The Games We Play Ch. 03

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Husband, left in the cold, prepares to face six long weeks.
10.1k words

Part 3 of the 18 part series

Updated 01/25/2024
Created 01/26/2022
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I usually put warnings at the start of my stories because I often write about subjects some find offensive. This story series is about a very sexual wife and her accommodating husband. There is infidelity, cuckolding, and chastity. Fun themes for some, distasteful for others. If you fall into the second category and still read the story, remember you were warned.

In chapter one we found that the wife was taking advantage of her husband's business trip to be exclusively with her lover. The husband was sent away for six weeks of chastity-based frustration and isolation while the wife gave herself to her lover and tried out life as his woman instead of her husband's.

Chapter two was the backstory of the couple's journey from a vanilla couple getting mildly kinky to a couple risking it all to play a high stakes game of love and lust.

This chapter pivots once again. It is told from the husband's perspective as he departs for Europe. It is part in the past, and part in the present.

The chapters that follow will tell the story of the crazy six weeks that Julie and Evan spend and eventually we will find out where and how this tale concludes. Will Scott survive six weeks in chastity? Will Julie fall in love with Evan? What will become of Julie & Scott? What twists and turns will make this journey interesting for all involved?

Thank you to all of you who have rated and commented on the previous chapters. I know some don't like the flipped chronological order, but I do, and ultimately it is my story. I actually wrote chapter 1 and 2 as one very long story and then decided to separate them and flip their order. I just liked it better that way. This chapter is also not purely in chronological order, so my apologies to those of you frustrated by that. It also is mainly Scott's story. So, for those of you who are still wanting to know what Julie and Evan do while Scott is away; patience, it is coming. That chapter (or maybe chapters) is already in the works and not even I am sure what will happen! All I can tell you is it will not go as planned. For any of them.

If you like this latest addition to the series, please let me know with a comment, mark it as a favorite, and follow me for alerts to the next chapters. I also love getting direct messages from the Literotica community. I always respond to non-anonymous messages.

Happy reading, and whatever else you might be doing while reading! ;)

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I could hear Julie peel away in my car, leaving me seriously alone and humiliated. It didn't feel great, but I had to admire her. When we agreed to play our games hard, she was not kidding around. She was off to be her lover's woman for the entire six weeks I was scheduled to be gone. I stood and laughed thinking how she blindsided me and how that made me love her even more. I also stood and realized I may never get her back. Now that is a hell of a way to start a 6-week European business trip!

For 20+ years we were the definition of a vanilla married couple. It wasn't bad, it was just as down the middle as possible. We have always loved each other, and we had sex regularly, and we were great as a couple. It would not at all be a lie to say we were happily married. But then we hit a real wall. Our youngest child moved overseas and suddenly we were an empty nest couple with two grown children living overseas. We suddenly found ourselves without kids to focus on and we realized we were still in love but we were not sure where to go next.

To make a long story short, we saw a marriage therapist and soon found a new way to be a couple. We found a level of sexual fun we never had explored before, and we found that I had a serious submissive streak and my wife a dominant one. We played with those with energy and enthusiasm and soon a path into chastity and cuckolding emerged. We took it. I accepted a caged dick with my wife as my dominant keyholder, and not too long after, I accepted my place as a cuckolded husband. But of course, I didn't just accept these things, I loved them. I have always liked paths that are nontraditional. It is a major reason I have had a successful business career. I like risk, I like to go in directions others won't. And certainly, chastity and cuckolding are directions most husbands would not take.

But I am not most husbands, and my wife is certainly not most wives. We are a couple that has always charted our own path, and now that path has her driving off for six weeks of full-time fun with her lover while I spend six weeks completely cut off.

