The Happy Service Girl

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There is nobody like Amy to provde perfect service.
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Ch 01 - Business and Pleasure

Livia had been working all morning and into the afternoon, and just had a good workout and a shower and was now relaxing in the comfort of the spacey tanning booth under the soothing shadows of the straw bundled roof. Amy had been out swimming and socializing over at the Seaside Lagoon the whole day, but as soon as she finally spotted her manager outside, in the booth, she came swimming back across the lagoon with swift and persistent strokes.

Livia was still a bit sated since their heated morning lovemaking, but she had had room service bring her a lot of soft drinks and some very light snacks, and now she actually felt quite good and well recovered for her enthusiastic young lover.

As she heard the splashing of water and the wobbly landing steps being climbed, she lifted her head and the heavy sunglasses enough to see the beaming face and then the whole perfection of the young but still quite voluptuous body coming up and into view. The girl grabbed a couple of towels and wrapped one around her hair and used the other to dab away the water. Next she shed her bikini top and bottom - just like that - before striding over in her naked glory like a joyful schoolgirl to kneel down at her feet.

"Can I get you anything, dear Liv?"

It had been an agreement from the very first day that she called her by her informal name, despite their difference in age and stature. Livia wanted none of that mistress nonsense, and even 'Lady' or 'Ma'am' was quite a bit too much for her liking. Not to mention 'Boss.' Horrible! The main thing that her eager lover sported the right attitude of appreciation, adoration and servitude, then she certainly couldn't care less about the rest of the formalities.

"I'm fine. Did you enjoy it over at the lagoon?"

"Oh yes," the girl snickered as she continued fastening the towel around her hair. "I planned to have another Piña Colada, but you rescued me. I would've gotten tipsy." She laughed and waved her hand at her neck to underscore her point. Then she let her beaming eyes lustfully caress the reclining woman's awesome female forms.

"You look fantastic. Good enough to eat," she squealed in sheer joy. "Can I do something for you?"

"Thanks my dear, you're very sweet." Livia put her sunglasses back down on her nose and looked at the girl through the comforting filter as the youngster seemed to jump out of her skin in joyful anticipation. She felt the familiar knot in her belly and was all too happy to grant those unspoken wishes.

"Yes, you can do something for me. I'd like to recline for a couple of hours or so. Would you be a dear and get me my book? And then you can come back here and give me some attention, OK?"

They were both exceptionally familiar with the term 'attention,' and to Amy it was the sweetest word in the world. When she had signed up to be Livia's personal assistant, after doing a very convincing job on her in the more than two hour long interview back in her downtown office, she knew perfectly well what it meant, and she was overjoyed about absolutely all aspects of it. And then also all the traveling to exotic places - very often under soothing palm trees and a warming sun - that certainly put that extra icing on the cake. Life couldn't be better under any circumstances, and she knew it!

Livia knew the girl was particularly hot about her prominent sunglasses, how they matched up with her raven black hair and her full red lips painted to an almost dangerously strong and beautiful facial facade that kept driving her young darling crazy with lust. Especially when - like now - the sunglasses were the only thing she was wearing, save for elegant stiletto heels and a set of ear pendants and arm rings, all of it in black.

She took the book with a big smile and put it to the side as she raised the head support of her recliner and elegantly opened her legs to accommodate and welcome the girl who was getting back down in between them with another squeal of joy.


Her eyes went back and forth between the beautiful face and the incredibly succulent and inviting pussy that slowly came into view as the legs continued opening. At some point the meaty outer lips stretched flexibly and then burst softly apart to reveal a pink cleft in between, and the girl let out another cheer and waved her hands in excitement at the most beautiful revelation she could ever imagine.

"Be gentle. We've got time, remember that."

"Of course. Two hours, you said?"


"How many orgasms?"

"Oh, I don't know. Let's take it as it cums, okay?"

They both smiled knowingly at the remark and Amy eagerly went down into a crouch to lower her head down toward the source of all pleasures of this wonderful world. Her smile transformed into a contorted expression of unadulterated lust as she took in the mouth watering sight of the open sex framed by those powerful thighs, the gracefully rounded belly and tits, and that invitingly smiling face with the eyes hidden behind those mighty sunglasses.

