The Forbidden Below Deck

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A cruise full of sexy and titillating surprises 3 people.
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Let me be clear.​ My stories have no flowery words for depraved ​sex to protect your delicate sensibilities. No, my dear readers​, the vulgar, ​raunchy, and risqué is going down. All those triggers you're warned about. They're real and in your face of the barely believable plotlines. So, if you like your smut cleaned up and prim, DG ain't for you. But if you are like me, and dig gratuitous filthy smut, are​ a bit of ​a freak, then ​sit down, shut up, and hang on.


Synopsis- On a cruise full of surprises, Bettie discovered that one man wasn't really who she needed, and another was more than she thought. All it took was them being thrown together below deck.



The Forbidden Below Deck



My husband-to-be is my boss's son.

Evan was my boss before Holden became my fiancé. I met my husband to be at his mother's or my boss's wife's funeral.

I was twenty-two and had recently started at Evan's corporation. The company was picking up my college expenses for a guaranteed job as Even's assistant. ​His company, BluW​ave Technologies, specializes in developing innovative solutions for the aging population, so I would major in business with a backup in gerontology. I also took classes in human-computer interaction and user experience design so I would have the ability to work with the department that would be creating technology solutions for older adults.

On graduation day, I received my diploma, an engagement ring, the job title, and hefty raise, and as a graduation gift from my soon-to-be father-in-law-- a seven-day cruise with my fiancé and him.

My relationship with Holden was a whirlwind, and truth known, I was in no hurry to get married. I wanted to enjoy my new job and the money that went with it. I planned to work my way up in the corporation and would need to focus.

I wanted to enjoy my freedom and independence. I loved my fiancé but needed space before settling down.

"We can call it our pre-honeymoon, Bette," Holden told me one night at dinner.

I looked up. "You mean the cruise your Dad gave me for graduation will be part of our honeymoon?"

It was his boyish good looks that caught my eye, to begin with. Thick brown hair with a lock that always tended to flip forward. Long eyelashes framed his brown eyes, but it was his smile that traveled all the way to his eyes that did it. Tonight, it was just annoying.

"Well yeah, honey. I mean, it was a gift to all of us, really," Holden replied, although Evan said to the contrary when he gave me the brochure. It was my graduation gift, and he also paid for anything I wanted when we were in port.

I raised my eyebrows with a nod. "Whatever." I drained my glass of wine. "We're going to pull some long hours getting everything caught up and ahead so your Dad can get away."

He nodded vaguely, already onto something else. "Did you see how small those staterooms are?"

"Yeah, well, you're supposed to enjoy the ship and not hang out in the stateroom. Just meant to shower and sleep." I shrugged.

"I guess so. It just seems sort of chintzy. It's not like Dad doesn't have the money."

I pressed my two fingers between my eyes to ease the tension. I pushed my half-empty plate away and said, "I need to get home."

"Sure, darling," he pulled out his credit card and looked in the bill folder. "I don't know where they get off on charging those prices for that wine," he complained.

I leaned back in my chair and scanned for our server, hoping he was nearby and could get us out. He was and did.

I stood up, smoothing my black pencil skirt. I always turned a few heads because I was nearly five ten, which was unexpected. My spike heels brought me to Holden's height. I tucked a loose strand of my blonde curls into the chignon at the back of my neck and led the way out.

After sending Holden on his way, I dropped my bag on the chair and began to strip on my way to the bedroom. The skirt was carefully hung in the closet, the blouse in the laundry.

I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror and stopped. Only since graduation could I afford to get my hair done, regular manicures and pedicures, skincare, and a working woman's wardrobe.

I pulled the pins, letting my hair flow over my shoulders and down my back. Few knew how long my hair was because I kept it up, mainly for business but also because it was my secret. Something no one knew about me.

I unhooked my pink lace bra, allowing my breasts to spill freely. Forty Ds liked their freedom when they could. I shimmied my pink lace thong off and started the shower water.

I stepped under the steamy water letting it wash over my body. I wet my hair and massaged shampoo into my scalp, enjoying the spicy scent. I worked the conditioner into the length. When it was wet, it reached my ass.

One of the great pleasures in life was a luxurious bath or shower. The spicy scent of the body soap and the silky oil I rubbed into my damp skin all served to arouse me. I ran my fingers through the soft folds of my pussy. The smooth lips were swollen and sensitive, and my clit reacted to my touch.

