The Gift Ch. 04


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"Where are you going?" I asked.

"That's a secret." Jeff said.

Jeff took off and for nearly an hour two extremely gay guys who ran the men's clothing store at the hotel had Neil try on all sorts of clothes. We then took him over to the salon where Debbie cut and styled his hair, gave him some highlights, and a manicure.

Just as we were leaving the salon Jeff walked up with a smile on his face.

"Neil my man, looking good, but that's just the beginning. You know that gym you wanted to join but couldn't afford, I got you a ten-year membership. And so that you can ride to the gym, school and eventually work in style I bought you a brand new Escallade." Jeff said.

"Holy shit. Why are you doing this? Are you gonna kill me later or something?" Neil asked.

"You may die by the end of the day, but if you go you'll go in style. Now how about we head on up to our suite and work on another of your problems." Jeff said.

When we got to our sweet Neil was amazed by the size of the room and the view.

"Whoa, this is awesome." Neil said.

"See Neil that's part of your problem." Jeff said pouring himself a drink.

"What is?" Neil asked.

"Your enthusiasm. I've known you for just a few hours now and I can tell that you get excited really easily. Part of being successful is staying cool under all circumstances." Jeff said.

"What do you mean?" Neil asked.

"Well, you've admitted that you're a virgin, but have you ever seen a woman naked in person? Pictures and video don't count, I mean real live in the same room." Neil said.

"No, I haven't." Neil said hanging his head.

"I can tell by the bulge in your pants that the idea of seeing a naked woman excites you, and there's nothing wrong with that. Hell I love seeing women naked too, but I don't get a hardon just from thinking about it. I save the hardon for when it will be useful, like when I've actually got a naked woman." Jeff said.

"My problem is that I can't get the naked woman in the first place." Neil said.

"That's because in your head you've already got one and your body has moved on to the next stage. To get a woman to get naked for you it takes at least one of a short list of things. Number one is money, if you've got money there are women that will get naked for you, and not just strippers and prostitutes, real normal women. Number two is love. This is the tough one, but the one that is the most rewarding, it means she's willing to get naked for you for the rest of her life. The third is physical attraction, if a woman wants you bad enough she'll get naked in a crowded room to get you. The fourth thing on this list and the most important is confidence. Without confidence none of the others would work, with the possible exception of money. If you walk into a room and have a confident presence women will be a lot more willing to hang out with you than if you walk in hanging your head and hide in the corner all night. A guy like you doesn't exactly have a lot of money, and doesn't have movie star looks so confidence is your chance." Jeff said.

"But how do I get confidence?" Neil asked.

"Tell me something, how did you feel when you walked out of the salon with your new look?" Jeff asked.

"I felt good." Neil said.

"Right, you were looking good and you knew it. It will be the same way when you get behind the wheel of your new Escalade. You'll feel better about yourself and that will result in confidence. You'll become bolder and start doing new things and you'll succeed and in no time at all you'll be exuding so much confidence that women will take notice when you walk into the room." Jeff said.

"Yeah, but then my confidence will disappear and I'll be out of place and awkward again. Being around women fully clothed, how am I supposed to get one to let me see her naked?" Neil asked.

"Well, let's see. To make you comfortable around women in their clothes we just have to get you to spend a lot of time with women that are naked, then women that are fully dressed will be no big deal." Jeff said.

"Oh yeah, and how are you gonna pull that off?" Neil asked.

"I just happen to have two women right here. Ladies, would you please remove your clothes." Jeff said.

Amber and I stood up from our seats and removed all of our clothes without a word.

"Wow, that's awesome." Neil said as he ogled both of our naked bodies.

"Now, let's get back to the conversation we were having earlier at the store." Jeff said.

He forced Neil's attention away from our nakedness by keeping him engaged in conversation. For the rest of the day Amber and I went about our normal routines in the nude. We ordered room service and ate in the nude and after dinner Amber and I joined in the conversation.

A little before 11 p.m. Jeff could tell that Neil had made a vast improvement so he decided to reward him.

"Neil, I think we've made a lot of progress. You've been sitting here carrying on a polite conversation with two naked women for several hours so I think you've earned a special reward. How would you like to watch these two take a shower?" Jeff asked.

