The Girl Who Cried Wolf 02


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Oh shit.

He kissed me.

My first kiss. From a man, anyway. And it was amazing. Not all slobbery and gross like I'd imagined it would be from a dinosaur like Donaldson. It was delicate, but firm, and full of tender passion, like one of those kisses in the movies. And the slight stubble on his lips didn't bother me at all. In fact, it felt so rugged and manly! After a few moments, he gently licked my lips, encouraging me to open my mouth. I didn't need much encouragement. I eagerly accepted his tongue.

It was brilliant. Fucking brilliant. Kirsty never kissed me like this. Never!

After fifteen or twenty minutes of making out, he pulled back and smiled down at me with such loving affection that it melted my heart. I mean fucking MELTED it! Then he sweetly kissed my nose before softly saying, "Oh, Fern. Sweet, delicate, young, Fern. You've come so far since we first met. Such a good girl. My very good girl."

I saw the gleam in his eyes, and knew for absolute fact that my plan had worked. He was madly in love with me! But instead of feeling victorious, I did the last thing I ever thought was possible... I fell in love with him too!

You probably don't believe it. I mean, this filthy geezer has been torturing me for months! How could I possibly fall in love with him? I don't know. I just did. He's a handsome, deeply caring man, who seems to understand me better than I know myself. And his eyes... his voice... his hands... his cock. Absolute perfection. And I knew at that very moment that I'd do anything for him. Absolutely anything!

But if he knew how I felt, he'd have the upper hand, so I decided to act all sassy and snotty, to hide my feelings. "Would you just go down on me already? This is getting boring!"

He chuckled ominously, then began kissing downward to my breasts, muttering between each kiss, "Boring. Boring. Boring... Let's see if you find this boring."

And then I felt the sharpest pain, coming from my left breast... The bastard! He'd bit my nipple! It fucking hurt! "What the fuck is wrong with you?!" I spitted, with anger.

"You don't have to pretend with me, Fern. We both know you enjoy this," his hand moved down to my cunt and gave my pussy lips a painful pinch. I let out a squeal, but he could feel the surge of wetness shooting out of me, so he started twisting my pussy like crazy, making me gasp from the intensity of the pain. All the while he spoke with utter calmness, "Do you remember our lessons on paraphilia in Psychology, Fern? Yours would be classified as sexual masochism. The predisposition to derive sexual pleasure from pain and humiliation. It's not necessarily a psychiatric disorder... not in your case. It's merely a predilection."

I spit at him. "Stop pinching me, you bloody sadist!"

He got a wistful look on his face, but he kept twisting my cunt, calmly saying, "Yes. I suppose you're right, Fern. I probably am a sadist. But honestly, I never wanted to hurt anyone before I met you. You bring it out in me."

I squealed from another pussy twist. "Owww! Please, please stop! You're hurting me!"

He was utterly unmoved. "You might find this unbelievable, but I don't enjoy causing you pain, Fern. Perhaps my paraphilia is for dominance and control, and the power I feel when I'm with you. But none of this would be possible if I didn't understand you. If I didn't know you."

"You don't fucking know me! OWWW!!!"

"But I do, Fern. Better than you know your self. I'm not sure how... but I seem to know exactly how much pain you can take, and how much pain you need."

That's exactly what I'd been thinking! The mad fuck really is a mind-reader! But this was beyond the pale! He sucked my nipple into his mouth again, and bit it HARD!!! I shrieked and pounded on his forehead. "Stop! FUCKING STOP!!! I don't have to put up with domestic violence from any-fucking-body! Okay? I'm not my stupid mum! Now get the bloody hell off me!!!"

I gave a final, mighty wiggle, and squirmed out from under him. I shot to my feet, and ran toward my clothes, intending on taking them into the hallway to dress. But I didn't make it six steps before he grabbed me, hissing, "Oh no you don't little girl!" Then he slammed me to the wood floor so hard that I saw stars. He's so strong! I felt like a rag doll in his hands!

He looked down at me with a terrifyingly evil expression on his face, and growled, "You're a naughty girl, Fern. And naughty girls deserve to get punished." And with that he took my other nipple in his mouth and bit down HARD, while he twisted the other one painfully with his fingers.

Good Christ, it HURT! "Ouch!! You fucking cock! Stop it!!" I screamed, but as usual, he just carried on. I struggled, but it was utterly useless. He had me. I had no choice but to lay there on the cold floor, squirming and whimpering, while tears poured out of my eyes and I sobbed like a baby, kicking myself for thinking I could ever control him with love. It was shocking and scary. I never imagined he'd do anything more painful than spanking me. But this was almost beyond endurance.