When she first teased me about her fitness class student Evan and his flirting it was like someone threw gas on my fetish fire. That first tease was the strongest arousal I had ever felt. And as we went further the arousal and the angst got even better. By the time I dropped her off for her first date with Evan, a date that lasted overnight and officially made me a cuckold, the idea of my wife having a lover and her teasing and humiliating me with that, was such a strong desire that I physically craved the jealousy and angst it created. I remember dropping her off and driving away only to pull over a mile later because the swirl of emotions was so strong, I was worried I would crash my car. You know, the car she just peeled away in.

For the last three months my wife has been fucking Evan regularly, in fact way more then she ever fucked me, even at our peak. And each and every time they couple, it is not just the two of them that hare in heaven. While they experience orgasmic heaven, I experience cuck heaven. The angst, the jealousy, the humiliation, the excitement, and the arousal combine to create an experience for me I cannot describe fully, and cannot say no to. It is the drug I am hopelessly addicted to. While Evan pleasures my wife with his cock, he creates a different, but equally desirable sensation for me. I am not just a man who has been cuckolded, I am a cuckold; completely and fully and with great enthusiasm. It defines me, it controls me, it is the center of who I am as a husband and a sexual being.

Between being caged the vast majority of time, and strongly desiring Evan to be my wife's primary lover, Julie quickly became Evan's first. How could she not choose him? I got thrills from denial and he got thrills from fucking her. He became the true man in her life, and I her obedient and submissive pet. This sounds terrible by traditional standards, but for Julie and I, it was bliss. She got amazing sex from Evan, and I got the humiliation and denial I craved. We became closer as Evan became our shared addiction. And Evan, well he loved fucking my wife and was completely comfortable as our bull, as the wife's lover is often called in a cuckold relationship.

Some would argue that this excitement between Julie and Evan was what happens when any new couple launches into what is often called the honeymoon period. Evan, and his sexual connection with Julie, was the shiny new thing, and we humans like shining new things. But it was more than that. The addition of Evan created two other shiny new things; a new Julie and a new me.

Julie became a whole new woman. She was still the vivacious, smart, funny, and seriously hot woman I had lived my life with for well over twenty years but adding Evan to the mix took that and added new dimensions. Julie 2.0 became supremely confident, even more playful, definitely more dominant, and to me, even more beautiful and desirable. I found myself more in love than ever with her.

For me, I also became a new version of myself. Ironically, I became more confident but also more empathetic at work. My team at work hit all new highs and a few of them even mentioned that I seemed renewed and invigorated and working for me was more fun. At home I also became more confident, but not in a way most would associate with self-assurance. I became more comfortable and committed to my role as my wife's chastised cuck. I became more submissive and more capable of fully accepting my role as my wife's lesser man. In simple terms, I didn't fight it, instead I let my submissiveness flow and it was a life changing situation.

I embraced the humiliation and made it mine. I found that the more I deferred to Evan and my wife's relationship with him, the more I felt whole. It stopped being a role, or a game, and I accepted it was me. Julie and I talked often how we felt more connected through Evan and how his addition to our lives helped us be more true to sides of us that had long laid dormant. She was a dominant goddess, and I was a submissive pet, and by embracing that with energy and enthusiasm we made our marriage stronger.

One way that we pushed the envelope was with the teasing she dished out. We had done that since we first discovered our new power dynamic, but with her going to Evan at least twice a week to experience great sex, she upped her game and brought my erotic humiliation to new levels. It was a constant in our interactions. From small digs to long ruined orgasm sessions, she reminded me that a better man took care of her and that me being in chastity and stepping aside for this better man were natural and highly desired by her. She belittled my manhood, she teased me about never achieving the level of performance that Evan made standard, and she reminded me often that when she was with Evan all was right in the world because she could just let go and accept the attention of a real man who made her feel like a real woman. Why were all these teases and taunts so powerful and desired; because they were all truth based.

Evan was a better man sexually and from that platform he became a better man in general. I craved submission and denial, he craved my wife's body and her sex. He was the alpha; I was the beta. And Evan, to his credit, never shied away from his role as the primary man in my wife's life. He accepted his role as the man in charge of the relationship, and I mean the three-way relationship.