I braced myself against the tile wall and moaned out the current of release that flowed through my body like an electric current. I gasped, reveled in the last rush, and stepped out.




We planned to meet two hours early, and of course, Evan was already there with hot coffee and pastries from the French bakery down the street.

"You keep doing this, and I'm going to need a new wardrobe for the cruise in a larger size," I laughed.

Steel grey eyes showed his amusement, and crinkles formed at each corner when he laughed. Evan wore his hair long, which suited him. His son could never carry it off and kept his closely trimmed.

That he was several inches taller than me helped because few men were.

Multi shades of black, silver, and grey glinted in the light, the natural waves falling below his shoulders. He had a perpetual tan, and when I first met him, I thought he was the most handsome man I'd ever seen.

I still do.

"You don't carry an extra ounce on you, Bette," he grinned.

"Thanks. It's just that I forgot to eat," I laughed, and Evan shook his head.




The two staterooms were next to each other. They were small but enough for our needs. I didn't plan to spend more time in it than I had to. I intended to enjoy all the amenities the ship offered.

Twelve hours later, I was knocking on Evan's door.

"Bette! Oh my god, you look terrible. Are you sick?"

He pulled me into his stateroom and sat me down on the edge of the bed.

I knew I was green. "No, not me. Holden," I said, my stomach still rolling.

He sat next to me. "You're both seasick?"

I leaned over and held my head in my hands. "No, just Holden."

"So, you're not sick? You're green, Bette," he said, rubbing my back.

"Hearing someone vomit triggers me, and I vomit," I said, covering my ears as though I could hear him through the walls. The last thing I wanted to do was start dry heaving again.

"Let me go check on him. You sit or lie here. I'll be right back."

So fearful of hearing him again, I covered my head with the pillow. A few minutes later, I heard the stateroom door close.

"He really has it bad," Evan said sympathetically. "But he is still----"

"Noooooooooooooooo, don't even say it," I cried, covering my head with the pillow again.

"Oh, geez, I'm so sorry." He sat on the edge of the bed and soothingly ran his hand up and down my back. I finally began to relax. "Let me call and get another stateroom."

He waited a bit on the phone, then thanked whoever he was talking to.

"Nothing. The ship was totally booked."

"I can't go back!" I said, suddenly remembering that Holden was in my stateroom with my clothes. "I'd rather sleep on deck. Ugh."

"No, no, you stay here with me. I must admit, it's pretty bad over there." I sat up. "Are you feeling better?"

"Yes, thank you. Sorry to be such a pain." I couldn't have been more embarrassed. I should be in there consoling Holden, but I just couldn't.

"You're not. Not at all. Are you up for a walk on the deck? Some air will probably help. It's almost dinner, although I'm unsure how you feel about that."

I nodded. "Going out sounds good. I am feeling much better. I just had to get that sound out of my ears, and the smell--"

"Right," he cut me off, "let's get some air."

I nodded and stood up, bumping into him. The staterooms were small, and we would need some forethought to maneuver around. But I'd deal with it. No way was I going to go back to my stateroom.

We walked the deck. It was a beautiful day, sunny and breezy, and I felt much better. Although I wasn't ready for a full-blown ship's meal, we found a bar with a limited menu.

"I'll have a long island iced tea."

"I'll have a vodka martini, and we will take the appetizer variety," Evan smiled at the server and returned the menu.

"I feel terrible for Holden," I said.

"The nurse was coming to give him something to help his nausea. I hope it works for him."

A guitar player set up in the corner and began to play. As we finished our drinks, more appeared.

"I guess since I'm not driving..." he laughed and picked up his martini.

I giggled, the first sign that I might have had too much already. But I never let that stop me. The lack of food and the ongoing drinks worked quickly.

There was a small dance floor, and another couple got up to dance. "Oh, let's dance!"

I stood up, wavered a little, and held out my hand. Evan grinned and led me onto the floor. I put a hand on his shoulder, and we clasped hands. At first, I remembered who I was with and where and kept a respectable distance. But as the alcohol continued to work, I forgot.

I had my arms around his neck, my head on his shoulder, breathing in his masculine scent. He has his hands on my waist, probably to ensure I didn't slither to the floor.

