The Good Girl's Bad Place

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Eleanor forks Tahani in her Bad Place.
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Pacing continuously back and forth in her strange house Eleanor Shellstrop was freaking out:

Something was very wrong with the Good Place.

Prior to dying Eleanor was not a good person. She insulted people, betrayed her friends and sold bogus medication. So when she ended up in the 'Good Place' Eleanor knew something was up. Something beyond her control just wasn't right; like she was a rat trapped in a maze. Bizarre scenarios, constant philosophical conundrums and seemingly endless supplies of frozen yoghurt.

So when Michael had come to her with yet another problem Eleanor was hardly surprised. Upon re-assessing the algorithm that had put her and her partner Chidi together, the architect of the Good Place had inexplicably discovered they were not destined to be soulmates after all. As a result the one person who had actually been helping Eleanor to navigate through her maze was moving out and someone else was moving in:

Hearing a telltale knock on her front door Eleanor frowned, twisting to face the entrance. Swallowing hard the cute blonde plastered a fake smile on her face. Time to face destiny:

Door bursting open a very familiar beauty beamed back at her, the Pakistani woman poising elegantly against the wooden frame:

"Oh fork..."

Tahani Al-Jamil was her soulmate.

"Eleanor darling! Are you as pleased as I am? Turns out our souls are intwined! Shocking I know but anything is better than that ghastly monk Jianyu."

Sauntering into the colourful room Tahani approached the shocked blonde. Leaning down the tan goddess planted a peck on Eleanor's cheek:

"Heyyy... hot stuff!" Eleanor replied weakly:

"So you and I are bonded for all eternity?!"

"I am sure you are as surprised as I was!" Tahani exclaimed, her trademark preppy enthusiasm flickering momentarily before the Black haired beauty doubled down:

"Especially given how different we are in status... but Michael assures me that this time he is 100% correct," speaking rapidly, Tahani's voice rose a full octave:

"Algorithms do not lie!"

Looking disdainfully around Eleanor's bizarre clown-themed decor Tahani frowned:

"And while I will admit the downgrade in my accommodation is a little... disheartening, I am sure we can, Uh-adjust to our new lesbian lifestyle! After all, I am a stickler for the rules."

Ignoring the beautiful woman Eleanor considered her fate. Of all the people in all creation why was her partner Tahani Al Jamil? The woman was already an insufferable neighbour! And now by some insane twist of fate, her eternal soulmate??

Eleanor suppressed a scowl, mind still reeling. Tahani always wanted everybody to think she was such a 'perfect princess'. Just because she was tall and glamorous and had cappuccino skin and curves for days. Wait... was she actually into this??

Racking her brain Eleanor grasped the back of her head in exasperation, turning away from her apparent destiny, desperate to remember what she had done in her life to earn this latest torture. Why was heaven so torturous!?

And suddenly it hit her:

"Holy Motherforkin' shirtballs!"

Blue eyes going wide, she twisted to face her 'soulmate':

"This is the bad place!"

"I'm sorry??" Tahani responded politely, thrown off by Eleanor's sudden outburst.

"This is the bad place!!" Eleanor repeated again, rushing up to her unlikely new counterpart and grasping her wrists:

"What else could explain you and I being together forever??"

Suddenly everything made sense; the tests, the torturous environment, all these annoying people, even the frozen yoghurt! After all nothing could be worse than a relationship with this preening queen bee!

"D-Don't be riddiculous!" Tahani exclaimed, glowering at her neighbour as she put on a brave face:

"I know this all seems a little bit unorthodox but love arises in the strangest places! And and... do you like my new dress??"

Twirling on the spot the beautiful Pakistani deflected from this latest revelation by showing-off her buoyant new attire, the dress somehow colourful and utterly sexy at the same time, high heels and perfect make-up only emphasizing Tahani's ludicrously perfect features. In spite of herself, Eleanor could not help but wonder what she was like underneath:

"Okay, I'll admit you are smoking hot," the blonde shook her head, attempting to suppress her vivid imagination: "but there is no Good Place where we are together!"

Staring incredulously back at the shorter woman, for several seconds Tahani maintained her confident facade before finally crumbling:

"Ohh thank god."

Disarmed by her sudden change of heart Eleanor watched as Tahani deflated, her sunny demeanour replaced with genuine relief:

"Wait so you agree??"

"Absolutely," Tahani nodded solemnly, "Obviously we could never work together!"

"Great!" Surprised she had changed the socialite's mind so suddenly, Eleanor clapped her hands, rushing toward the exit, "then I'll just go confront Michael and sort this whole thing out- Waaaait a minute."

