The Gauntlet


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"Oh, you didn't hear; this guy thinks fat girls are gross!" Kimmy had returned chuckling at what she'd heard.


"Yeah, Billy Butt-Munch here don't fuck with the "Big and Tall" set because that shit's disgusting-quote, unquote. Called Holly a fucking wildebeest and a fat cow; talking shit about how he can't "GET IT UP" with girls like us!!" The noise in the garage became deafening as three girls began pushing him around violently.

"I-I DIDN'T SAY THAT!!" He screamed worried he'd be lynched.

"You didn't Billy? You didn't say that you don't want some from a bitch that looks like the Michelin Tire Man, Billy boy?" Kimmy seemed to have his number. Billy's face felt as if it were thumping and beating from the beating Holly had given him moments ago, he just wanted to get away at all costs even lying through his teeth.

"NUH-NOOOO!!" He cried out hunched over with his hands covering his groin.

"All right you all heard what this lying motherfucker just said; now let's hear the truth!" Kimmy reached into her back pocket producing her I-Phone holding it up for all the girls to see.

"Listen guys it was just fucking jokes man; I don't fuck with the "Big and Tall" set because that shit's disgusting. I don't want some from a bitch that looks like the Michelin Tire Man; if it don't look remotely like a chick I don't fuck...So, you got it in for Holly, why? -Fuck, cause that shit is funny and look at the views we got on Worldstar bro!! Bitch was just in the wrong place at the wrong fucking time." His recorded words condemned him as he remembered Kimmy.

"Somebody pulled a D'Angelo Russell on your ass, bitch." Kimmy sang as Billy's world turned further upside down.

"Give me that fucking thing." Holly snatched the phone from her friend snagging a fistful of Billy's hair with one hand mashing the phone against the right side of his cheek. She replayed the message over and over again.

"What a piece of shit; god's perfect asshole." One girl commented.

"Michelin Tire Man, what the fuck is that?"

"That big smiling thing from that Ghostbuster's movie." Another answered incorrectly.

Billy found his gaze dipping into Holly's cleavage focusing on a tiny beauty mark on the top of her left breast. He couldn't help it as the minute freckle seemed to grow larger before his eyes. The swell of Holly's cleavage was inviting despite his current situation. His view was roughly adjusted when she cupped the underside of his chin yanking his head upward so that he was looking directly at her face.

"You looking at my tits?"

"No-NOOOO!!" Kimmy and some of the others in front of him burning holes in his body with their eyes as Holly looked down placing a mitt-like hand against her chest.

"Oh, my FUCKING GOD; this shit stains got a boner looking at my titties!!" Holly backed away looking like she was hyperventilating as a few others squealed and booed the embattled teen.

"Thought you don't like fatties honey?!!" A large girl who looked Hispanic snatched at his hands trying to pull them away from his crotch. Billy tried to turn away but found himself in a full nelson as more photos were taken of his erection.

"This-is so fucked up; shit man, I'm gonna kill this guy!! I'm gonna wreck this motherfucker!!" Holly was fanning herself as her complexion was beet red at this point. Two of the girls were pulling at an arm apiece with little success until another clubbed him in the back of the head with a donkey punch. His erection stood out in front of his body for all to see.

"That's so FUCKING NASTY; EEEWWWWW!!" Billy started screaming at the top of his lungs completely panicking as most of the girls continued the constant never ending chatter that was driving him mad. One of the larger girls attempted to put a hand over his mouth only to be bitten before Holly finally silenced him with a clubbing blow to the genitals.

"You want to fuck her Billy, don't you?" Kimmy accused.


"Then why is your dick hard?"

"I-I don't know, it just happened." He cowered covering his bruised and diminished cock.

"You've said that you don't like fat girls and that's all we got here buddy."

"It's not my fault."


"NOOOO!!" Holly looked like she was going to go in on him again and he didn't know if he could survive another round worrying that he already had a concussion. Kimmy looked down at his erection which had reared its ugly head again at the most inopportune of times.

"You're a cherry, aren't you?"


"Yes, you are Billy; you haven't had pussy since it had you, admit it." He wanted to throttle the short, nasty girl for calling him out.

"I-I'M NOT A VIR-VIRGIN!!" He regretted blurting it out knowing how unconvincing it sounded even to himself. Kimmy smiled to herself as Holly's eyes widened a little bit at the revelation.

