt that Zuri could put a damper on things.

"Well I suppose it's confession time again, should I tell them Zuri?" Dorothy asked her daughter.

"No, Mum. I'll tell them. Dorothy and I are lovers, and have been since I was legally allowed. All happened when Dorothy caught me masturbating over a magazine, and as they say the rest is history."

"Well I'll be fucked." exclaimed Adam.

Another round of laughter ran through the two couples.

"You just might. Get those underpants off and show us what you're made of. Come on Adam, get naked, you show me yours and I'll show you mine." On Zuri's

command, Adam stood up and took off his pants, to stand naked in front of the 3 woman, his manhood to the fore.

Good to her word Zuri stood and dropped her towel. Adam's eyes nearly popped out of his head as he took in the sight of Zuri standing naked in front of him, his cock rose from half mast to full erection in just a few seconds.

Both Dorothy and Margaret looked at each other, shrugged their shoulders, stood up and began removing their own clothes. When Margaret started to remove her stockings and suspenders. Adam asked her to leave them on saying "You can't take them off, they are just so sexy. I've wanked off to the thoughts of seeing your stockings so many times. you can't take them off now."

Adam and Zuri embraced and kissed, as Dorothy and Margaret cast off the last of their confining clothes they walked forward, one from each side embracing the kissing couple.

"Lunch!" Margaret almost shouted. "I need sustenance."

Adam turned to Margaret and kissed her on the mouth, Zuri kissed Dorothy. The group hugged again.

"Lets eat. Can you open the wine please Adam?" Suggested Dorothy. Adam opened the wine, a fine Primativo from Puglia Italy.

With 4 glasses filled, Margaret said "I think this calls for a toast. For the 30 years Dot and I have been so cruelly parted. By what can only be described as miracle. We have been bought back together again in the most unimaginable and remarkable manner. So....Thanks for small miracles and old friends reunited"

All four stood and repeated Margaret's toast, chinking their glasses and smiling with affirmation.