Pausing in the open doorway the selfish grifter spun on the spot:

"Remind me again why this obviously couldn't work?"

Big brown eyes blinking back at her friend Tahani smiled condescendingly:

"Well I mean as if I Tahani Al Jamil; model, museum curator, It girl and muse to Baz Lurhman could ever be with you?! I mean, Tahani Al Jamil literally means 'congratulations beautiful'."

Laughing delicately the sophisticated British socialite perched on the back of the nearest sofa, oblivious to her soulmate's souring demeanour:

"What are you saying??"

"I meant no offence of course! You are such a cutie pants Eleanor! But well, a woman of my status could never live in this horrible little house with some common, pear-shaped American girl!"

"Oh please," Eleanor replied defensively: "You wish you could get a bite of this pear y-you hot, rich fraud with legs for days!"

"Like I said," Tahani responded innocently: "No offence... Its just it would be such a scandal, you know?? Even in the Good Place."

Turning back to the door Eleanor muttered under her breath, making her best attempt at a swearword in this PC Paradise:

"Mother forkin' bench..."

Fuming Eleanor considered her options. Tahani thought she was better than her?? She had literally just dropped the bombshell that they were not in heaven but in hell and Tahani was just relieved they weren't an item?!?

Making up her mind the blonde slowly closed the door: Well if Tahani was here because she was so good, Eleanor would show the condescending heiress why she was so bad.

"Darling??" Tahani asked quizzically, unsure why her faux soulmate had not left already.

Forcing a smile, Eleanor turned back to the statuesque brunette:

"You know what? Maybe we should give this a try."

Surprised yet again the entitled socialite momentarily forgot her vocabulary:

"I'm sorry??"

Stepping menacingly toward her Tahani shrunk away from the determined blonde, not stopping until her plump behind was pressed against the ledge between Eleanor's living space and the elevated bedroom.

"That's right! You and me, let's do it!"

"Whatever do you mean??" Tahani asked nervously: "I-I thought we had both gathered there was no... spark here?"

"But we've both only gotten to know each other as friends over last few months," Eleanor implied, suggestive eyes hooding over: "So maybe we should try taking our relationship to the next level then see how we feel??"

"You mean to say..." Tahani swallowed hard, raising a hand to her chest uncomfortably: "Shagging??"

"Well I meant sex but if a British colloquialism does it for ya: I'm goin' up the apples and pears to bugger yuh bum!"

Blushing Tahani looked the shorter woman up and down, tight blue t-shirt and jeans immediately confusing the bigoted beauty. How could a woman so attractive wear such workman-like attire?? Then again perhaps she should have realised bisexuality was an option for Eleanor given her manly choice in wardrobe...

"That is Uhhhh very sweet Eleanor b-but I promised myself to my good friend Taylor Swift-"

"-Well she's definitely in the bad place," Eleanor replied smugly, cutting the pompous Princess off: "And if this is truly the bad place us being 'together' will be horrible! But if it's the good place..."

Pressing against the busty Pakistani goddess Eleanor slid her palms over her tight dress, tracing the wide curve of the brunette's wide hips. Slipping a knee between Tahani's impossibly long legs, she brushed upward against her tan inner thighs.


Finally pressing their lips together Eleanor kissed Tahani, enjoying the taste of the woman's plump cappuccino skin. Feeling that hot mouth pout against her lips, soon Tahani's soft purse relaxed into her own. The blonde smiled into the kiss. Just as she had suspected:

Eleanor had listened to Tahani endlessly complain about her sister and was pretty sure the other woman had some deeply repressed feelings about women, making the brunette perfect to manipulate. Of course Eleanor intended to go a lot further than kissing, that was just high school stuff!

Pulling away Eleanor grinned at the dazed socialite:

"How about you kiss me back gorgeous?"

"What?" Tahani whispered, unsure if there was one of Eleanor's little japes or if the blonde was actually serious.

"Kiss me." Eleanor commanded again, her voice becoming more serious.

Wondering if the prim and proper billionaire had actually heard her Eleanor watched the frozen woman's gaze, so unsure as she stared back at her:

"We are soulmates after all..." Eleanor repeatedly suggestively, still pressing her knee up into the brunette's apex:

Enjoying the dumbfounded expression on Tahani's beautiful face Eleanor wanted to launch herself at the tan goddess all over again. But she had decided Tahani should be the one to kiss her next, giving the brunette some delusion of control while planting the idea in her small brain; Classic pharmaceutical marketing trick.

