The Homeless


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I liked him already. Brash, yes but, very likeable. I tried to laugh but, my side hurt to much. "That pain is one of the side effects of me digging around in there. The bulk of it should pass in a day or two although, it will remain uncomfortable for a few weeks." He was still smiling. I guess he was proud of his success.

"Dr. Bounder is the one who convinced the hospital to let me stay with you." I could tell the Natty admired him. That was good enough for me.

"Thanks doc. I guess I owe you my life." I wasn't sure what to tell a man who pulled you back from the brink of death.

"Ha, ha Mr. Collins. Nice try. You know slavery is outlawed, this hospital demands cash." I chuckled and pain shot through my side. I winced trying to hold back the next chuckle. "I'm going to have a nurse come by to give you a local so you breath a little easier. I can get you something a bit stronger if you like Mr. Barstow?"

"Tom please. A local would be fine and hold off on the jokes." I smiled trying to sound friendly.

"Well Tom, I'll leave you two alone. I will stop by on my rounds tomorrow morning." He headed out the door.

"Rick is the curse Natty." I returned to her previous statement. "You need to stay away from him. You can't let him know where you are." I suddenly felt helpless. I wouldn't be able to lift a finger stop Rick if I wanted too.

"I don't think that will be an issue Mr. Barstow." Damn, more interruptions. This time it was cop. "There were many witnesses that swear he stabbed you first. Ms. Raspsin here, has informed us as to the possible motive." Raspsin, I had been naked with her and I just realized I never knew her last name. He pulled out a notebook and pen. "Did he stab you first sir?"

"Yes." Even if he didn't, this officer just told me what my answer should be.

"The witnesses agree it was self defense. He has three priors and this will put him away for 10 to 20 depending how he pleads. I don't think Ms. Raspsin needs to worry about seeing him for a while." Damn, they have already convicted him. Good, the asshole deserves everything he gets. The officer looked back to Natty. "I will abide by your wishes and not file a complaint on the promoting prostitution offense Ms. Raspsin." She had told them everything. "Our interrogators did confront him with the issue and he had to be restrained. He kept hurling himself into the walls. I doubt he will seek you out in the future." I smiled. I doubt a slime like him would ever attempt contact again.

"Thank you so much officer. That is a load off my mind." I was satisfied.

"And ours sir." He smiled knowingly, "Captain wanted me to get a verbal statement when you woke up. We are going to need a formal signed statement when you are a little stronger. " He said his goodbyes and left the way he came.

"See, I lived and Rick will rot in prison. No curse, just justice." I reach out with the good sided arm pushed some errant hairs behind her ear.

"I was so scared when they called. They wanted a relative and I didn't know anyone to call." She was shaking a bit. "I thought you might die and I couldn't do anything about it." I curled my arm around her and pulled her closer. It hurt like hell but, I didn't make a sound. "You know I love you, right?" I was surprised to hear her say it. We both knew this was short term no matter what.

"Yes, no..I wasn't sure. I only knew I loved you." She leaned in and kissed me hard. That didn't hurt at all.

"I was so afraid you would die not knowing." She snuggled closer. "I mean dead was bad enough but, not letting you know seemed so much worse." She kissed me again. "God, I'm glad you didn't die." She grabbed me and pulled me closer which hurt like hell. I, again, didn't make a sound.

The nurse came in and kicked Natty out. Visiting hours were over. She gave me shot in my side which relieved the bulk of the pain and I was able to sleep again.

Natty spent the next three days at the hospital just talking with me. She did her homework with me and I was surprised at her progress. For someone who couldn't read a lick a week ago, she knocking off childrens books with little pain. The techniques that Dr. Palmer taught her were a little strange but, they seemed to work miracles with Natty. I was pretty damn proud of her.

Tuesday was a sad day. Natty told me she had found an apartment and Dr. Palmer had found her a job.I guess those two got closer than I thought. I was happy for her but, sad for me. I knew she needed to move on. I was selfish to think I could give her what she needed. I, of course, voiced none of my dismay. She said she would see me home on Friday when I was supposed to be released. I had to spend my last days with her in this damn hospital. My side still ached like I had pulled some muscles. The shooting pain was gone like Dr. Bounder said it would but, I couldn't truly be with Natty again. I would just have to be satisfied with her fully clothed which was better than not having her at all. I should have killed Rick. It would have made it more worth while.