"You smell good," I whispered, my breath steamy on his neck.

"Mmm," he said.

He had as many drinks as I did but apparently held his liquor better.

After another hour of drinking and dancing, Evan called it time to return to the stateroom. He walked in ahead of me, and I ran into his back.

"Oh!" I said, grabbing him around the waist to steady myself. It was so comfortable in my inebriated state I put my cheek on his back, sighed, and closed my eyes.

"I'll let you use the bath first." He patted my hands that were on his stomach.

"Oh. OK," I said, disappointed that I couldn't stay that way for the night.

I remembered I had a small toothpaste and brush in my bag and grabbed that before I went in. After doing what I needed to do, I came out. Since there was no room for a chair, Evan waited patiently on the edge of the bed.

He looked up. "All done? Oh, Bette," he said low. "I have a T-shirt you can wear to bed. We'll get your clothes tomorrow. It's too late now."

I stood in my black lace bra and panties and waited for him to find the T-shirt. The room and he were blurry, and I wanted to go to bed. He turned with the T-shirt as I popped the back of my bra, and my forty Ds spilled out in front of him. He hesitated only a moment before putting the T-shirt over my head. I tossed the bra aside, not knowing or caring where it landed. I bent over and shimmied out of my panties, and tossed them.

I looked at the bed, which looked smaller than a double, but I was still so drunk I didn't care. I jumped in, rolled across to the wall, and promptly fell asleep. Or passed out.

Sometime during the night, I woke up having to pee, but I was trapped between Evan and the wall. I was still a little unsteady but could see enough by the moonlight coming in the porthole.

I threw my leg across Evan, who was on his back and waved my foot around, trying to find the floor. I planned on then swinging my leg over without disturbing him.

The problem was my foot wasn't finding the floor, so I had to roll a little more onto him to try again. Still nothing. I decided to push myself up and over with my right arm and leg.

"What. Are. You. Doing."

"Umm, I have to pee. I'll hop over you. Go back to sleep."

I pushed and flew over him and would have landed on the floor had he not grabbed me. I landed on him with an "Ooof." My brain was still too fuzzy to put it all together. But that his cock was trapped between us and quickly hardening got my attention.

He picked me up under my arms like a child and lifted me off of him. The T-shirt was twisted around me. I straightened it and went to pee.

After I was done, I sat to consider what was happening. I wasn't as drunk, but I wasn't precisely clear-headed either. What I did know was that I was in bed with my father-in-law-to-be. Naked under his t-shirt. With my soon-to-be husband throwing up in the room next door.

Resting my elbows on my knees, I shook my head.

I went back to bed when my legs fell asleep. By then, Evan was snoring softly, still on his back. I thought about the logistics of getting over him to the other side.

Deciding to step over him, I put my right leg on his other side and softly boosted myself with my left leg. I pushed myself harder than I thought. I flew over Evan and banged into the wall.

He jumped up, looking around. I sat up, rubbing my head, feeling a knot rising already.

"Did you do that, Bette?"

"Yeah, I was trying to get over here without waking you up."

He sighed and went to the bathroom. When he returned, I was on my side, my back to him, feigning sleep.




When I woke up, I knew he was gone. His pine soap was still in the air, followed by the scent of menthol shave cream.

I found my clothing neatly stacked on the drawers and pulled the T-shirt over my head. I was picking up my bra when the door swung open.

"I hope you're awake. I brought you coffee and---" Evan turned from closing the door to see me standing stark naked. "Oh, sorry... I didn't know..." he fumbled, moving to set the coffee and bag down.

Since he already saw it all, there was no reason to freak out and panic. I just got dressed while he kept his eyes averted.

"I was going to check on Holden this morning," I said, sipping the coffee.

"Stopped before I got the coffee. He's uh, uh, still not feeling well."

"Thanks," I said, appreciating that he didn't tell me he was still throwing up. Just the thought of it could set me off. "I'll just let you check on him then until he's... He's feeling better. I'll call him in a bit."

"I also brought you clothes over. They're in the drawers with mine. I stuffed them all together because I didn't want to wake you up."

"Yeah, no problem, thanks. I need to shower and get some clean clothes on."

"I was thinking of hitting the pool. It's a beautiful day out. If you want to join me, you might want to do it before showering."