But here's the thing. I did endure it. And, even though it felt like he was chewing my nipples off, and I was absolutely terrified that he could kill me if he wanted, I LOVED IT! I felt my pussy getting wetter and wetter, and I began to gasp with pleasure between my sobs of pain.

That twisted fuck really knows how to please a girl. This girl, anyway. This sick, fucked up girl.

After what seemed like an eternity of torture, he came up to my ear and whispered, "You like it when I bite your nipples don't you Fern?"

"No," I whimpered.

Then the fucker said, "In that case, I'll stop." He sat back on his haunches, and suddenly I was free.

But wouldn't you know, I didn't move a muscle! I just looked up at him gasping and crying, my breasts tingling and my pussy throbbing, and my entire body vibrating with fiery pain. But a few seconds later it began to fade away, like flames sputtering in the wind. Then blooms of pleasure began to spread from my breasts and pussy, like flowers opening in the sun, and my whole body began to tingle. Simply brilliant!

I moaned, "More."

He chuckled knowingly, and crawled on top of me again. Then for the next five or ten minutes all he done was gnaw and twist my pink nipples red raw. He kept swapping the nipple in his hand for the nipple in his mouth, without letting up for a second. Sometimes it felt like he was trying to twist them off, but sometimes he'd lick and suck them so softly I could barely feel it... but all the while waiting with terrified anticipation of his next attack! It was horrible! It was wonderful! It fucked with my mind and body so much I could barely remember who I was or where I was.

And then I felt him touching my pussy with his fingers. But with a glance downward I realised I was mistaken. He was holding his rock-hard cock with one hand, and rubbing the tip of it up and down my pussy, flicking my clit with each upstroke. I gasped in terror. He was touching my pussy with his cock! The shocking horror of it made my pussy twitch and tingle like mad. I started having a low level, rolling orgasm, which seemed to go on and on, without letup, for minute after minute as he began to thump his heavy, meaty shaft against my weeping wet cunt. I writhed and groaned and gasped.

Suddenly he paused, and I felt the head of his cock parting my pussy lips, so I begged for mercy. "Please don't rape me. Please. Please..."

For once, the wonderful fuck obeyed me, though only with great reluctance. He lowered his face to my pussy, and began to eat me out, loud and wet, all the while wringing my nipples with both hands even harder than before. It was utterly excruciating!! And then, down deep, I felt a growing urge. I've felt this urge many times before, but never as powerfully as this.

"Proffy... D... don't stop! Don't stop!! I'm... I'm going to... SQUIRT!!! DON'T STOP!!! PLEASE DON'T STOP!!!!!" I was screaming at the top of my lungs, I needed it so bad!

And then the fucker bit my clit! I gasped, but it hurt so much that I couldn't even bring myself to scream. And then, my entire body started twitching as if I were being electrocuted. He stopped biting my clit, and said, "Yes baby. Squirt for me my darling. Shower me with cum," All I could do was nod, like the obedient little slave that I am. With that, he tweaked both of my nipples so hard I thought they were going to pop right off my chest, and I let out a blood curdling scream that rattled the ancient windows in their frames, and squirted a fountain of cum all over the place.

Oh fuck! Just thinking about it is making me horny again. I never squirted like that in my life! It went everywhere. It drenched his face. It spattered the floor. It sprayed the tests on the top of his desks. Some of it even reached as far as the blackboard! It was an absolute geyser of cum!

When I was about halfway finished, he clapped his mouth over my pussy and began to chug my juices even as he continued to tongue my hypersensitive clit, trying to draw more and more out of me as I screamed like a murder victim. It was incredible. Too incredible.

In the end, I couldn't take it anymore, the pain or the pleasure.

So I passed out...



Saturday October 26th

5 AM

Good lord. What a frightful way to end the night!

There I was, twisting her sweet little nipples with a barbaric ferocity I'd never imagined myself capable of, while she shrieked and squirted all over creation, when she suddenly fell limp and silent as the grave. I was too busy with my face buried in her furry heart-shaped bush to notice her eyes rolling back in her head. But after a moment or two I noticed the eerie silence and sat up to see only white in her half-lidded eyes. Good lord! She looked stone dead! I grabbed her wrist and desperately felt for her pulse, but my hands began to shake so hard I couldn't feel a thing. I suppose I should have been worrying about how I'd explain a dead naked girl in my classroom to the constabulary. But I was too terrified to think. All I felt was a deep pit in my stomach. The very idea that my beautiful little Fern could be dead... at my hands... my horrible hands... well it was too ghastly to contemplate. How would I ever live with myself? I knew I couldn't. I'd have to kill myself.

