The High School Teacher

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Conservative school teacher gradually loses her inhibitions.
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"It will be great, Maria, I promise," Tony insisted. "There will be plenty for you to do and we will get to spend time with our son before he leaves for college."

"Our son and his friends, you mean," Maria countered.

"Well, yes, that's true. But he wants to have guys his age on the trip, which will allow you and I to have some couple time during the week," Tony pointed out.

Maria and Tony were both third-generation Cuban American citizens and were the parents of 18-year-old Armando, who had just graduated from high school in June. He was about to leave for California to attend college and the couple wanted to have a fun trip with him before he did. It was Tony's idea to drive from their home in Tampa to Tybee Island in Georgia, for a week of fishing and scuba diving off the coast.

Tony worked for an architectural firm in Tampa and Maria was a Spanish teacher at one of the high schools. Armando attended the same high school, and he and his four best friends had all been through Maria's class at one point during their three years of attendance. Maria was very attractive and many of her students had a crush on her. As such, Armando would roll his eyes when one of his buddies would comment about his "hot mom" or the "hot teacher" or even "the milf."

"You guys are just jealous," he told his friends during one such conversation.

"Damn straight, we are," Sammy told him. "You get to see her every day and maybe even in her underwear sometimes. I wish my mom looked like that."

"Ok, shut up. That's gross. She's my mom, asshole," Armando rebuked his friend with a smack to the back of his head.

Sammy's appreciation of Maria was not misplaced, however. She was indeed hot, sexy, and beautiful. She was only 5'2" tall, but perfectly proportioned. Her Latin heritage contributed to her smooth light brown skin, dark brown eyes and hair, which was thick and fell to her shoulders. She was a workout fiend and her regimen included running, CrossFit, and, interestingly, taekwando. To complete the picture, her 34D breasts looked even larger on her small frame, highlighted by beautifully shaped nipples that grew long and firm whenever she was aroused. Even at 39 years old, she was accustomed to some of her male students flirting with her, however, she could fend off their attentions without difficulty.

Departure day was the August 1, and Tony had decided that he and Maria would travel in their Mercedes convertible, while the five boys would follow in his RAM pickup truck, with all the luggage, fishing gear, and scuba equipment in the covered bed of the truck. Six hours and a couple of stops after departing Tampa, the two vehicles pulled up to the rented beach house. It had been built directly on the waterfront and was mounted on tall pilings to protect it from storm surge and flooding. It had three bedrooms and two baths, plus a main room and kitchen, all on the main floor. Tony and Maria took the larger room facing the Atlantic Ocean, and the boys split up between the other two.

Maria had purposely limited her wardrobe to some of her more conservative clothing, since she would be around her son and her former students all week. Her selections included two one-piece swimsuits and a modest bikini, along with a few pairs of shorts and tops, plus sandals and sneakers. She also brought two skirts, in case they went out to dinner once or twice. When she unpacked, however, she discovered that Tony had added a pair of white short-shorts and a red tank top to the clothes she brought. "Does he really think I will wear these around the boys?" She thought with a wry grin.

Everyone settled in and had an early dinner, which Maria prepared from some of the supplies they had brought with them from home. Afterward, the boys explored their surroundings for a bit, while the couple finished settling into the house. Later that evening, all seven of them gathered in the main room to watch television. Tony let the boys decide what they watched, much to Maria's chagrin, because they selected a pay-per-view movie that included several sex scenes and a lot of female nudity.

"Should we really be letting them watch this?" Maria asked Tony.

"They are all eighteen or older and therefore old enough to watch this," Tony answered.

"Well, it makes me uncomfortable sitting here with our son and his friends watching people having sex in a movie," she countered.

"It's just 'R' rated, honey," Tony noted. "I guarantee you all of them have seen much more graphic stuff than this online."

"Maybe so, but have you noticed how often Armando's friends keep looking over at me, particularly during the sex scenes?"

"No, I haven't. Maybe they are waiting to see if you are going to bail out of watching this because you can't handle the nudity and sex. Or maybe they are enjoying looking at you in your sexy little pajamas, like I am."