"Makes perfect since; you really like Holly and those FUCKED UP PRANKS were a way of getting her attention."

"THAT'S A LIE; A FUCKING LIE!!" He noticed Holly looking at him strangely appearing ill at the prospect. The other girls chattered amongst themselves giggling and commenting on Kimmy's theory.

"Billy Jefferson, you stand here in this undisclosed location accused of being a major douche, a pussy and a fucking hypocrite. You harassed my best friend Holly Michaelson for no other reason than to get a laugh out of her misery and you have THE NERVE-to POP WOOD looking at her titties. Man, I wouldn't give a squirt of piss if your ass was on fire. How do you fucking plead, bitch?" Kimmy seemed to be presiding over the proceedings thumping him in the bare chest with her knuckles on each of her talking points. He stood a full head taller than the five foot, chunky Asian teen but feared her cohorts' reaction should he attempt to harm her.


"That's not good enough bitch boy, I want to hear your honest feelings on the shit you got yourself into." He noticed her eyeballing his tumescence inadvertently causing it to twitch a little bit.

"I done wrong and I understand how much I hurt Holly; I just want you to know that I wouldn't have done it if I knew how bad it'd made you feel. I'll do anything to make this right between us." He did his best to sound earnest already trying to think of a way to get Eddie back for ratting him out.

"Anything?" A wry smile formed on Kimmy's lips while Holly shook her head turning away unwilling to meet his gaze.


"Even kiss all of our asses like the pathetic creep you are?"

"Yuh-Yes." Kimmy facepalmed grinning to herself before turning around undoing the thick white belt on her jeans. She was wearing what appeared to be a white dress top with some cuffed capris jeans underneath. He was about to be humiliated but it would be worth it if he could leave afterwards. Eddie Lee was dead meat once he was free.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!!" One girl questioned unnerved by her friend's actions.

"You heard him; he said he'd kiss all our asses!" Billy found himself looking at Kimmy's large, tan, blocky butt. It looked inverted merging into her thighs. Some canary, yellow panties barely covered her backside and those were rolled down revealing her naked ass.

"Kimmy, you're fucking crazy girl." Another nervous looking Latina commented.

"Shut up; all right Billy-KISS MY FUCKING ASS!!" He leaned forward timidly kissing her right butt cheek.

"What the fuck was that Billy?"

"Uhm, I kissed it, like you said." Billy mumbled.

"Oh, no Billy; I said-KISS MY ASS, BITCH!!" Kimmy reached back spreading her cheeks to reveal her brown eye. He recoiled but some girls reacted shoving his face deep inside. He fought back managing to fall on his side as Kimmy faced him with a satisfied smirk.

"Well that's a start but we're not finished at all baby boy." He wanted to pummel the short, bubbly Asian teen noticing that her pants were still down mid-thigh revealing a shaved muff.

"Not finished?" Kimmy motioned and he followed the gesture horrifically finding more of the large, fat and chubby girls baring their naked butts as well.

"Whu-Wait a minute; I never said I'd do-!"

"YES YOU DID, YOU SAID YOU'D KISS ALL OF OUR ASSES BILLY!!" Kimmy sounded manic continuing to shock him with her behavior which was in sharp contrast to the demure, quiet girl he saw earlier.


"Do your fucking job asshole." Holly was speaking through gritted teeth as she snagged him by the nape of the neck dragging him up to another massive butt that was as big as his torso. It was wide, lumpy, and misshapen with pimples covering it making him retch. He leaned forward kissing the lower part of the girl's left butt cheek. Holly snarled slapping the back of his head until he relented kissing the middle while the flabby blonde chortled. Pictures were continually taken as Billy crawled down a single file line formed by the women shoving his face into all their butts. He found himself staring at a puffy, bare mound looking up to find Holly smiling at him.

"Kiss it." He froze not knowing what to expect from the girl that had been beating him senseless since kidnapping him earlier in the day.


"Kiss this Billy." She was still smiling rather sweetly as he paused unsure of what to do next.

"Are you sure?"

"If you keep stalling and fucking around, I'm going to shove my fist into your butthole." She appeared to be grimacing speaking softly to control her temper.

Billy planted both of his lips on her pronounced cameltoe followed this by licking her slit. She trembled a little bit cupping the side of his head with both of her large hands. His head felt like a baseball in her grasp and he was frightened knowing her strength firsthand. Holly locked her hands behind his head drawing him deeper into her crotch.