As her flexible tongue snaked its way in between the soft puffy lips of joy and into the pinkish wetness deep inside, the smiling red lips up there opened slightly more to allow for a small sigh. It was a sigh of pleasure, surely, but also a sigh of appreciation of this intense desire to worship and serve.

As always in settings like these Livia made no attempts to be an active part of their languid lovemaking, leaving all the hard work to her eager young worshiper, something that just served to inspire the girl to increase her efforts to keep doing better all the time. Livia knew she took special pride in making every service at least a tiny bit better than the previous one. Maybe she herself expected it now. Why shouldn't she?

Indeed Amy always strived up toward perfection. After all she was the luckiest girl in the world just to be allowed to spend her time between those amazing legs and die a thousand delightful deaths for her beautiful lover as she drowned herself in her pleasures... in their oh-so-mutual pleasures, of course. And there was absolutely nothing else she'd ever want to do. Actually she had learned to understand she had wanted nothing but this from the very first days of her sexual awakening, and now she had found her goddess - and her goddess had found her - and now her goddess' pleasures were all that would ever matter to her.

Well, Amy did almost all the hard work. As she let her tongue slide along the inner folds of pink wetness and up into the grooves around the already protruding clitoris, she felt a slight lift in the hips under her, an almost imperceptible push to meet her eager stimulations to further enhance the pleasure it provided in Livia's ever welcoming body. Pleasure was what that body was all about, and that was what it was going to have - at all times - or at least as much as wonderful Livia could take. A moment later she had to laugh at her own chain of thoughts. Of course pleasure was much more than just the sexual stimulation itself. It was just as much about this worshiping part, obviously. The service. The unrelenting commitment to servitude, to cater for all her needs, at any time, no matter what the circumstances! Yes, that was what pleasure was all about... and that's what Livia had, right here and right now. And the lady certainly was a person to know how to appreciate the present moment!

The tongue played its amazing game, and soon Livia's sex was a drooling nest of sticky juices leaking copiously into her girl's eager mouth. She made a quick decision and took her first orgasm with a shuddering strength that left her in full control of her bodily response. The first one was always a bit lighter and served as an appetizer for the next and much more powerful ones. A way to get in perfect mental and physical balance for the real thing, so to speak. Still she squirted a generous dose of cream onto that deeply immersed tongue as lips pushed firmly against lips to ensure that nothing was spilled.

Livia couldn't help another light lift in her hips as the ecstasy made her body tense, and a small gasp when she relaxed back down again, but except for that she had taken the first one exactly the way she wanted it. So now was the time for the long, enduring - almost endless - bliss.

So they both fell into their familiar sexual indulgence, their special trance of kind, where Amy worked patiently with tongue and lips and Livia lay motionless with her eyes closed, breathing deeply and heavily as the pleasure washed back and forth through her body in lazily enraptured waves. Pussy and tongue played each other out so expertly it was like they had never been separated, and as time passed the giving and receiving was like a law of nature that could never be violated. Only every now and then did a specially well aimed flick of the tongue bring on a small groan or even a tiny squeal of joy, but for the most part the woman just basked in her pleasures, thinking of nothing at all as her admirer toiled on with seemingly endless strength and energy. While the tongue massaged engorged inner lips, the hands lovingly stroked soft peachy skin, creating goosebumps of added joy to the lusty female who could never get enough of this manner of unconditional worship.

On and on the lovemaking went... patiently, gingerly, relentlessly, tirelessly, staying on that elevated plateau of unparalleled love and lust all the time, feeding and being fed, giving and receiving, both of them in sexual heaven, none of them wanting it to ever stop.

Both enjoyed the warm air of the sea, heated by a soothingly friendly sun, gracefully blessing them in a paradise of blue sky, green palm leaves and allconsuming lust. The dutiful tongue now wrestled with an almost painfully erect clitoris, the breathing slowly getting heavier as the lovemaking gradually intensified. Still, as the two hour mark passed, Livia's body remained as calm as before. Only her head slowly went from one side to the other and her delicious breasts were rising and falling slightly faster as the steady flow of pleasure kept massaging her brain. Eventually she couldn't help but meeting the persistent stimulation with her hips, to work her clitoris against that tongue, take possession of it, forget all about leaving all the work to the girl, as she usually did. She tried, yes, but now it had become impossible, and they both knew it.