"That'd be awesome, wait I mean that's cool." Neil said trying to remember the stay cool mentality.

"Great, the one condition is that you have to be in the shower with them." Jeff said.

"In the shower?" Neil asked hesitantly.

"Oh don't worry it's a huge shower you could put 10 people in there easily. There are a couple of steam benches in there so you can just get comfortable on one and watch." Jeff said.

"Okay, sounds good to me." Neil said.

"Okay ladies to the shower." Jeff said.

Amber and I both knew that Jeff was expecting a very good performance from us so we put our arms around each other and walked down the hall to the bathroom massaging one another's asses as we went. Neil followed close behind and Jeff brought up the rear.

Amber stepped into the shower and turned it. I waited for Jeff and Neil before entering the shower.

"Well aren't you coming?" I asked Neil as I turned and stepped into the shower.

"Get those clothes off and get in there boy." Jeff said.

Neil was naked in a heartbeat and he stepped into the enormous shower with his hands in front of his cock.

"Oh no you don't, we don't have any secrets in this shower." Amber said and pulled one of his arms away while I pulled the other.

"That's much better. Jeff keeps telling you to have confidence, part of that is not being afraid of who you are and what you have to work with." I said as Amber and I began our show.

"Man these are great seats. Want a beer?" Jeff asked as he entered the shower.

"Yeah, I think I could use one right about now." Neil said.

The two guys cracked open their beers and drank them slowly as they watched. Amber and I were pulling out all the stops. We were slowly lathering up each other's bodies with long, caressing hand movements. I've always enjoyed the touch of another person's skin against mine so I made sure to rub up on Amber as much as possible.

We made sure that we were facing Neil and Jeff while we were 'washing' all of the fun parts and we made sure that when we were washing each other's legs or feet we did it in as sexy a way as possible. For instance Amber is very flexible so she was able to put her legs up on my shoulder's one at a time while I lathered them up. I am not nearly that flexible so I sat on the bench across from Neil and held one leg out to the side for Amber while I held my other knee to my chest. Both of our techniques allowed for fantastic views of our pussies being spread wide open by the contortion of our bodies.

Jeff grabbed had the waterproof video camera and was filming both our show and Neil's reaction.

Neil was absolutely priceless, you could have placed bets on which head was gonna blow first. His face was bright red and turning purple and his cock was as hard as I've ever seen one. I don't know why, but he wasn't touching his cock. Maybe he was too mesmerized by what he was seeing to move or maybe he didn't want to look like a pervert in front of people he barely knew.

Jeff noticed him squirming in his seat and took it upon himself to get Neil to calm down.

"Hey, they haven't gotten to the good part yet so calm down. If you're ever gonna get a girl on your own you've gotta be able to sit through stuff like this. This is barely softcore lesbian porno." Jeff said.

Neil took a quick peak at Jeff's cock and when he saw that it was still limp he did his best to regain his composure.

Amber and I had kept our little show going and had moved on to a little more sexual contact. When Neil finally returned his attentions to us I was getting a wonderful breast massage from Amber who was licking and nibbling on my nipples before she suckled at them.

Amber got a little ahead of where I thought we should be when she started kissing down my belly towards my pussy so I pushed her back onto the bench and went to work on her breasts as her hands explored my body. I found myself catching up to where Amber had tried to take us before so I stood up positioned myself so I was straddling her face and looking at her feet. I lowered my tingling pussy down onto her tongue and then I lowered my face down to the young tender flesh that I had come to crave the taste of.

Amber's pussy smelled so sweet as I lapped around the edges. When I finally let my tongue venture between her moist lips I was rewarded by the rush of fresh cum as Amber had become so turned on that she had reached orgasm.

Now I don't know if you've ever watched two people 69 in person but the only way to do it is to be mobile so that you can get a good view of what's going on at both ends. If you're watching from the side all you're really gonna see are two people laying on top of each other in an odd way and grunting. I knew this so what Jeff did was no surprise to me.

"Well, we aren't gonna get to see any of the good stuff from here, let's go get a better look." Jeff said to Neil as he stood up.

Neil stood up too and he slowly walked closer towards us. He came to the end my head was on first. Being well into the show I tilted my head to the side and pulled my hair out of the way like those porn stars do to give the camera a better view.