"Guys, he's really doing it; he's licking my pussy." The girls cooed gathering around recording the proceedings. He could feel some of the over eager girl leaning over watching his progress with baited breath.

"Wow Billy, that feels so good; you're making me tingle inside bitch." Holly had begun rubbing his head in an encouraging manner. Billy pushed against her opening finding the big, burly teen wet and sticky inside. Her engorged clit found a home on his tongue as her essence leaked into his mouth. Her skin was smooth almost alabaster but she didn't seem to be white, Holly was something else and his deferred curiosity began to rise to the surface. That inner query was stifled almost immediately as she humped against his face roughly drawing him even deeper between her thick thighs.

"Fuck, I can't cum like this; lay on your back Billy." He looked around at the other large teens horrifically noticing another more familiar expression on their faces. The flabby blonde he noticed earlier had thrown discretion to the wind shoving her hands into her jeans to diddle herself. Kimmy was watching with a hand over her mouth and another across her chest. Holly had a little bit of trouble rolling the skintight jeans down her thighs along with her panties. Her torso was still covered in an extra-large tank top and flannel lumberjack leaving her nude from the waist down. She had a pronounced muffin top with narrow looking hips that strangely flared outward into thicker thighs than anyone would have expected. Her legs were large, muscular, and shapely.

"LAY DOWN!!" She barked standing with her feet on either side of his head. The others catcalled and jeered when she squatted down over his face in a frog position.

"You know what I want." He followed her lead sticking his tongue into her modest folds only to be rewarded with her entire body weight crashing down on his head seconds later. He was smothered flailing wildly about before Holly leaned forward allowing him a few gasps of air. She slammed down on him in several cycles before leaning back resting her weight on his chest.

"Billy, you need to make me cum before you suffocate." Her crotch slammed down on his face sending the bully into survival mode licking and slurping until she squirted covering his face and mouth. He was relived as the roof of the garage came into view. Holly was on all fours rubbing her mound. She was smiling at him and blushing.

"That was good Billy, sorry there was a little pee in there too." He screamed doing his best to clear the sour taste from his mouth spitting profusely as laughter filled the garage. A huge, misshapen, doughy butt slammed down onto his face humping profusely. He reached up trying to get the fat teen off clawing and scratching a monstrous, watery ass. His limbs were pinned down under the shoes of his other assailants. There was no way he was escaping the situation until all of the teens ground one out on his face. His screams were muffled under the tremendous girth and he nearly lost conscious a couple of times before the ordeal was over. His vision was blurred and his head was pounding was he did his best simply to breathe.

"Billy, we've talked it over and decided that we can't let you leave here a fucking cherry." Kimmy had regained her composure while Holly remained bottomless. He noticed that a few of the other fat girls were already in their birthday suits.

"Th-That's okay, really."

"Come on, I think you ended up in this situation because you don't know how to talk to girls. We just want to help you out; don't you want to be a REAL MAN Billy?"

"Don't!" His gaze was on one nude girl that possessed a slopping triangular body shape with the consistency of an ice cream cone. Everything was pretty much hanging, meaty cellulite. Another box-shaped Latina had breasts that were beyond pendulous hover just above her pot belly. Holly used her foot to direct his attention up at her rounded face.

"I'm conflicted too Billy; I don't want to fuck you if it's just because you're scared. I need to know that you really want some of my pussy." She spoke in a girlish tone that made him uneasy.

"Yes, we've got to be sure." Kimmy added.

He didn't know what they were talking about and didn't want to find out realizing that it could be something even more disgusting than he'd just endured. Kimmy and Holly were the best of friends rarely seen apart at school and here in private the girls seemed to have a symbiotic relationship. They whispered to another girl who quickly ran out of the only exit leaving the door cracked. Sunlight filtered into the room along with some distant sounds of a lawnmower and a sliver of Spanish music. Billy figured that he was in the "bad part" of town that his parents always talked about. He'd grown up in a gated community in five bedroom home never having to ask for anything. Most of his friends lived there including Justin who was even now probably sitting in front of the huge flat screen playing Call of Duty or some other shit.

"Get up Billy." He stood mindlessly obeying Holly's orders doing his best to appear defeated. Billy was already thinking of the epic beat down he was going to put on Eddie when he got back to school.

"AAARRRGGHH!!" It was too late as Holly's foot collided with his genitals.

