The Fall

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A wife desperately needs to get back into the workplace.
5.8k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 03/31/2022
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The fall.

John stormed around the house slamming every door he came across. They had had yet another heated row. It was getting to the point where neither could be civil to the other at the moment.

It seemed like whatever the couple talked about lately ended with one or the other shouting abuse and walking away angrily.

Cyd could not understand the problem he had with her wanting to go back to work now the kids were old enough to cope without her 24 hours a day.

They had been married 15 years, had three children. Anthony 14, Fearne 12 and Heather 11.

The kids were at an age where they had started to have their own minds, Cyd found it very hard work sometimes dealing with three hormonal children.

It was probably a mix of this and John's flat refusal to her about going back to work that had made her more adamant to get a job.

Every morning after getting the kids off to school she was hitting the internet looking for local jobs.

She had left school with four very good grade A levels and had landed a nice job in a local bank as a trainee mortgage advisor. She loved her job and after 2-3 years had become the youngest person country wide in the banks history to run her own department.

Its where one sunny spring morning a young man named John Morris came into her life.

John was a cocky young fella of 23, all the ladies he met went weak at the knees. His looks, charm and the way he carried himself drew looks wherever he went. He had an appointment at the bank to get a business loan for his up and coming upholstery company.

Unfortunately Mr Jenkins the business advisor was off with an upset stomach that day and Cyd had been asked to take on some extra workload.

John was sitting waiting when Cyd came out of her office to greet him, he was smitten at first sight.

He was not usually flustered around people, especially women but he found his mouth had gone dry as she introduced herself as Stephany Wilson.

She reached out to shake his hand and as he held out his hand when their fingers touched it felt to John that there was an electrical spark.

That was it for John. Cyd felt it too, there was something there.

John didn't go to pieces but he felt he was not himself, he had never felt shy where women were concerned but now he was feeling it badly. Stephany was gorgeous.

They got on like a house on fire. Feeling so comfortable together almost like old friends They had a 20 minute meeting that went on for over an hour before one of her colleagues knocked on the door.

"Stephany, your 11 o'clock has been waiting nearly 30 minutes. Are you nearly done?"

"Oh shit, oh sorry John I shouldn't have said that out loud."

John smiled, she had called him by his first name without a seconds thought.

Stephany said that she would take all of his requests and paperwork he had brought into consideration. She would ring him to confirm if his application was successful and could he come back in maybe next Tuesday to sign for the loan if it was agreed.

He nodded yes and walked away on cloud nine.

Stephany had tried not to show it but John had made her legs go to jelly, she loved his boyhood shyness and charm. He had not tried to show off or be too brash, they just chatted and found each other to be comfortable as could be in a business meeting.

Steph still lived at home with her parents and when she got back that night she found herself talking about John to her mum across the dinner table.

"Mum, seriously when did you know dad was the one?"

Her dad looked up smiling. "The first time she set eyes on me" he laughed.

"Yeah ok, in your dreams."

"No really, was it love at first sight or did he grow on you over time?"

"What's bought this on Cyd?" Asked her dad "have you met someone?"

Cyd was her dads pet name for her, Steph didn't know why he called her Cyd. he just started calling her it while she was very young and it just stuck as the name everyone called her by.

Steph looked down for a split second coyly.

"She has," said her mum, "who is he?"

"Just someone at work today. He is a hunk mum. His eyes are dreamy, his voice is so smooth. I am approving his loan just so I can see him again."

So that was how it started, they made a date to meet out of work after the next meeting. One thing led to another and after a whirlwind romance they were married within a year.

John's business went from strength to strength. He got lucky with a client who was a buyer for a major hotel line and his business snowballed.

He took on extra staff and bought bigger premises. Meanwhile Cyd looked for a house, being with the bank she could easily sort the mortgage on very favourable terms so the house she was looking for was for going to be for her future family.

She found the perfect place, an old detached Victorian four bedroom in a little village in Kent. Half an acre of land. Two old out buildings and an in/out driveway. Perfect. They moved in and made it their own.

It was late August, a beautiful summers day sitting out in the garden one Sunday morning that Cyd put a plate of bacon and eggs in front of John.