I drained my coffee and nibbled on a bagel. "That's a good idea, and I believe I will join you."

"I'll wear my shorts and meet you at the pool."

One thing I brought was plenty of swimsuits and that type of thing. Everyone said to bring evening wear, but I had none and wasn't about to buy any. I didn't care about the fancy dinners anyhow.

I stopped at the shop and picked up a hat and a big beach bag with multicolored tassels. I stuffed a book, water, and a towel along with sunscreen. I didn't want to be miserable the whole cruise.

Evan was already stretched out on a chaise next to the pool with a towel holding the one next to him.

"You're looking pretty cool, dude," I smiled.

"Why thank you, young lady. You look pretty good yourself." He sighed. "I stopped by to see Holden; he isn't feeling better. This seasickness got him big time."

I nodded. "I stopped by the ship's hospital, and they told me they usually get them off the ship at the first port in cases like Holden's. He'd fly back then." I looked at his white legs. "I brought sunscreen."

He looked down, holding each leg up. "I guess I better watch, hmm. Don't want to get burnt. That's too bad about Holden. He was looking forward to this cruise, I know. He pretty much decided he was getting off the ship, first chance, and for us to continue."

Taking the bottle, he spread it from the upper thigh to feet. Then held out his arms and smeared some on them too. I hid my laughter at his seriousness.

I untied my coverup and tossed it over the back of the chaise. All the suits I had were brief, and most were bikinis. Evan's eyes were hidden behind the sunglasses, but I was sure he took in the tiny fluorescent orange bikini meant for Holden.

At this point, I felt terrible for Holden but also sorry for myself, and I decided I would make the best of it.

I rubbed coconut-scented suntan lotion into my hands and stroked it on my legs. I covered my midriff, arms, and then across my chest. The cups were small, and my tits were big, so I needed to cover a margin of white.

I dripped the lotion onto my fingertips and smeared the white cream around the edges of my bikini top. When I was done, I reclined back on the chaise and stretched like a cat.

"I could nap in this sun. Isn't it wonderful?" I looked at Evan; his sunglasses were off, and his eyes were black and lusty.

"Yeah, a nap sounds good." I enjoyed the glints of silver that appeared throughout his black hair. His five o'clock shadow was dense, and it seemed he hadn't shaved this morning. "I'm going to get a drink. Do you want anything?"

He stood up, giving me a chance to look at him. His body was firm but not muscular. His skin was dark, which made him appear to already have a tan. As my boss, I guess I hadn't paid much attention to him, which is good in the workplace. But here and now, it is much different.

As he walked around the pool to the bar, he garnered attention from younger girls to older women, and I frowned. I'm not sure what I was thinking. He wasn't mine. He's my father-in-law-to-be. My boss.

He returned with an icy cold pitcher of margaritas and two thick frozen glasses.

"Save me some trips," he grinned, setting the tray between us.

"Yum, that looks wonderful. Good choice!"

He poured, and I fixed the back of my chaise to sit as he did.

"I almost feel guilty for enjoying myself," he said, looking at me over the rim of the icy glass.

"I was thinking the same thing a few minutes ago." I leaned over to place my glass in the shade under my chaise. "But I decided to make the best of it." I shrugged. "If it were me, I wouldn't want to screw up everyone's fun just because of my bad luck."

His sunglasses were still off, and his eyes dropped to my chest. Not unusual because a lot of men liked my rack. I glanced down and saw that when I was moving, a triangle had slid off to the side a bit, not revealing my nipple but close and exposing white skin that would burn.

"Be careful you don't burn, hon."

I reached for the lotion. I loved the coconut scent. Always a memory of beaches and fun. I dripped some on my fingers and stroked it on the virgin skin. I capped the bottle and offered it to Evan.

"Nah, I'm good. That way, I can complain later when I burn," he grinned, and I laughed.

"I brought some good sunburn lotion, so I have you covered."

"Mmm, good to know."

We finished the pitcher of margarita and decided on another one. By the time that was finished, I was feeling pretty happy and ready for a nap.

"A nap sounds great. Let's go!" He was enthused and in a haze of alcohol, and I giggled. He put his arm over my shoulders as we returned to the stateroom. "What're you laughing at, little one?"

"You! You're drunk."

"Nah, think it's you that's drunk. Not me."

He closed the door behind us.