Maria looked down at what she was wearing. She purposely selected her pajamas with body coverage in mind. The top was a camisole with lace trim along its upper edge and straps. The loose fitting shorts, with lace trim along the bottom of the legs, left a lot of leg exposed, but much less than a bathing suit would show.

As she checked herself out however, she noticed that her erect nipples were clearly visible through the thin material and that, unless she was vigilant about her posture, she might be providing unintended views up the legs of her shorts. She immediately adjusted her sitting position with caution in mind and tried to will her nipples to calm down, despite the stimulus she was receiving from the action in the movie.

The modifications she made had their intended affect on her admirers, who had returned their focus to the movie. Meanwhile, Maria was coming to the surprising realization that she missed the attention the boys had been giving her and she was, in fact, a little jealous that the movie was now the focus of their scrutiny instead of her.

Surprising herself by her own behavior, she shifted her position on the couch again. This time pulling her legs up next to her with one of them stretched out lower than the other. She then tugged at the lace at the bottom of her shorts, but instead of pulling down on the material, she moved it sideways and slightly upward. This provided what she assumed would be a clear view all the way up her leg.

Tony noticed what his wife was doing, but said nothing. Instead, he retrieved her gin and tonic from the end table next to the couch and handed it to her — "accidentally" brushing her nipple with the cold glass as he did. The effect on Maria's nipples was immediate. Both became rock hard and very visible again.

Pretending not to notice, Maria saw that her actions, and Tony's, were having the desired effect on the four boys. They were now spending more time looking at their school teacher than they were at the naked actresses having simulated sex on the television screen.

Tony excused himself to visit the toilet and to encourage, through his absence, what was taking place in the front room. To his delight, he found that by slightly opening the door to the bathroom he could see what was taking place — this time from the boys' vantage point. Even from several feet away, he could make out Maria's stiff nipples and the view up her pajama shorts that went all the way to her panty-covered crotch.

He could see a slight mischievous smile on her face as she pretended to focus on the movie while, seemingly absent-minded, occasionally shifted and turned to improve the view up her shorts. Later, when the movie had ended and everyone had retired to their respective rooms, Tony did not mention the show Maria had put on for the boys. He did not want to embarrass her or discourage the initiative she had demonstrated. He pretended to fall asleep shortly after they settled into bed. A few minutes later, he listened with delight as his wife quietly masturbated to an orgasm, knowing that the evening's peep show was the stimulus for her actions.

The next day, while Tony and the boys were off in the rental boat he had arranged, Maria went into town and shopped for the rest of the food they would need for the balance of their trip. She discovered that there was very little to do in the resort town at night, so she also picked up several paperback books to occupy her time. In contrast to her conservative persona and demeanor, her tastes in entertainment reading ran to the trashy side, so some of the books were admittedly slutty. The Unfaithful Wife, Seven Nights of Passion, and A Wife Surrenders to Temptation were among the titles.

Several hours later, Maria was lying on the beach in her red one-piece bathing suit when the guys returned to the beach house. They invaded the house looking for Maria and a late lunch. However, they saw that she was instead down on the beach. The boys all ran down the stairs to where Maria had stretched out to read one of her books.

"Hi, Mrs. Vasquez. We are back," Leo announced.

"I can see that," Maria said as she greeted them.

"We're famished. What's for lunch?" Martin asked.

"Whatever you make for yourselves, boys. I'm not here to be your cook or your maid. This is my vacation too, you know," Maria stated. "I went into town while you were all out enjoying yourselves and the shelves are well-stocked with all sorts of options for you to eat. So, leave the items in the freezer alone, but have at the rest."

"Yes ma'm," Hector acknowledged.

The boys departed without further and Maria chuckled to herself as she thought, "I'm wearing my most conservative bathing suit and those boys were still devouring me with their eyes." Looking down, she saw that her nipples had stiffened at some point and were visible through the top of the suit. "Well, that probably didn't help discourage them and I should know better. At their age, a strong breeze will give them an erection."

The next day was almost the same as the previous one, with the exception that Maria stayed at the beach and wore her other one-piece bathing suit, which was cut lower between her breasts and higher on her hips, as she sunned herself. The fishing excursion ended later that day and she could tell they had learned their lesson well the day before, because they headed straight for the kitchen to prepare their own late lunches. A short while later, however, everyone was down at the beach next to her.