As John cut into the fried egg his knife hit something, he lifted the egg to look under. It was a pregnancy test.

Cyd had a big ass grin on her face.

His face broke into a smile as his eyes met hers. "Positive?"

They cried in each other's arms.

8 months later Anthony was born.

Over the next few years John built his business into one of the biggest upholstery firms in the country. Meaning that Cyd could take a longer break from work to bring up their now three children.

That break lasted a lot longer than Cyd originally planned for and she had to hand in her notice.

John liked the fact that she was a stay at home mum but Cyd was getting more and more frustrated with her lot. She felt that she still had so much more to give. She was still young at 38 and wanted more. Ok so she had her clubs, art, golf society ect but she really missed the day to day workplace.

This is what brought about the constant arguing lately. John just didn't understand why she needed to work, she had all the money she could ever need? That was his reasoning plus she had the kids to think of.

When the kids came home from school they didn't want their mum anyway. They went straight to their rooms they wouldn't miss her till dinner time.

This made her mind up, a job was the answer.

Maybe part time for now just to dip her toes in the water.

Cyd had narrowed it down to 3-4 positions she would apply for. She reasoned in her head that she was more than qualified for all of these.

She filled in all the questionnaires and applications and waited for the offers to come in.

The first two days dragged by with her checking her emails every hour. Nothing. A week went by with not even a reply. Cyd was disheartened but determined to find a job.

It was Wednesday afternoon, the golf society had a charity day and she was on the board. She had been there since 9.30am getting the order of play and tee off times sorted when one of her best friends came in with her new boyfriend.

Marjory was a stunning brunette divorcee of 40 years old. They had their youngest girls in the same class at school.

He was gorgeous. Tall, dark and handsome, a cliché but true. Most of the women stopped and stared as the pair walked by.

"Hi Cyd, Mark here is signed up for the mixed pairs with me. Oh by the way sorry, Cyd, Mark-Mark, Cyd."

Mark looked at her with eyes that would melt an iceberg. He leaned in and took her right hand raising it to his mouth and kissed it.

"Hello Cyd, nice to meet you."

He looked and smelt divine, Cyd felt her heart rate go up as she stuttered back.

"Hello, pleased to meet you too."

She sidled up to Marjory

"Where did you get this gorgeous man?"

"I know, isn't he" she smiled like a cat with the cream.

As the day progressed the golf was going wonderfully, the side stalls were raking in cash as most of the local businesses had given support and had representatives present.

Cyd kept stealing glances at Mark only to quickly look away as every time she saw him he seemed to be checking her out too.

She found herself thinking of this man throughout the day. The more she thought of him the more sexual she thought of him wondering what he would be like in bed. She had never thought of another man in all the time she had been with John. She felt that tingle between her legs, she was getting wet.

A Kiss on the cheek woke her from her trance. John had snuck up on her.

"Oh you made it after all"

"Yes I left Charlie in charge for the day, I am all yours"

He smiled and leant in for another kiss.

"So, how is it going, has my wonderful wife made a success of the day?"

"John you won't believe it but I think we are going to break £20k!"

"Really! That's amazing. Fantastic well done."

The day ended with the various trophies being given and received. Some people started to drift away before the evening entertainment got underway, but there were still at least 150 wanted to party the night away.

John phoned to make sure the babysitter had arrived much to the distain of the kids.

All was ok.

The disco was in full swing and Cyd could let her hair down at last. She and John forgot their arguments for one night and danced the night away.

A great night ended with the grand total announced as £27,610 to be shared out amongst Four local charities.

Everyone congratulated Cyd as she had been the main organizer of the event. Marjory and Mark came over to wish her well done and good night.

"I'm going home to fuck this hunks balls dry" she whispered into Cyds ear.

"Lucky you" was the hushed reply.

John and Cyd got in their uber and snuggled up.

"Sorry I have been such an ass the last few weeks Cyd" He kissed her tenderly.

They arrived home and paid off the babysitter and fucked for the first time in months. It was a great day all round.

The next morning Cyd woke to the sounds of Anthony arguing with Heather, John had already gone to work. She got up and sorted the kids out, breakfast, school clothes ect.

The house was suddenly so peaceful when they all disappeared out of the door.

"Ahhhhhh, peace and quiet."