The real thing, the second orgasm, was rushing on, the hardest and the best one - maybe just sometimes surpassed by the third - after two and a half hours into an existence of total bliss, for two dedicated lovers who knew that the path up toward it was just as important as the final explosion itself....

As it arrived it was as massive as ever. Livia's chest shot up as she squeezed her head back, and then her hips came up in a wave like motion down through her body which ended in a rigid stiffness that was interrupted by small powerful convulsions running along the full length of her body. She managed to stay quiet as the ecstasy rattled her, but she lost practically all control of her bodily functions as she felt like her entire belly pumped its liquidized content erratically into the girl's mouth.

And it was as welcome as always, being received and taken down in greedy gulps with an enthusiasm that was signified by half- drowned squeals as the mouth pressed even harder against the trembling sex. The convulsions transferred into a series of small pumping thrusts against the mouth as the ecstasy peaked. She always tried to move as little as possible and leave the work to her admirer, but even that part continued to fail massively in this second and much harder outburst of ecstatic pleasure. She even twisted half way around as the last tremors raged and she fell back powerlessly, exhausted but happy beyond words.

"Oooooh... I really don't want to get up."

Amy was immersed so deep she had to gently work herself out of the wet folds to be able to respond.

"Then please stay where you are," she exclaimed, licking strands of sweet residue from her lips. "If you need anything at all let me handle it, okay?"

Livia sighed. "I know, I know. It's just that I need to have a meeting in half an hour from now. You know I need to get appropriately dressed and everything. Duty calls, you know," she smiled as she once again lifted the heavy sunglasses and pushed them up to her hairline.

Ch 02 - Conference Call

Amy wiped her mouth and got to her feet.

"Do you want me to set it up? It'll be safe as usual."

Livia thought for a moment and agreed. She couldn't say no.

"Yes, please do. Thank you, lovely you!"

"Yessss!" The girl raised her fists to the sky and jumped into action with another gleeful cheer. Nobody but she knew what that consent meant. Naked as the day she was born she scurried to work, running inside and returning with Livia's laptop and notes.

"Do you prefer it over here under that thatched roof?"

"Yes please."

"OK. And I should get the three section chair, right?" Amy gave her boss her most naughty smile, and then rushed back inside without waiting for a reply.

Livia went for a cooling shower, and then worked on her hairstyle and makeup before she put on a thin yellow blouse and a light jacket. Already while sitting in front of the mirror the heat was coming back to her and she felt more sexy and desirable than ever as she stepped outside to meet Amy.

Even though she should have been well used to her boss's overwhelming professional appearance, Amy's jaw dropped. Livia's tall stature, only dressed in blouse, jacket and stilettos made a stunning impression, to say the least. The blouse reached right under her navel, and the well trimmed pubic bush seemed to smile invitingly back at the horny girl as the glistening tanned legs moved.

"Like it?" Livia mused as she tiptoed an elegant pirouette in front of her awestruck admirer. Elegant even on high stiletto heels! Her dark gray jacket reached exactly half way down her fabulous butt cheeks and Amy couldn't help but sigh deeply in excitement over the amazing sight.

Then, with the full tits bulging under the jacket, Livia moved over to the makeshift office that Amy had set up for her. She walked in elegant, almost exaggeratingly sexy strides. She gave her assistant a warm smile as she saw a cup of freshly brewed coffee and a large glass of orange juice with a straw and a fresh lime slice over the rim.

The 'three section chair' - the term they used between each other - was already in place, and the mid section seat of the three was already removed. Underneath was a padded head support which allowed a young and aspiring head to protrude up between the two outer sections of the seat. And further back was a recliner for the rest of the body filling the intended place.

As Livia came up to the seat and put her hand on the back rest, their eyes met. Amy's eyes beamed and she actually jumped lightly up and down on her toes in sheer anticipation of what was to come.

"Livia, please... May I?"

"Yes, you may."