"It was an excellent day," Tony reported. "We caught and released several, but we kept the twenty-five pound red drum fish that your son caught and I will cook it for dinner tonight."

"Really? That's great, honey. I am looking forward to it," Maria said as she noticed her nipples had, once again, stiffened when the guys showed up. It was involuntary, but she couldn't help but wonder why she was reacting the way she was. Maybe being surrounded by all of that unbridled testosterone surging through four teenagers, whom I know are attracted to me, is affecting me.

Putting those thoughts out of her mind, Maria returned to her reading while the others headed back to the house to clean up and prepare the fish.

Day four proceeded exactly as the preceding day, with the exception that Maria donned her bikini to complete her beach clothing rotation. It was fairly conservative, but the white, thinly lined two-piece still showed a lot of her breasts and dipped fairly low on her abdomen — two inches below her belly button. The guys returned earlier than the day before and reported that they had caught nothing worth keeping.

"That's OK, I'll take care of dinner tonight," Maria told them.

Later that day, she returned to the house and went directly to the kitchen to take some ground beef out of the refrigerator to let it warm to room temperature before she cooked hamburgers. Deciding she would shower and change after she did this quick task, she was still in her bikini as she bent over to retrieve the meat.

As she straightened up, she felt a hand on her stomach that quickly slid down her abdomen and inside her bikini bottoms. Shocked and unsure of whose hand it was, she neither said nor did anything for a moment even when fingers slid between the lips of her vagina and began to rub her clitoris.

"You should dress like this in the kitchen more often, Mrs. Vasquez," she heard her husband whisper in her ear. "I like it a lot."

"You scared the hell out of me, Tony!" she scolded. "Now, move your hand."

Doing as she said, Tony asked, "You knew it was me, right?"

"How would I have known that, you idiot? I don't have eyes in the back of my head," she scolded.

Then why did you not say something right away? Tony thought.

After setting the meat on the counter, Maria left for their bedroom to clean up and put on her clothes. Still annoyed with her husband, she was unusually quiet at dinner and retired to the bedroom just after — leaving the cleanup for the men. Tony decided to let his wife cool down for a while, so he left her to herself for three hours.

Maria took advantage of the time to herself and read one of her books, The Unfaithful Wife. It was a quick but hot read and she was getting very turned on by parts of it. When the author described the "unfaithful wife" having sex with two of her husband's male employees, Maria slid a hand inside her panties and began to massage her clitoris, which was still sensitive, even hours after Tony's brief touching. As she moved through the book and the main character's various sexual encounters, Maria managed to orgasm twice, which improved her mood.

She heard some of the boys going into the room next to theirs through the thin wall that separated them. That room had two bunk beds and a single twin bed, so three of Armando's friends had settled in there. Tony came to bed twenty minutes later and found his wife in just her panties with a sultry smile on her face.

"Is somebody over her bad mood?" He asked with a grin.

"Definitely," she answered quietly as she motioned for him to keep his voice down and pointed to the wall adjoining the next room. "I need someone to make love to me. Do you know anyone that might want to do that?"

"Yes, I do. I definitely do," he said as he slipped off his shorts and pulled her panties off of her hips. He could see that her carefully trimmed bush was wet, as were the lips of her vagina.

"And has that somebody been playing with herself in here as well?" He teased.

"Oh, yes, a lot. And I need you inside of me now," she demanded and Tony responded immediately by sliding his quickly stiffening penis into her.

"Yess...," she hissed as she felt her husband enter her. "That's so good. Please, Tony. Faster, harder."

Knowing how sensitive his wife's nipples were, Tony propped himself up on one elbow and used his free hand to tweak and stroke one of the long, stiff buds. The effect was immediate and Maria increased the speed of her hips as she pumped herself up against his manhood.

"Oh god. Oh, fuck. Do me, fuck me," she said as her orgasm built.

Tony pumped into his wife with everything he had and, moments later, he felt her vagina squeezing his penis as she began her release. She thrashed her head back and forth as the orgasm rolled through her, while trying to stifle her moans as best she could.

