The Games We Play Ch. 12

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Scott arrives home and choses to accept being the pet.
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Part 12 of the 18 part series

Updated 01/25/2024
Created 01/26/2022
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This story series involves infidelity, cuckolding, and chastity. Fun themes for some, distasteful for others. If you fall into the second category and still read the story, remember you were warned.

A VERY SHORT RECAP: The early chapters set up the story of how Julie was sending her husband off on his business trip in chastity while she became her lover's full-time girlfriend. The next chapters documented the crazy fun that Julie and her lover were having while only offering Scott, Julie's husband, just a few details that his wife's lover shared because his wife had cut off all communication. Recently, Scott, learned that his wife and his boss had hooked up, seriously hooked up, and chapters 8-9-10 were the fun times Jacob and Julie have together and the fun they had telling Scott all about it. Chapter 11 was Scott's final day in Europe embracing his submissive self. This chapter has Scott finally coming home and facing a new reality where Jacob and Julie are a couple, and he is nothing more than their obedient pet. This story is told from Jacob's perspective.

If you like this latest addition to the series, please let me know with a comment, mark it as a favorite, and follow me for alerts to the next chapters. I also love getting direct messages from the Literotica community. I always respond to non-anonymous messages.

Happy reading, and whatever else you might be doing while reading! ;)


While her husband was taking the final leg of his journey home, I was fucking Julie over the back of her couch, and explaining just how strongly I'm going to hit Scotty boy when he arrives. As I'm thrusting into her always willing pussy, I feel the need to make sure my partner in crime is truly my partner in crime.

She is bent over the couch, and I grab both arms by the forearm and I just start to hold her as hard as I can, while fucking her as hard as I can. This is not tender, this is not loving, because sometimes I just need to fuck her and remind her that she still wants it, no matter how hard I use her.

"Your husband is our slave. Let's start there. I absolutely love the idea of him being a houseboy and that's where we're gonna start. We already know he's a chastity boy and we already know he's a cucky, but right as Scott gets here, we're going to make his new life crystal clear to him."

I was fucking her furiously, and she was moaning and writhing, and I had fun with it.

"Just think my little slut, you will have zero laundry duties, zero cleaning duties, you will only go to the store if you want to, and I know you're a good cook so you can keep doing that, but everything else in the kitchen will be Cucky boy's task to take care of. And he won't just be doing it here. He's going to be doing it at my place, the place we will eventually share together. Tell me my little slut, are you going to miss any of those tasks?"

I slapped her hard on the ass as I said that and continued to pound her. I released her arms to slap her with my right hand, and my left hand grabbed her by the hair, so she was still in my control. She responded to me in an elevated voice because she had a strong opinion and because she is a serious slut when I am fucking her.

"I don't give a fuck if I ever do any of those tasks again. This this thing we're doing right now, this is how I want to spend my days. Fuck me harder, Jacob, fuck me harder than you've ever fucked a woman, and then consider me completely on board with us fucking my husband over and over again, and humiliating him to a level rarely seen."

One thing I learned about Julie is that when you get her riled up related to dominating her husband, she goes from a highly interested sexual partner to an absolute intense slut. She started slamming her body back onto my cock as I was thrusting into her. She was making circular motions with her hips, which I'm sure caused her additional pleasure, and I wasn't complaining about whatsoever. Even though I had her by the hair, she twisted her head back to look at me while we fucked and practically screamed this next part.

"God, you make me feel good and the only way my husband can even remotely contribute to that is by being the perfect little submissive bitch. He is going to do everything we want him to do. So, Jacob, fuck with him as hard as you want because if I see the slightest hesitancy or disobedience, I'm just gonna tell him that even though he's just gotten home, we're going to abandon him for another eight weeks and I'll move in with you right away. Fuck me baby, God, just fucking finish me"

I laughed because when you rev up Julie, she becomes quite the talker and I've found that I can rile her up pretty well by fucking her and dominating her. I pressed hard on her back, pushing her hard into the couch back.