She made herself a coffee and sat to watch the day's news on tv. Grabbing the laptop she opened up her emails and scrolled through.

One from yesterday popped up, a reply from one of the four saying they liked her CV and could she attend an interview on Friday 10am of this week.

"Shit that's tomorrow! what can I wear?"

Cyd was beyond excited as she rushed upstairs to sort through her wardrobe.

Dresses, shoes, skirts, clothes went everywhere. The bedroom looked trashed until she found the look she wanted.

Cyd made herself a coffee and did her research on the company. It was a private equities firm, they had been at the top of the game for a couple of decades. Well respected in the world of finance.

The day flew by and it wasn't long before the kids were home. Cyd was in a great mood as she stood singing in her kitchen cooking pizza for her children. The only tiny bit of anxiety she had was telling John when he came home about her interview.

In her mind she felt what was she worrying about, it was only an interview, she hadn't even got the job, yet.

She made John his favourite meal. Pork chops, roast potatoes and veg.

"Smells good." He said as he came into the house.

"What have I done to deserve this?"

Cyd turned towards her hubby with a glass of wine for him. She reached up on her tiptoes, put her hand to the back of his neck and gave him a welcome home kiss.

"Nothing, just welcome home and enjoy your dinner. I loved yesterday especially when we got home" She said with a smile.

John looked across the table at her it was clear to him she wanted to say something but she seemed a bit wary.

"What is it? I can see something is up, what is it?"

"I-I have an interview."


She looked up from her plate, this was not the answer she was expecting.

"You are ok with it?"


"Oh John thank you." She leaned across to hold his hand. Relief was on her face as he said.

"I saw it in you yesterday at the charity event. You were blooming, it was clear you need to do something more with your life. I was wrong I am sorry. What is it then?"

They spent the evening like the old days. Chatting, kissing and cuddling drinking two bottles of red between themselves. Once again two nights on the trot they had mind blowing sex.

Life was great again.

Next morning Cyd was as nervous as a child on her first day at school. She sat at her dressing table and applied her makeup. She noticed a small hand written note

"Good luck XXX."

Cyd smiled to herself as she read it. She was happy that John had come around.

She decided nothing too much, just a little blusher some lippy and mascara.

Next the outfit. She had chosen a loose fitting white blouse, a tight black pencil skirt, Black patent court shoes not to high and a black suit jacket.

She twirled at her mirror,.

"Just the look, business like, sexy but not too sexy."

She took an uber to town and it dropped her outside a smart building. A glass fronted foyer It looked expensive and classy.

Her heels clicked as she strode into the building on the marble floors, she was as nervous as hell but tried not to show it.

"Good morning."

The receptionist asked her business there, and she was given directions to the lifts and which floor she needed.

Again she clicked across the floors to the lift area.

The notice board had Rushmoore Equity and Investment Ltd.

Seventh floor.

The lift was smooth as silk. The doors opened to a beautiful entry hall, flowers and statues with a large desk at the end with two stunning women seated behind it.

Cyd felt a little intimidated as she made her way to them. One looked up and asked,

"Can I help you?"

"Hello, Stephany Morris. I am here to see Mr Andrews?"

"Ah yes, you are here on the list. Will you take a seat and I will call you when he is ready."

She buzzed through to his office

"Hi Joan, Mr Andrews 10.00am is here."

Another stunning woman appeared at a connecting door, she was about 50 and was very attractive. Tall, blond her hair tied up in a ponytail. Dressed much the same as Cyd apart from incredibly high Christian Louboutin shoes, she glided on them like they were part of her legs. She carried herself like a runway model and would not have looked out of place at Paris Fashion Week.

"Miss Morris? I am Mrs Delany, Mr Andrews P.A."

She held her hand out and shook Cyd's hand.

"Mr Andrews is expecting you. Will you follow me please?"

Cyd followed behind and was shown into a beautiful office looking the same as the foyer but this was a bit more masculine, just a few flowers and statues but very expensive art hanging from the walls.

"Mr Andrews, Stephany Morris."

An imposing figure in a crisp white shirt and red braces sat behind a large mahogany desk busily writing.

He looked up.



Mrs Delany looked puzzled.