"We've gotta be sure Billy." He was stopped from rolling around on the concrete as his legs were spread like a wishbone.

"Please!!" He begged but it was too late as her foot mashed his groin until he was a quivering, sobbing mess.

"Don't cry, we're just getting started; here check it out." Holly rolled up her tank top and flannel over shirt exposing the undersides of her breasts which were massive. She squeezed and kneaded her boobs looking between his face and erection.

"You like these big titties don't you Billy, wouldn't you like to squeeze them?" He didn't know how to answer knowing that nothing was going to stop these women until they had their fill of humiliating him.


"I know you do, but I don't think you want your balls crushed before you lose your cherry to a bunch of fat girls. Just think Billy, if you hadn't played those stupid ass pranks on me things might have turned out differently. You probably could have lost it to some skinny chick, instead of me; I don't fit the fucking bill to qualify for your status quo cock huh motherfucker?" Holly inched the shirt up a little higher making sure to keep her nipples covered.

"He's said he hates the fatties; but he's going to lose that fucking cherry." Kimmy reminded looking on pensively. She was standing partially obscured from his vision staring at his flaccid, abused penis.

"We don't like you either but I can't pass up the opportunity to take your virginity asshole. You're going to remember us for the rest of your life." Holly hovered over him, her breasts almost touching his pecks.


"We know; look Billy, I've got inverted nipples. That's not a problem for you is it baby?" She slowly revealed the slit in the soft alabaster flesh. Her areola was barely there as her finger pinched and twisted until a thick, rubbery nipple popped out of her right breast.


"Tie it off, I don't got all day; my parents will be home soon and we need to finish up with this moron." Someone handled his penis tying what felt like several elastic cords around the base of his penis.

"He's ready." One girl commented.

"No, he's not." Holly replied as the girl who'd left the garage returned with a small tote bag.

"What's in that bag?" The girls fist bumped as he heard Holly speak to her friend in spanish. He relaxed when a forty ounce of cheap beer was lifted from the bag.

"WH-WHAT?!!" He was quickly incapacitated as the entire bottle was poured down his throat followed by three others leaving him three sheets to the wind and in need of a restroom. His cock had been tied off in a strange knot at the base of his cock that required help to remove. He went to remove it but was restrained on the concrete and held down. Holly smiled as she squatted over his erection pressing it carefully against her moist slit.

"GOT-GOTTA PEE-UNGH, PEE BAD!!" His speech was slurred but the terror in his voice was palpable.

"I'm kind of tight Billy; don't fuck around all that much because of douchebags like yourself." She gasped as the head of his tortured cock entered her unnaturally tight canal. She was slightly wet and sticky so it was slow going until their pelvis' touched.

'FUCK IT-TIGHT; GOTTA PEE HOL-HOLLY!!" He begged as her dead weight came to rest on his crotch.

"I'm your first Billy; how's it feel to get your cherry popped?" He squirmed under her huge frame not knowing what to do as the teens holding him down redoubled their efforts pressing down on his limbs.

"PEE HOLLY; PEE!!" All of the girls clapped and cheered as Holly leaned forward resting on his torso.

"I'm going to fuck the shit out of you Billy."

She was incredibly tight on his length working only her narrow hips in a bouncing cadence while her obscene density threatened to press his own athletic form into the cracked, grey concrete. From his perspective, Holly was lying completely still demonstrating a skill that had his head in the clouds. It was as if another woman's lower half had been attached to the large girl twisting and bobbing until he was forced to moan aloud. His entire pelvis was aflame from the sensation and the burning need to urinate.

"Look at how red his balls are; shit I'm taken a snap of this." One girl commented.

Holly's round face was framed by her wealth of brown hair that stopped at the middle of her back with some of it touching his face making it itch. He noted how youthful she looked with her pale skin, narrow brown eyes, button nose and small, plump lips. She was cute as a button when you looked at her directly. Her face became a reddish hue as she crested.

"I'm gonna cum." Her large hands flattened against his chest as she used her arms to push herself up into a cowgirl position offsetting any pleasure he was experiencing by just trying to breathe normally. She rocked her hips putting her strength into the forward strokes into his pelvis. Both of her huge breasts were exposed and the nipples were completely visible. Holly's areolas were puffy swelling giving her tits a mouthwatering appearance. Billy fought against the girls holding down his wrists with renewed vigor finally freeing a trembling hand to squeeze her right breast.