The night of Evan and Julie's first date, after dinner and drinks, after consummating their relationship with great sex, they spoke for hours, and Julie told Evan about our journey from vanilla to spicy and how I was a willing participant that wanted her to be Evan's. He listened and accepted his role as primary man. In fact, after she confessed all of our weirdness and kinks, his response was to take her sexually. He laid her on the bed, she spread her legs wide for him and as he slid his cock into her pussy he said, "You are mine now Julie and I will be your man, your rock, and you will be my woman and my one desire. Accept me as your man and I will never abandon you."

She later told me that word abandon struck home, and she realized as much fun as we were having playing with new kinks and new dynamics, she also needed a true man in her life. She needed a MAN, not a man who abandoned his manhood. Evan slowly and passionately fucked her, maintaining eye contact as he gave her the most physically and emotionally powerful fuck of her life. She told me that when she came it was a slow burn that evolved into a soul shaking experience. She wrapped her legs around him and promised herself to him. It was date number one, but the competition for my wife was over. Evan took her, he made her his, and she accepted him as her true man. She told me she wept as they finished, not tears of sadness, but tears that represented her love of the stability and strength she now knew she would receive from Evan. She now had two men, a cuckold husband craving to serve and honor her in any way her could, and a true man, wanting her sexually and having the strength to act on that desire. The tears were her exclamation that she had the perfect situation, and it made her joyful.

After sleeping a few hours, he once again fucked her, but she told me this time it was raw and hard and fun. She said she felt so free knowing I was her loyal husband with unshakable love and commitment for her, while Evan was the man who owned her and was committed to providing her the sex life a real woman deserved. From that foundation she said sex became this amazing expression of lust and passion. There were no worries, just pleasure. She said her body let itself go and her pleasure was the best ever. She laughed and moaned and screamed as he brought her to a fantastic climax.

When she called me to pick her up, I could hear the happiness and satisfaction in her voice. As she kissed him passionately at his condo door, in full view of me, but not caring, I knew their evening had been a special one. As she got in the car, she kissed me a quick peck and said, "Evan is now my man, and you my are my cuckold. I could not be happier!"

We held hands the whole way home. We hadn't yet talked it through, but we both knew we were now a closer, more connected couple thru Evan. She asked me one question, "How was your night?"

As we waited at a long light, I turned to her and said, "It was raw, it was painful, it was amazing, and it was perfect. My wife gave me an amazing gift and it was better, and worse than I ever could have imagined. I could not love you more and I could not be more excited about being your loyal and obedient cuckold. You need not tell me, but I can tell Evan rocked your world and made you a happy woman and that makes every up and down I experienced even better. I look forward to exploring every path our new reality can take. As long as we do it together, I will only ever be grateful."

She squeezed my hand and as I moved the car forward, she said, "That is good news, because this gift is going to keep giving. Bring me home, I need a shower and a nap, and then I invited Evan over for dinner. You will cook for us and wait on us, and if you are my perfect cuckold, we will allow you to witness the perfect sex we are going to have in our bed. Evan is taking over the role of man in my life and he is going to fuck me long and hard in the bed that once belonged to you and me. I expect it to be so good that fucking me in that bed is likely something you will never get to do again. If you thought last night was great, tonight is going to be better."

We arrived home and she made no attempt to offer me any relief from my sexual tension and frustration, she didn't even acknowledge it. I had been locked tight for 2 weeks and that day was supposed to be my release day. I had spent an evening alone, obsessing over what sex my wife might be having, my dick pushing hard against it confines almost the entire time she was gone, and she offered nothing. Julie seemed to have forgotten all about this as her attentions were fully on Evan. She took a long, solo shower and then climbed into bed fully naked. I stood and watched her and focused on the idea that her amazing body was now Evan's to touch and pleasure and at best I was going to witness it, but not likely fully touch it. She pulled the covers over herself and then before nodding off, she took a moment to text with Evan As she kicked me out of the bedroom she said, "He would like beef for dinner and he likes it medium rare. Go shopping, get something special and prepare the house and the meal. Our man arrives exactly at 6pm."