"Have no worries I am going to fuck with your husband as hard as I'm fucking you right now. And now it's time to cum on my cock again, it's time to remember that my cock is the only cock that matters in your life."

I reached my hands down and grabbed her hips and started rapidly slamming my cock into her and 90 seconds later both of us exploded into an incredible climax. I loved coming inside of her. Each time I claimed her a little more. I was planning to claim her a lot, even more now that her husband will be home. The last couple weeks my excitement has been building thinking about having her husband home and thinking about how that has absolutely no bearing on how much I fuck her and it's also actually going to be a ton of fun to fuck with him.

Scott and I have worked together for a long time, and he is literally the first person I would draft to build my business team, but that being said, I've always kept my true dominance side slightly hidden. It has helped me succeed in business, and it is going to be unleashed fully on poor Scotty-boy. He literally has no idea how fucking hard I am going to use him for my amusement while I continue to have his wife as my willing and enthusiastic fuck toy!

Call it a character flaw if you want, but dominating another man and making him feel humiliated is just a big fucking turn on for me. Obviously fucking his wife is a great place to start, but I want more than that. I literally wanna see Scott transition from the relatively strong man I've known to a completely submissive pet for his wife and me.

That's the word I've settled on, I want Scott to be our pet. If you think about it, we all love our pets, but unless you're one of those crazy cat ladies, they're still just pets and they're still secondary to the humans. In this case, Scott will always be a valued member of our family, but he will never be a primary member. I am not just Julie's lover I am now her primary man and whether we call it love or not, both Julie and I feel it. I have no intention of allowing Scott back in to reclaim his wife. And it seems like a pretty good plan to dominate and humiliate him, especially in front of, and with the help of his wife, in order to make sure he is never a threat to my relationship with Julie.

At this point I was feeling great from the release that Scott's slut wife just given me, and the thoughts of my continued dominance over both her and her husband, I was in a really good mood. I slapped Julie hard on the ass and then I spun her around and kissed her was fucking amazing to be the king and when Scotty boy gets home, being the king is going to be even better.

As we come down from our great hard fuck, I look at Julie and said "I literally want Scott to regret coming home. I want him to think his lonely, chastity-driven life in Europe was better than what we're going to dish out at him. You told me that you enjoy a little bit of extra sexual jolt when you get to witness your husband as a submissive pet. You said it turns you on when he embraces strong levels of humiliation for you. So, just like I am the man who has redefined great sex for you, I'm gonna redefine that extra pleasure that your husband provides you by taking him to submission and humiliation levels we haven't even considered."

I was getting turned on. As I thought about this, I grabbed Julie's hand and directed it to my cock. She knew exactly what to do, and she started to fondle my balls and stroke my cock to get me ready to fuck her again. I really have never been with a woman who wants sex more than Julie. Even though I have been married to a smoking hot former model and a wild child named Kara for over 10 years, her sex drive is at best half of Julie's. Hopefully she's using that sex drive with Julie's former boyfriend, Evan, but I'm certainly getting the better part of the deal because I'm with a woman who is literally always ready to go. As she stroked me, I continued speaking to her, while my hands were fondling her nearly perfect breasts.

"Julie, I have one request; give me the first two weeks to truly redefine how he thinks about himself so that during that time, and then during every time period after, we know we have a perfectly loyal and obedient pet, who will always do our bidding, and will always be happy about it. Please let me start that process in my way, which I'll tell you right now is not going to be gentle. But what it will be is relaxed, I'm not going to yell at him, I'm certainly not gonna physically force him to do anything, although both of us know, I could. I'm going to give him opportunities to prove his worth as our obedient and loyal pet and just like he always capitalizes on the opportunities at work, I'm sure he will capitalize on these too."

With Julie's efforts, and the thoughts I was expressing had me back to full strength and ready for another good fuck with the good wife of my employee. Sometimes it was fun not to think of her as Julie, but just think of her as my employee's wife, because you don't get to my position in business, without enjoying, stepping on a few people along the way, and for Scotty boy, I was stepping on hum via his wife. And I was stepping hard.