On Wednesday, Dr. Palmer came around in the morning and said there would be some final xrays and blood tests on Thursday and if all came up negative as expected, I would be released Friday morning. He then removed a vial and syringe from his coat. "This will just remove that tightness you're feeling in your side. I don't recommend you move around a lot but, I was assured that wouldn't be necessary." He gave me a smile and a wink as he stuck me. I wasn't sure what he meant but, he saved my life so I trusted his judgement. "You have one hour Ms. Raspsin." He left the room and Natty entered. I heard the door lock.

Natty moved to the window smiling and closed the drapes. I was beginning to understand what was about to happen and feared for my stitches. She moved to the side of the bed and slowly removed her shirt. Her perfect braless breasts softly pointed directly at me. "Dr. Bounder believes that the attention of loved ones is important in one's recovery." She grabbed my hand and pulled it to her chest and I tenderly massaged her mounds.

"I do like that doctor." I said lustfully. I started to move my sore sided arm over to join the other and Natty pushed it back to the bed.

"No you don't. I promised the good doctor you wouldn't get to energetic." She leaned in and gave me a passionate kiss and ran her hand under the sheets down my good side. "You tasted me and now I get to taste you." My cock pulsed at her words. Her mouth replaced her hand and she slowly kissed her way down my torso. "I wonder if you'll enjoy it as much as I did." She flashed me a smiled and continued her descent. I now had a full fledged tent. God, can this girl get me going. She smiled at my obvious erection. "I think you like the idea." I didn't say a word. I was afraid to break the spell.

She pulled the sheet and exposed my manhood. I was rock hard, as much from her words as her descending kisses. She leaned over the bed and lightly scraped her nipples on my side and stomach as she kissed the crown. My dick twitched involuntarily and she giggled and kissed it again just to see reaction again. It performed as expected. She brought her knee up on the edge of the bed to give her more leverage and began to lovingly lick the head. My cock was twitching all over at the tickling sensation. She reached up and tenderly grasped the shaft to steady it and the licks became more solid, warm and wet. I moaned but, never let my eyes leave the erotic sight.

She looked back into my eyes and smiled. She returned and engulfed the head of my hardon and I felt her tongue start to make love to it. My hips started to strain a bit but, I didn't feel the dull pain I expected. Thanks Doc. Natty removed her mouth and let go of my cock. I sighed in disappointment. She climbed upon the bed and maneuvered to my feet. "I want to see you cum." My dick leaped at the words. She lowered her mouth back to my erection while looking directly into my eyes. I groaned trying to hold off. Her tongue was now massaging the underside of my cock causing me all sorts of control issues. It felt incredible.

She lifted her mouth again. "You taste delicious." she smiled and gave the head another lick. "I wonder if I can swallow it all?" My hips felt the strain even before she dropped her mouth back over my crown. Her lips dropped down and half my cock disappeared into her mouth. It was so wet, so warm and incredibly wonderful. She was still looking in my eyes as she raised back up and then plunged back down until three quarters were buried in her heavenly mouth.

"Oh God." I moaned as I sensed my impending climax. She held me there and I knew she had me at her limit. I felt the resistance at her throat. I couldn't believe how sexy she looked as she looked at me. My thighs were beginning to shake. Her eyes began to water as I felt the resistance suddenly give way and the rest of my cock disappeared down her throat. "Shitttt." That was it for me, I couldn't last with girl if I wanted to. The first spasm shot right down her throat and she pulled back up and massaged the rest of the them out with her lips. I kept cumming as more spasms emanated from my groin. Her eyes never left mine as I saw her swallow which generated another spasm. I wanted to reach down and pull her up to me but, I couldn't. She was and always would be my angel. God, I didn't deserve her.

My cock finally began to relax. She was still making love to it with her mouth, just a bit more tenderly. She removed her mouth and smiled up to me. She gave the head a couple of tender kisses and began to crawl up the good side of my body and laid next to me in the bed. I pulled her head close and kissed her deeply. I tasted some of myself but, the kiss was more important than any moral objection. "That was simply incredible. " I said looking into her eyes.

"I had never went all the way down before. Talk about freaky fun." She was happy again. She really loved sex. That made the experience so much better. I was going to miss that. "Dr. Bounder said I couldn't screw you so I did the next best thing."

"You talked with the Doctor about this?" I was smiling wondering how far she would go.