But then I felt her pulse. Faintly, but distinct. I began to weep with relief. "Thank god, Fern, thank god!" I kissed her slack lips, but she didn't respond, so I slapped her cheeks, and called her name, but she didn't stir. I felt a dreadful guilt darkening my heart. What had I done to her? I stumbled to my feet, and looked down at her pale, perfect body laying there on the parquet floor. Her legs were wide open, and spattered wet with cum. In fact, her wetness was everywhere. All over me, the floor, the walls. It was spattered halfway across the room, providing a plethora of 'DNA evidence' for the Criminal Investigation Task Force! I had the sudden urge to clean up the crime scene, but I knew that she needed a doctor first and foremost, so I found my mobile and rang the nearest hospital.

An answering machine picked up. "If this is a life threatening emergency, please stay on the line. We will be with you as soon as possible." I turned on the speaker phone, and waited, pacing the floor with guilty agitation, certain that this would be the end for me. But as I looked at her lying there, I realized that perhaps the scene should look a bit less incriminating when the paramedics arrived. So I scuttled about like a coward, cleaning her cum off of everything.

Then I dressed myself, and started to dress her too, utterly unnerved by the way she flopped about in my arms. So delicate. So fragile. Like a rag doll. What kind of monster would mistreat an adorable angel like this? I could see ugly purple bruises starting to form on her breasts as I buttoned up her shirt. Bite marks on her nipples! How could I ever possibly explain them? No. This was the end for me. No matter how I tried to clean things up, the doctors would see her injuries, and draw the correct conclusions. Lord Clabberton would be notified, and I'd be sacked and possibly arrested, if I was lucky. Or Clabberton might just send some thugs around to smash my head in with golf clubs. I wouldn't put it above him.

And he'd have a right. If anybody did to Fern what I'd just done to her, I'd do everything in my power to ruin them. How odd, to see myself as my own worst enemy!

But as disturbing as all this was, I felt relieved that it was over. Fern would escape from my clutches, I'd be punished, and the world would make sense again. I sat by the phone, and listened to the music, and resigned myself to fate.

And then Fern's eyelids fluttered, and she muttered. "Wha... what's going on?" I could have jumped for joy! I instantly hung up on the hospital and ran to Fern's side. She sat up, and I held her hand as she looked around with confusion. "What... what's happening? What time is it? Did I pass my tests?"

"You don't remember?"

"Remember? Remember what? Fuck... my throat hurts!"

"I think you passed out." I helped her to her feet, but she let out a little squeal, and tenderly touched her breasts. "Ow. My boobies feel like they're on fire." She looked at me suspiciously, "What the fuck did you do?"

I felt week in the knees, so leaned back on my desk and burst into tears. "I'm sorry, Fern. I went too far. I went much too far."

She smiled wryly. "What did you do?"

"You really can't remember?"

She looked around the room again. "I don't know. It's sort of a blur."

"Yes, well, I suppose this sort of thing happens when people experience something traumatic. The brain tries to erase the bad memories to protect you. Perhaps we should leave it like that."

She grasped my hands fiercely and said, "Fuck no. They're my memories. I want them back!"

She deserved the truth, so I told her the whole story of our evening together, bit by bit, feeling utterly wretched with shame. As I talked she began to remember everything, laughing and smiling and biting her lip lustfully. It was relieving to know that she wasn't angry or upset. Still, I felt terribly guilty, and she saw how sad I was, so she came over and hopped up on my desk to sit next to me while rubbing my back softly. Can you believe that? This sweet girl was comforting her attacker!

When I got to the bit about twisting her nipples, I said, "I don't know what came over me. I've never done that to a woman before. But somehow, I thought you'd enjoy it."

She blushed and held her breasts tenderly. "I guess that makes me a... what did you call it in class? A sexual masochist? I'm a fucking nutter, I am."

I squeezed her waist, saying, "Far from it. Masochism isn't usually considered a mental disorder unless it's compulsive and life threatening. But my sadism scares me. I never thought I'd lose control like that."

She looked up at me from under that wonderful blonde fringe of hers, and said, "You didn't lose control, Proffy D. Not for a second. You said you knew me. How much I could take. How much I needed. You were totally right. You do know me."