"So, Julie, when he arrives today, I am going to take over and he is going to go from a faraway humiliating relationship to one that is front and center 24/7/365, being led by a man who likes to win, in fact, he likes to demoralize the other team. But as we have discussed, Scott really can't be demoralized, which makes doing the things that would demoralize a typical man all all the more fun."

Julie looked at me and said "I will follow your lead. In an adaptation of that line from Jerry Maguire, you had me had great sex. Everything after that is gravy, but it sounds like you're looking forward to making the best gravy ever and I will certainly not just stand at your side, but I will have fun participating too."

We were both ready to go for another round of sex, so I scooped her up, brought her into the kitchen and put her on her kitchen countertops. She spread her legs wide open, and in one continuous motion I buried my hard cock into her always pleasurable pussy. She let out a hard moan and just looked at me Intensely and said, "go slow, but go hard and make me pass out because I cum so hard!"

"Anything to keep the wife of my best employee happy. You know what they say, happy wife, happy life! And I think in this case that applies to both your husband and I."

I did fuck her slowly and forcefully and I shared my homecoming plan with her, and she actually broke the intense sexual mood because she started laughing so hard. She playfully slapped me on the chest and declared, "And here I thought the way I sent him off was harsh. I'm just gonna have a hard time not laughing at him as you dismantle him right in front of me. Please do it, do it your way! It will be awesome."

We went back to fucking and no longer spoke to each other, but just stared at each other intensely and let our own thoughts of how much fun Scott's homecoming is going to be course through our brains. I grabbed her ankles and put them up on my shoulder and really started to forcefully pound the beautiful Julie. And that beautiful Julie spoke back to me like a truck driver and demanded that I fuck her and finish her. You never want to make a demanding woman angry, so I did exactly what I was told to do and about 10 minutes later we had a spectacular dual climax. I had claimed her once again, and I pondered whether there was ever going to be such a thing as too much sex between us. God, I hope not.

We disentangled, and then Julie went to go grab a shower, but just before she left, we got an updated text from Scott that he would arrive right about 4 PM. We smiled at each other, the kind of smile that co-conspirators share. Scotty-boy's homecoming was going to be way too much fun.

While Julie showered, I sat on the couch, and I had my phone out. I had recalibrated the ring camera and had added a couple other cameras in the house, which were all part of my plan to be able to observe our little obedient house boy in action. I was checking each camera and making sure everything was working smoothly. The other fun part about this is I can take video of him being our submissive, little pet, which will be fun to watch and will be fun to have just in case he decides he doesn't want to be our pet any longer. If that's the case, I can simply use the video to convince him that staying our pet is better than dealing with the public fallout of the videos being released.

Julie returned looking great. I loved her as a blonde, first, because she just looked smoking hot as a blonde, but second, because she was a blonde exclusively for me. Yes, other people got to see her blonde hair, including her husband, but she was blonde because I asked her to become a blonde, and she didn't hesitate. She was wearing a pair of jeans and a sweater that was just the right amount of tight to show off her perfect chest. And this might sound funny, but a great addition to her outfit was the fact that she had no shoes on and was just barefoot. The whole look was sexy as fuck, even when it wasn't trying to be that.

It was time, Scotty boy should be home any minute now, and Julie and I snuggled on the couch and had the ring camera video up on my phone. The ring doorbell chimed on my phone, alerting us to motion out in front of our house. From the screen on my phone, we watched Scott's Uber pulling into our driveway. We watched Scott exit and come up onto the porch and realize he had no way to get into his own house. We got a good chuckle out of the expression on his face when he realized he was going to have to ring the doorbell.

He rang the doorbell, even though we obviously knew he was already there. I looked at Julie and said, "Not yet. Let's let them wait out there for a little bit."

A little bit was actually 15 full minutes. It was an absolute blast to watch him realize that he was being ignored, but also to watch him obediently stay right in front of the door, waiting for his permission to enter his very own house. Finally, I sent him a text.

If you're ready to start your new life as our obedient and loyal pet, who does exactly what we tell them with great enthusiasm, ring the doorbell again.