"Yep, and he okayed oral sex. He said the shot would dull any small pains that you might experience." I got a prescription for a blowjob. I really liked this doctor. "He told me you wouldn't be ready for sex for another week or so. I got him to compromise." Natty was proud of herself. I was a big fan of her efforts.

"I am going to miss you Natty." I needed to say it. I wanted her to know that I cherished our time together.

"I'll miss you too. More than you will ever know." She said as she hugged me close.

"You do know that if you ever need anything. You can call me anytime." She gave me a silly smile.

"I'm not leaving the planet Tom. We'll stay in touch. Just no more naked time for you horny boy." She jabbed me in my good side. I laughed at my stupidity. I didn't realize that she could just turn off that portion of our lives and continue as friends. I didn't think it was possible but, with Natty it made sense.

"God I love you." I meant it with all my heart.

"Ditto old man." She smiled as we cuddled for the last time.

She brought me home on Friday as promised. A clean and newly painted house. She was an excellent painting maid. I settled up with her and hoped it was enough to give her a good start. We had already said everything that needed saying on Wednesday so a received a little peck on my cheek when she left the house for good. God, I'll miss that girl. My house was empty again.

The damn doorbell rang at five PM. I was still a bit sore and getting up off the couch cost me a few groans. I wobbled over to the door and tried not to look angry when I opened it. Standing on my porch in jeans and a t-shirt was Julie with a serious look on her face and her hands clasped behind her back. I was shocked and I completely ignored the obvious question of how she knew where I lived.

"Oh shit!" I said out loud as I remembered. "Julie... I am so sorry. Look I know you may not believe this but, I was in the hospital. There was a situ.." She threw me off by giving me a big smile and I realized she wasn't pissed. "But you know this already." I surmised.

"Natty dropped by last night to keep your date. She told me everything." Thank you Natty and I hope you didn't really didn't tell her everything. Julie looked at me kind of funny. "Can I come in." Damn, where were my manners.

"Of course." I smiled. "Please, I am happy you came by." I wobbled over to the side to let her enter. She pulled a big bag from behind her.

"I brought some dinner if you're hungry. I understand you like pulled pork." She smiled.

"I am REALLY happy you came by." I exaggerated the greeting. I noticed the jeans showed off her curves more than her uniform. She really was a good looking woman. I put some plates down on the counter and Julie filled them pork and all the fixings. I got to know her during that meal. She was married once and it didn't take. She wasn't currently dating anyone and had no kids. Her father passed away a few years ago and her mother is in home up north. I learned more about her in thirty minutes than I knew about people I had known my whole life. Listening is definitely a great skill. We cleaned up the dishes and retired to the couch.

"Do you love Natty?" I was a little unprepared for a question like that coming from Julie. I just knew lying would be the beginning of the end.

"Yes." I figured the short truth would be more digestible than an elaborate answer.

"She told me everything you did for her. I know she loves you too." Julie paused for second. " I'm getting too old to beat around the bush so I will just be direct. Do you plan to be intimate with her again?" She was looking at my eyes. I guess she was trying suck the truth out of them.

"No." I smiled "She is a lovely girl who deserves a wonderful future with someone her own age." Julie shifted down the couch and placed a hand behind my head and surprised me with a passionate kiss. It was soft and inviting and carried the promise of so much more. I returned the kiss with equal passion.

"When Natty told me everything, I wasn't sure what to do. Then I decided we obviously like each other and I didn't want to throw that away for some stupid jealousy that I didn't have the right to feel in the first place." I was sure Natty didn't tell her everything. "You're obviously a good man and I want to give us a chance if you would like to."

"I would love that, Julie." I stroked her hair as I admired her blue eyes. Julie smiled and kissed me again. Natty must have worked her magic to get Julie over here. She didn't want me to be alone again. God, I loved that girl. I had a strong feeling I was also going to love Julie in time.

"Now, Natty said I have to wait a week but, I'm kind of interested in that heaven and hell thing." Julie's smile shifted to mischevious. Shit, Natty told her everything!

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

OMG ! You just keep on keepin' on! Thanx!

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Yeah I agree! Bloody great story but needs a Part 2/3 to make it great!!!

Crazy_papaCrazy_papa7 months ago

Great story but needs to have part 2!

J6480J64808 months ago

Great story well told

alfabloodtypealfabloodtype8 months ago

Wonderful story! Thank you.

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