There were so many thoughts raging inside of Tahani's head the raven haired beauty couldn't even understand what they were saying any more. Her whole life Tahani had been ruled by selfish desire to the point that even her own good deeds had only been to one up her more successful sister. Gay relationships were very in right now:

Slowly leaning forward Tahani pressed her lips against the cute blonde's, gently kissing her neighbour.

The kiss remained soft for a long while, Eleanor waiting impatiently for Tahani to make the next move. She didn't have to wait too long though and soon she felt that annoying tongue caress her bottom lip; asking permission to enter her mouth. Permission that Eleanor was only too happy to grant.

It was at this point Eleanor re-established the control she had never really given up, her fast tongue making short work of Tahani's own and bullying her pretty mouth into joyous submission.

Sliding back against the ledge finally Tahani's overzealous mind was silenced as her body gave way to this welcoming embrace. Vaguely aware of herself Tahani felt a bizarre sense of achievement. Every woman that had ever mattered to Tahani had despised her; mother, Jameela, even Eleanor!! And yet she finally had what she wanted. Not the shallow fame she had achieved in life but the loving attention of a woman that truly meant something to her. A soulmate!

Also enjoying their intimate kiss for a moment Eleanor forgot she was only supposed to be getting payback on this uppity socialite, their lips melding during their long make out session. Finally pulling herself away, Eleanor found herself lost for words, actually turned on by this strange pairing.

"Wow... Okay." Eleanor murmured in shock, "I may legit be into this!"

"It was rather pleasant," Tahani admitted: "but everyone enjoys a good snog!"

"Are you sure??" The blonde moving closer Tahani swallowed hard as the intoxicating American laid her palm on her breast, Elenor feeling the rapid beat of her heart as she grinned naughtily back at her.

"I will admit to a slight, uhh frisson! Wuh-wait, what's happening now??"

Ignoring Tahani, Eleanor slipped her fingers through the straps of her elegant dress, tugging the hem over the nervous heiress' bust until her huge breasts bounced free of their tight confinement. Blue eyes wide as saucers, the cute blonde grasped her soulmate's chest:

"Holy crap look at your bazongas!"

"Why thank you!" Enjoying the blonde's appreciation for her body Tahani blushed, her usual confidence waining in the face of all this lustful attention.

"No seriously I just wanna eat you up!" Eleanor exclaimed, her eyes turning mischievous:

"In fact... Hey robot slave lady!" Pausing, Eleanor tilted her head, "Wait what was her name again??"

The little blonde still pressed up against her Tahani blinked incredulously as she answered Eleanor's question:


"Hey there!"

Appearing out of thin air with the sound of a whip crack, both women flinched as the sentient database emerged from nowhere, her attire a little different than usual. Instead of her purple flight attendant outfit Janet was dressed in the black leather of a dominatrix:

"Wow!" Eleanor stared back at the strange being, taken aback:

"You into fetish stuff now Busty Alexa??"

"Not at all!" Janet chimed, her perky attitude even more bizarre juxtaposed with her erotic new appearance, even as the brunette calmly explained herself:

"But during sexual interplay I can be used in a variety of fun ways by humans looking to spice up their relationships! Including..."

"Okay shut up now. I'm gonna need some body butter."

"How about a delicious Frozen Yoghurt?!"

Rolling her yes Eleanor watched the colourful desert appear in the brunette's hands, grasping the sweet treat roughly:

"Close enough. Thanks for nothing Janet!"

Utterly bewildered, Tahani braced herself as the cute blonde raised the plastic cup up to her chest:

"Oh my that's cold-ohh!!"

Enjoying Tahani's delightful squirming, Eleanor watched as the pink liquid spilled into the cleft of her breast, spreading over her magnificent brown globes.

Shuddering as the cold the yoghurt dripped under her hemline, the Pakistani princess cringed as cold droplets rolled under her dress and over the smooth skin of her belly. Slush pooling in the luxurious fabric of her knickers Tahani wriggled frantically.

"Muh-Mother Mmmm! Mother w-would never approve! Nnnngh..." Clinging onto the high wooden ledge, Tahani quivered as Eleanor began to lap at her breasts like a stray puppy, lathering her smooth brown skin as she sucked the cold desert off of her chest.

Licking up her delicious treat Eleanor revelled in the sweet taste of cream and the even sweeter taste of Tahani's submission. Then peeling down one of the royal red cups of Tahani's lacy bra Eleanor grinned:

Opening wide the blonde sucked her friend's puffy brown nipple into her mouth, tasting silky flesh as the bud swelled between her lips. Suckling for several long seconds Eleanor then pulled away, quickly latching onto the panting Pakistani's other fabulous tit.