"Mr Andrews, this is Miss Stephany Morris. She is here for an interview with you this morning"


He looked puzzled now.

"Cyd is the name I go by, all my friends call me Cyd."

"Please, please sit down, I hope you allow me to call you Cyd."

"Of course you can." She smiled feeling completely at ease now.

Poor Mrs Delany was completely confused at the situation, She had gone from being in control to not knowing what to do.

She looked at Mr Andrews for some guidance.

Instead he looked at me.

"Tea, Coffee, what can we offer you? Joan can you get Cyd whatever she wants."

"Well what are you doing here?"

"Erm I came hoping to get a part time job. Sorry I didn't know you worked here."

He put Cyd at ease by giving her a lovely smile.

"It is my company, and you are hired."


"You heard me, you're hired. I saw enough the other day at golf to realise you are good at whatever you set your mind to."

He looked through her CV on his desk.

"Well what is it you want to do here? You are more than enough qualified to maybe even do my job? I am sure I can find you whatever you want here"

Just then Mrs Delany came back in carrying a tray of tea and biscuits.

"Joan may I introduce you to our new head of.....Internal Dynamics!. Cyd Morris."

"Internal Dynamics?"

She looked even more puzzled now looking between us.

She sat the tray down on Mark's desk and offered me her hand.

"Congratulations, I think."

"Mark, seriously thank you but I have no idea what the post even is?"

Mrs Delany looked at him and said, "nor do I."

"We'll worry about that later, when can you start?"

"Mark honestly you know nothing about me."

Mrs Delany chipped in rather sarcastically "Well you know him enough to call him Mark!"

"That's enough Joan."

Mark looked her directly in the eyes and she shut down immediately.

"Sorry Sir, it wont happen again Sir." She backed out of the room silently.

"We will iron all the details out, salary, hours ect when you start, if you want to start that is."

"YES, YES. Oh definitely yes."

She left feeling elated and phoned John at work.

"Sorry I cant speak at the minute I am with a client" came his reply, she felt a little let down.

her bubble burst, who could she share her joy with.

"Marjory, its Cyd. I've just landed a job....Yes already! I know.....I cant wait. I start next week. Can we meet up? Are you busy today?"

They met at Starbucks an hour later.

"Well, tell me all about it then."

"It's a private equity firm in town, only part time for now but with one caveat. It is your Marks company."

She gave me a thoughtful look for a moment and said.

"Ok, as long as you promise this doesn't interfere with our friendship I'm ok with it. Is John ok with it?"

"I'm not sure yet. He has come around after seeing the success of the golf day. He knows I really need this."

"Well ok then!, come on no more coffee we need wine to celebrate properly."

Two hours later and a couple of bottles downed in the pub they were getting a bit tipsy. Cyd was glad she had worn sensible heels as her legs were decidedly wobbly.

They both poured themselves into an uber and made our way to Cyd's house.

John came in to a quiet house at 6pm.

"Hi Cyd, you home?"

Fearne came down the stairs.

"Hey dad, I think mum had a bit to drink today, she is in the lounge with Marjory."

John peeked around the door, both women were flaked out on the sofas. He smiled and shut the door leaving them to sleep it off.

It was near 9pm when he heard them start to stir.

He went in carrying two steaming black coffees.

Cyd looked at him apologetically.

"Sorry sweetheart."

"No worries. I assume the interview went well?"

"It went better than that. I start Monday if that's ok with you?"

Marjory waited with baited breath, she knew how John felt about Cyd getting back into the workplace.

"Its fine, as long as you are sure?"

"Thank you, thank you, I love you."

They called a cab for Marjory and settled down for the evening.

The kids were off in bed now as they sat on the sofa talking about her new post and how she promised it would not interfere with their daily life.

It was getting late and they decided to call it a night. John stripped down to his boxers and Cyd put on her sexiest nightwear. He watched as she slipped the silk garment over her exquisite body.

She slid into bed beside him and they kissed. She cuddled into his hairy chest and her fingers slid down to caress his cock through his boxers as she sucked on his nipples.

John loved his nipples being played with and she was making a meal of it tonight.

His cock was hard as iron and was leaking precum profusely. Most of it was being soaked up by the shorts which were drenched by this time.