We watched as Scott pulled out his phone and read the text. It was entertaining to watch this all play out in real time. He took a deep breath and reached and rang the doorbell. He was given the choice and clearly agreed to be ours. I still took my time to get up and go get the ball rolling.

I went to the door and opened it and let him in. I did not offer any help with his suitcases. Julie went over and gave him a hug and said welcome home. That was about the entire amount of tenderness he was going to get. I didn't prevent it, but Julie understood my desire was to make today not warm and fuzzy, so after her initial hug and welcome, she disengaged with him and came over and stood next to me. We wanted to make sure it was clear to Scott that he was returning to us as a couple, with him on the outside looking in.

We stood in silence for a moment, and then I addressed our pet, "It's good to have you back, Scott," and then I waited for just a moment, and then finished my thought, "Because someone around here really needs to do the laundry."

Julie actually burst out laughing, and then said, "That is so true," then she looked at me and said, "I wonder who would be available to us to start getting that laundry pile taken care of?"

She was playing along wonderfully, so I looked at Scott and gave him my first of many commands, "Why don't you take your bag full of laundry into the laundry room and put it to the side, our laundry comes first. Go sort it and get the first load going and then come back here."

Scott was fairly overwhelmed because he had been gone for eight weeks and this was his homecoming, while I should feel sorry for him, what I felt was impatience for him, waiting to follow my command.

"As a British friend of mine often says, chop chop, get your ass to the laundry room and start your houseboy duties."

I got a yes, sir, from him, and he took his bag and headed to the laundry room. I turned towards his wife, reached my hand behind her head, and pulled her in for a long, passionate kiss. I broke the kiss, and looked at her and said, "We are really good at this together, just hang with me because my next move is truly going to be one of dominance over your husband, are you sure you're fully in when it comes to seeing your husband choosing to become fully emasculated?"

Julie looked at me, leaned in and kissed me, and then said, "Completely in. I am on team Jacob, and I have a no trade clause in my contract. You couldn't get rid of me even if you wanted to! So, let's fuck with my husband and let's fuck with him hard because for me, that's sexual. Think of playing hard with my husband as a form of foreplay, and trust me, I always reward my man for good foreplay!"

Julie really was the best and as much as I liked being dominant over her, the reality is we were partners in crime, and we really clicked together. I enjoyed both the physical also and the mental fun we often had. Scott returned from the laundry room, and like he knew I was going to tell him this anyways, he stood a few feet away from us with his hands behind his back, and he was ready for my next command. It was time to really ratchet up my dominance over him. But like I said, I wasn't going to yell and scream at him, instead, I was going to calmly explain his new reality and request that he comply, knowing full, well that he will do everything we ask of him. Yelling and screaming just indicates you don't truly have power over the other, but when you can ask for a behavior and know that the other person will say yes, there is no need to yell and scream, because you already have stronger power over them, and it is just damn fun to exercise that power.

"Scott, we know you are still on the European time clock so we figure dinner can be early today. I ordered the big party tray from the Mediterranean place, but we need to go pick it up and your wife and I are going to go do that together because we just like spending time together. You will be staying here while we're gone, and it will probably take us 30 to 40 minutes and that is perfect because you owe us some punishment time. I went back over the texts we have exchanged and there were at least six times you forgot to properly call me, Sir, and there was once where you referred to your wife by her name, and you know you're not allowed to do that."

I hadn't gone through the texts, although he did use Julie in one of them. Either way, I was just using it as a pretext to make my next command. It was going to be the first test of whether Scott was truly on-board with accepting his own humiliation.

"So, you're going to spend the time we're gone over there," I pointed to where I put an X on the floor with tape right up next to the wall. I continued, "You will kneel on that X, with your face to the wall, nose touching the wall, and your hands on your head and you're gonna do this because it will remind you to be better about addressing us by the proper terms, and using Mistress's first name is never proper for an obedient little cuckold like you. Oh, and you are going to do it because it will amuse the shit out of Julie and me. See, I can use your wife's name anytime, just like I can use her anytime. Isn't that right Julie?"