"Ooooh, now that's just unfair..."

Moaning wantonly against her better judgement Tahani relaxed into the insatiable blonde's tight embrace, perched against the ledge as Eleanor suckled on her swollen breasts, feeling the delightful sucking sensation send confusing signals to both her head and pussy, the icy slush in her knickers melting as her apparent soulmate brought her to a boil.

"Will that be all??"

Flinching again both women twisted from their lustful embrace to see Janet still standing beside them, smiling pleasantly as she watched on.

"Ugh!" Groaning Eleanor straightened up, wiping pink yoghurt from around her swollen lips:

"Bug-out ya perv!"

"Okay!" Waving jovially Dom Janet disappeared in a puff of smoke.

Breathing heavily Tahani shook her head. Remembering who she was the entitled Princess scrambled upright; deeply embarrassed by her loss of composure. Attempting to steady herself she gasped nervously at her intimate companion:

"Ahh suh-so much for sparks am I right!?"

Grinning dangerously Eleanor stepped into the other woman's personal space once more. Reaching under colourful dress the blonde hiked up the fancy fabric, slipping a hand up a tan thigh before cupping Tahini's wet peach.

Rubbing her core surreptitiously Eleanor raised an eyebrow as she replied sarcastically:

"Yeah, cos your not enjoying yourself at all!"

Eyelashes fluttering Tahani whimpered pathetically:

"T-that's just yoghurt!"

The heat of their lustful embrace hanging in the air for a few seconds both women held still, Tahani on the verge of a major meltdown. Then without warning Eleanor relinquished her teasing pussy massage.

Whining Tahani stumbled forward like a baby dear, her usual grace all but forgotten as her knees almost gave way.

"Maybe you're right!" Eleanor exclaimed brightly,the poor, confused brunette twisting to face the impossible blonde:


Reversing their positions Eleanor leant against the wooden ledge, rushing excitedly as she unfastened her jeans.

Overcome once more Tahani watched in dismay as the cute blonde seductress wriggled out of the the tight confines of her clothing to reveal a hideous pair of bright blue boy shorts:

"You cannot possibly expect me to-"

Exasperated Eleanor pulled the nervous socialite forward, reaching up to tug down on the taller woman's shoulders. Bending forward Tahani barely had time to think before Eleanor was kissing her once more, mind going blank as her soulmate's tongue entered her mouth.

Playing Tahani like a fiddle Eleanor made sure to suck on those big sumptuous lips, subduing the heiress as her hands crept up the sides of the woman's beautiful face before finally resting on top of her head:

Pushed downwards Tahani dropped obediently to her knees. Realising she was still somehow the same height as Eleanor, Tahani cleared her throat:

"But, but, you're simply too short!"

"Oh Tahani," Eleanor shook her head, grinning gleefully back at her:

"I thought of that you sexy giraffe!"

Scrambling backwards onto the high wooden ledge Eleanor lifted her behind up onto the polished wooden surface. Crotch now at Tahani's eye level the blonde beamed down at the bewildered beauty:

"Ohhh well that's just marvellous..."

Grinning back at her prize Eleanor hooked her fingers in her knickers; now or never. Shifting on her behind the blonde shimmied free of her cotton confinement, allowing her underwear to drop into the perfect woman's lap.

Despite her fear and Eleanor's hideous underwear Tahani was captivated by the sight of her soulmate's womanhood spread out before her. Of course she had looked at her own before, such a perfect flower, and yet she was enthralled by the sight of Eleanor. In spite herself she found it to be quite beautiful. Tahani was awoken from her wicked thoughts when she felt insistent pressure on the back of her head, face moving toward Eleanor's pulsating centre.

The raven haired beauty had her lips tightly shut as they were pressed into Eleanor's core, Tahani fearing what would happen if she took even a little pleasure from the intoxicating warmth that enveloped her lips and mouth.

"What are you waiting for?" Eleanor queried from above: "don't you want to please me??"

"Of course!"Tahani exclaimed cluelessly, speech muffled by the blonde's thighs insistently squeezing her cheeks.

"Well then take me to the good place already!" Eleanor exclaimed, rolling her hips and pressing pussy into the beauty's sweet lips; squishing Tahani against her warm nethers.

Whimpering in submission Tahani squeezed her eyes shut, opening her mouth to extend her delicate tongue before taking her very first lick of another woman's pussy.

The selfish blonde's sweet cream trickling over her tongue Tahani exhaled shakily, a rush of breath tingling the grifter's soft pussy lips.