It was Tony's turn now, and he issued a deep growl as he began to ejaculate into his wife. "Cum in me, baby. Fill me up. Cum in my pussy," Maria urged, just a little too loudly.

Afterwards, as they lay next to each other, Tony said, "Well, that was fun. You were really into the dirty talk, weren't you?"

"Yes, I think I am being influenced by that movie and some of the books I've read recently. I liked it though. Were you OK with my potty mouth?" She asked.

"Absolutely! I think we both need to be more adventurous and step out of our old comfort zones. One thing, though, it is possible that the guys next door may have heard you," he said.

"Oh, hell, I guess I should have controlled myself a bit, but I just didn't want to. If they heard, so be it. Maybe it will give them something to masturbate to tonight," she chuckled.

Usually, Maria slept in pajamas, but tonight she merely pulled her panties back on and slipped on a short tank-top coverup. Then she turned in for the night, with her nerve endings still tingling. Sometime during the night, she woke up thirsty and made a quick dash to the kitchen refrigerator for a bottle of cold water. When she turned to return to her room, she saw Leo standing quietly by the kitchen table.

"Leo, you startled me!"

"Sorry, Mrs. Vasquez. Please forgive me."

"No forgiveness necessary, Leo. You did nothing wrong. I'm the one standing here half naked, so I should be the one begging your pardon."

"Not a problem, Mrs. V. It's been a little midnight treat for me, actually."

"Oh, holy hell. You boys are all impossible," she said with feigned indignation. "Glad you enjoyed the show. I'm going to bed now... goodnight."

"Sweet dreams, Mrs. V," Leo said as he watched her all the way to her door.

I guess something like that had to happen with all of us living in such close quarters, she thought as she crawled back into bed. The tingling had returned, more strongly this time, and she could feel her pussy growing moist. You little slut, she thought. You're turned on because that boy saw you in your underwear and you wanted to stay out there longer, didn't you, slut? As she thought this, she began to rub her clit and eventually worked herself all the way to an orgasm — a quiet one this time.

The next day, Maria slept in until 10:00AM and awoke to find that Tony had already left the room. She slipped on her robe and stepped into the main room, expecting to be alone in the house. To her surprise, Tony was sitting at the kitchen counter drinking a cup of coffee while looking at his iPad.

"Good morning, sleepyhead. Looks like someone slept well last night," he greeted his wife.

"Good morning. I thought you would be out with the boys on the boat already. What's up?"

"I decided to spend the day with you instead. The boys have taken the boat out and should be gone most of the day. I hope I didn't ruin any plans you had or mess up any rendezvous with some local guy," he teased.

"Yep. You caught me. I had big plans with the bag boy at the grocery store today. I must call him and let him know it's off now." Maria smiled.

"Not necessary, at all. Let him come and we will both do you," Tony said, escalating the running joke between them.

"Sounds like that could be fun, babe. But I'm a little sore from the pounding I took last night, so I think I'll pass this time," Maria said, shutting the down joke. "So, who does a girl have to fuck to get a cup of coffee?"

"I already owe you a cup for last night, love. Coming right up. Would you like a bagel as well?"

Later, as Maria was finishing her second cup of coffee, she asked Tony what he wanted to do with the day. He told her he would like to take her shopping for a couple of outfits at a shop he had seen online and then just relax on the beach with her for the rest of the afternoon. She agreed that it sounded like a good plan and they were off in the Mercedes less than an hour later.

Tony drove them to the little shop located just outside of Savannah which was named, Knotty Girls Boutique. Once inside, Maria quickly discovered that most of the merchandise ranged from sexy to slutty, and was intended for girls half her age. "Honey, this is sweet of you, but I am too old for these kinds of outfits," she protested after a few minutes of looking around.

"Indulge me, please. Let me pick out a few things and you try them on. If you really don't like what I pick, we can leave, OK?" He pleaded.

Not wanting to ruin the moment, she agreed and her modeling show began. Some outfits were so risqué that she didn't even want to come out of the dressing room to show Tony, but she did anyway, and he seemed very pleased with what she was wearing. However, she remained unconvinced. One of the micro short skirts was so short that it covered only half of her ass, "You would seriously want me to go out in public like this?" she asked incredulously.