Neil watched me work Amber's pussy for awhile, I'm not sure how long, I was kind of too busy to check the clock, then he moved to the other end where Jeff was getting a very extended close up of Amber licking and fingering my pussy.

When Jeff saw Neil wanted to switch ends he moved down and shot video of me as I began to match Amber's intensity by fingering her wildly while licking her clit.

Soon Amber and I were both having scream worthy orgasms and with the acoustic properties of a marble shower you really get the full effect of two screams.

Jeff stood up and nodded his head for Neil to do the same and they went back to the benches they'd been on before.

I slid off of Amber and we both sat up and embraced. We shared a passionate kiss as we caught our breaths. When I finally looked at Jeff and Neil they both had hardons. Jeff can pretty much get hard whenever he's ready so I knew he was plotting something.

"Well ladies that was quite a show." Jeff said and he started clapping, Neil joined in the applause.

"Well thank you boys, it was fun." I said.

"Now it's our turn to do a show for you ladies." Jeff said.

Neil looked at Jeff with concern.

"Relax, we aren't gonna do what they just did. We both need to cum real bad right now so we're gonna jack ourselves over the edge for the ladies, and as a special treat we're gonna cum on their tits." Jeff said.

Knowing that Jeff wanted the two of us side by side for this Amber and I hit our knees on the floor of the shower and looked at the guys as if we longed to have them blast our breasts with their cum. I don't know how Amber feels about it, but I'd much rather swallow it or take it up my ass, but I guess guys like to see their seed all over a woman's body. Anyway, Jeff decided that he'd go first so he handed the video camera to Neil and had him film as Jeff stood over the two of us and stroked his hard cock.

In a few minutes he grunted twice and shot several thick globs of cum onto our chests. He milked himself dry and then backed away.

"You're up Neil." Jeff said with a smile.

Neil stepped in front of us and started to slowly stroke his cock that had to have been aching at that point. In less than a minute his body clenched, he grunted, and he shot a load that was easily twice the size of Jeff's all over our breasts. When he had milked himself dry Amber and I stood up and began massaging the cum into our skin. After doing that for awhile Jeff decided that shower time was over.

"Okay ladies, the beauty of doing that in the shower is that it is really easy to rinse off so clean yourselves up, dry off and meet us in the sitting room." Jeff said.

The guys dried off and got dressed as Amber and I rinsed off. Knowing that Jeff had wanted us to remain naked Amber and I walked into the sitting room with towels on our hair but without a stitch of clothing on.

The four of us stayed up all night having a great conversation and during that whole time Neil never acted uncomfortable around us. He had seen us in our most intimate moments, hell he'd cum on our tits for crying out loud. We didn't bother going to bed, we all just fell asleep in our chairs.

The next morning Neil was up first and was getting ready to leave when Jeff caught him.

"Leaving already?" Jeff asked.

"Yeah, yesterday was great, but I was worried that you guys would wake up today and wonder what the hell you'd done." Neil said.

"We know exactly what we did, we helped a guy out. I was thinking today we could work on your technique with the ladies, see if we can't give you a few pointers." Jeff said.

"Really, that would be great." Neil said.

We ate a late breakfast and headed for a restaurant where we knew there'd be plenty of beautiful women. We sat down and started talking. We were all giving Neil our tips as to how to approach a woman.

"I don't know you guys, this sounds tough." Neil said.

"Oh it's easy. Here, I'll show you. Do you see that blonde over there sitting by herself?" Jeff asked.

"Yes." Neil said.

"I'm gonna go talk her out of her panties." Jeff said.

"How do you know a girl dressed like that is even wearing any?" I asked.

"Because when she reached for her purse I got a great view up her little skirt and either she's wearing blue panties or she has a bright blue pussy. Either way I'm gonna go find out." Jeff said.

He stood up, walked over to her table, introduced himself and sat down. He moved his chair really close and leaned in to talk softly in her ear. For awhile she seemed uncomfortable with what he was suggesting. She kept looking around to see if anybody was watching. Of course the three of us were watching but we were hiding it well.