Another excited glee and the naked girl got down on the recliner and eased herself in to put her head up in position at the upholstery pad. Again they smiled joyously at each other and then Livia moved to take her seat. Amy adjusted the pad under her head to push her face upward as far as it would go and sprawled her legs in sheer abandon as the awesome behind came into view to tower mightily over her. As Livia switched on the computer and adjusted her screen, the bottom slowly came down, framed by the blouse, the jacket, and the oh-so-adorable little pubic bush ready to caress her nose.

"Oh, Livia, I loooove youummmmpppfh..."

The pussy lips split open over her mouth and sealed it in a wet embrace that triggered a muffled squeal of joy. Livia looked down and met the gleaming eyes. "Enjoy, sweetheart. We'll see how long the meeting lasts, but I don't think you'll mind if it lasts a bit longer, will you?"

An energetic but confined shaking of head was followed by a softly protruding tongue, sinking in deep and filling her up with a most convincing signification of unconditional love, and Livia had to draw her breath as she met the smiling eyes through her wry little bush of pubic curls. Hands came snaking up along her hips and up to her waist - not too high to be visible to the camera - and then stroked their way lovingly downward, down to the top of the upper thighs to firmly pull her even heavier down on her face.

The next moment the tongue worked with soft twirls all over her pussy and soon had it leaking copiously. Livia connected to the meeting, and presented herself as businesslike as ever, introducing herself by pointing out how she at times enjoyed combining business and pleasure under the soothing southern sun. Business yes, and pleasure too, certainly, but nobody could see the full extent of her pleasure, of course. That secret was for Livia alone, and that fact had her squirming on her special chair already just a few minutes into the conference.

About half an hour into the call she had a short presentation, but otherwise it was mostly listening and taking notes. The presentation part was what held her back a bit, but after that she used their common signal code to have Amy intensify her oral ministrations. So toward the end she had to focus not to moan in a rippling response as the lust slowly started taking over.

Then end of conference and computer off. Final move was to close the cover to the camera. Then she let herself slip back in the chair while sighing deeply. She hadn't touched the coffee, but she took deep sips of the orange juice as she could let the pleasure take over freely and bring her toward another outburst of worshipful ecstasy. Once again she felt her hips coming alive as the hard working tongue did its magic, and she had to exercise all her self control to stay calm as the heat grew into a flaming knot in her belly. Stay calm, move as little as possible... let the ecstasy build by itself, by the girl's worshipful effort! It was exceptionally difficult, but it always gave the best orgasms, without question.

And the tongue kept circling rhythmically and predictably around her clit... making love to it, massaging it, wrestling it ardently with ferocious potency, driving it from one position to the next, throwing abundant fuel to the fire, collecting the seeping juices into the hungry mouth, going relentlessly for the ultimate objectives.

She managed to relax, somehow, even when the fire grew into a raging inferno, and the orgasm kind of grew out of her and exploded like in slow motion into an overwhelming crescendo that gripped her like a tentacled monster. Once again the two lovers fought their way through it, receiving and giving in a crazy physical and mental dance of pleasure that was impossible to describe. Again liquidized ecstasy sprayed the hard working mouth with such force that a few thin squirts actually stained the desktop and the monitor, and it became completely impossible to suppress a series of pumping hip motions that rode her through the last phases of the blistering ecstasy. Mouth and pussy continued working in perfect unison until Livia was totally spent and once again fell back into her chair, completely powerless. The third orgasm was always the absolute strongest, and this one had to rank with the best ones she had had in her privileged life!

Ch 03 - Island tour

They had planned for this hike already the night before, when they were cuddling together under the blankets before going to sleep. The orgasms of the day had been so well served that Livia wanted to save herself for the trip, although it was hard to let go of her regular going-to-sleep suckoff that she enjoyed so much. Amy was sorry too, and she was practically drooling at the thought of the pussy of her life so close but still so unavailable to her voracious hunger. But, of course, the focus was on the pleasure of her boss, not herself, and she stroked her beautiful partner cheek and upper arm with gentle fingers until she recognized the regular slow breathing of deepening beautysleep. In moments like this she could die for her lover's pleasures and her heart swelled in boundless joy and anticipation of all the love and service still to come.