I did as I was told. I had been submissive Scott in the household for a while, but knowing I was doing those same tasks not to just please Julie, but also to please her lover made the day's chores take on a very different feel. I was aroused and painfully pushing against my cage most of the day. I got the shopping done, bought my wife flowers, and cleaned the house. By the time she got up at 4:30 to start preparing for her lover's visit, I was fully prepared to be their host.

She showered again and prepared for her lover. It was humiliating to know that her above typical level of effort was aimed at being ready for Evan, not me. Twice she called me in to garner my opinion on her choices. I voted for the black bra and panty set (never a bad choice) and her low grey fuck-me shoes over her higher black boots. As she asked for my opinions, she was sure to word it as "what will look sexiest for Evan?" She was enjoying teasing me, and I was enjoying being teased.

She finally emerged at 5:45 looking smoking hot. She had ignored both of my suggestions and instead had on a red bra that was clearly visible under her sheer white top. It created a highly sexy look. She had on a black skirt that was long and tight but had a cut up the side, and on her feet were a pair of traditional black pumps. Her hair was done up, and her makeup perfect.

"You look amazing!" I exclaimed from the kitchen where I was about to pop the beef tenderloin into the oven.

"That's sweet of you to say. I just hope Evan is pleased. I tried to go with a combination of classy and slutty. I want him to enjoy the look while I wear it, and enjoy taking it off me, and then especially enjoy the time when is is scattered on the floor!"

"He will enjoy all three, as will you, and as will I. I can't thank you enough that you are including me tonight."

"I am having second thoughts about allowing you to observe, so don't be overly disappointed if we leave you at the door and make our sex a private affair. Of course, I am pretty sure you will still hear us, or at least me, as last time he fucked me I screamed so loud I likely woke everyone in his condo complex!"

"I am grateful for any level of inclusion and to know he causes you such pleasure and excitement is wonderful. Your cuckold truly wants you to be happy."

"I know you do baby, and you are handling this so well. I am glad we spent all that time with you in chastity because it helped you realize that you are less than a real man and it helped me recognize that I deserved and desired a real man. And now we have Evan to take that to the next level for both of us. If tonight is anything like last night, your wife is going to be very happy! A real cock, uncaged and ready to please, is going to rock my world."

And she did deny me the privilege of watching that evening. I served them the meal and multiple glasses of wine, I got to see them touch and kiss, but when Evan announced it was time for dessert and took Julie to our bedroom, I was left behind at the bedroom door and was banished to the guest bedroom. She got fucked hard and repeatedly by Even well into Sunday afternoon and while I got to hear the sounds of her pleasure, which were plentiful, I was never allowed to watch. She also denied me my scheduled relief. She finally acknowledged that and simply said she changed her mind and preferred I stayed locked for at least another week.

In other words, it was weekend #1 of my life as a cuckold and my wife pushed the accelerator to the floor and ran hard with her dominance and my denial and humiliation. When Evan finally left, an exhilarated but exhausted Julie sat me down and told me she enjoyed taking it further. She said testing the boundaries of my submission was something she loved to do. She also told me the teasing that she did related to how great the sex was with Evan was all based on truth and that he did truly rock her sexual world. It was almost funny that her telling me the teasing was actually just truth, was a tease in of itself.

I confessed that she really had me off balance and like the movies that I always end up liking, her unpredictable approach, and her full commitment to take the plot line till the end without wimping out made me admire her and enjoy the experience more. I told her I loved that she took us from 0-60 in record time and that it added to the very long list of why I loved her so much.

She smiled, leaned in, kissed me on the cheek and said, "good, because I told Evan that for the next two weeks I would be exclusive to him, including no kissing you, while you stayed in chastity."

As she said that she squeezed my caged dick, laughed and said, "Start your chores, I need a nap."