It wasn't until she started squirming in her seat that I realized why she had been looking around. She wasn't concerned that others might be eaves dropping, she was waiting until she thought nobody was looking to wiggle her panties down over her thighs and down to her ankles. She managed to get them down to her ankles without any trouble but she was wearing shoes that proved a tad more difficult to get past. We watched as she struggled to get the tiny garment off of her shoes without anyone noticing.

She managed to get one shoe through but that was it. She was having no luck getting her panties over her right shoe so there they sat hanging around her ankle for anyone who happened to look her way to see.

Finally she found a solution to her problem by lifting her panty-bound foot to Jeff's lap. He discreetly freed the woman from the garment. Before letting her foot leave his lap he ran his hand up and down her leg venturing high enough up her inner thigh as to make her shiver. With that Jeff put the panties in his shirt pocket like a handkerchief and returned to our table.

"See, other than a problem with her footwear that was easy." Jeff said.

"Yeah, but how did you talk her out of them?" Neil asked.

"I told her that you guys were my wife and kids, that we were here on vacation and that my wife hadn't put out since our 'kids' were conceived. I told her that I'd seen her panties and had instantly wanted them to jack off with when I was alone. That was all it took, she didn't even want to take them off in the bathroom, what she really wanted was the thrill of possibly being caught taking off her panties in public." Jeff said.

"Well I hope it was as good for her as it was for us." Amber said.

"Oh I believe it was." Jeff said.

"Do you think you could do that again, say with one of the waitresses, but do it in a way where I could hear the delivery?" Neil asked.

"Sure. Let's see who it should be. Oh, I've got the perfect candidate. Feast your eyes on the redhead cleaning up the table in the back. Come with me and we'll get you a pair of panties. If you ladies will excuse us." Jeff said.

"Oh no, we're not missing this, we'll find a spot out of sight where we can get a better view and hear the action too." I said.

Jeff and Neil walked up to the girl and Amber and I took up seats in a booth nearby.

"Excuse me miss, but my son and I have a bet going." Jeff said.

"That's what this town is good for, what kind of bet?" the girl asked.

"Well I bet him that a girl that has to spend all day walking around in tight pants like that would wear a sensible comfortable pair of panties, he thinks that the fiery red-head in you would wear a thong or a G-string despite the comfort issues. We were hoping you could settle the bet for us." Jeff said.

"You two have a bet about what kind of panties I wear?" the girl asked.

"Yes ma'am we do." Jeff said.

"And just how much do you have riding on this bet?" the girl asked.

"We've got $500 on it." Jeff said.

"I'll tell you what, if the winner is willing to cut me in 50-50 I'll tell you." The girl said.

"Wait a minute, for $250 I'd need more than your word, I'd need hard evidence." Jeff said.

"Okay, then for a 50-50 split of the money I'll give them to the winner." The girl said.

"Sounds like hard enough proof to me, how about you dad?" Neil asked.

"Well, I suppose it would be sufficient, but how do we know she's not gonna go to the bathroom, pull an extra pair out of her purse and give us those, we want the genuine article." Jeff said.

"Come with me. We've got a break room in the back where you can see for yourself that you're getting the panties I have on right now." The girl said.

Obviously Amber and I couldn't go back there, so I'll just tell you Jeff's version of what happened in the back room.

First off Jeff slipped $500 to Neil discreetly as they followed the girl to the back room. When they got there she made them both show her the money that she would get as part of the deal.

When she was satisfied that the money was real she had them both sit down on the couch. She took off her shoes and slowly peeled off her pants. It turned out that Neil had 'won' the 'bet' as the girl was wearing a tiny little G-string. She took it off and gave it to Neil who gave her the promised $250.

Then Neil got bold.

"I'll give you the other $250 for your bra." Neil said.

She'd already shown the cookie so why not show them the milk for an extra $250? She took off her top and her bra and took the other $250. That's when Jeff tried to take things up a notch.

"I don't want you to take this the wrong way, I can tell that my son really likes you, would you be interested in making another $500?" Jeff asked.

"Are you offering to pay me to fuck him, because if you are you can keep it. I'll fuck this gorgeous man for free." The girl said.

"Well, okay then. Neil, I think you can take things from here. It was a pleasure meeting you." Jeff said.