Then I saw something in her eyes that stunned me. Love. Romantic love. And the thought of that... of a young girl like her having feelings like that for me... well, it astounded me so much that my cock begin to swell. And all at once, I wanted to fuck her with every fibre of my being. Oh, who am I kidding? I wanted to rape her!

I had to end this session, and quick. Her safety depended on it!

I looked up at the clock on the wall and saw that it was almost four thirty in the morning. "Let's get you back to your room." She shyly nodded, then took my hand as we walked to her dorm together. The chilly air set her to shivering, so I put my jacket over her shoulders. Something about this simple gesture moved me, and I suddenly realized that my feelings were far deeper than I'd been willing to admit. This was no simple infatuation. This was love. True love.

I took Fern's little hand in mine as we walked, and in that moment I felt like we fit together somehow, like two perfect puzzle pieces. Her hand in mine, our fingers intertwined.. I could picture the two of us walking through life together. Partners. Lovers. Soul mates. I just wanted to pick her up off her feet, hold her close to me and give her a long loving kiss, right there and then. But there were windows everywhere, so I resisted the urge.

When we reached her door, I stiffly said goodnight. She meekly walked up two steps, then suddenly span around, jumped into my arms and gave me great big kiss. And I kissed her back, feeling love vibrating in every molecule of my body.

When our kiss ended, she looked up at me and whispered, "I love you, Proffy D." Then she turned and ran inside, not giving me a chance to respond.

And right then, I knew what I had to do.

I had to end it.

I shan't meet with her again. No more private lessons. No more therapy sessions. I'm done.

If necessary, I'll get another job. I'll quit. I'll move far far away.

Fern is far too precious. I must protect her.

From me!



Saturday October 26th

5:30 am

Dear Diary,

As we kissed, I could feel his massive erection growing against me. I thought about dropping to my knees and sucking him off again right there on the steps in front of the dorm, but I was absolutely knackered, so I gave him one last squeeze, enjoying how much it made my poor little boobies hurt, and told him I loved him. I know, I shouldn't have, but I just blurted it out. I didn't wait for him to respond. I zipped inside, and absolutely floated up the stairs with happiness.

The girls were fast asleep -- thank god! I certainly didn't want them seeing those angry bruises on my tits while I was changing into my nightie!

Then I climbed into my bed, and picked up you and my pen, and eagerly told you my story. I don't think I'll be able to sleep tonight. I'll probably still be up when Mum and Dad come to pick me up for holiday. I may never sleep again!!

Because I'm in love!


But something doesn't feel right about this. What? I just feel discontent. Like something's missing.

I guess I feel weird about begging him not to rape me. It made sense at the time, but he's my lover now, isn't he? I should want to fuck him. I DO want to fuck him! Sure, his cock is scary huge, and will probably hurt like hell if he fucks me.

When he fucks me.

And he's definitely going to fuck me, I promise you! I don't care what I have to do. I don't care how many tests I have to pass. I don't care how many books I have to read, or how long it takes! I'm going to feel Donaldson's cock inside me!

And that's all I have to say about that!

Fern out!


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Ib_SaysIb_Saysalmost 7 years ago

A shame there's no continuation.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

This story was unexpectedly brilliant, and it seems the author has disappeared from the internet since 2013. Disappointing to say the least.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

I fell in love with Donaldson in chapter 1. I love how the two have come to learn about each other, but also about their own depths of sexuality. Please, we beg you...don't leave us hanging not knowing how this ends.

talldarkfellowtalldarkfellowalmost 9 years ago
Definitely an Oncoming Train.

If Fern needs that level of pain to get off, it's going to get pretty obvious, pretty fast.

Unless the co-writers decide to indulge in another few difficult-to-believe coincidences, they are going to get caught since they are indulging at a school where anyone with business on the floor could wander by, even at night. Or he's really going to seriously hurt her, the way he almost did during her "reward".

Me, I'd love more coincidences. And maybe the two of them running away to the South Seas together.

I also like the fact that you didn't just make Maddie, the wife, into some inexplicably frigid mannequin or a religious zealot to explain Donaldson's forced celibacy. The woman simply finds intercourse painful. A sad, but not unknown condition.

Really looking forward to more.

BlackHeart521BlackHeart521almost 9 years ago
am angry here

i am angry here cos yet another damn good story that is not finished and over 1 year no new progress....for some reason i run into lots of good stuff that is unfinished :(

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